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1、Cognitive Neuroscience & ERPsEvent related potentials赵赵 仑仑zhaolunlunyahoozhaolunfistar认知神知神经科学科学 Cognitive Cognitive NeuroscienceNeuroscience是一是一门研研讨人人脑高高级功能的功能的学科,它是学科,它是认知科学与神知科学与神经脑科学科学结合的合的产物。物。认知神知神经科学的研科学的研讨目的在于目的在于阐明明认知活知活动的的脑机制,其学科机制,其学科分支包括分支包括认知神知神经心思学、心思学、认知心思生理学、知心思生理学、认知生理知生理心思学、心思学、认知神

2、知神经生物学、生物学、计算神算神经科学。科学。认知神经科学认知神经科学Event-related potentials Event-related brain potentials 凡是外加一种特定的刺激,作用于觉得系统或脑的某一部位,在给予刺激或吊销刺激时,在脑区引起的电位变化。 * 刺激缺失事件相关脑电位事件相关脑电位lEEGEEG对对ERPsERPs的淹没的淹没l叠加平均根本原理叠加平均根本原理l ERPs ERPs波形恒定波形恒定l 埋伏期恒定埋伏期恒定l 叠加叠加n n次:信噪比次:信噪比提高提高n n l 倍倍l 例如:例如:l ERPs=0.5EEG ERPs=0.5EEGl n

3、=100 n=100 100ERP 10EEG 100ERP 10EEG ERPs=5EEGERPs=5EEGERPs提取的根本原理ERPERP的学术位置的学术位置属于心思生理学属于心思生理学psychophysiologypsychophysiology范畴范畴心思生理学以心思要素为自变量,以生理目的为应变量,心思生理学以心思要素为自变量,以生理目的为应变量,普通以人为被试。普通以人为被试。生理心思学生理心思学physiological psychologyphysiological psychology以生理变化为以生理变化为自变量,以心思要素为应变量,普通以动物为被试。自变量,以心思要素

4、为应变量,普通以动物为被试。心思生理学是从生理心思学中分别出来的,同属认知神经心思生理学是从生理心思学中分别出来的,同属认知神经科学。科学。认知神经科学是当前脑科学界颇受关注的领域,认知神经科学是当前脑科学界颇受关注的领域,ERPERP是其是其中的重要组成部分。中的重要组成部分。 事件相关脑电位事件相关脑电位ERPsERPs研研讨讨成分研成分研讨运用研运用研讨特点及其影响要素来源及产活力制心思生理临床运用特因条件功能评价留意、留意、记忆、言、言语加工、运加工、运动知知觉等等神经精神科、昏迷愈后、辅助诊断等航空、航天、航海、恶劣环境条件等驾驶疲疲劳、功能、功能评价、音价、音乐认知才干、知才干、安

5、康安康评价等价等ERPs的研讨分类OddballOddball 两种刺激物两种刺激物 三种刺激物三种刺激物 新异刺激物的插入新异刺激物的插入 规规范刺激范刺激 (Standard) (Standard) 偏向刺激偏向刺激 (Deviant) (Deviant) 靶刺激靶刺激 (Target) (Target) 非靶刺激非靶刺激 (non-Target) (non-Target) 规规范方式范方式 缺失刺激缺失刺激为为靶靶P3aP3aP3bP3bStandardDeviantStandardDeviant(Tarkka & Stokic, 2019)Standard(DAVID E. J. LI

6、NDEN. Review, 2019)StandardDeviantNovelAuditory P3b/P3a in depressed patients Novel Oddball ParadigmTarget2000Hz15%Non-Target1000Hz70%Auditory NovelStimuli15%PressFzCzPzNon-target Novel TargetBlack:Depression;Red:NormalP3aP3bAuditory P3a Cortex Current DensityNormal (358ms) Depressed(358ms)MGFP Peak

7、Normal Depressed抑郁症患者右抑郁症患者右额叶叶认知功能妨碍知功能妨碍(Lv J, Zhao L, et al, 2019)Behavioral Inhibiting ResponsesIf the usual target-detection task is inverted so that the subject responds to the standard stimuli and withholds response from the target, the N2 wave to the no-go stimulus is increased in amplitude

