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1、English Literature in the Victorian PeriodQueen VictoriaEnglish Literature in the Victorian PeriodlVictoria: 1819-1901lQueen Victoria took throne in 1837 (at 18)lLong reign, died in 1901 (at 82)land became one of the most powerful and successful rulers in English history. lHer 63-year reign was the

2、longest in British history. lGreat Britain reached the height of its power during this period. lEngland became wealthiest nationlAs a result, the time of Victorias reign is often called the Victorian Age. Victorias achievement lDuring the Victoria Age, great economic, social, and political changes o

3、ccurred in Britain. lEconomically: Britain went through a period of rapid industrialization and enjoyed tremendous industrial expansion at home.lRailroads and lands crisscrossed the country. Science and technology made great advances.lPolitically: It built a great colonial empire and the British Emp

4、ire reaches its height and covered about the fourth of the worlds land. “The sun never sets on England.” Queen-empress over 200 million people living outside Great BritainIndia, North America, South Pacific, etc.lSocially: The size of the middle-class grew enormously. lBt the 1850s, more and more pe

5、ople were getting education.lThe government introduced democratic reforms. For example, an increasing number of people received the right to vote.Problems lInspiteoftheprosperityoftheVictorianAge,factoryworkersandfarmworkerslivedinterriblepoverty.lRichpeoplelivedonpoorpeoplewiththecoverofreligion.lE

6、ngland was two nations, one rich and one poor.lNewscientifictheoriesseemedtochallengemanyreligiousbeliefs.lThemostcontroversialtheoryappearedintheOrigin of Species(1859)bythebiologistCharlesDarwinledmanypeoplefeelthattraditionalvaluescouldnolongerguidetheirlives.lWriters also analyzed the loss of fa

7、ith in traditional values.Critical RealismlA realistic presentation of the sufferings of the working class, to the criticism of English institutions, and to the education of the masses.Features of Critical Realisml1. To disclose the greed and hypocrisy of the upper classes and show profound sympathy

8、 for the common peoplel2. The use of humor and satire in the English realistic novels of 19th century. l3. Strongly critical of the social reality of the time but never had the thought of overthrowing the existing social over that they could establish a new one.l4. often have happy ending or an impo

9、rtant compromise to current societyl5. So far as the literary form or genre is concerned, the major contribution made by the 19th century critical realists lies in their perfection of the novel.The Victorian NovellThe novel was the dominant form in Victorian literature.lVictorian novels are realisti

10、c.lThe writers in Victorian Age criticized the courts, the clergy, and the neglect of the poor.l Charles Dickens Oliver Twist,lWilliam Thackerys Vanity Fairl the three Bronte Sisters-Jane Eyre, lall these writers attacked the greed and hypocrisy they saw in society, discuss the relationship between

11、society and the individual. Images of the Victorian PeriodMajor Novelists of the PeriodlCharles DickensOliver TwistGreat ExpectationslEmily BronteWuthering HeightslCharlotte BronteJane EyrelThomas HardyTess of the DUbervilleslGeorge Eliot (Mary Ann Evans)Silas MarnerMiddlemarchVictorian PoetrylAlway

12、s seems inferior when compared to RomanticismlDevelop new ways to tell storiese.g. dramatic monologuel Do not share Romantics confidence in the imaginationlEmphasis on visual imagery and soundMajor Poets of the PeriodlLord Alfred TennysonlRobert Browning dramatic monologuelElizabeth Barret Browningl

13、Thomas HardyVictorian PoetrylDramatic monologue the idea of creating a lyric poem in the voice of a speaker ironically distinct from the poet is the great achievement of Victorian poetry.Victorian DramalThe theater was a flourishing and popular institution during the Victorian period.lThe popularity

14、 of theater influenced other genres.lBernard Shaw and Oscar Wilde transformed British theater with their comic masterpieces.Other Writers of the PeriodlBernard ShawPygmalionMrs. Warrens ProfessionMajor BarbaralCharles DarwinThe Origin of the SpeciesNatural selectionSurvival of the fittestCharlesDarw

