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1、home实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Unit 1 The Information AgeObjectivesIn this unit, you will listen to a passage about the Internet; read about how American young people use instant messaging; enlarge your vocabulary related to computers and the Internet; study direct speech and indirect spee

2、ch; read about Steve Jobs and his wonderful inventions; read and write a product description.Objectives实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Unit 1 The Information AgemainListening and SpeakingText AGrammar TipsText BComprehensive ExercisesPractical Reading and WritingWarm-upUnit 1 The Information Ag

3、e实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案1. The Internet The Internet is made up of many interconnected computer networks. Each network may link tens, hundreds, or even thousands of computers, enabling them: to share information with one another, to share computational resources, and to communicate wit

4、h one another effectively and inexpensively.Warm-up-Background InformationDiscussionBackground InformationUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案An individual who has Internet access can: communicate directly with anyone else, make information available to others, find inform

5、ation provided by others, or sell products with a minimum overhead cost.Warm-up-Background InformationBackground InformationDiscussionUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案2. The use of the Internet Companies, individuals, and institutions use the Internet in many ways. Comp

6、anies: Warm-up- The use of the Internet electronic commerce, also called e-commerce, including advertising, selling, buying, distributing products, and providing customer service business-to-business transactions, such as exchanging financial information and accessing complex databases. Background I

7、nformationDiscussionUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Businesses and institutions: voice and video conferencing and other forms of communication online news and weather services.Scientists and scholars: to communicate with colleagues, do research, distribute lecture note

8、s and course materials to students, and publish papers and articles.Warm-up- The use of the Internet Background InformationDiscussionUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Individuals: communication, entertainment, finding information, and buying selling goods and services.Wa

9、rm-up - The use of the Internet Background InformationDiscussionUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案3. Mobile Internet and Mobile Devices The Mobile Internet refers to access to the Internet from a handheld mobile device, such as a smartphone or a tablet computer, through

10、a mobile network or wireless network. Warm-up-Background InformationBackground Information A mobile device is also known as a handheld device, handheld computer or simply handheld. It is a small, hand-held computing device, typically having a display screen with touch input. DiscussionUnit 1 The Inf

11、ormation Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Question: What can we do on the Internet?The Internet can be useful in many ways to individuals, businesses, and institutions. For more information, see “The use of the Internet in the Background Information section of this unit.Hints Warm-up- Discuss

12、ionDiscussionBackground InformationUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案You will hear a recorded passage. After that you will hear five questions. Both the passage and the questions will be read twice. When you hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a wo

13、rd or a short phrase (in no more than three words). 1. What is the Internet? The Internet is a that connects millions of computers work_ListeningSpeakingListeningI. Listening ScriptUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案2. What can we do with the Internet? The Internet helps

14、many people communicate, work, learn, and .have fun _Listening3. How do people view websites? People view websites using called Internet browsers.4. What makes using of the Internet quicker and easier? Advances in make using the Internet quicker and puter programs _technology_SpeakingListeningUnit 1

15、 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案5. What is happening when more and more people use the Internet? As more and more people use the Internet, the grows.quantity of information _ListeningSpeakingListeningUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案SpeakingDisc

16、uss with your partner the advantages and possible problems for young people using the Internet and how we could keep the problems under control. In the space provided below, list the advantages, problems, and solutions. Get ready to present your major points to the class.II. SpeakingSpeakingListenin

17、g1. Advantages: _2. Possible problems: _3. Possible solutions: _Hints Hints Hints Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Speaking1. Advantages: Advantages for young people making use of the Internet might include:1) learning through online education programs;2) free downloadi

18、ng of books, music, and videos for information or entertainment;3) making friends from different places;4) reading the latest news to learn whats happening around the world;5) receiving timely information;6) playing exciting games, etc.SpeakingListeningUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二

19、版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Speaking2. Possible problems: Possible problems might include1) becoming addicted to the Internet while neglecting everything else;2) imitating the violence in online games;3) safety problems resulting from making deceptive friends online;4) overindulgence in the Internet leading to

20、certain physical and mental problems, etc.SpeakingListeningUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Speaking3. Possible solutions:Possible solutions might include:1) Parents should keep computers in a common area.2) Parents may limit their childrens time online.3) Laws should b

21、e made to make commercial computer rooms impose age limit on the users and limit the users time online.4) The most important thing is that the young people should realize the danger of indulging themselves in net games.SpeakingListeningUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案L

22、istening Script The Internet is a network that connects millions of computers worldwide. It was one of the greatest inventions in human history. Today the Internet helps many people communicate, work, learn, and have fun. Information on the Internet is arranged in websites or web pages. People view

23、websites using computer programs called Internet browsers. People create websites using a computer language called HTML. Browsers read the computer language and allow people to view websites on the computer. Each website has its own Internet address. Since its beginnings, the Internet has changed to

24、 keep up with the demands of its users. Advances in technology make using the Internet quicker and easier. And as more and more people use the Internet, the quantity of information grows.SpeakingListeningUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案ComprehensionWords and Expression

25、sVocabulary BuildingText A Words and ExpressionsText Studyinstant adj. n. immediate 即时的,立刻的 瞬间,即刻right away立刻,立即glossary adj. a list of difficult words 词汇表real-time adj. of or relating to computer systems that update information at the same rate as they receive data 实时的Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合

26、教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText A Words and ExpressionsText Studyslow down 慢下来type v. n. write with a keyboard 打字kind 类型,典型capital adj. n. of a capital letter 大写的 a city that is the official seat of government 首都,首府punctuation n. marks used

27、in writing to separate differentparts of a sentence 标点符号Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText A Words and ExpressionsText Studyabbreviation n.a shortened form of a word or phrase 缩写,缩写词slang n.informal language 俚语mode

28、m n.调制解调器keyboard n.键盘typical adj.characteristic of a type 典型的Internet n.互联网,因特网Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText A Words and ExpressionsText Studykeep in touch保持联络on the phone正在打 keep up with与保持联系;跟上bill n. a lis

29、t of fees or charges 账单,票据mean adj. n.selfish and unkind 刻薄的,吝啬的the average value of a set of numbers 中间数,平均数in person亲自,亲口Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText A Words and ExpressionsText Studytake away from剥夺,把拿走wai

30、t for等,等待beep n.an electronic signal or sound电子装置发出的嘀嘀声, 等的信号音emoticon n. 情感符也称作Smiley,由 emotion 和 icon 合成,如“:-表示快乐的笑脸join vt.take part; connect 参加;结connectput together, establish a relationship 连接,与建立起联系Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案ComprehensionWords and Expression

31、sVocabulary BuildingText A Words and ExpressionsText Studymonitor vt. n.keep close watch over 监控,监视监视器;班长get in the way of阻碍admit vt. n.agree that sth. bad is true 成认事实、错误等成认;入场费at the expense of 以为代价;在损害的情况下so long as只要,如果linguistics n.语言学Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电

32、子教案ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText A Words and ExpressionsText StudyProper NamesYahoo: 美国雅虎公司,提供网络检索等效劳。MSN: 微软提供的网络在线效劳,全称为 The Microsoft Network。AOL: 美国在线效劳公司,提供因特网 接入等效劳,全称为American Online Inc. Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Instant Messag

33、eLast message1 Think fast! Translate this conversation into formal English. “Wass? “N2M, U? “JC. “G2G. BFN. Confused? Your dictionary wont help you, but our word list will ( See the instant messaging Glossary on Page 6).Text A-1Crazy Instant MessagingComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary Buil

34、dingText Studysoccer queen: hey Julia! was? shoppng diva: nm, u?soccer queen: n2m either jc doing homework BLAH!shoppng diva: o I c so whatd u think of rebeccas party Saturday?soccer queen: it wuz rly fun. I had a sleepover with anna afterwardsshoppng diva: o thats cool! hold on brbshoppng diva: bac

35、k sry I had to check with my mom to see when American Idol was coming onsoccer queen: ooooo Im soooo excited for thatsoccer queen: l8erUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A-22 If you understood it right away, you are probablyamong the 60% of children online who use in

36、stant messaging, or IM. Yahoo, MSN and AOL offer software that allows users to have real-time conversations in text windows online. Instant messages are typed so fast that users dont slow down to change into capital letters, add punctuation, or write complete words. As a result, new word abbreviatio

37、ns and IM slang are being made up faster than a high-speed modem.ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A-3Keyboard Nation3 A typical instant-messaging conversation lasts morethan a half hour, includes three

38、or more friends and often includes friends from different places. More than one inthree IM users say they use it every day. Nearly half of online teenagers believe that the Internet has improved their friendships. Its a quick, easy way to keep in touch.4 Twelve-year-old Gabbi Lewin said that shes on

39、 instant messenger almost every day. She says that without it, “there would be no way to communicate. Our parents are on the phone all the time.ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A-45 Thirteen-year-old St

40、even Mintz likes messaging betterthan the phone “because I can talk to more people at once. Chatting online is also a good way to keep up with friends who live far away. Children dont have to worry about the phone bill. Wrong Message?6 Instant messaging does not always help develop afriendship. Some

