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1、 Text StudyText Study Idea SharingIdea Sharing Notes to the TextNotes to the Text Words and ExpressionsWords and Expressions WritingWriting新视野大学英语第2册读写教程第1单元 Understanding Understanding Reproduction Reproduction Structure Analysis Structure Analysis Summary Summary21I. I. UnderstandingUnderstandingT

2、ext StudyUnderstandingAnswer the following questions:Answer the following questions:1. What are the two things Americans try to save?Time and labor (Para. 1) 21Time is regarded as _.(Para. 2)2. What does time mean to Americans? Text StudyUnderstandingprecious resources21They do everything _.They sta

3、rt talking business _.They work hard at the task of saving time by _ _ . 3. How do Americans do everything?4. When do Americans start talking business?5. How do Americans save time?Text StudyUnderstanding(Para. 3-7) in a rushquicklyproducing a steady flow of labor-saving devices216. Whats the conclu

4、sion? Text StudyUnderstandingThe foreigners _ from those of American. (Para. 8) have different ideas21To successfully solve a problemand to fulfill a job with speed is taken by _ as a sign of The _ consider it properto _ .Text StudyUnderstanding21II. Structure AnalysisII. Structure AnalysisGeneral S

5、tatement + Illustration + EmphasisA. The Writing Model of the Passage:A. The Writing Model of the Passage:Text StudyStructure Analysis What is the General Statement ? What is the illustration? What does the writer emphasize?21The general statement (Para.12)The general statement (Para.12)Text StudySt

6、ructure Analysis What does the writer want to tell us ?time-conscious Americans are _ .21Illustration: (Para.37) Illustration: (Para.37) the foreigners first impression of the U.Sthe foreigners first impression of the U.SText StudyStructure AnalysisPara.3: Everyone in the U.S. is in a rush.Para.4: A

7、mericans start talking business quickly.Para.5-7: Americans work hard to save time.21Emphasis by contrast (Para.8)Emphasis by contrast (Para.8)Americans take it as a sign of skillfulness todo things quickly, while the foreignersconsider it proper to take time doing things.Text StudyStructure Analysi

8、s21B. The way to develop paragraphs:B. The way to develop paragraphs: The writer presents the general statement by giving specific details, then telling the reasons.Text StudyStructure AnalysisGeneral Statement + Specific Details + Reason21WWo or rk k w wi it th h y yo ou ur r p pa ar rt tn ne er r

9、a an nd d f fi in nd d o ou ut t t th he e G Ge en ne er ra al l S St ta at te em me en nt t, , t th he e s sp pe ec ci if fi ic c d de et ta ai il ls s a an nd d t th he e r re el la at te ed d r re ea as so on n in Paragraph 3: in Paragraph 3: TipsText StudyStructure Analysis21Text StudyStructure

10、AnalysisGeneral statement:General statement:Specific details :Specific details :1._2._3._city people, hurrying to working time, precious drivers, abrupt, people, push past The reason: The reason: _.This is because people value time highly _.Everyone is in a rush often under pressure21P Pa ar ra ag g

11、r ra ap ph h 7 7 i is s a al ls so o d de ev ve el lo op pe ed d i in n t th hi is s w wa ay y. . N No ow w p pi ic ck k o ou ut t t th he e g ge en ne er ra al l s st ta at te em me en nt t, , s sp pe ec ci if fi ic c d de et ta ai il ls sand the reason in it. and the reason in it. Text StudyStruct

12、ure Analysis21Text StudyStructure AnalysisGeneral statement:General statement:Specific details :Specific details :1._ 2._3. _everyone, telephone, conduct business telephones, save, feet, time Telephone service, superb, postal service, The reason : The reason : _.The U.S. is definitely a telephone co

13、untryefficient 21III. SummaryIII. SummaryAmericans are _ people. They valuetime and save it carefully. Time is a real, _ resource to them so every minute must _. Foreigners may think Americans are always _ and under pressure. Smiles, shortconversations, and small exchanges with strangersdont exist b