15、in( (达尔文)达尔文)Charles Dickens(1812-1870)Charles DickenslPickwick Papers (1836-7) 匹克威克外传 lOliver Twist (1837-1838)奥利佛.退斯特lThe Old Curiosity Shop (1841) 老古玩店 lDombey and Son:(1846_48) 董贝父子 lDavid Copperfield: (1849-50)大卫*科波菲尔 l Bleak House (1854) 荒凉山庄 l Hard Times (1854)艰难时世 l Little Dorrit (1855-57)小杜

16、丽 l A Tale Of Two Cities (1859) 双城记 l Great Expectations (1860_61) 远大前程 lCharlotte Bront (1816-1855)lEmily (Jane) Bront (1818-1848)lAnne Bront (1820-1849)Bront Sisters Charlotte,1816-1855Emily,1818-1848Anne,1820-1849Charlotte BrontBront SistersEmilyA An nn ne eBront SistersCharlotte BrontelBorn of I

17、rish ancestry in 1816Lived at Haworth, a parsonageMother died of cancer when Charlotte was 5 years old.The Bronte sisterslCharlotte had 4 sisters and 1 brother.lWhile at the Clergy Daughters School, her 2 older sisters (Maria & Elizabeth) died of tuberculosisCharlottes family con.tlThe Clergy Daught

18、ers School at Cowan Bridge became the model for Lowood, the fictitious girls school in Jane Eyre.lAnne and Emily Bronte were also successful writers. lCharlottes brother, Branwell, was a gifted painter.More on Charlottes FamilylIn 1846, Charlotte & her sisters started publishing poems and began writ

19、ing novels:The Professor was Charlottes attempt to fictionalize her love for a college professor she had met at Brussels.In 1847 Wuthering Heights was sister Emilys first success. Charlotte followed with Jane Eyre.All 3 Bronte SisterslUsed a masculine pen name because women writers were not taken se

20、riously at that time in Victorian England.lCharlotte used the name Currer Bell.Marriage BellslIn 1854 She marries her fathers curate, Arthur Bell Nichols.lThe next year, she became pregnant, then ill. lShe died a month before her 39th birthdayHometown: HaworthHaworthstreet博物馆的标志博物馆的标志“BronteParsonag

21、eMuseum”三姐妹的故乡三姐妹的故乡 HaworthHaworth博物馆的花园中三博物馆的花园中三姊妹的雕像。姊妹的雕像。三姐妹的故乡三姐妹的故乡 HaworthParishChurch教区教堂的墓教区教堂的墓地。地。Bronte的的父亲就在此教父亲就在此教堂任职。堂任职。三姐妹的故乡三姐妹的故乡 HaworthBront sisters novelsCharlotte:Jane Eyre(1847,byCurrerBell)Shirley (1849,byCurrerBell,雪莉雪莉)Villette(1853,维莱特,维莱特)The Professor: A Tale(1857,he

22、rfirstwrittenbutlastpublished,男教师,男教师)Emily:Wuthering Heights(1847)Anne:Agnes Grey(1847)The Tenant of Wildfell Hall(1848,怀德菲尔庄园的房客,怀德菲尔庄园的房客)夏洛蒂的主要作品夏洛蒂的主要作品l简简爱爱Jane Eyre (1847)l雪利雪利Shirley (1844)l维莱特维莱特 Villette(1853)l教授教授 The Professor (1855)Charlotte Bronts Jane Eyre简简爱爱Jane EyreJaneEyresdevelop

23、mentTherearefivedistinctstagesofdevelopment,eachlinkedtoaparticularplace:JaneschildhoodatGateshead,hereducationattheLowoodSchool,hertimeasAdelesgovernessatThornfield,hertimewiththeRiversfamilyatMoorHouse,andherreunionwithandmarriagetoRochesteratFerndean.简简爱爱 EducationlClergy Daughters School, Cowan

24、BridgelRoe Head School Lowood School in Jane EyreJane Eyre as AutobiographyJaneEyre(1)Janeisanorphanwhogrowsuplonelywithoutnobodycaringforher.Janeisasmall,plainandpoorgovernessofVictorianerainsteadoftherich,gentle,frail,modestandvirtuousbeautiesoftheconventionalheroine.Janeonlyhasanintensefeeling,ar


26、nknessandwithapassionatesenseofthedignityandneedsofhersex.ConflictsandstrugglesinJane EyreTheouterconflictsbetweenJaneandothers:Appearance,status,wealth,educationandsoonTheinnerstrugglesinJane:ReasonandemotionRealityandimaginationHerdependentpositionandherdesireforindependenceHeractualinferiorityand