41、times, children use it to show angry feelings. Such children arent really trying to be mean. Often its just easier to say something online than in person. Eleven year-old Oliver Davies says, “I can express my feelings more easily with IM, without the guilty feeling of saying it face-to face.Comprehe

42、nsionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A-57 Many parents and teachers think childrens instantmessaging habits are taking their attention away from more important things. Julia Long says that when her son, Taylor, 13,

43、 “is waiting for a beep, its hard (for him) to stay focused on homework or any kind of family activity.8 Teachers get upset when Internet slang and emoticons (faces made with punctuation marks) appear in childrens writing. Words that have troubled young writers, including “its and “its, now have bee

44、n joined by “u, “r and “wuz.ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A-69 Childrens safety may also be a problem. Staying connected is fine, but an online friendship with a stranger is not. Many parents monitor

45、 instant messaging, either by limiting time online or by keeping the computer in a common area. IM Not So Bad 10 Researchers who study children and the Internet say instant messaging isnt getting in the way of real life. They note that new technology often produces old fears. Its similar to what was

46、 said in the 1980s about video games and in the 1960s about television. There was this worry that children would do nothing else. ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A-711 Even parents and teachers who don

47、t like IM have to admit that at least children are writing. And their typing skills are improving. Is it at the expense of proper English? “Not so long as they learn the difference between formal and conversational English, says Naomi Baron, a professor of linguistics.ComprehensionWords and Expressi

48、onsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A-812 “Language has always changed, and it always will, says Baron. “It must change as the things we do and the things we meet change. Thats good news! ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary Bui

49、ldingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Comprehension1A. Complete the following sentences according to the text, and then work with your partner and take turns asking and answering the questions orally.1. What is the percentage of children online who use

50、 instant messaging? use instant messaging.2. Why are new word abbreviations and IM slang being made up so fast? This is because Sixty percent of children online _instant messages are typed so fast that users dont slow down to change into capital letters, add punctuation, or write complete words._Com

51、prehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案3. Does instant messaging always help develop a friendship? Why or why not?4. How do parents monitor instant messaging?5. What did people say in the 1980s about video games and

52、in the 1960s about television?Text A- Comprehension2No. Sometimes children use it to show angry feelings._ monitor their children either by limiting time online or by keeping the computer in a common area. _ children would do nothing but play video games or watch television. _ _ComprehensionVocabula

53、ry BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsParentsPeople were worried thatUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Comprehension3B. Choose the best answer for each of the following statements or questions according to the text.1. A typical instant-messaging conversation

54、lasts _. A. at least one hour B. more than one hour C. at least half an hour D. more than one placeComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Comprehension42. Julia Long is _. A. thirteen years old B. a teache

55、r C. Olivers father D. Taylors motherComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Comprehension43. Teachers get upset about instant messaging because _.A. children use Internet slang and emoticons in their writi

56、ngB. children have trouble with Internet slang and emoticonsC. children cannot tell “its from “itsD. children are sending instant messages in the classroomComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Comprehensi

57、on54. In an instant message, “G2G probably means “_. A. got too much B. got to go C. got two goals D. got to guessComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Comprehension65. Which statement is NOT true accordi

58、ng to the text?A. Instant messaging is producing old fears.B. Children are writing when they send instant messages.C. Childrens typing skills are improving.D. Instant messaging is getting in the way of childrens lives.ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsUnit 1 The Informat

59、ion Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Vocabulary BuildingA1Active Wordsinstant(1) 瞬间,顷刻 It all happened in an instant.(2) 此刻,某一时刻 I told him the news the instant I heard it.ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressionsn.instantUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综

60、合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Vocabulary BuildingA1instantinstant(1) 即时的,立刻的 Their performance was an instant success.(2) 紧急的,紧迫的 We cannot meet your instant needs.(3) 食品速溶的,方便的 Tom does not like instant coffee at all.adj.ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsUnit 1 The Info

61、rmation Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Vocabulary BuildingA2complete(1) 完成,使完整 The work is not completed yet.(2) 填写表格 Please complete the application form and e-mail it to plete with 带有They bought a house complete with furniture.adj. v.完整的,全部的;彻底的 Is this a complete story?The man is

62、 a complete fool!ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Vocabulary BuildingA3improve(1) 改善,改进 They wanted to improve the quality of their product.(2) 好转I hope the weather will improve. improve on / improve

63、 upon 对加以改进;作出比更好的东西v.Last time she ran the race in twenty minutes, so shes hoping to improve on that.ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Vocabulary BuildingA4develop(1) 开展,扩展 The government is making e

64、fforts to develop the national economy.(2) 强化,加强 Exercises develop muscles.v.ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Vocabulary BuildingA4(3) 冲洗,使显影 Please take the rolls to the photo shop to be developed.(

65、4) 开发土地、矿山等资源 They are planning to develop the whole site into a shopping complex.v.developComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Vocabulary BuildingA5trouble (1) 麻烦,烦恼 The boy caused a lot of trouble for

66、his parents. (2) 困难,困境 Were in trouble; this is no time for fighting. (3) 问题,毛病 Your trouble is that you give up too easily. (4) 疾病 He has heart trouble. n.ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Vocabulary

67、 BuildingA5(1) 使烦恼,使忧虑 What is troubling you?(2) 麻烦,烦劳 May I trouble you to close the window?(3) 使痛苦 Im troubled by a bad cough.v.troubleComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Vocabulary BuildingA6ask / lo

68、ok for trouble 自找麻烦You are looking for trouble if you let him handle this matter.have trouble (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难I have trouble finishing the task within this week.troubleComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案

69、Text A- Vocabulary BuildingA6 in trouble 有麻烦When the bills started to come in, they realized that they were in serious trouble. make trouble 惹麻烦The teacher told the kids not to make trouble while she was away.troubleComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsUnit 1 The Informatio

70、n Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Vocabulary BuildingA7Complete the following sentences based on the given Chinese.1. (我一看到他的脸色), I knew that something was wrong.2. David bought (一个配有耳机的 ).3. I will have a haircut to (在去面试前改善一下自我形象).The instant I saw his expression _a mobile phone co

71、mplete with earphones _improve my appearance before the interview _ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Vocabulary BuildingA74. In the last decade, (电脑技术开展迅速). (麻烦就开始了) when we moved into the new puter t

72、echnology has developed Troubles began _rapidly _ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案formal 改善capital 俚语improve 交流software 技术,工艺communicate 正式的,形式的chat 交谈的,健谈的slang 大写的mean 软件technology 聊天conversational 刻薄的,吝啬的

73、Text A- Vocabulary BuildingB1A. Match the words in the left-hand column with the Chinese meanings on the right.ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsExercises Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Vocabulary BuildingC1B. Fill in each of the f

74、ollowing blanks with the proper form of the given words.1. Though he is the youngest, he is the most guy in our office. (conversation)2. The must be filled out in black ink. (formal)3. He is well socially. (connect)4. I shall be back in an . (instantly)conversational _form _connected_instant_Compreh

75、ensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Vocabulary BuildingC28. The teacher called the of the three classes for a meeting. (monitor)monitors_7. Theres been a great in his math this term. (improve)improvement_5. Te

76、d Robinson has been all week. (worry)6. Instant messaging can be as IM. (abbreviation)worried_abbreviated_ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Vocabulary Building DWords and Phrases Related to Computers

77、and the InternetEnglish TermsChinese Terms应用软件application softwareblogbrowser chat roomcursor desktopdownloadE-commercehardwareIT (information technology)laptop/notebookmousemultimedia博客聊天室浏览器光标台式电脑下载电子商务硬件信息技术笔记本电脑鼠标多媒体ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsUnit 1 The Inform

78、ation Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Vocabulary Building DEnglish TermsChinese Terms操作系统OS (operating system)搜索引擎search engine软件software木马病毒Trojan horse上传upload优盘USB flash disk视频聊天video chat电脑病毒virus网页web page网站管理员,网管webmaster网站website无线网络wireless network文字处理word processingComprehen

79、sionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and ExpressionsUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A-T1 快点想!把这段对话翻译成标准英语:“Wass?“N2M, U?“JC.“G2G. BFN.晕了吧?你的词典帮不了你,但我们提供的词汇表可以帮你解决问题。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Study神奇的即时信息神奇的即时信息Unit 1 The Informati

80、on Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A-T2 如果你能马上心领神会,那么你很可能是使用即时信息的孩子中的一员。使用即时信息的孩子已占上网孩子总人数的60%。美国雅虎公司、微软网络在线效劳以及美国在线效劳公司为用户提供聊天软件,用户可以利用这些软件在网上通过文本窗进行即时聊天。用户输入即时信息的速度很快,不会慢下来去顾及大小写、标点符号或单词拼写是否完整。于是,新缩写词和即时信息用语不断被生造出来,其出现的速度比高速调制解调器的运行速度还要快。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary Bu