14、ecause Americans dislike “_” too much time. Americans assess others_ rather than socially, so theycountin apreciouswastingtime-consciousprofessionallyText StudySummary(to be continued)hurry21start talking business immediately since they arealways _ of time. Americans work hard at _ time by producing

15、 a steady flow of labor-saving devices. They may have meetings using equipment like television screens and telephones rather than _ . Solving a problem or doinga job successfully _ is taken as a signof _. The more important the job, the more time and effort Americans will _ it.in personwith speedsav

16、ingskillfulnessconsciouspour into Text StudySummary21IV. Reproduction. Reproduction Work in pairs and make a dialogue on the topic “How do Americans treat time?”. Use as many words & phrases learnt in Section A as possible.Text StudyReproduction21Tips:Tips:Americans believe Americans have an acute s

17、ense of Americans are always Americans treat time as Its taken as a sign of to quickly, rush, hurry to, restlessly, race through, under pressure, anxious, Idea Sharing21 Active ExpressionsActive Expressions Focus StudyFocus Study21In English, you may find some expressionsformed by very common words,

18、 but theyare active and powerful. Whats on at the cinema tonight? 今晚电影院上演上演什么? Whats he up to? 他忙忙什么呢?e.g.e.g.I. Active ExpressionsI. Active ExpressionsNotes to the TextActive Expressions 211. We are slaves to nothing but the clock. (L5)2. They will miss the ritual interaction that goes with a welco

19、ming cup of tea or coffee (L23) 3. To us has little or no relation to the significance of the matter at hand.(L38)4. In America, too, a final agreement will normally be signed in person. (L39) Find out the active expressions:Find out the active expressions:Notes to the TextActive Expressions 211. no

20、thing but + n. / pron. / to do 只 2. go with sth. 伴随 3. at hand 在附近 临近的 4. in person 亲自,亲身Active ExpressionsActive ExpressionsNotes to the TextActive Expressions 211. 他成天什么也不干,只知道睡觉。 2. 幸福未必伴随金钱而来。3. 他写东西时,手边总放着一本字典。4. 在中国,要开银行账户,需本人亲自去 银行办理。TranslationTranslationNotes to the TextActive Expressions T

21、ips211. There he did nothing but sleep all day long.2. Happiness doesnt necessarily go with money.3. When he writes, he always keep a dictionary at hand .4. If one wants to open a bank account in China, he must go to the bank in person. Notes to the TextActive Expressions More Practice 211.她瘦得只剩下皮包骨

22、了。2.健康欠佳与贫穷常常如影相随。3.圣诞节就要到了,你有什么节目吗?4.合同必须亲自去那签,不能邮寄的。Notes to the TextActive Expressions TranslationTranslation211.Shes nothing but skin and bones!2.Ill health often goes with poverty.3.The Christmas Day is almost at hand, have you got any idea for it?4.Youve to go sign for a contract in person, th

23、ey cant just mail it.Notes to the TextActive Expressions 21II. Focus StudyII. Focus StudyNotes to the TextFocus Study 1. Once the sands have run out of a persons hourglass, they cannot be replaced. Practice Once , 一旦 . 便21 她一到我们就开始。 一旦染上坏习惯,想改掉就难了。 Once she arrives, we can start. Once you get into a

24、 bad habit, youll find it hard to get out of it.Notes to the TextFocus Study TranslationTranslation212. which though pleasant, take longer especially given our traffic-filled streets. given + n./ that clause , 如果有, 假如;考虑到Practice Notes to the TextFocus Study 21 考虑到他们缺乏经验,他们算做得很出色了。 如果照样再给他治疗一次,他肯定会痊

25、愈。 Given their inexperience, theyve done a good job. Given the same treatment again, he is sure to get well.Notes to the TextFocus Study TranslationTranslation21paragraphparagraphNotes to the TextFocus Study 3. the telephone service is superb here, whereas the postal service is less efficient. where

26、as , 却;而Note:Note: “whereas” is used to show the contrast.Practice 21 有些人喜欢肥肉,而有些人却不喜欢。 为什么有的癌症可用化学疗法治愈, 而有的癌症却一点都不受药物影响? Some people like fatty meat, whereas others hate it. Why are some cancers cured by chemotherapy alone, whereas others are unaffected by drugs?Notes to the TextFocus Study Transla

