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1、必修必修 5 (120分钟分钟 150分分)2012高中英语一轮复习名师备课课件:综合测试题(五)(外研版必修5)第一卷第一卷第二部分第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满英语知识运用(共两节,满分分35分)分)第一节第一节 单项填空(共单项填空(共15小题;每小题小题;每小题1分,满分分,满分15分)分)21. Mother asked me to repeat _ telephone number _ second time so that she could write it down. A. the; the B. the; a C. an; the D. an; the【解解析析】选选B
2、。考考查查冠冠词词。第第一一个个空空特特指指所所提提到到的的电电话话号号码码,用定冠词;用定冠词;“a second time”意为意为“再一次,又一次再一次,又一次”。22. On Christmas Eve, a bell is usually rung as a _ for children to enter the room, where theyre delighted to find the trees lit up with presents. A. signal B. symbol C. mark D. sign【解解析析】选选A。考考查查名名词词辨辨析析。signal信信号号
3、;symbol象象征征;mark标标注注,记记号号;sign(招招)牌牌,迹迹象象。在在此此句句中中铃铃声声响响起起是是孩子们可以进入房间的信号。孩子们可以进入房间的信号。23. _ , they had no chance of winning the war. 2010长春模拟长春模拟A. As they fought bravelyB. Bravely though they fought C. Brave as they foughtD. Now that they fought bravely【解解析析】选选B。though引引导导的的让让步步状状语语从从句句,用用陈陈述述句句也也可
4、可用用倒倒装装句句。as意意为为“虽虽然然,尽尽管管”, 引引导导让让步步状状语语从从句句时时,从从句句要用倒装语序。本句中若用要用倒装语序。本句中若用as, 应为应为Bravely as they fought。24. Im going to the park this afternoon! Thats a good idea. But how will you get there? . _ I didnt think of it. A. Its easy B. Thats rightC. Thats a good point D. You are right【解解析析】选选C。Thats
5、a good point“说说得得对对,所所言言极极是是”,符符合题意。合题意。25. _ these two cultures carefully and youll find their differences. A. Compare with B. ComparingC. Comparing with D. Compare【解解析析】选选D。此此处处为为“祈祈使使句句+and+陈陈述述句句”句句型型,祈祈使使句句应应以以动动词词原原形形开开头头,compare可可用用作作及及物物动动词词,后后直直接接接接宾宾语语。compare with“与与相比较相比较”,不符合题意。,不符合题意。2
6、6. I warned my son _ after drinking. A. never to drive B. to never driveC. never driving D. never drive【解解析析】选选A。warn sb. not to do sth. 表表示示“告告诫诫某某人人不不要要做做某事某事”,never to do sth. 比比not to do sth. 语气更强。语气更强。27. If you are _ about the Pyramids in Egypt, just read the book written by Dr. Brown. A. anxi
7、ous B. curious C. serious D. puzzled【解解析析】选选B。根根据据句句意意,此此处处应应指指“对对好好奇奇的的”,故故选选B。A指指“担心的担心的”;C指指“严重的严重的”;D指指“迷惑的迷惑的”。28. I got caught in the storm; _ I would have been here sooner. A. however B. anyway C. otherwise D. although【解解析析】选选C。考考查查副副词词。however“无无论论如如何何,然然而而”;anyway“不不 管管 怎怎 么么 说说 ”; otherwis
8、e“否否 则则 , 要要 不不 然然 ”;although“虽虽然然”。句句意意为为:我我遇遇到到了了暴暴风风雨雨,否否则则我我早早就就到到了。了。29. Video On Demand, or VOD, _to be the first element of interactive television in the near future2010哈尔滨模拟哈尔滨模拟Aexpects Bis expectingCis expected Dwill be expected【解解析析】选选C。考考查查时时态态和和语语态态。expect(预预料料)这这一一动动作作应应发生在现在,它与主语发生在现在
9、,它与主语Video On Demand之间是被动关系。之间是被动关系。30. Youd better concern yourself _ your own business and not _ mine. A. with; to B. with; withC. with; on D. about; at【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:你你最最好好做做好好自自己己的的事事,不不要要管管我我。concern oneself with/about sth. 意意为为“关关心心某某事事”,第第二二空空省省去了去了concern oneself。故选。故选B。31. PK, which _ playe
10、r killer, is a term that was from online games. A. serves as B. stands forC. regards as D. applies for【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:PK代代表表“player killer”,是是来来源源于于网网络络游戏的术语。游戏的术语。stand for“代表代表”。32. Can you think of some cases _ drivers obviously knew the traffic rules but didnt obey them? A. why B. where C. as D.
