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1、Friendship-in-Hawaii-Friendship-in-Hawaii-高一英语新课标优秀课件高一英语新课标优秀课件SHOWING FRIENDSHIPIt is said that Hawaii is a place where the east truly meets the west.Step I: Fast ReadingStep I: Fast ReadingScan the passage and write down what the following words meanaloha lokahi lei kokua ohana Scan READING SKILL

2、SREADING SKILLSScanning: it is used when you want to quickly find some information which you need. In scanning you have a question in your mind and read the passage only to find the answer, ignoring useless information.How to scan: 1.Read for specific information you are looking for.( h

3、eadings and any other aids that will help you identify which sections migh contain the information you are looking for.3.Selectively read and skip through sections of the passage.FRIENDSHIP IN HAWAII Everyculturehasitsownwaystoshowfriendship.OntheislandsofHawaii,friendshipispartofthealohaspirit.Inth




7、rheartssingingtogether.Perhapsthisishowmostvisitorswillremembertheirnewfriendship. Livinginpeace,Hawaiianshavedevelopedathirdsignoffriendship.Thispersonalfriendshipisshownbygivingleistooneanother.Thelei,astringofflowers,isputoverafriendsneck.Thenthefriendisgivenakissonthecheek.Visitorstotheislandsar

8、ealsogivenleis.Whentheyhearaloha,visitorsbegintofeelathome.Alohaalsomeansgoodbye,sovisitorswillhearitaloha lokahi lei kokua ohanaalohaalohalokahikokuaohanaleileisAlohaStep II: Carefull ReadingStep II: Carefull ReadingRead the passage carefully and discuss the following questions.1.What are the ways

9、Hawaiians show their friendship?2.Why do many different people call hawaii their home?3.How do people in Hawaii get on with one another?FRIENDSHIP IN HAWAII Everyculturehasitsownwaystoshowfriendship.OntheislandsofHawaii,friendshipispartofthealohaspirit.InthelanguageoftheHawaiianswhofirstsettledtheis




13、visitorswillremembertheirnewfriendship. Livinginpeace,Hawaiianshavedevelopedathirdsignoffriendship.Thispersonalfriendshipisshownbygivingleistooneanother.Thelei,astringofflowers,isputoverafriendsneck.Thenthefriendisgivenakissonthecheek.Visitorstotheislandsarealsogivenleis.Whentheyhearaloha,visitorsbe

14、gintofeelathome.Alohaalsomeansgoodbye,sovisitorswillhearitThat means Hawaii is a place where many cultures are encouraged to live together peacefully and cooperate with each other.USEFUL STRUCTUREIt is + p.p+ that : It is said that. It is reported that It is considered that It is thought that It is

15、regarded that It is believed that Step III: Step III: PractisingPractisingTranslate the following sentences.1.大家坚信我们一定会成功。大家坚信我们一定会成功。2.据说他是一个诚实的人。据说他是一个诚实的人。3.据报道在那场比赛中中国队大胜美国队。据报道在那场比赛中中国队大胜美国队。It is believed that we are sure to succeed.It is said that he is an honest man.It is reported that Chine

16、se team defeated American team in the match.Listen to the tape and try to follow itPay attention to thepronunciationStep VI: Reading & ThinkingStep VI: Reading & ThinkingHere are some proverbs about friends and friendship. Read them aloud and learn them by heart.1.A friend in need is a friend indeed

17、.2.Friends are like wine; the older, the better.3.A friend to all is a friend to none.4.The friendship that can end was never real.5.Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.Step V: HomeworkStep V: Homework1)Make a list of words and expressions from the text that y

18、ou want to learn or youre still not sure about2) Try to understand the words or expressions (either by using clues, pair work, or group discussion)3) Discover the usage of some key words or expressions 4) PractiseRemember:Remember: 任何一个单词都不是在一节课里学会的任何一个单词都不是在一节课里学会的在单元中增加重点词在单元中增加重点词复现率复现率,不断强化记忆效果,不断强化记忆效果 感兴趣的信息感兴趣的信息+ +相关词汇相关词汇 记得住记得住运用各种练习形式培养词汇学习策略运用各种练习形式培养词汇学习策略Thank you for your attention!Any Questions?Just come to me.结束!结束!



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