81、ildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A-T3键盘国度键盘国度 典典型型的的即即时时信信息息聊聊天天一一般般持持续续半半小小时时以以上上,有有三三个个以以上上的的朋朋友友一一起起聊聊,而而且且往往往往身身处处不不同同的的地地方方。三三分分之之一一以以上上的的即即时时信信息息聊聊天天者者说说他他们们每每天天都都用用它它聊聊天天。几几乎乎一一半半的的少少年年网网民民相相信信,网网上上聊聊天天增增进进了了他他们们的的友友谊谊。通通过过这这种种方方式式保保持持联系既快捷又方

82、便。联系既快捷又方便。 12岁岁的的加加比比莱莱温温说说,她她几几乎乎每每天天都都用用即即时时信信息息聊聊天天。她她说说,没没有有即即时时信信息息“就就没没方方法法交交流流了了。我我们们的的父父母母总总是是占占着着 。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A-T4 13岁的史蒂芬明兹喜欢用即时信息聊天而不喜欢打 ,“因为这样我可以和多人同时聊。要和远在他乡的朋友保持联系,网

83、上聊天也是一个很好的方式。孩子们用不着担忧 费。错误信息? 即时信息聊天并不总是有利于增进友谊。有时,孩子们借它来宣泄怒气。这些孩子并不是真的想使坏,只不过网上聊天比面对面聊天更容易吐露心扉。11岁的奥利弗戴维斯说:“面对面发火,会有负疚感,用即时信息就好点。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A-T5 很多家长和老师都认为,即时信息聊天成习惯后,孩子们的注意力被分散了,

84、他们不再关注更重要的事情。朱莉亚朗女士说,她13岁的儿子泰勒“总是等着电脑里的嘟嘟声,很难把心思放在功课或家庭活动上。 孩子们作文中出现的网络语言和表情符标点符号构成的表情图样,让老师们感到烦心。学生写作文时常用错“its和“its,现在又多了“u,“r和“wuz等网络词汇。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A-T6 孩子的平安也是一个问题。和朋友保持联系是好事情,但在

85、网上和陌生人交友就不是什么好事了。很多父母通过限制上网时间或把电脑放在公用空间来监视网聊。 即时信息没那么糟研究儿童和互联网的专家称,即时聊天并不阻碍现实生活。他们注意到,新兴技术总会引起老生常谈的恐慌,“这就像20世纪80年代人们担忧电子游戏和60年代担忧电视一样。当时人们总担忧孩子们会什么事情都不干(只会玩电子游戏或看电视)。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A-T

86、7 不过,连那些不喜欢即时信息的父母和老师也成认,孩子们总算是在写东西,而且他们的打字技能也在提高。这是否是在以牺牲标准英语为代价呢?语言学教授内奥米巴伦说,“只要孩子们知道正式语言和口语之间的区别,就不会阻碍他们掌握正确的英语。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A-T8 巴伦还说:“语言一直在变,而且还会不断变化。我们所做的事情和我们所遇到的事物变了,语言也必须随之改

87、变。这是个好消息。G2G. L8R. (我得走了。再见。)ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- instant1instant(1) adj. immediate 即时的,立刻的 instant milk powder速溶奶粉instant noodles方便面This patient is in instant need of first aid.这位病人急需抢救。

88、ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- instant2instantly adv. 立刻,立即(2) n. 瞬间,即刻I shall be back in an instant. 我马上就回来。The man recognized her instantly when he caught a glimpse of her. 那人一看见她就把她认出来了。I told y

89、ou the news the instant (that) I heard it. 我一听到消息就告诉你了。Phrase: the instant (that) 一就ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- message1message(1) vt. & vi. send a piece of information (to) 发送消息 The manager mes

90、saged the instruction through e-mail. 经理通过电子邮件发出指示。(2) n. a piece of information 消息Will you take this message to her? 你能给她带个口信吗?The manager is out. Would you like to leave him a message?经理不在,您想给他留言吗?ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第

91、实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- message2Phrases: get the message 明白,领会She said it was getting late. I got the message and left. 她说时间不早了,我心领神会,于是告辞。instant messaging 即时信息,缩写词为即时信息,缩写词为IM,指发送人,指发送人通过互联网或通过互联网或 在发送信息后,接收人可以马上接到信在发送信息后,接收人可以马上接到信息并及时做出答复息并及时做出答复ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabul

92、ary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- formalformal adj. serious or very polite 正式的,形式的She invited us to attend a formal dance. 她邀请我们参加正式舞会。There is only a formal resemblance between the two systems; they are in fact very different. 这两个系统之间只在外表上有

93、相似之处,实际上有很大不同。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- formalAntonym: informal adj. 非正式的,随意的You can wear casual clothes because this is an informal party.你可以穿得随意一些,因为这是个非正式的聚会。formally adv. 正式地The new rates

94、of pay have not been formally agreed. 新的工资标准尚未正式通过。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- glossary1glossary n. a list of difficult words 词汇表At the end of this text book, there is a glossary of all the new

95、words in each unit. 本教材后面有个词汇表,收录了各单元的生词。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- glossary2bfn: brb: g2g:jc:l8r:lol:nm:n2m:olc:pos:reallyrolling on the floor laughingsorryWhats up?whatGLOSSARYbye for nowBe r

96、ight backgot to gojust chillinlaterlaugh out loudnot muchnot too muchoh, I seeparents over shoulerrly:rofl:sry:sup, wass :ur:yourwat:waswuz:ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- glossary3:-):-(:o):-|:-D:-

97、 P:- &;-):- $: (surprisedEMOTICONShappysadhappy (big nose)no feelingsvery happytonguge outtongue twistedwinkmouth shut, “not tellincrying:- o ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- right away right away 立刻

98、,立即I want it printed out right away, please. 请立刻把它打印出来。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- typetype(1) v. write with a keyboard 打字Mary types very well. 玛丽打字打得很好。(2) n. kind 类型,典型Cotton is a type of mate

99、rial. 棉花是一种材料。blood type 血型ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- slow down slow down 慢下来The train slowed down as it approached the station. 火车进站时慢了下来。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingT

100、ext StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- capital1capital(1) adj. of a capital letter 大写的 London is spelt with a capital “L.“London这个单词中的L是大写的。Beijing is the capital of China. 北京是中国的首都。(2) n. a city that is the official seat of government 首都,首府ComprehensionWords

101、 and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- capital2capitalize v. 以大写字母书写You should capitalize your name and address when filling out the form. 填表请将姓名和地址大写。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 Th

102、e Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- punctuationpunctuation n. marks used in writing to separatedifferent parts of a sentence 标点符号The children have never been taught punctuation. 这些孩子从未学过标点符号。punctuate v. 加标点符号When the sentence is punctuated, the meaning becomes clear.句子加上标点

103、,意思就清楚了。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- abbreviationabbreviation n. a shortened form of a word or phrase 缩写,缩写词“Jan. is the abbreviation for January. “Jan.是“January的缩写。abbreviate vt. 缩写You may abbre

104、viate November to Nov. “November可以简写为“Nov。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- slangslang n. informal language 俚语“Grass is criminal slang for “informer.“grass是罪犯用的黑话,意思是“告密者。ComprehensionWords and Expres

105、sionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- modemmodem n. 调制解调器俗称调制解调器俗称“猫猫ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- keyboardkeyboard n. 键盘Comprehe

106、nsionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- InternetInternet n. 互联网,因特网ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- typicaltypica

107、l adj. characteristic of a type 典型的a typical teacher/businessperson/official典型的教师/商人/官员The book is typical of its kind. 这本书在同类书籍中有代表性。It is typical of her to forget.她就是爱忘事。Typically, she had forgotten her keys again. 她总是这样,又忘了带钥匙。typically adv. 典型地ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary Buildin

108、gText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- keep in touchkeep in touch 保持联络Lets keep in touch. 我们保持联系。We have been keeping in touch with each other after graduation. 毕业后我们一直保持联系。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Informatio

109、n Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- on the phoneon the phone 正在打正在打 They have been on the phone for an hour. 他们已通话一小时了。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- billbill n. a list of fees or cha

110、rges 账单,票据a phone/electric/water/gas bill /电/水/煤气费账单Every month I must pay the electric bill. 我每月都得交电费。I cannot pay for the books now. Will you bill me (for them) later? 这些书我现在不能付款,晚点开账单来好吗?ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二

111、版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- keep up withkeep up with 与与保持联系;跟上保持联系;跟上Distance cannot prevent us from keeping up with friends any longer. 距离不再会阻隔我们与朋友的联系。She likes to keep up with the latest fashions. 她喜欢穿戴入时。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(

112、第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- mean1mean adj. selfish and unkind 刻薄的,吝啬的He was very mean to me.他对我很刻薄。She is too mean to make a donation. 她很小气,不肯捐款。n. the average value of a set of numbers 中间数,中间数,平均数平均数The mean of 7, 9 and 14 is 10. 7、9和14的平均数为10。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary

113、BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- mean2You must find a mean between frankness and rudeness.你必须在坦诚和唐突之间取其中。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- in pe

114、rson in person 亲自,亲口亲自,亲口我们无法理解他脸上的表情。You may apply for tickets in person or by letter. 需票者可亲自来申请或来信索取。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- express1express我们无法理解他脸上的表情。She expressed her thanks. 她表示感谢。vt.