11、which【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:你你能能想想出出一一些些司司机机明明明明知知道道交交通通规规则则却却不遵守的情况吗?不遵守的情况吗?where 引导定语从句修饰先行词引导定语从句修饰先行词cases。Helen was much kinder to her youngest son than to the others, _ , of course, made the others envy him. A. who B. that C. what D. which【解解析析】选选D。考考查查定定语语从从句句。在在定定语语从从句句中中缺缺少少主主语语,其其主主语是指前面句子所说的内容,故
12、选语是指前面句子所说的内容,故选D。33. Near the table _ a poor dog, who desired to satisfy his hunger with _ fell from the table. A. laid;something B. lay;thatC. laid;that D. lay;what【解解析析】选选D。句句意意:桌桌子子旁旁躺躺着着一一只只可可怜怜的的小小狗狗。它它渴渴望望用用桌桌子子上上掉掉下下来来的的食食物物来来解解除除它它的的饥饥饿饿。lie作作为为“躺躺”讲讲时时,过过去去式式,过过去去分分词词分分别别为为lay,lain。with为为介
13、介词词,其其后后须须加加宾宾语语从从句句,故故用用what引引导导的的名名词词性性从从句句作作其其宾宾语语,且且what在在宾宾语语从句中又作主语,其他结构不符合语法。从句中又作主语,其他结构不符合语法。34. It was with great joy _ he received the news that his lost daughter had been found. A. because B. which C. since D. that【解解析析】选选D。考考查查强强调调句句型型的的用用法法。“It was+被被强强调调部部分分+that”这这是是表表示示强强调调的的固固定定句句式
14、式。去去掉掉It was和和that之之后后句句子子可可还还原原为为:He received the news that his lost daughter had been found with great joy. 句句子子意意义义完完整整。A、C两两项项引引导导原原因因状状语语从从句句,与与主主句句意意义义不不符符。which不不用用于于强强调调句句型型。故故正正确确答答案案是是D项。项。It was not until everybody was present _the party started. A. that B. what C. when D. where【解解析析】选选A。
15、固固定定句句式式强强调调句句的的考考查查。本本句句中中not until everybody was present为为被被强强调调部部分分。若若not until位位于于句句首首时时,则则引引起起倒倒装装句句:Not until everybody was present did the party start. 。35. Access _ the mountain-town is often difficult because of the bad roads. A. of B. with C. to D. on 【解解析析】选选C。句句意意为为:由由于于路路况况不不好好,进进入入山山城城
16、总总是是很很难难。access to. . . 进入进入;接近;接近,为一固定用法。,为一固定用法。第二节第二节 完形填空(共完形填空(共20小题;每小题小题;每小题1.5分,满分分,满分30分)分) In a national spelling contest in America, an 11-year-old girl was asked to spell a certain word. But with her 36 voice the judges were not sure if she spelled the word with the letter A or E. They t
17、alked it over and 37 decided to simply ask her what she had said. By now, the girl knew she had 38 the word. But instead of lying, she told the truth that she had said the 39 letterso she lost the contest. As the girl walked off the 40 , the entire audience stood to their feet clapping to applaud he
18、r 41 . Later, dozens of newspaper reporters wrote about this 11-year-old girlshonesty, even when it 42 her the contest. But the fact is that she 43 the biggest contest that day: the contest of her 44 . Probably the biggest test of our character and honesty is what we would do if we knew we would nev
19、er get 45 . This young girl could easily have 46 and nobody would have known it but herself. But thats just it: She would know she did wrong. Its been said, “If you 47 , you make yourself cheap. ” This young girl was strong and smart enough to prize her own 48 and character more than the prize from
