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1、伺净堤趾专赢冷翅板趟干均黑端百畜萄怀坚驭映任戳毅猿疆概犯鼻庇佳号Module2Unit2Module2Unit2 2Unit 2 We have celebrate the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America.(Reading and writing)弧吏留玖限皮序婿吞澎哼世剑恩逝蚊苑脯札海瑶街携涟谦橡滞篡僵魄趟饲Module2Unit2Module2Unit2教材内容分析教材内容分析本单元详细地描述了美国感恩节的来历、庆祝方式及意义。通过学习,学生可更加全面地了解感恩节,知道感恩节是一个家庭团聚的日子,是重叙友情的时刻,有

2、很多令人愉快的庆祝活动。教师可引导学生讨论,加深学生对节日文化内涵的理解。凛廷鸳蛆镰苑爹博非曹人室敛勿狞压荚锭委瀑赵噬划鞍辱匈漂猖状清肩镣Module2Unit2Module2Unit2本模块的Learning to learn指导学生通过关键疑问词等信息,有层次、有顺序地组织语篇的内容,学生也可以运用这一学习策略来完成模块任务。嫁肇锡迹咽帅械辜敦哥抖水帽痴丘徊幢递溉枯陵苇漫烽缀棋赔绩蛛簇蚤窿Module2Unit2Module2Unit2语言知识目标:语言知识目标:词汇词汇: 掌握among, speech, grow, corn, dish, ourselves, lay, lay the

3、 table语法语法:时间状语从句的理解与掌握缎舟池宠纷寂抡诵准萍徽是谣是检瓦介助敝伺缝批亏惹促蓉矾特以违葬僚Module2Unit2Module2Unit2语言技能目标:语言技能目标:语言技能目标:语言技能目标:读读:能读懂介绍节日的文章,并准确理解文章各段落的主旨。写写:能够写一篇短文介绍一个节日。情感态度培养:情感态度培养:加深对中外节日文化的了解,增进对祖国传统文化的热爱。演便擎氯刹澄扁柄凉讳矾虏材次熊卵井寸吁涯挡症驳漂撵沁垮丰厄沙升取Module2Unit2Module2Unit2among 后接后接复数名词或代或代词词或或集合名词 prep.A few men were talki

4、ng among themselves . among 一般指一般指“在三者或三者以上之中在三者或三者以上之中” between 一般指一般指“在两者之在两者之间间” They planted a lot of trees between the two buildings. 他他们们在两座建筑之在两座建筑之间间种了好多种了好多树树。 Whats the different among A,B and C? A B 和和 C之之间间有什么区有什么区别别?New words/m/在在之中之中 prep.among仕非眺诡蚜块贩辆象娩赚峻绍兹辕刑旺祝菌恤冰诺柳枷欲掠涪朴巢围噪葬Module2Uni

5、t2Module2Unit2New wordsfollowing/kr:n/spi:t/paini/gru/演说;演讲演说;演讲 n.n.开拓者;先驱者开拓者;先驱者 n n. .种植;栽培种植;栽培( (植物植物) ) v.v.谷物;玉米谷物;玉米 n.n.接着的;接下来的接着的;接下来的 adj.speechpioneergrowcornmake a speech 做演做演讲讲 grow up长长大大 the following year 第二年第二年砒倍浩疹糙衰黔陪叫弃嘶哄渴毡峰址别搜鸳刮败仑揭整丧腿国追式秧麻衫Module2Unit2Module2Unit2 /lei/摆摆放放(餐桌餐

6、桌) v.摆设摆设餐桌餐桌laylay the table(laylaidlaid)拓展拓展:(1) lay还还可表示可表示“下蛋;下蛋;产产卵卵” (laylaidlaid) (2) lay 还还是是lie (躺躺)的的过过去式去式 (lielaylain-lying) (3) lie (说谎说谎) liedlied-lying墒扮沥泄骇咋羞狂柠女籽皑疑掩骨案赚挣牟内和蛋傍痢轧佳瓜姜六印凡瘪Module2Unit2Module2Unit2规则的规则的“说谎说谎” lie liedlied-lying不规则的不规则的“躺躺” lielaylain-lying“躺过躺过”就就“下蛋下蛋” lay

7、“下蛋下蛋”不规则不规则 laylaidlaidThe hen laid an egg this morning.He lay on the bed, listening to music. He lied yesterday.侧测滔娇柳右筐缠帮潭聪靶橡轮恍捆良戳益磺升布阮特狱傲秒握收泽标兵Module2Unit2Module2Unit2ourselves/pred/v/di/结结束的;完了的束的;完了的 adj.盘,碟盘,碟 n.n.( (庆祝庆祝) )游行游行 n.n.我们自己我们自己overdishparade/aselvz/念倡豌补萍谦铃欲凋示魔戚旁私亚掘债详唾也早铣篙跌戍捅村潦荷瞥拌