8、(Eimer, 1993) and the P300 is more frontally distributed (e.g., Hillyard, et al, 1976; Roberts et al., 1994; Falkenstein et al, 2019)(Zhang, et al,2019)Inhibiting ResponsesNogoGo(BW Zhang, L. Zhao, X. Jing. 2019)Facing some problems of emotional regulation at the stage of coping with the conflict in

9、 Internet Addiction patients -200600uV2.5-2.5FZmsIA patientsNormalNogoPZGoP3goP3nogoN2nogo(Dang, et al,unpublished data)山川山川山川面孔识别的心思生理机制面孔识别的心思生理机制Face inversion effectFIESearcy & Bartlett, 2019Carbon & Leder, 2019Thatcher facesCarbon & Leder, 2019Carbon & Leder, 2019N170: A face distinctive ERP co

10、mponentRight MastoidLeft Mastoid5-5VN170FaceChairBird-7V+7VPotential distribution at 170ms after stimulus onsetCarmel & Bentin, 2000Functional characteristics of the N170-effectNot sensitive to face familiarity (Bentin & Deouell, 2000).Sensitive to local more than to global information and not adver

11、sely affected by inhibiting configural processing:Larger effect for isolated eyes and face components than for full faces (Bentin et al., 2019, Bentin & Aviezer, unpublished; Bentin & McCarthy, unpublished).Not significantly reduced by random relocation of inner components (Bentin et al., 2019).Not

12、reduced (indeed enhanced) by face inversion (Bentin et al. 2019; Sagiv & Bentin, 2019; Rossion et al, 2019;2000)Despite global face configuration, it is eliminated when local information is not physiognomic (Bentin, Golland, &, Moscovitch, 2019). Hypothetical role of the perceptual mechanism associa

13、ted with the N170-effectThe N170-effect is associated with an “early perceptual mechanism tuned to detect visual features that are characteristic to a face physiognomy. Its role might be to trigger the face-characteristic structural encoding processes when pertinent stimuli are present in the visual

14、 field.Age-related changes during the early-stage face processingInvestigating the effects of aging on the face detection and configural processing by face-sensitive N170.If the ageing influences the face detection or configural processing, N170 effect or N170 inversion effect should be different fo

15、r younger and older adults.(Gao., et al, 2021)(Gao, et al, 2021)N170 effectN170 inversion effect of faces(Gao, et al, 2021)(Zhao L. & Li J., 2019)Expression Mismatch NegativityEMMN(Zhao L. & Li J., 2019)EMMN in depression patients-100400 msuV-1.51.5T6 NormalDepressionEMMNChang, et al. 2019近期研讨近期研讨Vi

16、sual perception Visual perception 、Unconsciousness processingUnconsciousness processingInternet AddictionInternet AddictionAutism & DepressionAutism & DepressionBurn outBurn out运运发动发动、人才、人才选选拔、拔、职业职业安康、青少年心思安康等安康、青少年心思安康等Binding theoryBinding theoryThank you for your attentionFamiliarity effects on

17、N170Familiarity effects on N170Left Mastoid8005V-5V0400millisecondsRight Mastoid0400milliseconds UNFAMILIAR FAMILIAR BUTTERFLIES-5V+5VUnfamiliarFamiliarBentin & Deouell, 2000N170 elicited by faces and face componentsLeft Mastoid-550Right Mastoid50-5V0200 400600 8000200 400600 800Milliseconds-440V020

18、0 400600 8000200 400600 800Milliseconds-440Bentin & McCarthy, unpublished0200400milliseconds05-510Left Mastoid.VRight Mastoid0200400milliseconds+2.5-2.5N170 (in) sensitivity to the face configurationBentin et al., 20190100200300400MillisecondsIM20 100 200 300 400MillisecondsIM1V-5V5Face inversion effect on N170 N170 is associated with local perceptionP8 P7 Right MastoidLeft Mastoid 02.5 mV2.5 mV02.5 mV2.5 mVmilliseconds0200400milliseconds0200400 Block 2 Block 3 Block 1



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