20、a spelling 49 . Her respect for herself was more important than any 50 others might give her for winning a contest. She knew she would have to live with herself and the 51 she made in that moment would have a long-lasting influence. Its so true that the choices you make today 52 what you are tomorro
21、w. Our children will 53 our behavior much more than our advice. So if we want them to 54 to be honest, we must show them the way by being honest ourselves. Remember, our kids are 55 what we do and how we live even when we dont think they see or know. 36. A. high B. sweet C. tough D. soft【解解析析】选选D。从从
22、下下文文评评委委们们没没有有听听清清,决决定定去去问问女女孩孩说说的的什什么可知,女孩说话的声音应是轻柔的,故要用么可知,女孩说话的声音应是轻柔的,故要用soft。 37. A. finally B. kindly C. secretly D. totally【解解析析】选选A。由由上上句句的的“They talked it over and. . . ”可可知知经经过过评评委委的的再再三三讨讨论论,最最后后还还是是决决定定问问一一下下女女孩孩说说的的是是什什么么,故用故用finally。kindly 友善地;友善地;secretly秘密地;秘密地;totally全部地。全部地。 38. Af
23、orgotten Bmispronounced Cmisspelled Dlost【解解析析】选选C。根根据据上上文文提提到到的的“a national spelling contest”可知此处是指女孩拼错了,故选可知此处是指女孩拼错了,故选misspelled。 39. Acorrect Bwrong Cdifferent Dsame【解解析析】选选B。由由上上文文提提到到女女孩孩拼拼错错了了,但但是是女女孩孩没没有有说说谎谎,而而是是将将真真相相讲讲出出来来,故故这这里里要要用用wrong,她她说说了了错错的的字字母母,由由此她也输掉了这场比赛。此她也输掉了这场比赛。40. A. sta
24、ge B. studioC. test D. classroom【解解析析】选选A。从从下下文文的的the entire audience stood to their feet clapping to . . . 这这一一语语境境可可知知女女孩孩是是从从比比赛赛的的舞舞台台上上走走下下来来,故选故选stage。 41. A. bravery B. honestyC. courage D. cleverness【解解析析】选选B。从从上上文文的的instead of lying, she told the truth可可知知女女孩孩是是诚诚实实的的,下下文文中中也也提提到到了了女女孩孩的的诚诚
25、实实。bravery勇勇敢敢;courage 勇气;勇气;cleverness 聪明。聪明。 42. A. cancelled BcostCoffered Dwasted【解解析析】选选B。与与上上文文女女孩孩输输掉掉比比赛赛相相呼呼应应。cost在在文文中中意意为为“使失去,付出使失去,付出的代价的代价”。 43. A. achieved B. brokeC. won D. defeated【解解析析】选选C。从从表表面面上上看看女女孩孩是是输输掉掉了了一一场场拼拼写写比比赛赛,但但她她却赢得了另外一场比赛:一个人的品德比赛的胜利。却赢得了另外一场比赛:一个人的品德比赛的胜利。 44. A.
26、 reputation B. knowledgeC. life D. character【解解析析】选选D。honesty(诚诚实实)是是做做人人的的一一种种品品德德,故故在在这这里里要要用用character。下下段段中中的的Probably the biggest test of our character 也也有有提提示示。reputation 声声誉誉;knowledge 知知识识;life生命。生命。 45. A. paid B. awarded C. caught D. reported【解解析析】选选C。从从上上下下文文可可知知,即即使使女女孩孩说说谎谎也也不不会会有有人人知知道
27、道,故这里用故这里用get caught 被人抓住。被人抓住。46. A. escaped B. liedC. changed D. answered【解解析析】选选B。此此处处为为虚虚拟拟语语气气。女女孩孩本本可可以以很很容容易易地地撒撒谎谎,除了她自己别人不会知道。除了她自己别人不会知道。47. A. accept Bfight Ccheat Dinsist【解解析析】选选C。本本句句为为谚谚语语“If you cheat, you make yourself cheap. ” 48. A. conscience BfeelingCdiligence Dmodesty【解解析析】选选A。c
28、onscience指指做做人人的的良良知知。feeling感感情情;diligence勤奋;勤奋;modesty指人的谦逊。指人的谦逊。 49. Acontest BchampionCjudge Dexpert【解解析析】选选A。与与第第一一段段第第一一句句照照应应,可可知知这这里里要要用用contest,指拼写比赛。指拼写比赛。 50. A. sense B. prideC. respect D. awareness【解解析析】选选C。由由上上句句的的Her respect for herself可可知知后后面面应应为为别人对她的尊重,故选别人对她的尊重,故选respect。51. A. p
29、lan B. conclusionC. discovery D. choice【解解析析】选选D。与与下下文文的的Its so true that the choices you make today. . . 相相呼呼应应,这这里里作作者者指指出出,一一个个人人在在这这样样一一个个时时刻刻所所做出的选择会对一个人产生长久的影响。做出的选择会对一个人产生长久的影响。52. A. make B. change C. keep Dcreate【解解析析】选选A。这这里里make表表示示“使使成成为为”。今今天天所所做做出出的的选选择择影响着明天会成为什么样的人。影响着明天会成为什么样的人。 53.