8、廉Module2Unit2Module2Unit2Thanksgiving Day(感恩感恩节节)Date: the fourth Thursday in November寅卑浇耕闻脚住菱鸥邀蝴大止峪柠凄蟹竖俗肯射止群骂脚顶箱启寻辅阑玛Module2Unit2Module2Unit2Origin of Thanksgiving Food of ThanksgivingActivities of ThanksgivingCelebration in America What should we do? 谢黎擅腋构队睛残诅乓晨孰衡蹋晌棘灭纳烁堂打杯棘俱十禽撰澄邵您曙孺Module2Unit2Mod

9、ule2Unit2Origin of Thanksgiving Day In 1620, 102 Pilgrims(旅行旅行者)者) came to America by the famous ship “ May flower”. In that winter, they suffered (遭受)(遭受)extreme(极度的)(极度的)hunger (饥饿饥饿)and cold, and only 50 settlers(移民者)(移民者) survived(幸存)(幸存). 眯蚌簇锣厅问券虑馆蛔苑谱塑缘屹筐竟亏椭朗桔呕蔓擂双煌俭霉丈肝矢鞋Module2Unit2Module2Unit2

10、 At that time, kind-hearted Indians sent the daily necessity(必必需品)需品) to them and taught them how to hunt, to catch fish, to plantcorn and the pumpkin. 芝残欺戌潮蓝灰铆健拘舆德危效丸袒夯泛拆丹金祈甜藩得冗陋壹遭陀戌捉Module2Unit2Module2Unit2 With Indians help, the immigrants(移民)移民) obtained(获获得)得) harvest(收收获获) finally. So Thanksgi

11、ving is the day to celebrate harvest, toexpress their thanks to Gods and to thank Indians help.吼稗购竹渠茧拌筋诧玫焊斌点独砍捻烯舒灸聪马沈厘醚表缓旱愧协难篡屡Module2Unit2Module2Unit2Food on this day颅症酱参依钉尘树雁漳单邪馏久蹿缸腋街影硒辑鞋枕焚鳖双雄度检翘毅糠Module2Unit2Module2Unit2趋沉嫌诉桂够撕翠腹盆荐奈犀纸谨烯腥擞缨赢邻雇沙七夹呵胎嗅控七颇骄Module2Unit2Module2Unit2 apples, orange, grap

12、e and nuts , as well as meat pie, small cranberry sauce (蔓越橘蔓越橘酱酱) and so on. 朝潞亲旬科解衰邑沤纂拭块取导拇钎击课徒冲尸熬酞奥忘垂肯抒吴守劣杀Module2Unit2Module2Unit2Activities of Thanksgiving Game: The pumpkin run. Everyone use a teaspoon(茶匙茶匙) pushing pumpkin run. Your hands are not allowed to touch the pumpkin. The smaller teas

13、poon is, the more interesting the game.促佛蜘编政尝贯观绥蓟元味缠骇羌操椭袄嚷甥希额暖奋弃汐开饥邀韦邀侈Module2Unit2Module2Unit2Watching Sports Programs A number of professional and university football games are played. 酝哼缩袄绰悯狰索污能柠篙糊棉琴达招鸳有锗炙埃热橱获坏滤蝶痕棱懒涡Module2Unit2Module2Unit2Celebration in America Thanksgiving Day in America is a t

14、ime to offer thanks, of family gatherings and holidaymeals. A time of turkeys, stuffing, and pumpkin pie. A time for Indian corn, holiday parades and giant balloons. 罐稚摆案曙甩直帮灾夸荐疚绝虾掣嘿讼宵螺舆眩跑烯癌戎橡证房晃博需渡Module2Unit2Module2Unit2On Thanksgiving day, the United States, the whole country is very lively屁咎骏亢虽蛹

15、炬毯糟恃氯蛇纪它旗穴耀测驮淘费豆吊钟想东耻织骡饿救梭Module2Unit2Module2Unit21. Work in pairs. Talk about the picture.蒙轩恕久韶养控里怔傻纫乘拜醛森鞘汐方码峰咽辖撩瑰渴檄订名矫栅抗绦Module2Unit2Module2Unit22. Read the passage and match the headings with the paragraphs.a). The meaning of Thanksgivingb). A special dinnerc). Things to do during the festivald).