27、tionTranslation Chinese to English Chinese to English Word Using Word Using Matching Game Matching Game211. fall behind sb./sth. 他在英语方面一直落后于同组同学。 Hes been falling behind his group members in English. Words and ExpressionsWord UsingI. Word UsingI. Word Using become bit by bit further behindTranslatio

28、nTranslationKeyKey211. fall behind sb./sth. 我工作拖下来了,我得想办法赶上。Im falling behind with my work; I must try to catch up.Words and ExpressionsWord Using fail to produce sth. at the proper timeTranslationTranslationKeyKey212. result inActing before thinking always results in failing.做事不先考虑总是会失败的。Words and

29、ExpressionsWord Usingcause, have as a result, lead toTranslationTranslationKeyKey213. budget vt. 学校编列了一百万美元建新图书馆的预算。 She is extremely busy, so she has to budget her time carefully. The school budgeted one million dollars for a new library. 她忙极了,所以必须好好安排时间。Words and ExpressionsWord Using plan the spe

30、nding of TranslationTranslationKeyKey213. budget for vi. 小两口为下一年定预算。The young couple budgeted for the coming year.Words and ExpressionsWord Using save or spend money for TranslationTranslationKeyKey213. budget for n. 量入为出是很重要的。It is essential to balance ones budget.Words and ExpressionsWord Using a

31、plan to show how much a person will be able to spend TranslationTranslationKeyKey213. budget for adj. 他以低廉的价钱买下这所房子。He bought the house at a budget price.Words and ExpressionsWord Using inexpensive, cheap TranslationTranslationKeyKey214. account for珍妮不得不向父亲说明每一个便士是怎么花的。Jenny had to account to her fa

32、ther for every penny she spent.Words and ExpressionsWord Using give a satisfactory explanation for TranslationTranslationKeyKey214. account forGirls account for half of the class.女生占了我们班一半人数。Words and ExpressionsWord Using be a proportion of sth.TranslationTranslationKeyKey215. replace vt. 她将听筒放了回去。

33、She replaced the receiver.Words and ExpressionsWord Using put sth. back in its placeTranslationTranslationKeyKey215. replace A with B take the place of 电灯已经取代了蜡烛。 刹车需要更换。 Human beings have replaced candles with electric lights . The brakes have to be replaced. Words and ExpressionsWord UsingTranslat

34、ionTranslationKeyKey216. count vi. If sth. counts, its important or valuable; 考试前,每一秒钟都很重要。 就运动而言,重要的不是赢,而是参与。 Every minute counts before the exam. In sport what really counts is not the winning but the playing.Words and ExpressionsWord UsingTranslationTranslationKeyKey217. convention n. customary p

35、ractice 习俗,惯例 Whats the convention for men to wear on formal occasions? Whats the convention for Chinese wedding?Its the convention for men to wear suits on formal occasions.Its the convention for to Words and ExpressionsWord UsingUse ItUse ItTipsTips218. assess vt. judge or decide the amount, value

36、, quality or importance of 现在来评价新法规的效果为时尚早。 事故后警察确定了损害赔偿金额。 It is too early to assess the effects of the new legislation. The police assessed damage after the accident.Words and ExpressionsWord UsingTranslationTranslationKeyKey219. much less He can hardly afford beer, much less champagne.他连啤酒都喝不起,更不

37、用说香槟了。Words and ExpressionsWord Usingstill less, let alone and even less likely 更别提TranslationTranslationKeysKeys2110. be worthy of What is worthy of your working hard? is worthy of our working hard.Words and ExpressionsWord Usingdeserving 值得Use ItUse ItReferenceReference21II. Matching GameII. Match

38、ing Game_ superb_ budget_ acute_ skillful_ restlessly_ conducta. carry outb. impatientlyc. excellent, outstandingd. fine, sharpe. having or showing ability to do sth. wellf. plan the spending offcdebaWords and ExpressionsMatching Game21III. Chinese to EnglishIII. Chinese to English停滞不前消磨时间要价承受压力生活节奏