30、 A. give B. take C. follow D. set【解解析析】选选C。孩孩子子会会模模仿仿我我们们的的行行为为,follow 模模仿仿,照照着着某某人的样子做。人的样子做。54. A. grow up B. bring up C. take up D. come up【解解析析】选选A。考考查查词词组组意意义义。根根据据语语境境,作作者者此此处处是是说说“如如果我们想要孩子长大成为诚实的人,果我们想要孩子长大成为诚实的人, 我们必须要首先诚实我们必须要首先诚实”。55. Arecording BinspectingCcorrecting Dwatching【解解析析】选选D。由
31、由even when we dont think they see or know可可知知,作作者者要要表表达达的的意意思思是是“我我们们的的孩孩子子在在注注视视着着我我们们的的一一举举一一动动”,身教胜过言传。,身教胜过言传。第三部分第三部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)分)第一节(共第一节(共15小题;每小题小题;每小题2分,满分分,满分30分)分)(A) Athens Olympic champion Liu Xiangignited(使灼热)(使灼热)the Olympic sports center with victory in the mens 110m
32、hurdles final at the 11th Chinese National Games. The 26-year-old Liu exploded out of the starting blocksand hit the line first in 13. 34 seconds. The result was good enough for the 2007 world champion to win the title, but far off his former world record and personal best of 12. 88 seconds. “I just
33、 wanted to keep the pace, keep steady. I kept watching my opponents during the race. I didnt make my utmost to spurt(冲冲刺刺), ” Liu said after the race. Ji Wei of the Peoples Liberation Army, who placed first in the heats, finished second in 13. 42 seconds. “Thanks a lot for the Shandong peoples suppo
34、rt and also the media. I felt great tonight, ” Liu added. “After I accepted the surgery, I was in doubt of myself and cannot see my future. But with one match after another, I gradually recovered. I believed in myself, ” said Liu. As the first Chinese male athlete to win an Olympic track gold, Liu i
35、s one of the nations favorite sports stars like NBA Houston Rockets center Yao Ming. Supporters were shocked and heartbroken when Liu limped(一一瘸瘸一一拐拐地地走走)out of the Birds Nest last year at the Beijing Olympics due to the foot injury. Thirteen months later, the strong-minded man thrilled the home cro
36、wd with strong comeback in Shanghai and proved he still had the strength to catch up with current record holder Dayron Robles of Cuba. Lius victory made him become the first Chinese athlete to win an event in a row in three straight Games. “To be a triple champion (三三连连冠冠)was great. I still hope to
37、win the fourth next time, ” said Liu. 56. Whats the main idea of the passage? A. Liu Xiang picked gold at National Games. B. Liu Xiang is the first Chinese male athlete to win an Olympic track gold. C. Liu Xiang is a strongminded man. D. Liu Xiang surprised his fans with strong comeback. 【解解析析】选选A。考
38、考查查文文章章的的主主旨旨大大意意。由由文文中中第第一一、二二段段以以及及最最后后两两段段可可知知, 本本文文主主要要围围绕绕刘刘翔翔在在全全运运会会摘摘金金而而进进行行报报道道,故故A项正确。项正确。B、C、D三项都是文章中的一部分,范围小了。三项都是文章中的一部分,范围小了。57. What does the underlined word in the third paragraph mean? A. high temperatureB. hot weatherC. intense feelingD. the race before the final 【解解析析】选选D。推推理理判判断
39、断题题。通通读读整整篇篇文文章章可可知知,刘刘翔翔获获得得本本次次全全运运会会的的冠冠军军,所所以以纪纪伟伟的的第第一一应应该该是是在在预预赛赛中中获获得得的的,故故此处的此处的“heat”应为预赛之意,所以应为预赛之意,所以D项正确。项正确。58. Which of the following statements about Liu Xiang is TRUE? A. Liu Xiang became an Olympic champion again. B. Liu Xiang became the world champion in 2007. C. Liu Xiang finishe
40、d the mens 110m hurdles final this time in less time than his world record. D. Liu Xiang is not satisfied with his performance. 【解解析析】选选B。细细节节理理解解题题。细细读读文文章章前前三三段段可可知知,刘刘翔翔获获得得的的是是全全运运会会冠冠军军,并并且且成成绩绩不不及及他他的的世世界界纪纪录录,但但他他对对自自己己的的表表现现比比较较满满意意。由由此此判判断断A、 C、D三三项项错错误误,由由 “The result was good enough for t