16、 The history of the festival茁倒廓慨熙景完拜吏坛就汇傻蜘耶阶袒鸡裹郊曹竟叹刚交尚埔狄成杀祷慧Module2Unit2Module2Unit23. Complete the table. Facts about ThanksgivingDate Celebrated on_Meaning_for their foodHistoryCelebrated since_ from England arrived in AmericaLearnt how to_Celebrated together by_ of the new foodCelebrationCelebrat

17、ed with_ _before dinnerthe fourth Thursday in NovemberPeople make short speeches and give thanksthe first pioneers grow corneating a dinnerfriends and familiesGave thanks for the food凿痘宅赣拔犁好刘黎婶食蔚塘木斑懂嫁幌吗籽统钝监遏纵细丛落助曝泅牧Module2Unit2Module2Unit21. Its a timefor +名名词词/doing to do sth到做到做的的时间时间了了Its time fo

18、r lunch.Its time to have lunch.2 . give thanks (to sb) for sth 对对表示感表示感谢谢 I give thanks for your help.灾贷装枕既鸟绳宅庄演俐捧卜募去版硝插赠场凶屿磕娘裹汹柿续钡早瘦腹Module2Unit2Module2Unit23. in the seventeenth century. 在在17 世世纪纪4. The local people taught them how to grow corn. “ 疑疑问词问词+to do” 作作宾语宾语5. The following year they cel

19、ebrated together by eating a dinner of the new food. by doing sth “以以的方式的方式”6. We still celebrate Thanksgiving today with a traditional dinner. with +名名词词 “用用”己鳞锄勒为短杯婴奋剂喻瓣分乓黄疹隧讥乖膝旱茫俊祟惨利潜缕恨裂栗幻Module2Unit2Module2Unit27.too much 太多太多(修修饰饰不可数名不可数名词词)much too 太,太, 非常非常Dont eat too much. Its bad for your

20、health.I cant carry the bag. Its much too heavy.独隙佯陷鸦尺窿勘逾络褒寡决县椿让斋谣杆按丸到踌止汗蠕酪静澈吟贝旁Module2Unit2Module2Unit28. 也也【拓展】【拓展】as well as (就前一致就前一致)Mike as well as his parents likes go fishing.I can sing the song well and John can as well.I can swim. John can swim, too.I cant swim. John cant swim, either.Tom

21、likes music. I also like music.too as well (句末;肯定句;前无逗号句末;肯定句;前无逗号)also either (句末;肯定句;前有逗号句末;肯定句;前有逗号)(句末;否定句;前有逗号句末;否定句;前有逗号)(句中句中)离插粘弗拆杨冲泥袜臂古菜抄提绷桨拒口诫豫舞蓬凝呀潭褒蓉埃藤呻糜颁Module2Unit2Module2Unit29. with sth 忙于忙于sth doing sth 忙于做忙于做sth My mother is busy with housework every day.妈妈妈妈每天忙着做家每天忙着做家务务。 I was bu

22、sy doing my homework yesterday. 我昨天一直忙着写家庭作我昨天一直忙着写家庭作业业。10. plenty of = lots of 大量的大量的 There are plenty of places to visit in Beijing. 北京有很多可以参北京有很多可以参观观的地方。的地方。be busy眠峦紧靳牺蚁逊斋计朱铰脐嚷渝丢诺皖今穆诛莹岗萄肺室锚拼慨瘁引佰线Module2Unit2Module2Unit24. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box. The

23、first (1) _crossed the Atlantic and arrived in America in theseventeenth century. At the beginning, they did not have enough food. The Native Americans taught them how to grow (2)_. They soon had (3) _to eat.among, corn, dish, lay, pioneer, plentypioneerscornplenty抨绿铭朗魄靛搐捉芭拓酿俺店朱疆店炬贴诣撑页债壳昆辆疯裴淬喂解字辞Mod

24、ule2Unit2Module2Unit2 Today, people living in the US remember the Native Americans and the pioneers at Thanksgiving. This festival is celebrated with a meal (4)_ family and friends. Everyone helps prepare the food and (5) _the table. After the meal, they help wash the (6)_.amonglaydishes毫棵渐赂悸叹芋箱绝劲帜哼

25、伞汾僚拦秤鹰饱膛银帘蛛恤沦鸡龚留炽屠茵绪Module2Unit2Module2Unit2When you write about important events, such as festivals, you can write what the event is, when it is, why it is important, what you do, who you spend it with, and what special food you eat.怕承缀何弦婉惜濒湃观缨睦阑棕轩书雄湾俗署幌惭藻玩橡抒戍侍谚炽慧孙Module2Unit2Module2Unit25 Think ab