34、以离开您一样。我现在并不是从世俗习惯、甚至也不是从凡人的躯体出发对在并不是从世俗习惯、甚至也不是从凡人的躯体出发对您讲这番话,这是我的灵魂在跟您的灵魂对话,仿佛我您讲这番话,这是我的灵魂在跟您的灵魂对话,仿佛我们俩穿过了坟墓,一起站在上帝的脚下。彼此平等们俩穿过了坟墓,一起站在上帝的脚下。彼此平等因为我们就是平等的呀!因为我们就是平等的呀!”简简爱爱 Jane Eyre (1847)lJane Eyre Mr. RochesterlThe center theme: women should have equal rights with man.lThe problem of orphan;l

35、The problem of the bourgeois system of education;lThe position of woman in society.Charlottesfeaturesofhernovels1.presentsavividrealisticpictureoftheEnglishsociety.2.showsasintenseloveforthebeautyofnature.3.GreatlyinfluencedbyByronandScott,hernovelsareallaboutlonelyandneglectedyoungwomenwithafiercel

36、ongingforlifeandlove.4.Charlotteisexceptionallygoodatlandscapepaintingandpresentationofatmospheresofmystery,horrorandprophesy.5.Charlotteisknownasagreatimpressionisticverbalpainter.呼啸山庄(Wuthering Heights, 1847)lHeathcliff - IsabellalCatherine Edgar LintonlHindleylHareton (Hindleys son)lCathy (Cather

37、ines daughter)WutheringHeights呼啸山庄所描述的呼啸山庄所描述的“Moor”荒原荒原l Wuthering HeightsItisoneofthemostintensenovelswrittenintheEnglishlanguage.Itisastoryofdoomedloveandrevenge.TheprotagonistsarecharacterizedasfiguresofviolentemotionsandtypicalYorkshirecharacters.TheGothictraditionandtranscendingincludingitssop

38、histicatedobservationandartisticsubtlety.ThegothicnovelTheGothicnovelisaliterarygenre,inwhichtheprominentfeaturesaremystery,doom,decay,oldbuildingswithghostsinthem,madness,hereditarycursesandsoon.Features of this novel1.Thereisthecombinationofextremelysimplelanguagewiththemostmightyandintensifiedeff


40、stofthenarrativeinhervoice,describinghowshetoldittohim.SomepartsofNellysstoryarenarratedbyothercharacters.Some questions1.Whatsthemeaningof“intense”?2.Whatmakeslovedoomed?3.Whatdoyouthinktherevengeinthisnovel?4.Whatsthepointofthe“moors”?5.Whydoestheauthormention“ghosts”sometimes?6.Whatsthethemeofthi


42、licassociationsontotheloveaffair.ghostsGhostsappearthroughoutWuthering Heights,astheydoinmostotherworksofGothicfiction,yetBrontalwayspresentstheminsuchawaythatwhethertheyreallyexistremainsambiguous.Thustheworldofthenovelcanalwaysbeinterpretedasarealisticone.CertainghostssuchasCatherinesspiritwhenita


44、flourished in the 40s and in the early 50s. lthe chief traits of the English society and criticized the capitalist system from a democratic viewpoint. lthe method of critical realism was further adopted by such writers as Charlotte Bronte and Emily Bronte and Elizabeth Gaskell. lIn the 50s and 60s t

45、he realistic novel entered a stage of decline. George Eliot described the life of the laboring people and criticized the privileged classes but the power of exposure become much weaker in her work. Romantic definitionl lReaction to 18th century classicism & rationalisml lViewed as revolutionary, emp

46、hasized changel lEvents now affect human thought & expression and society & politicsRealism definitionRealism definitionl lReaction to 19th century Romanticisml lSeen in realistic detail, no interpretationsl lSubjects now everyday life & peopleCritical realismlShows the extreme brutality and corrupt

47、ion of the oppressors and their agents under the mask of philanthropy.lVivid descriptions of the sufferings of the poor and oppressed.lShows the extreme brutality and corruption of the oppressors and their agents under the mask of philanthropy.lVivid descriptions of the sufferings of the poor and oppressed.



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