41、he 2007 world champion to win the title. . . ”可知可知B项正确。项正确。59. After the foot injury, _ . A. Liu still took part in Beijing Olympic Games and satisfied his supportersB. Liu was as active as beforeC. it took Liu 13 months to recoverD. Liu didnt doubt his own ability and was full of hope about his fut
42、ure【解解析析】选选C。细细节节理理解解题题。由由文文章章的的四四至至七七段段可可知知,刘刘翔翔在在北北京京奥奥运运会会上上曾曾令令他他的的支支持持者者非非常常失失望望、伤伤心心。他他曾曾一一度度对对自自己己的的前前途途感感到到迷迷茫茫。并并且且他他用用了了13个个月月的的时时间间来来恢恢复复,所所以以C项最佳。项最佳。(B) You probably didnt know who James Cameron was, but you must have heard of or seen the movie he directedTitanic(1997), which was the mo
43、st successful film to date. Since that time Cameron has been at work, but he has not spent his time on another love story. Instead, it has been Avatar, which he conceived(构思)(构思)14years ago and spent four years making, at a cost of $400 million(2.7 billion yuan). The blockbuster(大大片片)is a huge hit i
44、n the US. British newspaper The Independent calls it “the most ambitious 3D film ever released”. “Its a movie revolution offering as big a leap in our viewing experience as the change from black-and-white television to color, ”writes Eddie Wrenn, reporter with British newspaper Daily Mail. If youve
45、had previous experience of 3D, your impression will be one of a flattish(平的)(平的)image with the occasional(偶(偶尔尔的的)object “flying” at you. However, Camerons newly developed technologies have made a differencethe entire screen has depth, taking on the appearance of a window through which you are watch
46、ing a “world” on the screen. Rather than a flat, moving painting, it has a distinct(明明显显的的)foreground and background. “In effect, the cinema screen becomes a theater stage, ” according to Wrenn. Although the movies cutting-edge(前前沿沿的的)technologies have aroused discussion, Cameron stresses that “film
47、, as ever, is about story. ” Avatar focuses on Jake Sully, a former Marine who was paralyzed(瘫瘫痪痪)in a war on Earth. He participates in the Avatar program, which repairs his body. He is sent to Pandora, a rainforest-covered planet populated by beautiful but terrifying creatures called the Navi. They
48、 are humanoid(类类人人的的)beings, considered primitive(原原始始的的)by humans. However, when humans decide to invade their planet and claim it as their own, they see they were mistaken. The blue skinned Navis are great warriors(战士)(战士). Jake finds himself caught between the Earths military forces and the Navi,
49、 and must choose sides in a battle which will decide the fates of the two planets. 60. According to the passage, which of the following about Avatar is WRONG? A. It was thought up by James Cameron 14 years ago. B. It took four years to make it. C. Many people in the US enjoy seeing it. D. It costs m
50、ore than any other film. 【解解析析】选选D。细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据第第二二段段可可知知A、B、C三三项项正正确确,第第二二段段中中只只提提及及这这部部影影片片花花了了4亿亿美美元元,但但并并没没说说花花费费最最高。故选高。故选D。61. This 3D film by James Cameron _ . A. is the same as the previous 3D filmsB. shows you a flat and moving paintingC. makes the cinema screen look like a theater stage
51、D. adopts the technology which has been widely used【解解析析】选选C。细细节节理理解解题题。根根据据第第四四段段中中的的Rather than a flat, moving painting, it has a distinct foreground and background. “In effect, the cinema screen becomes a theater stage, ”. . . 可知。可知。62. We can conclude from the passage that _ . A. Jake Sully in A
52、vatar is not imaginary but realB. James Cameron is the director of both Titanic and AvatarC. American newspaper The Independent thinks highly of AvatarD. Eddie Wrenn thinks Avatar only offers the change of colors【解解析析】选选B。推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据倒倒数数第第一一、二二段段可可知知Jake Sully是是一一个个虚虚构构的的角角色色,故故A项项错错误误,根根据据第第三三段
