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1、M2U3 Words and Expressions导学案2问题单前置性补偿: 在.的入口 1. discourage的中“阻止”句型类似的有哪些? 翻译句子中的“和某人结婚”的表达?3. apply一词多义的理解及to/for的区别4. 第二题单选题beyond短语的区别(思维定势)Translate the following important phrases1.对感到好奇 _ 2. 在.的入口 _3.与相关联 _ 4.导致,结果是_ 5.打消某人做某事的念头_6.各种各样的_ be curious aboutat the entrance toin connection withres

2、ult indiscourage sb from doinga variety of问题单前置性补偿: 在.的入口 1. discourage的中“阻止”句型类似的有哪些? 翻译句子中的“和某人结婚”的表达?3. apply一词多义的理解及to/for的区别4. 第二题单选题beyond短语的区别(思维定势)Step2:Explanations some words and expressions1. discourage v. 使灰心,使灰心, 劝阻劝阻 discouragement n. 原句回放原句回放Even though some of the gorillas were quite

3、 dangerous, this did not discourage Dian Fossey. 句中discourage 的词性是 _,意思是_ 。常见句型:discourage sb 使某人沮丧, 气馁; discourage sb from doing 阻止,劝阻某人不要做某事 ;be / get discouraged with 因泄气,灰心;be / get discouraged at对灰心 小试牛刀! 他母亲设法不让他和那个女孩结婚。 _vt使 灰心His mother tried to discourage him from marrying that girl.stop/ke

4、ep/prevent sb frommarry sb be married to sb(A marry B to C)问题单前置性补偿: 在.的入口 1. discourage的中“阻止”句型类似的有哪些? 翻译句子中的“和某人结婚”的表达?3. apply一词多义的理解及to/for的区别4. 第二题单选题beyond短语的区别(思维定势)3. apply: vi. 申请申请 vt. 使用,应用;涂,敷使用,应用;涂,敷 原句回放原句回放In 1998, he applied to be a member of Project 921, which is now called Shenzho

5、u. 该句是 _ (句式),句中apply的词性是 _, apply to be a member的句型是_。apply的常有搭配有: apply (to sb) for sth 向(某人)申请某物 apply to do sth 申请做某事 apply to sb / sth 适用于 apply sth to sth 把应用于,把敷在上面 apply oneself to sth/doing sth 致力于,专心于 复合句apply to doVt=be applied to sth/doing sth= be devoted to= be buried in.小试牛刀!1)随着期末考试的临

6、近,所有学生都在专心学习。_2) There were more than 100 people _ 2) There were more than 100 people _ the company _ the position.the company _ the position.(C C级)级)A. applying for; to B. applied for ; to A. applying for; to B. applied for ; to C. applying to; for D. applied to; forC. applying to; for D. applied t

7、o; for拓展application n. an application form 申请表 applicant 申请人 with the final exam approachingapproaching, all students are applying themselves to studyingc问题单前置性补偿: 在.的入口 1. discourage的中“阻止”句型类似的有哪些? 翻译句子中的“和某人结婚”的表达?3. apply一词多义的理解及to/for的区别4. 第二题单选题beyond短语的区别(思维定势)4. be in control ( of something )

8、 掌管,控制(某物)掌管,控制(某物)原句回放原句回放Yang was described by his superiors as hard-working and always in control of himself. 句中describeas的含义是 _, in control of的含义是 _,control 的词性是_小试牛刀!1)她是一个能管住学生的好老师。_2) Why do you suggest we buy a new machine ? Why do you suggest we buy a new machine ? Because the old one has b

9、een damaged Because the old one has been damaged _ ._ . A. beyond reach B. beyond repair A. beyond reach B. beyond repair C. beyond control D. beyond description C. beyond control D. beyond description把 说成,称为控制nshe is a good teacher who can have control of her students.B思维定势 思维定势, 就是人的主体思维上对前面发生事件中的