115、 explain in words 表达,表示No words can express the grandeur of the parade.阅兵式的宏伟场面无法用语言描绘。expression n. 表情;表达方式We cant understand the expression on his face. 我们无法理解他脸上的表情。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A

116、- express2我们无法理解他脸上的表情。expressive adj. 富有表情的,富有表现力的She gave him an expressive glance. 她含情脉脉地看了他一眼。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- joinjoin vt. take part; connect 参加;结合He joined the army last year.他去

117、年参军了。This road joins the two villages.这条路把两个村庄连接起来了。Phrase: join in 参加某活动参加某活动They all joined in singing the Christmas carols. 他们一起唱圣诞颂歌。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- taking away from take away fr

118、om 剥夺,把拿走These books must not be taken away from the library. 这些书不准带出图书馆。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- wait forwait for 等,等待We are waiting for the rain to stop. 我们在等雨停。ComprehensionWords and Expre

119、ssionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- beepbeep n. an electronic signal or sound (电子装置发电子装置发出的出的)嘀嘀声,嘀嘀声,( 等的等的)信号音信号音ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3

120、3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- emoticons emoticons n. 情感符情感符(也称作也称作Smiley,由,由 emotion 和和 icon 合成,如合成,如“:-)表示快乐的笑脸表示快乐的笑脸)ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- connect1connect vt. put together, establish a relationshi

121、p 连接, 与建立起联系 Will you connect this wire to the television?你把这根电线连到电视机上好吗?The two cities are connected by a railway. 这两个城市之间有火车相通。She is connected with a noble family by marriage.她是某名门望族的姻亲。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版

122、)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- connect2connection n. 连接,联系The television isnt working, is there a loose connection? 电视机坏了,是不是哪个接线点松了?Do you have connections in Beijing? 你在北京有关系吗?ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text

123、 A- monitor 1monitor v. keep close watch over 监控,监视Teachers should be responsible when monitoring examinations.监考老师应该认真负责。The policemen are monitoring a suspectedcriminals phone conversations.警察在监听疑犯的 。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二

124、版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- monitor 2You should clean the monitor of your computer regularly. 你应当定期清洁电脑显示器。Jimmy has been made the monitor of our class.吉米被任命为我们班的班长。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Studymonitor n. 监视器;班长Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二

125、版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- get in the way ofget in the way of 阻碍阻碍Im afraid your bike is getting in the way of my car.你的自行车恐怕挡了我的车道。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- admitadmit I admit that I was wrong.

126、我成认我错了。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyadmissionHe could not take back his admission that he had lied.他已经成认自己撒了谎,不可收回。vt. agree that sth. bad is true 成认事实、错成认事实、错误等误等n. 成认;入场费成认;入场费Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- monitor 2Comprehe

127、nsionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyYou have to pay admission to get into the park.进公园得买票。Admission to Chinese universities depends onexamination results.中国的大学入学以考试成绩为准。Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- at the expense ofat the expense ofHe buil

128、t up a successful business at the expense of his health. 他创立的企业成功了,代价是他的身体垮了。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Study以为代价;在损害的情况下Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- so long asso long asSo long as it doesnt rain, we can play. 只要不下雨,我们就能玩。Compr

129、ehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Study只要,如果Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- linguisticslinguisticsOur English teacher specializes in applied linguistics.我们的英语老师专攻应用语言学。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Studyn. 语言学Lingu

130、istic abilities could be developed through training.语言能力可以通过训练得到提高。linguisticadj. 语言的linguist n. 语言学家Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Instant messages .Instant messages are typed so fast that users dont slow down to change into capital letters, add punctuation,

131、or write complete words.Instant messages are typed very quickly. Users donot slow down their typing, and as a result there are no capital letters or punctuation marks in instant messages and words are often spelled incompletely.so that: with the result that 所以He left home so hurriedly that he forgot

132、 to bring keys with him.他离家匆忙,忘带钥匙了。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Your dictionary wont .Your dictionary wont help you, but our word list will: You cant find these words in your dictionary, but you

133、 can find them in our word list. but our word list will: This is an elliptical clause with repetitious elements (with the previous clause) omitted. The complete clause should be “but our list will help you. For example:If you dont eat the ice cream, I will (eat it). 你要是不吃冰淇淋,那我就要吃了。ComprehensionWord

134、s and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- “Wass?.“Wass? “N2M, U? “JC. “G2G. BFN.: See the Instant Messaging Glossary for on Page 6 of the Students Book explanations of these abbreviations and others in this unit.Wass? =怎么啦?Wh

135、ats up?N2M, U? =没什么。你呢?Not too much, you?=Not too much, and you? JC.= 闲着呢。Just chilling G2G. BFN. =我得走了,再见。Got to go. Bye for now. ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Confused.Confused?: Are you confuse

136、d?This is an elliptical sentence. An elliptical sentence often appears in speaking or informal writing when the context makes the meaning clear. More examples:Still unconvinced? Let me give you another example.还是不信?我再给你举个例子。Interesting? You wont find it interesting if you know whats going to happen

137、next. 你觉得有趣吧?但你要是知道接下来要发生什么,就不会觉得有趣了。ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- I can express my .I can express my feelings more easily with IM,without the guilty feeling of saying it face-to-face.I can expres

138、s my feelings more easily with instantmessaging because I do not have a bad feeling when I employ angry words online while I will if I use them directly in front of another person.ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教

139、案册电子教案Text A- Many parents .Many parents and teachers think childrens instantmessaging habits are taking their attention awayfrom more important things: Many parents and teachers think that children should pay attention to moreimportant things (such as their studies) but children withinstant messagi

140、ng habits are not doing so because theyare too absorbed in instant messaging.ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Studyeitheror: used to show a choice of two alternatives 不是就是Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Staying connected .Staying connec

141、ted is fine, but an online friendship with a stranger is not: It is good for children to keep in touch with friends, but it is not good for children to makefriends with a stranger on the Internet (because it is dangerous).ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Info

142、rmation Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Many parents .Many parents monitor instant messaging, either bylimiting time online or by keeping the computer ina common area.: Many parents keep close watch on their childrens instant messages. They do so by putting a limit on the time that t

143、he children could spend online or by keeping the computer in an area where all family members can go and take a look.eitheror: used to show a choice of two alternatives不是就是ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyI left it either on the table or in the drawer. 我不是把它放在桌上了就是放在抽屉里

144、了。Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- instant messaging .instant messaging isnt getting in the way of reallife: instant messaging doesnt affect real life: instant messaging doesnt affect real lifein the way (of): causing inconvenience 阻碍,干扰阻碍,干扰ComprehensionWords a

145、nd ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyI left them alone, as I felt myself somehow in theway. 我走开了,因为觉得自己有点碍事。Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Its similar to1 .Its similar to what was said in the 1980s aboutvideo games and in the 1960s about television.:Peop

146、les opinions about instant messaging are similarto the old worries about video games in the 1980sand the worries about television in the 1960s. (Inthe 1960s, when television became popular, peoplewere worried that children would do nothing butpopular with children, people again got worried thatchild

147、ren would do nothing but play video games.Today, when the Internet and instant messaging havebecome popular with children, people are similarlyworried that children will do nothing but surf the Internetand chat with friends.)ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The I

148、nformation Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Its similar to2 .ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyMy new dress is similar to the one you have.我的新衣服和你的那件很像。be similar to: be just like 与与相似相似Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A-

149、 Even parents and .Even parents and teachers who dont like IM haveto admit that at least children are writing.: Eventhough some parents and teachers dont like IM, theyhave to admit the fact that at least children are writingwhen they use instant messaging.ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary

150、 BuildingText StudyShe may be slow but at least shes reliable. 她手脚可能慢了点,但至少很可靠。at least: at any rate; no less than 无论如何;至少I need at least two weeks to make preparations.我需要至少两周做准备。Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Is it at the expense .Is it at the expense of pro

151、per English?: Does the useof instant messaging affect the proper use of the English language among children?ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Grammar Tips直接引语与间接引语Direct Speech and Indirect Speech 在引用

152、别人的原话时,被引用的句子称为直接引语(direct speech);直接引语的前后要加引号。如:He said, “Im an English student.当用自己的话来转述别人的话时,被转述局部称为间接引语(indirect speech);间接引语不需要加引号。如:He said he was an English student.由直接引语变为间接引语时,直接引语中的人称、时态、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语和动词、句式等方面都要作相应变化。Focus on Grammar ExercisesUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第

153、二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Grammar Tips1. “Language has always changed, and it always will, says Baron. Baron says that language has always changed and that it always will. 2. He said, “The committee are quarrelling among themselves.He said (that) the committee were quarrelling among themselves. 3. Th

154、ey said, “We will spend next weekend at home.They said (that) they would spend the next weekend at home. Focus on Grammar ExercisesUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Grammar Tips4. The teacher said, “The sun rises in the east.The teacher said (that) the sun rises

155、in the east. 5. He said, “I must walk to school.He said he must/had/would have to walk to school. Focus on Grammar ExercisesUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Grammar TipsExercises例1-5是陈述句由直接引语变为间接引语。如果引述动词为一般现在时形式,引语中的时态可以保持不变,如例1。不过,引述动词大多为过去时形式,所以引语中的现在时间要推移到过去