53、段可可知知C、D两项错误。根据第一、二段可知两项错误。根据第一、二段可知B项正确。项正确。63. According to the passage we can infer_ . A. all are not in favor of the movies newly developed technologiesB. James Cameron invested more time and money than any other film he had madeC. Titanic is a love story while Avatar is nothing but a real war f
54、ilmD. Eddie Wrenn, a British film reviewer, speaks highly of Avatar【解解析析】选选A。推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据第第五五段段的的the movies cutting-edge technologies have aroused discussion可知应选可知应选A。(C) I always feel sorry for world leaders busy dealing with fights between nations. When my three children were young, most days i
55、t was hard keeping my house from becoming a battlefield. It got worse as they grew older. Three years ago, Zack, then 16, couldnt make it through a day without making his sisters, Alex 11 and Taryn 9, angry. My husband and I tried to be understanding the boy at such an age. We reasoned, punished, an
56、d left heartfelt notes on his bed about how he was hurting our family. His answer was “I say it because its true. ” I even tried telling the girls to fight back. Bad idea. Now I had three children at war. Whatever I said to them, they paid no attention. When there was no way out, I told everything t
57、o my sister in an e-mail. She replied, “Dont e-mail me. E-mail him. ” Our son was online every day, mailing and talking with his friends. Maybe he would actually hear me this way. I didnt say anything different, but e-mail just took the tension away. Thered be no shouting or door banging. Zack would
58、nt feel under attack. Zack didnt reply for days. When he finally did, his entire message was four small words. I smiled when I read them, “Youre right. Im sorry. ” The children still fought, of course, but Zack changed. Best of all, I now have a better way to talk with not one but three of them. I l
59、ike it that they dont tune me out as much as they used to. They like not having to listen to me shouting to them. Or as Alex says, “Youre so much nicer online. ” All I know is that the house is quiet. But were talking. 64. What was the trouble before the online talk in the family? A. The writer fail
60、ed to understand her daughters. B. The children couldnt get along peacefully. C. The family found it difficult to keep the house clean. D. The parents were not willing to talk with their children. 【解解析析】选选B。推推理理判判断断题题。由由第第四四段段第第三三、四四句句可可知知,三三个个孩孩子子都都在在相相互互打打闹闹,并并且且我我采采取取的的方方法法是是无无效效的的,也也就就是是说说他他们无法和
61、平相处,们无法和平相处,B项最贴切。项最贴切。65. The writer once tried to deal with her sons problem by_ . A. talking with him about his painB. telling him about the truth of the familyC. telling her daughters to keep away from himD. encouraging her daughters to fight against him【解解析析】选选D。事事实实细细节节题题。第第四四段段首首句句话话说说明明,我我教教
62、两两个个女女儿去反击。儿去反击。66. The writer e-mailed her sister_ . A. to tell her about the family problemB. hoping shed e-mail the boyC. asking about child-raisingD. to reduce the tension【解解析析】选选A。推推理理判判断断题题。第第四四段段最最后后两两句句话话,我我给给我我的的妹妹妹妹发发邮邮件件告告诉诉她她我我的的家家庭庭问问题题,妹妹妹妹让让我我给给我我的的儿儿子子发发邮邮件件,故故A正确。正确。67. The underlin
63、ed phrase “tune me out” in the passage probably means “_”. A. quarrel with meB. get angry with meC. pay no attention to meD. keep me out of their rooms【解解析析】选选C。猜猜测测词词义义题题。从从划划线线句句的的后后句句可可看看出出,孩孩子子们们因因我我冲冲他他们们大大喊喊大大叫叫而而不不理理睬睬我我,所所以以我我喜喜欢欢在在网网上上和和他他们们交交谈,他们也比过去更关注我的话。谈,他们也比过去更关注我的话。(D) Which animal h