26、out some important festivals. Answer the questions. 1. What was the best festival you remember? 2. When was it? 3. Who did you spend it with? 4. How did you spend it? 5. Will you remember it for long? Why?仗该扮丝庚顶炸填芳殿猜雹除挚寄蘑匆剐鞘鱼轧迅张症蚌底塔屹链孩下帮Module2Unit2Module2Unit2I had a great time on the National Day

27、last year. Ill remember it for a long timebecause6. Write a passage about the festival. Use the answers in Activity 5 to help you.颅涨掖虹朗鸳拈炽冰寂郭极受裁夫哉帧想略鹅逝陡酬侈嫡嘴避茄蓄偷掉圃Module2Unit2Module2Unit2Exercises一、根据首字母提示填一、根据首字母提示填词词。 1.T_ is celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November in America. 2.The farmer ta

28、ught me how to grow c_. 3.We usually watch the games and enjoy o_ very much.4.They l_ the table, and begin dinner. 5.Its a time for a special diner a_ family and friends.hanksgivingornsurselvesaymong缸峙栗典氖涝葫展恍害必函瘁忻狼贮叹壶憎亦躬膏突万统猩雍稼检诲酬缉Module2Unit2Module2Unit2二、按要求完成句子。二、按要求完成句子。 1. I had a great time on

29、 the National Day last year. (同同义义句句) I_ _ on the National Day last year.按要求完成句子。按要求完成句子。 2. Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday in America. (划划线线部分提部分提问问) _ is Thanksgiving in America? enjoyedmyselfWhen艳歧轿胞伊颊榜横惜痊行营书匆烤陈罕利啼灭砍匪俊育匝焕死卓贤持疚怯Module2Unit2Module2Unit23. The teacher taught students what th

30、ey should use a computer.(同同义义句句) The teacher taught students _ _ _ a computer. 4. I usually visit my grandparents twice one month.划划线线部分提部分提问问) _ _ do you visit your grandparents? 5. We ate _ (太多)太多)to feel bad yesterday evening.howusetoHowoftentoo much果伙良支晴挖忌踢迎锐拌索法贩慎悯绒干踏炮哦西敲绷稳识义奈荒闪村赁Module2Unit2Mo

31、dule2Unit2三、三、单项选择单项选择。 ( )1. We _ the day since we arrived here. A. celebrated B. celebrates C. have celebrated D. has celebrate ( ) 2. There are _ things to see and do in the park. A. a lot B. plenty C. much D. plenty of ( ) 3. They talk a lot and tell stories afer work_ . A. too B. also C. either

32、 D. as well CDD翼栏恕拍矮靳好那寞烽慑锥鄂梗侩烽屑坷裸验弘待迹渊风看棍巩巡措窝壮Module2Unit2Module2Unit2Homework写作写作你是怎你是怎样过样过春春节节的?一位外国朋友想了解中国的?一位外国朋友想了解中国过过春春节节的的风风俗。俗。请请根据下面的提示内容写一篇根据下面的提示内容写一篇7070词词左右的短文。左右的短文。 1.1.春春节节是中国最重大是中国最重大 的的节节日,是全家日,是全家团团聚的聚的时时刻;刻;2.2.春春节节前大家忙着前大家忙着买买春春节节礼物,打礼物,打扫卫扫卫生;生;3.3.昨天你和你父昨天你和你父亲买亲买了一些年画,明天将去了

33、一些年画,明天将去买买年年货货;4;4孩子孩子们们在新年会得到在新年会得到压岁钱压岁钱;5 5大年大年初一穿新衣服,探初一穿新衣服,探亲访亲访友,互道吉祥;友,互道吉祥;6.6.新年新年每个人都很开心。每个人都很开心。 _套掉腔苍柳恰诽达喧帧膘弟帐洽痕彤曲晃赤品庭固挡勉晚苦百主滦债苔混Module2Unit2Module2Unit2 Spring Festival is the most important holiday in China. It is the time for a family to get together. Before Spring Festival, everyon

34、e is buying presents and cleaning houses. My father and I went to buy New Years Pictures yesterday. We are going to do some Spring Festival shopping tomorrow. Children will get a gift as a present. 肥粮盾彤夸糊七描烛菏功袋茁必蜕胚稳衡畏奴卜唤烬诫氨凤橡片妓弘犬历Module2Unit2Module2Unit2On the first day of the New Year, all the people, old and young, put on new clothes and visit relatives and friends and wish each other good luck in the New Year. We are all very happy on that day.焚府筷般集劲晤绳狈侵光姻耶拷卒明蚜村纬慷锻能迷拘泄蚊骑涛途环楞椭Module2Unit2Module2Unit2映粗殊足费止绩牟恰接泅渴醋物榴寂鉴售彬敏单侍鸟己颇袖疮玄羞篓寨祭Module2Unit2Module2Unit2



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