156、时间,如例2和例3。但如果引述的是客观事实或科学真理,尽管引述动词为过去时,间接引语中动词时态也不必改变,如例4。在例5中,must表示 “必须,在间接引语中既可用原来形式,也可变为had to或 would have to。Focus on Grammar Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Grammar Tips7. “You have already cleaned your classroom, havent you? the teacher asked. The teacher

157、 asked us whether/if we had already cleaned our classroom. 6. “Does he really mean it? he asked. He asked whether/if he really meant it. 8. “Is this book yours or his? she asked. She asked me whether that book was his or mine. ExercisesFocus on Grammar Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二

158、版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Grammar Tips9. “Why didnt you stop him? he asked. He asked me why I hadnt stopped him. 引述一般疑问句或附加疑问句时,通常用whether或if 引导,如例6和例7。引述选择疑问句时,通常只用whether引导,如例8。引导特殊疑问句时,用原句中的特殊疑问词引导,如例9。 ExercisesFocus on Grammar Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A-

159、 Grammar Tips11. “Lets stay at home this evening, he said. He suggested that we (should) stay at home that evening. 10. “Be careful with the dog, he warned. He warned me to be careful with the dog. 引述祈使句时多采用 “动词+宾语+不定式结构。引述祈使句的常见动词有ask, beg, tell, warn, remind等,如例10。引述表示建议和劝告的祈使句时,可以用 “suggest +that

160、分句的结构,如例11。ExercisesFocus on Grammar Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Grammar Tips一、人称变化一、人称变化 主语为第一人称的直接引语,变间接引语时,人称要主语为第一人称的直接引语,变间接引语时,人称要做相应调整。做相应调整。1. 直接引语中的第一人称在间接引语中变为第三人称,直接引语中的第一人称在间接引语中变为第三人称,如:如:She said, “I am confident.2. 直接引语中的第二人称在间接引语中变为第一人称,直接引语

161、中的第二人称在间接引语中变为第一人称,如:如:My father said to me, “You must finish your homework before I come back in the evening.She said she was confident.My father told me that I had to finish my homework before he came back in the evening.ExercisesFocus on Grammar Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3

162、 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Grammar Tips二、时态变化二、时态变化直接引语变间接引语时,间接引语的时态要与主句的时直接引语变间接引语时,间接引语的时态要与主句的时态一致。如果主句的谓语为现在时或将来时,引语中的时态一致。如果主句的谓语为现在时或将来时,引语中的时态不需要变化。但在多数情况下,主句的谓语是过去时,态不需要变化。但在多数情况下,主句的谓语是过去时,这是引语的时态就要做相应的变化,与主句中的谓语保持这是引语的时态就要做相应的变化,与主句中的谓语保持一致,如:一致,如:“I have no money with me, he explained.She said,

163、 “I was there yesterday.He explained that he had no money with him. (一般现在时变一般过去时)She said she had been there the day before. (一般过去时变过去完成时)ExercisesFocus on Grammar Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Grammar Tips“I will buy you a mobile phone, my father promised.注意

164、:但当引述的是客观事实或科学真理或现在习惯动作,尽管引述动词为过去式,间接引语中动词时态也不必改变。如:The teacher told us, “The earth moves round the sun.The teacher told us the earth moves round the sun.My father promised that he would buy me a mobile phone. (一般将来时变过去将来时)ExercisesFocus on Grammar Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3

165、 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Grammar Tips三、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语和动词的变化三、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语和动词的变化 直接引语变为间接引语时指示代词、地点状语、时间状语也要作相应变化。指示代词this和these分别变为that/it和those/they/them;指示限定词this和these通常变为that, those 或the。地点状语here通常变为there;但假设说话人所在地也就是引述人所在地,这时可仍用here,也可以用具体的地点来代替here。时间状语变化规那么如下:ExercisesFocus on Grammar Unit 1 The

166、 Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Grammar Tips直接引语直接引语 间接引语间接引语todaythat daythis eveningthat eveningyesterdaythe day beforelast weekthe week before ago beforetomorrowthe following/next daynext week the next weeknowthenExercisesFocus on Grammar Unit 1 The Information Age实用综

167、合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Grammar Tips直接引语变为间接引语时指示代词、时间状语、地点状语也要作相应变化,在某些情况下,有些动词也需要作适当变化,如come要变成go,bring要变成take等:Frank said, “Ill come here again tonight.She agreed, “Ill bring my computer with me.Frank said he would go there again that night.She agreed that she would take her com

168、puter with her.ExercisesFocus on Grammar Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Grammar Tips四、句式变化四、句式变化1. 陈述句变间接引语时,用陈述句变间接引语时,用that连接口语中可省略,连接口语中可省略,如:如:She said, “I am a college student.2. 一般疑问句、选择疑问句、附加疑问句变间接引语时,一般疑问句、选择疑问句、附加疑问句变间接引语时,用陈述语气,并要加连词用陈述语气,并要加连词if或或wh

169、ether,如:,如:He asked me, “Are you Mr. Wang?She said that she was a college student.He asked me if I was Mr. Wang.ExercisesFocus on Grammar Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Grammar Tips3. 特殊疑问句变间接引语时要用特殊疑问词引导,如:The librarian asked her not to take the book out of t

170、he reading room.“How much does it cost? Susan asked the saleswoman.Susan asked the saleswoman how much it cost.The librarian said to her, “Please dont take the book out of the reading room.4. 祈使句变间接引语,引述祈使句时多采用“动词+宾语+不定式结构,并要把said (to) 改为asked,told或者ordered等,如果直接引语中有please,应该把这个词去掉。如:ExercisesFocus

171、on Grammar Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Grammar Tips ExercisesA. Put the following into indirect speech.1. “I am thirty, he said.2. She said, “I will meet your brother tomorrow.3. “Shall I open the window? she asked.He said he was thirty.She said she would m

172、eet my brother the next day.She asked whether/if she should open the window.Focus on Grammar ExercisesUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Grammar Tips4. “Leave the classroom quietly, he said to me.5. Peter said, “I finished the job all by myself.He told me to leave

173、 the classroom quietly.Peter said that he had finished the job all by himself.Focus on Grammar ExercisesUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Grammar Tips1. He asked _ for the iPad. A. did I pay how much B. I paid how much C. how much did I pay D. how much I paidB. C

174、hoose the best answer to complete each sentence.Focus on Grammar ExercisesUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Grammar Tips2. She suggested that they should go to the movies _. A. after evening B. that evening C. the other evening D. yesterday eveningFocus on Gramma

175、r ExercisesUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Grammar Tips3. John asked me _ to visit his uncles farm with him. A. how would I like B. if or not would I like C. whether I would like D. which I would likeFocus on Grammar ExercisesUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二

176、版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Grammar Tips4. He asked _ with me.A.what the matter is B.B. what the matter wasC. whats the matter D. what was the matterFocus on Grammar ExercisesUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text A- Grammar Tips5. She wanted to know _ child it w

177、as at the door.A.that B.B. whoseC. what D. whomFocus on Grammar ExercisesUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- VocabularyWords and ExpressionsText Studyicon n. a famous person that represents a particular way of life; a small picture on a computer screen that you cho

178、ose in order to make the computer do something 偶像;图标计算机co-founder n. 共同创办人Comprehensionmentor n. an experienced and trusted person who gives another person advice and help 良师益友,导师Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- Vocabularybooming adj. developing fast 繁荣的,兴旺的cons

179、umer n.someone who buys or uses goods or services 消费者,顾客inexpensively adv. cheaply 廉价地,廉价地retailer n. a person or businessthat sells goods to the public 零售商breakthrough n.an important discovery or development 重大突破,突破性开展Words and ExpressionsText StudyComprehensionUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)

180、第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- Vocabularyshow off展示,炫耀revolutionary adj. pletely different from what was done before 革命性的 革命者come along出现camp out(搭帐篷)露宿design n. vt. the way in which somethingis planned and made 设计,构思draw or plan something before making it 设计,筹划Words and ExpressionsText StudyComp

181、rehensionUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- Vocabularybestseller n.a very popular product (such as a book) that many people have bought 畅销品,热销产品prototype n.the original model of a product 原型产品,样品controller n.something or somebody that controls 控制器;控制者headquarters

182、n.the place from which an organization is controlled 总部Words and ExpressionsText StudyComprehensionUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- Vocabularyversion n.one form of sth. That has many forms 版本,变体,款式shameless adj.without shame 不害羞的,不知羞耻的departure n.the action of l

183、eaving a place 离开of the process of making important choices 决策的Words and ExpressionsText StudyComprehensiondecision-making adj.n. 决策决策Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- Vocabularyinnovation n.the use of new ideas or methods 创新transparent adj.that can be seen throu

184、gh 透明的case n.a container for protecting sth.; a particular example of sth. 外壳;案例Words and ExpressionsText StudyComprehensioncancer n.癌症drown out淹没,压过另一声音Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- Vocabularyinner adj.on the inside 内心的,内部的graduation n.successful completion