64、as the fastest snapping jaw(突然合住的颚)?(突然合住的颚)?If youre guessing a shark or perhaps a larger animal, youll have to think smaller. The trap-jaw ant, which lives in Central and South America, moves its mouth parts at 35 to 63 meters per second. Another way to think about this is that the ants jaws close
65、 at 125 to 233 kilometers per hour. Thats 2, 300 times faster than the blink of an eye. Scientists were able to measure the amazing jaw speed using high-speed video techniques. Sheila Patek, a biologist, says the key is that the jaws have a springy(有有弹弹性性的的)system, which is critical in getting explo
66、sive(爆爆发发性性的的)speeds. Consider a bow and arrow. If you try to throw an arrow with your arm, it wont go very far. If you use a bow, elastic( 弹弹 性性 的的 ) energy stored in the bow is freed almost immediately when you let go of the arrow with your finger. Thats exactly what really fast organisms are doin
67、g. Maybe even more amazing than how fast these ants grab food or even enemies is how they use this same energy to move. As the ant closes its jaws, it uses them to push off the groundall faster than the eye can see without slow motion video. A snap of the jaw can send an ant up to 8. 3 centimeters i
68、nto the air. Thats like someone who is 1. 7 meters jumping 13 meters high! Not only can they quickly escape from enemies, but often a group of ants will start jumping all at once. It would be hard for their enemies to grab just one. 68. The fast speed of the trap-jaw ants jaws lies in_ . A. their li
69、ght bodiesB. their springy systemC. their living environmentD. the length of their jaws【解解析析】选选B。细细节节判判断断题题,根根据据文文章章第第二二段段末末句句可可知知,正正是是由由于于它它们们下下颚颚有有弹弹性性的的组组织织才才使使得得它它们们有有如如此此快快的的颚颚活活动动,故故选选B。69. What does the passage use “a bow and arrow” as an example to show? A. How an arrow gets so much energy t
70、o fly. B. Why the trap-jaw ants have a springy system. C. Why the trap-jaw ants jaws move so fast. D. How a bow and arrow works. 【解解析析】选选C。推推理理判判断断题题,根根据据文文章章第第三三段段可可知知,本本段段用用弓弓箭箭作作为为比比喻喻来来说说明明为为什什么么蚂蚂蚁蚁下下颚颚有有弹弹性性的的组组织织使使蚂蚂蚁蚁的的颚颚能能够移动如此之快,故选够移动如此之快,故选C。70. Which of the following things may amaze the
71、 scientists most? A. How high the ants can leap by using their jaws. B. How quickly the trap-jaw ants can move on the ground. C. How wonderfully the springy system in the trap-jaw ants jaws works. D. How quickly the trap-jaw ants can grab food or enemies. 【解解析析】选选A。细细节节判判断断题题,根根据据文文章章第第四四段段令令科科学学家家更
72、更为为惊惊奇的是这些蚂蚁的颚能影响蚂蚁向空中跳多高,故选奇的是这些蚂蚁的颚能影响蚂蚁向空中跳多高,故选A。第二节(共第二节(共5小题;每小题小题;每小题2分,满分分,满分10分)分)2010大连模拟大连模拟 根根据据短短文文内内容容,从从短短文文后后的的选选项项中中选选出出能能填填入入空空白白处处的的最最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 A man was driving at 70 miles in a 40-mile-zone, when a police car came behind him with the light on. 71 As the po
73、liceman came to him, he said, “Hi, officer, I guess you caught me a little bit over the limit. I was in a rush to get home, to be with my wife and kids, you know my younger son wasnt feeling well when I left home this morning. ” The policeman said, “Well, I guess so, ” and started writing something
74、in his notebook. 72 A few moments later, the policeman came to his window and handed him a paper, and returned to his car without saying a single word. The man started to wonder, how much this ticket was going to be as he began to look at the paper. 73 But something which read: “I had a daughter who