39、开场白/寒暄礼节性交往邮政服务金钱的奴隶直接接触stand stillkill timecharge (money) for sth.be under pressurepace of lifeopening exchangesritual interaction postal service slave to moneypersonal contacts Words and ExpressionsC to E Group Work Group Work21Idea SharingAmericans idea on time is quite different from that of the

40、 Chinese. Discuss with your group members, then make a report on the differences between the two ideas. Group WorkGroup Work21Americans while Chinese Americans are always while Chinese Americans treat time as while Chinese regards time as Idea SharingTipsTips Structure WritingStructure Writing Pract

41、ical WritingPractical Writing21I. Structure WritingI. Structure WritingA General Statement Supported by Specific Details & Reasons Normally, a writer presents his statementat the beginning of a paragraph, andsupports it with specific details, then hellbriefly tell readers the reason(s).WritingStruct

42、ure Writing21A general point : Computers will play an increasingly important role in our daily life. Specific details:1. Computers measure brain activity.2. Computers evaluate and treat sickness.3. Computers in car show us routes, take money from our bank.4. Home computers take care of regular dutie

43、s at home.The reason:Computers are working efficiently.Sample WritingSample WritingWritingStructure Writing21 Decide the topic. Write the topic sentence . Turn the topic sentence into HOW & WHY question. Before writing, outline details & reasons of the questions.Tips for writing effective sentencesT

44、ips for writing effective sentences: :WritingStructure Writing21Computers will play an increasingly important role in our daily life. Computers could measure brain activity to determine the quality of our work. Doctors will use computers to evaluate and identify motor problems, figure out repair cos

45、ts and locate repair shops. Home computers will take care of regular duties at home, help with homework and order food. This is because computers can work more efficiently for us. WritingStructure WritingSampleSample 21Write a composition about 60 words with the given topic. Use the writing skill we

46、 justdiscussed in this unit.Your TaskYour TaskWritingStructure WritingProtection of the environment has become a major concern of societyTopicTopicTips21 Specific details:teachers & pupils, specific meeting, discuss the protection of environmentcity planners, environment problems, take into consider

47、ationfactories, reduce pollution, at a high cost The reason: bad air & water pollution affect everyone, cities to survive, businesses to make a profitTipsTipsFor your referenceWritingStructure Writing21Protection of the environment has become a major concern of society. In junior schools, teachers a

48、nd pupils have specific meetings to discuss the questions of environment. City planners will take environmental problems into serious consideration. Factories will take every possible measure to reduce pollution even at a very high cost. This is because people realize bad air and water pollution aff

49、ect everyone, making it difficult for cities to survive and for businesses tomake a profit.(For reference)(For reference)WritingStructure Writing21Letters of thanks are one of the most enjoyable letters people write and they are appreciated and expected in many instances in western culture. This is

50、not the case in Chinese culture. In China, people prefer expressing their appreciation in person.II. Practical WritingII. Practical Writing1. Thank-you Letters1. Thank-you Letters WritingPractical Writing21In western culture, however, even if you haveexpressed your thanks in person, a letter ofthank

51、s must still be written. Every gift or favor,every courtesy or kindness, deserves to beacknowledged with genuine thanks andappreciation. Remember, a letter of thanksdoesnt have to be long but it must be sincereand enthusiastic.WritingPractical Writing21 Dear Linda, My visit with you last weekend was

52、 a real pleasure. Thank you for your hospitality. I enjoyed every moment. Yours sincerely, Joan2. Sample2. Sample WritingPractical WritingThanks for Ones Hospitality21Dear Lynn, I just love the vase you sent me! It is so delicate, yet sogorgeous. It is one of the nicest birthday presents I haveever

53、received.I will place the vase on our dining table and put the mostbeautiful flowers in it. You really should come and see foryourself how lovely the vase looks in our dining room.With love, and a special hug and kiss. Helen 3. Sample3. Sample Thanks for a GiftWritingPractical Writing21Write a note to thank someone for the gift given. In your letter you will1) express thanks for the gift given; 2) state clearly how much you like it.4. Your Task4. Your TaskWritingPractical Writing21To Section BThe End of Section A



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