185、of ones education 毕业intuition n.an ability to understand or know sth. without the need to think about it or use reason to discover it 直觉Words and ExpressionsText StudyComprehensionsecondary adj.less important第二位的,次要的Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- VocabularyPro

186、per NamesXerox: 施乐公司,著名高科技公司,世界500强企业,是复印技术的创造公司。Stanford University: 斯坦福大学,美国著名学府,位于加利福尼亚州,靠近旧金山。Words and ExpressionsText StudyComprehensionUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B1Steve Jobs, an Apple Icon1 Apple co-founder Steve Jobs died on Wednesday, October 5, 202

187、1. Current Apple CEO Tom Cook summed up the feelings of many people in an email to Apple employees. “Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor, Cook wrote. “Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and h

188、is spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple.Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B2A Booming Business2 In recent years, the Apple brand that Jobs led has been connected with huge success and huge sales. In 2001, Jobs ta

189、lked about a new MP3 player, the now well-known iPod. In 2003, the company introduced the iTunes Music Store, allowing consumers to inexpensively buy and download music. It took Apple just five years to become the largest music retailer in the United States.Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensi

190、onUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B33 A true breakthrough happened in 2007 when Appleshowed off its iPhone. This device was actually a computer that you could carry in your pocket. “Every once in awhile, a revolutionary product comes along that changes everything,

191、 Jobs said about the iPhone. Consumers agreed. Many camped out in front of Apple stores in order to be the first to buy the new device.Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B44 In 2021, Apple got into the tablet computer indus

192、trywith the iPad. The company sold 14.8 million iPads in 2021. These popular products have made Apple a top company.Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B5A History of Success5 Jobs was born in San Francisco, California, in 1

193、955.He grew up in Silicon Valley, an area that is home to many technology companies. He started Apple with Steve Wozniak when he was 21. Their first product, Apple I, did not sell well, but 1977s Apple II, which combined Wozniaks technical skills and Jobss design ideas, became a bestseller.Text Stud

194、yWords and ExpressionsComprehensionUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B66 In 1979, while visiting Xeroxs research lab, Jobs saw a prototype for a computer with the “mouse controller that is now commonly used. Back at Apple headquarters, he asked his team to make thei

195、r own versions of this tool. “Within 10 minutes . it was clear to me that all computers would work this way someday, Jobs later said.Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B77 The mouse was part of Apples 1984 product, the Maci

196、ntosh. The Macintosh computer cost $2,495, but was by far the most advanced personal computer at that time. The mouse was a huge part of that success. “We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas, he said in a 1996 interview.Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionUnit 1 The Informa

197、tion Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B8Some Famous Failures8 Not everything Jobs touched was an instant success. Apples first model with the mouse technology failed. Called the Lisa, the computers $10,000 price was too much for most consumers.Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehension

198、Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案9 Then there was the departure from Apple. During slow sales in 1985, company president John Sculley took away decision-making power from Jobs. Jobs quit Apple and founded the computer company Next. The Next system looked cool and was fu

199、ll of innovations, but its products were too expensive, and few of them sold.Text B9Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B1010 But Jobs didnt let failures stop him. When he returned to Apple in 1997, Jobs found success again

200、with the iMac, a computer that had a transparent case design. In 1998, Apple sold about 2 million iMacs. A year later, the iMac was Americas best-selling computer.Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B11A Fitting Farewell11 S

201、teve Jobs used to always talk about Apple rather than about his personal life. Shortly after learning that he had cancer, in 2005, Jobs did talk about life. “Dont let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice, he said in a graduation speech to students at Stanford University. “And

202、most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B Comprehension1A. Answer the fol

203、lowing questions according to the text.1. Who has been Apple CEO when Steve Jobs died? has been Apple CEO at that time.2. What kind of product is the iPhone? The iPhone is actually .3. Where and when was Steve Jobs born? Steve Jobs was born .Tom Cook _a computer that you could carry in your pocket i

204、n San Francisco, California, in 1955 _ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B Comprehension24. Why did the cool and innovative Next products sell poorly? Its products did not sell well because they .5. What made the iMac diffe

205、rent from other computers? The iMac had .were too expensive _a transparent case design _ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B Comprehension31. The iTunes Music Store allows consumers to buy and download music.2. The iPad is

206、a tablet computer.3. Steve Jobs co-founded Apple with his friend Tom Cook.4. The mouse controller for the Macintosh was an idea borrowed from Xerox.5. Steve Jobs had always been successful in his career.6. Steve Jobs probably died of cancer.B. Decide if the following sentences are true or false acco

207、rding to the text. Write T for true or F for false.T _T _T _T _F _F _ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsText StudyUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B-T1史蒂夫乔布斯:苹果的标志Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehension 史蒂夫乔布斯,苹果公司的共同创办人,于2021年10月5日(星期三)逝世。在一封给所有苹果员工的电子邮件中,现任苹果

208、公司总裁汤姆库克集中表达了许多人共同的感受:“我们这些有幸认识史蒂夫并与他共同工作过的人失去了一位亲爱的朋友,也失去了一位富有号召力的导师,库克写道,“史蒂夫给我们留下苹果公司,唯有他才能创立这样一个公司,他的精神将永远是苹果公司的基石。Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B-T2Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehension生意兴隆生意兴隆 近近几几年年,在在乔乔布布斯斯的的领领导导下下,苹苹果果品品牌牌一一直直与与完完美美的的成成功功和和巨巨大大的的

209、销销量量联联系系在在一一起起。2001年年,乔乔布布斯斯谈谈到到了了要要推推出出一一款款新新的的MP3播播放放器器,这这便便是是如如今今举举世世闻闻名名的的iPod。2003年年,苹苹果果公公司司的的iTunes音音乐乐商商店店开开张张,允允许许消消费费者者以以廉廉价价的的价价格格购购置置和和下下载载歌歌曲曲。苹苹果果只只用用了了五五年年时间便成为了美国最大的音乐零售商。时间便成为了美国最大的音乐零售商。Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B-T3Text StudyWords and Expr

210、essionsComprehension 2007年,iPhone的出现才是苹果公司真正的突破。这款产品实际上是一台能放进口袋里的袖珍电脑。“每隔几年就会出现一种具有革命性意义的产品,从而改变一切。乔布斯这样评论iPhone。消费者同意这样的说法。为了能够最先买到这件产品,许多人在苹果专卖店外扎营露宿。Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B-T4Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehension 2021年,苹果公司凭借iPad进入了平板电脑市场。这一年里,

211、他们售出了1480万台iPad。这些热销产品使苹果成为了世界一流公司。Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B-T5Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehension一生成功一生成功 1955年,乔布斯出生于加利福尼亚的旧金山。他在拥有众多科技公司的硅谷地区长大。21岁那年,他与史蒂夫伍兹尼亚克共同创办了苹果公司。他们的第一个产品,即苹果一号,销量并不理想。但1977年的苹果二号成为了热销产品;苹果二号融合了伍兹尼亚克的技术和乔布斯的设计理念。Unit 1 T

212、he Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B-T6Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehension 1979年,乔布斯参观施乐公司的研究实验室,看到一款电脑原型机,这款电脑带有现在常用的鼠标控制器。回到苹果总部,他要求他的团队做苹果自己的鼠标。“前后不到10分钟我就清楚了,以后所有电脑都会以这种方式操作。后来乔布斯这样说。Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B-T7Text St

213、udyWords and ExpressionsComprehension 鼠标成为苹果1984年推出的麦金托什计算机的一局部。麦金托什标价2495美元,是当时最先进的个人电脑。鼠标对麦金托什的成功具有极大奉献。“偷用别人的好点子,我们从不感到羞愧。他在1996年接受采访时说。Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B-T8Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehension几次失误几次失误 乔布斯并非做任何事都能立即成功。苹果公司第一款带鼠标的产品就失败了。那款

214、电脑叫丽莎,售价一万美元,高昂的价格让许多消费者望而却步。Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B-T9Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehension 乔布斯一度离开了苹果公司。那是在1985年,苹果产品销售低迷,公司总裁约翰斯卡利剥夺了乔布斯的决策权。乔布斯从苹果辞职,创办了NeXT公司。NeXT的系统看起来很酷,有很多创新技术,但它的产品太贵了,根本上卖不出去。Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第

215、二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B-T10Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehension 但乔布斯没有让失败打倒。1997年,他重返苹果公司,依靠一款外壳透明的iMac电脑,再创辉煌。1998年,苹果公司卖出了约200万台iMac。一年后,iMac成为美国最畅销的电脑。Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B-T11Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehension辞别世界辞别世界 以以前前,史史蒂蒂夫夫乔

216、乔布布斯斯只只谈谈苹苹果果,从从不不谈谈个个人人生生活活。直直到到2005年年,在在得得知知自自己己患患了了癌癌症症之之后后,他他才才开开始始谈谈论论生生活活。“不不要要让让别别人人观观点点的的噪噪音音淹淹没没了了你你内内心心深深处处的的声声音音,在在斯斯坦坦福福大大学学毕毕业业典典礼礼上上,他他对对毕毕业业生生说说,“最最重重要要的的是是,要要敢敢于于听听从从自自己己的的心心声声,跟跟着着自自己己的的直直觉觉走走;你你的的心心灵灵、你你的的直直觉觉冥冥冥冥中中已已经经知知道道你你真真正正想想成成为为什什么么样的人。其他都是次要的。样的人。其他都是次要的。Unit 1 The Informat