75、 was killed by a speeding car at the age of six, by a speeding driver like you. He got a fine, a few months in prison, and was free, free to hug two other daughters. 74 I have tried to forgive that man a thousand times, and I thought I had. Maybe I really forgive him, but I have to do it again, even
76、 right now. 75 . ” The man was very surprised and could not move for the next few minutes. When finally he did, he drove slowly, even a few miles under the speed limit, praying for forgiveness. A. So pray for you, and be careful when you drive again, your daughter is all you have left. B. I only had
77、 one, and now I have to wait until I get to heaven before I can hug her again. C. Right away the man started thinking of excuse to give. D. He was surprised it was not a ticket. E. So pray for me, and be careful when you drive again, my son is all I have left. F. As minutes went by, he hadnt asked f
78、or his drivers license. G. He was surprised it was not a ticket as he began to read. 7175. CFDBE第二卷第二卷第四部分第四部分 写作(共两节,满分写作(共两节,满分35分)分)第一节第一节 短文改错(共短文改错(共10小题;每小题小题;每小题1分,满分分,满分10分)分) 假假定定英英语语课课上上老老师师要要求求同同桌桌之之间间交交换换修修改改作作文文,请请你你修修改改你你同同桌桌写写的的以以下下作作文文。文文中中共共有有10处处语语言言错错误误,每每句句中中最最多多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删
79、除或修改。有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增增加加:在在缺缺词词处处加加一一个个漏漏字字符符号号(), 并并在在其其下下面面写写出出该该加的词。加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。划掉。 修修改改:在在错错的的词词下下划划一一横横线线,并并在在该该词词下下面面写写出出修修改改后后的的词。词。 注意:注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改只允许修改10处,多者处,多者(从第从第11处起处起)不计分。不计分。1. 【解解析析】第第一一句句中中SomeOne some day通通常常指指“将将来来的的某某一天一
80、天”,此处指过去的某一天,应用,此处指过去的某一天,应用one day。2. 【解解析析】第第一一句句中中therewhere where引引导导非非限限制制性性定定语语从从句。句。3. 【解解析析】第第三三句句中中surprisedsurprise to ones surprise “使使某人惊讶的是某人惊讶的是”,to是介词,后接名词。是介词,后接名词。4. 【解析解析】第三句中第三句中memine mine代指代指my oral English。5. 【解解析析】第第四四句句中中butand 从从句句意意看看前前后后句句为为并并列列关关系系,故应用并列连词故应用并列连词and。6. 【解
81、解析析】第第五五句句中中ButSo 前前后后句句之之间间是是因因果果关关系系,故故应应用连词用连词so。7. 【解解析析】第第五五句句中中practisepractising spend time doing “花费时间做某事花费时间做某事”,是固定句型。,是固定句型。8. 【解解析析】第第六六句句中中去去掉掉from learn学学到到;learn from 向向学习。根据句意应用学习。根据句意应用learn。9. 【解解析析】第第七七句句中中WithAs或或wentgoing with是是介介词词,不能连接句子,而不能连接句子,而as 是连词,是连词,“随着随着”,可引导句子。,可引导句子
82、。10. 【解解析析】第第七七句句中中communicate后后加加with communicate是是不及物动词,后接宾语,需用介词不及物动词,后接宾语,需用介词with。第二节第二节 书面表达(满分书面表达(满分25分)分) 假假如如你你所所在在的的班班级级将将要要举举办办一一次次主主题题为为“Key to Success”的的英英语语演演讲讲比比赛赛。请请你你写写一一篇篇100词词左左右右的的演演讲讲稿稿,要要求求从从以以下四个方面任选一至两个进行阐述,并加以举例说明。下四个方面任选一至两个进行阐述,并加以举例说明。 勤奋(勤奋(diligence) 宽容(宽容(tolerance) 细
83、心细心(carefulness) 乐观(乐观(optimism) 注意:演讲稿的开头部分已给出,不计入总词数。注意:演讲稿的开头部分已给出,不计入总词数。Key to Success Hello, everyone! Its my great honor to be here to tell you about the key to success. _【参考答案参考答案】Key to Success Hello, everyone! Its my great honor to be here to tell you about the key to success. In my opinio
84、n, diligence and carefulness play a very important role in our success. Just as the old saying goes, diligence leads to success while laziness results in failure. Every task requires hard work,from learning English to building a house. No one can succeed just by thinking about doing something. Every
85、one must practise. Carefulness is another necessity for success. If we are not careful, we will make many mistakes, which will cause more problems for us. When we are doing something urgent, we should be even more careful because doing so will save us lots of time and energy. In conclusion, to be successful, we should always work hard and be careful.