高中英语 Unit14 教材背景链接精品课件 北师大版必修5

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《高中英语 Unit14 教材背景链接精品课件 北师大版必修5》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 Unit14 教材背景链接精品课件 北师大版必修5(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 14Careers教材背景链接Choosing the right career can be a very difficult task.Careers can actually make or break ones life,so it is important to make the right choice.Choosing a career can be very satisfying if you have made the right choice.Like the famous saying goes,if you choose the job you love,yo

2、u dont have to work a single day in your life.On the other hand,a wrong decision can leave you wishing that you had trodden(走)a different path.While doing a career search,it is necessary to have the correct career information.An informed choice is always a better bet than an uninformed one.The right

3、 career advice can help you to choose a career to suit your personality as well as your aspirations.Education,of course,plays an important role in getting you the right job in your chosen field.With the right qualifications,the top careers are open to you and the power of choice would be with you.Ca

4、reer plan can guide you in selecting the courses suitable for you.It could be an undergraduate course or an Associate Bachelors,the choice depends on various factors including convenience and requirements.For some careers,a Bachelors degree will do,but others may require a Masters or even a PhD.With

5、 proper career coaching, a job search would be easier and you would be able to bridge the gap between jobavailability and your qualifications.Whether one is looking for a new career or a career change,career guidance can help in smoothening out this important path of transition.新课导入想要一时不负责任,当然可能,但免除所有的责任却要付出巨大的代价。当责任从前门进来,你却从后门溜走,你失去的可是伴随责任而来的机会哦!对工作而言,薪金、升迁和所承担的责任有直接的关系,主动承担责任,要求承担更多的责任是成功者必备的素质.全体员工努力履行工作职责,积极承担各种责任,从现在开始就着手去做吧!本部分内容讲解结束本部分内容讲解结束按按ESC键退出全屏播放键退出全屏播放



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