217、ion Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B - iconicon n. a famous person that represents a particular way of life; a small picture on a computer screen that you choose in order to make the computer do something 偶像;图标计算机偶像;图标计算机Teenagers often try to imitate their icons.青少年经常想模仿他们的偶像。The icon

218、s on the desktop have different uses. 电脑桌面上的图标各有不同的用处。Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- co-founderco-founder n. 共同创办人found vt. 创办,创立The co-founder of this company attended yesterdays meeting.这家公司的共同创办人出席了昨天的会议。This comp

219、any was founded in 1995. 这家公司创办于1995年。Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- mentormentor n. an experienced and trusted person who gives another person advice and help 良师益友,导师My mentor always gives me useful suggestions when

220、 I am in trouble. 在我陷入困境的时候,我的导师总会给我有用的建议。Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- boomingbooming adj. developing fast 繁荣的,兴旺的The worlds booming population has led to severe shortage of natural resources. 世界上爆炸性增长的人口导致了严重的自然资源

221、短缺。Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- consumerconsumer n. sb. who buys or uses goods or services 消费者,顾客These price cuts are good news for consumers.降价对于消费者来说是好消息。Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionUnit 1 The Inf

222、ormation Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- inexpensivelyinexpensively adv. cheaply 廉价地,廉价地廉价地,廉价地We can buy goods inexpensively when there is a special discount.打折时我们能买到廉价货。Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionThe food in our restaurant is good and inexpensive.我们饭店的饭菜价廉物美。inexpe

223、nsiveadj. 廉价的,廉价的廉价的,廉价的Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- retailerretailer n. a person or business that sells goods to the public 零售商My neighbour is a retailer who sells computer products.我邻居是个卖电脑产品的零售商。Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionThe retail price

224、 of this T-shirt is 80 yuan.这件短袖衫的零售价是80元。retailvi. & vt. & n. 零售Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- breakthroughbreakthrough n. an important discovery or development 重大突破,突破性开展重大突破,突破性开展Experts predict that in ten years we will have a majorbreakthrough in the figh

225、t against cancer.专家预测,十年内我们将在治疗癌症方面取得重大突破。Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- show offshow offOne of my classmates likes showing off.我有个同班同学喜欢炫耀。Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehension展示,炫耀Unit 1 The Information Age实

226、用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- revolutionaryrevolutionary adj. completely different from what was done before 革命性的Newtons theory had a revolutionary significance in physics.牛顿的理论在物理学中具有革命性的意义。Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionThousands of revolutionaries sacrificed their lives

227、 for the founding of a new country.成千上万的革命者为新国家的成立献出了生命。n. 革命者 Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- come alongcome alongA bus never comes along when you need one. 在你想乘公交的时候车总是不来。Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehension出现Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合

228、教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- camp outText StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensioncamp outMy class camped out last night. 我的班级昨晚露宿一夜。(搭帐篷)露宿Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- designText StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensiondesign n. the way in which sth. is plann

229、ed and made 设计,构思 The design of this dress attracted a lot of girls. 这款裙子的设计吸引了不少女生。vt. draw or plan sth. before making it 设计,筹划设计,筹划They designed a perfect plan to win the prize. 为了获胜,他们涉及了一个完美的方案。designer n. 设计师 The head designer of this company is very young. 该公司的首席设计师非常年轻。Unit 1 The Information

230、Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- bestsellerText StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionbestseller n. a very popular product (such as a book) that many people have bought 畅销品,热销产品Catch 22 was once a bestseller. ?第二十二条军规?曾是一本畅销书。best-sellingHis album is one of the best-selling albums th

231、ese days. 他的专辑是最近畅销的专辑之一。adj. 最畅销的,最热门的Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- prototype-补补Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionprototype n. A prototype for a new car is being shown to the public.一辆新车的样品正在公开展出。the original model of a product 原型产品,样品Unit 1 The In

232、formation Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- controllerText StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensioncontrollerThe remote controller is missing.遥控器不见了。n. something or somebody that controls 控制器;控制者controlThe new workers learned to control the machine in two weeks.新员工两周就学会了操作机器。vt. & n. 控制

233、,操控Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- headquartersText StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionheadquartersMany big companies set their headquarters in Shanghai. 许多大公司将总部设在了上海。n. the place from which an organization is controlled 总部Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(

234、第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- versionText StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionversionI wanted to watch the original version of the film.我想看这部电影的原版。n. one form of sth. that has many forms 版本,变体,款式Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- shamelessText StudyWord

235、s and ExpressionsComprehensionshamelessHis behaviour is shameless.他的行为真是不知羞耻。adj. without shame 不害羞的,不知羞耻的Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- departureText StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensiondepartureThe departure of flight BA117 has just been announced.BA117号航

236、班的起飞信息刚刚播送过。n. the action of leaving a place 离开Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- decision-makingText StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensiondecision-makingThe project manager is a decision-making position.工程经理是个需要做决策的岗位。She plays no part in the daily decision-mak

237、ing.她在日常决策过程中完全插不上手。adj. of the process of making important choices 决策的 n. 决策Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- innovationText StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensioninnovationThe latest innovation in medical technology will be able to save thousands of lives.医疗技术

238、上最新的创新能够挽救成千上万的生命。The fashion industry always tries to innovate.时尚产业总是在尽力创新。the use of new ideas or methods 创新n.innovateOur society needs innovators. 我们的社会需要创新人才。innovatorvi. 创新n. 创新者,创新人才Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- transparentText StudyWords and Expression

239、sComprehensiontransparentGlass is transparent.玻璃是透明的。adj. that can be seen through 透明的Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- caseText StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensioncaseThe statues are kept in a glass case.雕像被保存在玻璃罩内。n.This report is a case study of traffic ma

240、nagement in Nanjing.本报告是关于南京交通管理的案例研究。a container for protecting sth.; a particular example of sth. 外壳;案例Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- cancerText StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensioncancerMany people died of cancer because of environmental pollution.因为环境污染

241、,许多人死于癌症。n. 癌症Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- drown outText StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensiondrown outThe explosion drowned out peoples scream.爆炸声压过了人们的尖叫。淹没,压过(另一声音)Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- innerText StudyWor

242、ds and ExpressionsComprehensioninnerThe inner part of this house is quite scary.这栋房子的内部很恐怖。adj.on the inside 内心的,内部的Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- graduationText StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensiongraduationThe graduation ceremony was wonderful.毕业典礼令人难忘。n.

243、successful completion of ones education 毕业Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- intuitionText StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionintuitionHer approach to childcare is based on intuition.她的育儿方法基于直觉。n.an ability to understand or know sth. without the need to think

244、about it or use reason to discover it 直觉Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- secondaryText StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionsecondaryFamily is the most important thing in life, work secondary.在生活中,家庭最重要,工作是第二位的。adj.less important 第二位的,次要的Unit 1 The Information

245、 Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- Those of us .Those of us . an inspiring mentor: We have had the good luck to have known Steve Jobs and to have worked with him. Now Steve has passed away, and we have lost a good friend and spiritual guide who greatly encouraged us.We are not old enou

246、gh to know that event. 我们太小,不知道那件事。adj. + enough to: 足够以至于Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- Those of us .She is capable enough to handle this properly. 她很能干,能妥善处理好此事。Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionUnit 1 Th

247、e Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- In 2001 .In 2001, Jobs talked about a new MP3 player, the now well-known iPod.: In 2001, Jobs said that he planned to make a new MP3 player, and that MP3 player was what we all know as an iPod today.talk about sth. (doing sth.): think abo

248、ut or make plans to do sth. in the future 考虑,打算Theyre talking about (building) a new fire station just up the road. 他们考虑在路的那一头建个消防站。Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- Every once .He plays tennis once in a while. 他有时打打网球。

249、Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionEvery once in a while . that changes everything: From time to time, a really important product will be invented, and such a product will change everything. (iPhone is just such a product.) once in a while: sometimes but not often 时而,不时Unit 1 The Informatio

250、n Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- In 2001.In 2001, Jobs talked about a new MP3 player, the now wellknown iPod.: In 2021, the Apple Company began to produce a tablet computer, and Apples tablet computer is named the iPad.Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionindustry: a particul

251、ar type of business 产业Health care and banking are service industries.医疗保健和金融都属于效劳业。Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- Their first .Their first product, . became a bestseller.: Jobs and Wozniaks first product was called Apple I which did not sell well. But in 1977,

252、 their Apple II sold very well. Apple II was produced with Wozniaks technical skills and Jobss design ideas.Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- We have .补We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas: We do not

253、 feel shameful about stealing great ideas (such as the idea of using a mouse) from other people.Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- Called the Lisa.Called the Lisa, the computers $10,000 price was too much for most consum

