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1、1考情分析预测分析近三年浙江中考真题可知,动词及动词短语每年必考,且占据试卷知识点比重最大。详细以调查动词辨析、动词短语辨析为主,偶尔调查一次情态动词。在完形填空主要调查34个动词同形辨析,一个短语辨析;词汇运用调查动词主要结合时态、语态,普通词形都会有变化;语法填空题调查同词汇运用根本一样,偶尔也会调查补全谓语动词be的正确方式。【中考要求】1. 记住常用动词的变化方式。2.正确运用常见的短语动词。3.正确运用常见的系动词、助动词和情态动词。2考情探求突破考点考点1:动词的方式的方式大多数动词都有五种根本方式:动词原形、第三人称单数方式、如今分词、过去式和过去分词。A)第三人称单数方式的构成

2、普通如今时中主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词要用第三人称单数方式,其变化规那么与名词单数变复数的方法大体一样。详细见下表。先悟后练1.The temperature _(下降) a lot last night.2.I have no problem _(爬) the mountain,which is not too high.3.Alice _(跟随) the white rabbit and fell down a hole in the ground.4.China _(许愿) to stick to Paris Agreement on climate change.5.My fath

3、er always _(鼓励) me to try different things.droppedclimbingfollowedpromisesencourages先悟后练6.The Belt and Road Forum _(hold) successfully in last month.7.Many teenagers would rather _(stay) at home alone than go out with their parents at weekends.8.I _(wash) the dishes while my sister was sweeping the

4、floor.9.Millie spends about two hours _(finish) her homework every day.10.The girl expected all her classmates _(come) to her party.was heldstaywas washingfinishingto come考点考点2:系:系动词系动词本身没有实践意义,不能单独作谓语,必需和表语一同构成谓语,阐明主语的形状、性质、特征或身份。考点考点3:助:助动词助动词本身没有意义或意义不完好,不能单独用作谓语。助动词在句中与实义动词或系动词一同构成谓语,以表示时态、语态、人称

5、和数的特性。此外,还可以用来构成否认、疑问或强调的句型。详细用法见下表:先悟后练11.The white scarf I bought yesterday is made of silk.It_ so soft.12.My parents _ give me a present unless I pass the final exam.13.I dont like drinking coffee with much sugar,because it _ too sweet.14.I told a funny joke to Mark,but he _ quite serious.15.List

6、en!The birds _ singing in the tree.feelswonttasteslookedare考点考点4:情:情态动词B)常考易混辨析常考易混辨析1.can/could与与be able tocan/could只能表示如今和只能表示如今和过过去的才干,去的才干,be able to能用于能用于各种各种时态时态。如:如:Sam can speak English well.萨萨姆英姆英语说语说得好。得好。Jim couldnt speak Chinese last year,but now he can.吉吉姆去年不会姆去年不会说汉语说汉语,但如今他会了。,但如今他会了。

7、was/were able to表示表示“设设法做成某事,相当于法做成某事,相当于manage to do sth.。如:如:I havent been able to get in touch with her.我我还还没能没能和她和她联络联络上。上。2.must与have tohave to 意为“不得不,有人称和数的变化。它与must的区别是:have to多表示客观必要;must强调“内在的职责、义务,强调人的客观看法;have to可用于多种时态,而must普通用于如今时,其过去时与未来时分别为:had to与shall/will have to;have to的否认式表示“不需求,

8、而mustnt那么表示“制止、不允许。先悟后练根据句意用适当的情态动词填空。16.I wonder if these are Dannys glasses.They _(not) be Dannys.He doesnt wear glasses.17.Dogs _(not) run through soccer games at the park.Its dangerous!18.The tree is so high that I _(not) reach the apples on it.cantshouldntcant先悟后练19.This pair of glasses _be Ton

9、ys.Hes the only one who wears glasses.20.Mum,Ive signed for the box.Whats in it?Im not sure.It _ be a present from your uncle.21.All the drivers_ reduce speed when driving near the zebra crossing.must may/might must考点考点5:短:短语动词先悟后练22.As soon as she _(试穿) at home,Sally knew she had bought the wrong d

10、ress.23.Before you choose a book,youd better _(阅读) the first few pages to know whether it is too easy or too difficult for you.24.A child should be encouraged to tell the truth instead of _(编造) stories whenever he or she has done something wrong.tried it onlook throughmaking up先悟后练25.Hi,Tina!What are you going to do for the coming summer holiday?I am going to _(开场) cooking because I like eating delicious food.26.Many young people usually offer their seats to the old on the bus.Thats good.The old should be _(关怀).take upcared for



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