10、某种过程的延续,多数情况下是一种常规习惯性行为,缺乏具体语境中分析的能力。在英语学习上就体现在对学过的语法、概念、表达、甚至词汇和结构等语言现象的固有认识,这种固有认识是在反复训练中形成的。比如学生在记忆过程中反复朗读cant help doing,把导学案当练习,学什么,选什么,忽视语境。 另外,思维定势不少情况下还发生在思维有较强惰性或依赖性的学生身上。这些学生往往在做题时候只是运用了浅层思维,对题中的语言现象懒得作更细致的分析,借助思维的惯性浅尝辄止,结果出错。 在教学过程中,教师还要加强训练学生在解题时注意审清题意,学会对句子结构进行分析,必要时候找出句子中的主要成分,包括从句等,在一

11、个完整的语境下选择答案。 例如: 1.They have a bridge to have _rebuilt. A.somebody B.it C./ D.that 2.What water _known to us all. A.is B.is is C.is are D.are 这两道题对句子分析和甄别能力较差的学生来说无疑是很困难的。第一题按照思维定势会有have something done这种结构,所以会选B这个选项。其实从整体意思上分析,have的宾语bridge已经出现在前面,若再选择it就出现重复。而第二题更难,因为按照惯性思维很难有is is这种结构。有学生会认为题中wate

12、r是主语,所以应选is,构成water is known to us all这种句型,没有注意到有what water is这个主语从句的存在。 CB Every minute should be made full use of _ (study) English well. The difficulty he had _(solve) the problem was so great that he had to give it up.to studysolving知识网络take / gain control (of ) 得到/取得(对的)控制,掌管, have control of /

13、over 控制,支配 lose control (of ) 失去(对的)控制 get out of control 失去控制, under ( sbs ) control 在(的)控制中 under the control of 在(的)控制中 out of control 不受支配,控制 beyond (ones)control 不受(的)控制2. desire: n. 愿望,欲望,渴望愿望,欲望,渴望 vt. 渴望,期望渴望,期望; 要求要求原句回放原句回放He always had a strong desire to learn how to fly. 句中have a strong

14、desire to do的意思是_,desire的词性是_,常见用法有:have a desire for sth/to do sth 渴望得到某物/做某事,satisfy / meet ones desire满足某人的愿望,at sbs desire应某人的要求。此外desire还可作动词,常见用法有:desire sth想要得到某物,desire to do sth想要做某事,desire sb to do sth想要某人做某事,desire that / It is desirable that从句中用虚拟语气 (should ) do 有做某事的强烈欲望n1)我们都渴望健康和幸福。 _

15、2)We desire that we _ immediately of any change in plans.(C级)A.should inform B. are informed B.C. be informed D. informwe all have a desire for /desire health and happiness.c小试牛刀!5. look up to 尊敬尊敬原句回放原句回放The people of China can be proud of Yang Liwei, and young people all over the world can look up

16、 to him as an example of a man who managed to live his dream. 该句是_(句式),句中manage to live his dream的句型是_ ,含义是_ ,句中look up to的含义是 _。 并列句manage to do设法做成尊敬小试牛刀!1)你是如何把身材保持得这么苗条的? _2)What advice would you give to the young people who _ you and who want to be like you ? A. look up to B. look forward to C.

17、 look down upon D. look out for知识网络 look up 查阅;look into 调查;look around 环视四下察看;游览,参观;look out (for) 小心,当心;look through 浏览,快速查看;看穿;look over 查看,检查;look back(on) 回顾;look forward to 期望,期盼;look on旁观;look on/uponas把看做;look down on / upon 轻视,瞧不起 How did you manage to keep such a slim figure?AI. 根据要求将下列句子翻译成英文根据要求将下列句子翻译成英文1. 我的父母想要我去申请那所大学的奖学金(scholarship)。 (desire, apply for) 2. 目前的形势已经失控。(control) 3. 糟糕的天气使得他们没能去登山(discourage)My parents desired me to apply for the scholarship of that university.The present situation is out of control.The bad weather discouraged me from going climbing.DACB形成性检测



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