254、ers.: The computer was called the Lisa. Its price was $10,000, which was too expensive for most consumers.Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensiontoo much: more than sb. can deal with 过分,过高,过多I cant look after six children at the same time its too much.我没方法同时照看六个孩子,太多了。Unit 1 The Information Age

255、实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- Then there .Then there was the departure from Apple.: (In 1985when Apple products did not sell well) Jobs left the Apple Company.Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- Dont let th

256、e .Dont let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice: Other people may have many different ideas (about what you may or should become). Somewhere deep in your heart you also have some idea about what you want to become. Do not let other peoples opinions affect your own idea.Text S

257、tudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Text B- And most important.And most important, . what you truly want to become.: The most important thing for you is that you should be brave enough to follow your own ideas and your intuition. Someh

258、ow you already sense what kind of person you really want to become.Text StudyWords and ExpressionsComprehensionheart: sb.s deepest feelings and true character 情感,意 念,信仰,本性She has a kind heart.她心地善良。Unit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Comprehensive Exercise AA. Choose the b

259、est answer for each blank.1. It is reported that a project to build the third longest bridge in the world is _ these days. A. on the way B. in this way C. under way D. get in the wayExercise CExercise AExercise BExercise DUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Comprehensive E

260、xercises2. Jenny, my closest friend, often _ her secrets with me. A. speaks B. shares C. reports D. findsExercise CExercise BExercise DExercise AUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Comprehensive Exercises3. He said that he would travel abroad _. A. now B. the following yea

261、r C. two years before D. two years agoExercise CExercise BExercise DExercise AUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Comprehensive Exercises4. This river is _ that one. A. three times long than B. three times as long as C. as three times long as D. three times as longer asExe

262、rcise CExercise BExercise DExercise AUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Comprehensive Exercises5. At last, excited and surprised, he found a _ treasure in the cave. A. price B. priced C. low-priced D. pricelessExercise CExercise BExercise DExercise AUnit 1 The Information

263、 Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Comprehensive Exercises6. I helped my mother buy two _ eggs in the supermarket. A. dozens B. dozen C. dozens of D. dozen ofExercise CExercise BExercise DExercise AUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Comprehensive Exercises7. Its noi

264、sy outside. Please speak loudly to make yourself _. A. understand B. be understood C. understood D. understandingExercise CExercise BExercise DExercise AUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Comprehensive Exercises8. He did not know _. A. how could he get there B. how he can

265、 get there C. how to get there D. how could get thereExercise CExercise BExercise DExercise AUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Comprehensive Exercises BB. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. An e-book, also known as an electronic book, is an electronic version

266、 of a print book that you can download and read. What you need in order to read an e-book is an E-book Reader, which is a kind of software used by your computer. Make you have the proper Reader before you download your e-book from the Internet. The software allows you to change the words on the scre

267、en proper size you like. It also helps you turn pages and change your choice of viewing. E-books are a funfree_sure_into_Exercise CExercise AExercise BExercise DUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Comprehensive Exercisesalternative to books. You can them to any computer, i

268、ncluding your computer so you can take them with you when you travel, and create your own library of of titles. Best of all, when you order an e-book, there is no waiting and no shipping or handling charges. The amount of time it takes to download your e-book on the speed of your connection and the

269、size of your e-book.regular_download_portable_hundreds_depends_Exercise CExercise AExercise DExercise BUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Comprehensive Exercises CC. Translate the following sentences into English using the words or phrases given.1.你是否用过在线词典?(online)2. 我通过

270、电子邮件与高中同学保持联系。(keep in touch)3. 信息技术改变了我们的生活。(information technology)Did you ever use an online dictionary?I write emails to keep in touch with my high school classmates.Information technology has changed our lives.Exercise CExercise AExercise BExercise DUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(

271、第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Comprehensive Exercises4. 这双鞋在超市里的零售价是120元。(retail)5. 如果你真想得到这份工作,你必须好好准备这次面试。 (interview)The retail price of this pair of shoes is 120 yuan in the supermarket.If you truly want to get this job, you must get well prepared for the interview.Exercise AExercise BExercise DExercise CUn

272、it 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Comprehensive Exercises D1. Chatting online is a good way to keep up with friends who live far away.2. Many parents monitor instant messaging, either by limiting time online or by keeping the computer in a common area.网上聊天是与远方朋友保持联系的一种好方法。

273、很多父母通过限制上网时间或把电脑放在公用空间来监视网聊。D. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.Exercise CExercise AExercise BExercise DUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Comprehensive Exercises3. It took Apple just five years to become the largest music retailer in the United States.4. In

274、 1979, while visiting Xeroxs research lab, Jobs saw a prototype for a computer with the “mouse controller that is now commonly used.苹果公司只花了五年时间就成了美国最大的音乐零售商。1979年,乔布斯访问施乐公司的研究实验室,看到一款电脑原型,这款电脑带有现在常用的鼠标控制器。Exercise CExercise AExercise BExercise DUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电

275、子教案册电子教案Comprehensive Exercises5. “Dont let the noise of others opinions drown out your own inner voice, Jobs said in a graduation speech to students at Stanford University. “And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to bec

276、ome. Everything else is secondary.在斯坦福大学的毕业典礼上,乔布斯对大学生说:“不要让别人观点的噪音淹没了你自己内心深处的声音。最重要的是,要敢于听从自己的心声,跟着自己的直觉走;你的心灵、你的直觉冥冥中已经知道你真正想成为什么样的人。其他都是次要的。Exercise CExercise AExercise BExercise DUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Practical Reading and WritingProduct Description 产品介绍旨

277、在让一般消费者了解产品的性能及特性,可结合具体情况使用,有针对性地介绍产品的与众不同之处。请仔细阅读以下样本,注意产品介绍的表达方式和方法。Writing ExercisePractical ReadingPortable projectors Portable projectors (便携式投影仪) let you give a presentation or watch a video without a computer. Using the latest projection display (显示) technology, our portable projector feature

278、s such user benefits as high brightness and the convenience of auto set-up functions (自动配置功能). The high-performance LED projection lamp has the useful life of 20,000 hours or more. The design allows AV input signals (影音输入信号) to be connected to DVD, iPod, iPhone, multimedia players and other media eq

279、uipment display. Its built-in (内置) lithium-ion battery pack (锂电池) supports 2.5 hours. The portable projector is so lightweight that you wouldnt think twice about packing it in a bag or backpack.SampleUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Practical Reading and WritingComplete

280、 the answer (in no more than three words) to each of the following questions.1. What is the product described in this passage? The product described is a .2. What can the product do? It lets you give a or watch a video without a computer. 3. What are some of the user benefits of the product? It feat

281、ures such user benefits as high brightness and the convenience of functions.portable projector _presentation_auto set-up _Writing ExercisePractical ReadingUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Practical Reading and Writing4. What kind of equipments can be connected to the AV

282、 input signals through the product? The design of this product allows AV input signals to be connected to DVD, iPod, iPhone, multimedia players and display.5. How does the product get its power supply? It has a built-in lithium-ion pack that can support up to 2.5 hours.battery_other media equipment

283、_Writing ExercisePractical ReadingUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Practical Reading and WritingTips on Writing a Product Description1. 产品介绍应提供产品的根本信息,如材料(be made of 由制作)、目的 (be designed for 为而设计)、功能(It can be used for 该产品可用来)等。2. 产品介绍应突出主要特点(This product features 该产品具有

284、特点),防止过于拘泥于细节。3. 产品介绍可适当使用一些形容词或形容词组来进行描述,如safe and practical (平安实用)、good performance (良好性能)、The effect of is very good. (效果很好),语言表达力求通俗易懂、生动具体,不要罗列一堆令人费解的专业数据。4. 在写作考试中,注意不要漏掉题目中已提供的信息。Writing ExercisePractical ReadingUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Practical Reading

285、ExerciseYou are required to write a product description according to the following information given in Chinese. You are to write no less than 60 words.Writing ExercisePractical ReadingUnit 1 The Information Age实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Practical Reading and Writing迷你 MP3 播放器 迷你 MP3 播放器有蓝

286、色、黑色、白色三款机型可供选择,机身尺寸为41.52811mm,重约20g,小巧玲珑,携带方便。迷你 MP3 播放器有 4GB 存储容量,可以播放 MP3 和 WAV 格式的音频文件,支持录音功能,录制完毕后自动保存为 WAV 格式的文件。机身内置锂电池,支持连续使用约5小时。Words for Reference迷你 MP3 播放器 mini MP3 player尺寸为 it is . in size重量为 it is . in weight存储容量 storage capacity音频文件 audio file播放 play back ID:Writing ExercisePractica

287、l ReadingRESUMEMini MP3 Player Mini MP3 Player is available in three colors blue, black, and white. It is 41.52811 mm in size and about 20g in weight. It is very small and portable. With a 4GB storage capacity, it is capable of playing back audio files such as MP3 and WAV. It is capable of recording, and the recording will be automatically saved as WAV file. Its built-in lithium-ion battery pack supports about 5 hours.实用综合教程(第二版)第实用综合教程(第二版)第3 3册电子教案册电子教案Unit 1 The Information AgeNotation type here



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