5、nSabre倚天屠龙记倚天屠龙记SwordStainedwithRoyalBlood碧血剑碧血剑Blade-danceoftheTwoLovers鸳鸯刀鸳鸯刀TheLegendoftheCondorHeroes(TheCondor-ShootingHeroes)TheReturnoftheCondorHeroes(TheCondor&TheLovers)陈玉莲+刘德华(1983年)李若彤+古天乐(1995年)刘亦菲+黄晓明The semi Gods and semi Devils Denon eight as a Buddhist epic, the great spirit full of
6、compassion. On the martial arts novels this specific form of literature, Denon eight in fact is the traditional understanding of the martial arts novels of Jin Yong can be said to be the new martial arts fiction true peak. The Deer and the Cauldron novel first name meaning: fight for territory in an
7、cient Central China, won the Central Plains, human Dinghuo, I for elk. Novel in Kangxi period in the Qing Dynasty social history as the background, a description of the origin in the bottom of society of juvenile Wei Xiaobaos legendary experiences. The Deer and the Cauldron in the works of Jin Yong,
8、 ranked first. 张无忌赵敏周芷若Whicheditionisyourfavoriteone?Maybetheanswersvaryfrompersontoperson.Buttherearesomethingconsistent.ChinesenationalismisastrongthemeinJinyongswork.HisworksclearlyshowagreatamountofrespectandapprovalfortraditionalChinesevalues,especiallyConfucianidealssuchastheproperrelationshipbetweenempireandsubject,fatherandson,elderbrotherandyoungerbrother.Also,thepursuitfortrueloveisaconstanttopic.Thankyou!