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1、外研版英外研版英语Bo2_Module3_Music_Reading_阅读Pre-reading (5minutes)1._ n.听众 2._ music 古典音乐3._ n.作曲家Vt.作曲_ 4._ n.爵士乐 5._ n. 音乐家 n. _ 6._n.宫廷 7._n.指挥V.指挥,导演_8._n.天才9._Vt.失去;丢失n.丢失_10._adj.音乐的 11._n.天赋adj.有天赋的12._n.奥地利adj.奥地利的_13._n.王子;亲王14._ n.指挥V.指挥_ 15._ vt.巡回演出 16.农民_/_17._交响乐 18._青少年19.be impressed _ 留下深刻


3、响曲,首交响曲,6868首弦乐四重首弦乐四重奏,奏,6262首钢琴奏鸣曲,和首钢琴奏鸣曲,和4545首首钢琴三重奏,钢琴三重奏,1414部弥撒,部弥撒,2424出出歌剧,以及两部神剧等作品。歌剧,以及两部神剧等作品。海顿海顿家境贫困家境贫困,但父母都酷爱音乐。小海顿自,但父母都酷爱音乐。小海顿自幼就在家庭中接受音乐教育,幼就在家庭中接受音乐教育,6 6岁时成为海茵堡教会岁时成为海茵堡教会合唱团的歌童,并开始学习钢琴和小提琴。可是直到合唱团的歌童,并开始学习钢琴和小提琴。可是直到2929岁才被艾斯德哈济亲王聘为乐长。后来,海顿两次岁才被艾斯德哈济亲王聘为乐长。后来,海顿两次去英国伦敦旅行,演出了

4、他专门创作的十二首交响乐去英国伦敦旅行,演出了他专门创作的十二首交响乐( (后人称它后人称它伦敦交响乐伦敦交响乐) ),获得牛津大学音乐博士,获得牛津大学音乐博士称号,从此名震全欧洲。称号,从此名震全欧洲。 莫扎特莫扎特(1756-1791)(1756-1791)是一位杰出的奥是一位杰出的奥地利作曲家地利作曲家, ,出生于萨尔兹堡一个出生于萨尔兹堡一个宫廷乐师家里宫廷乐师家里。他从少年时代就展现出杰出的音乐他从少年时代就展现出杰出的音乐才能。他创作的最重要领域是歌剧,才能。他创作的最重要领域是歌剧,共共2222部,另一重要创作部分是交响乐,部,另一重要创作部分是交响乐,共共4545部。部。他的

5、音乐创作既继承和发展了海顿等前辈的成果,他的音乐创作既继承和发展了海顿等前辈的成果,又对后来的贝多芬等人的创作产生了重要影响。又对后来的贝多芬等人的创作产生了重要影响。可以这么说,莫扎特是为音乐而生的,从他出生可以这么说,莫扎特是为音乐而生的,从他出生的那一刻开始,他就和音乐熔为一体了。的那一刻开始,他就和音乐熔为一体了。可怜就是这样一位天才,在他正当壮年的时候却可怜就是这样一位天才,在他正当壮年的时候却因为感染风寒而去世了,死时年仅因为感染风寒而去世了,死时年仅3535岁。在他生命的岁。在他生命的最后一天(最后一天(17911791年年1212月月9 9日),他仍在创作,可惜天日),他仍在创

6、作,可惜天妒英才,莫扎特留下了他那未完成的妒英才,莫扎特留下了他那未完成的安魂曲安魂曲,而,而撒手人寰,成为了音乐史上最大的遗憾之一。撒手人寰,成为了音乐史上最大的遗憾之一。贝多芬贝多芬(1770177018271827) 德国著德国著名作曲家,其父为德国宫廷歌手,名作曲家,其父为德国宫廷歌手,他从小随父亲接受了严格的音乐训他从小随父亲接受了严格的音乐训练,学会了弹琴与作曲。他的作品,练,学会了弹琴与作曲。他的作品,在欧洲在欧洲音乐史上起到了继往音乐史上起到了继往开来的作用,对近代西洋音乐的发展产生了开来的作用,对近代西洋音乐的发展产生了深远影响。深远影响。自自2828岁起,岁起,贝多芬听力逐

7、贝多芬听力逐渐减退,至渐减退,至5050岁时双耳完全失聪,岁时双耳完全失聪,但他却一直隐忍着这种致命的打击,但他却一直隐忍着这种致命的打击,坚持指挥、作曲,与命运进行坚持指挥、作曲,与命运进行了不屈的抗争。了不屈的抗争。贝多芬的主要作品有交响乐九贝多芬的主要作品有交响乐九部,都是享有盛名部,都是享有盛名的交响乐作品。除此而外,他的交响乐作品。除此而外,他还有还有悲怆悲怆等等3232部奏鸣曲,部奏鸣曲,5 5部钢琴协奏曲,部钢琴协奏曲,一部小提琴协奏曲,一部小提琴协奏曲,6 6部弦乐四重奏曲及部弦乐四重奏曲及庄严的弥撒曲庄严的弥撒曲等众多作品。等众多作品。Listen to the passag

8、e and choose the best Title.A. Three Great Austrian ComposersB. Three Great Composers of the Eighteenth CenturyC. Three Great Child ComposersWhile-ReadingFast reading Read the text quickly and finish exercise1 page63 from learning book.1.How did Haydn change the form of symphonies?Fast reading (I)2.

9、 How long did he work in eastern Austria?He made them longer andfor a larger orchestra.He worked in eastern Austria for 30 years.Read the first two paragraphsFast reading (II)1.How many pieces of music did Mozart compose? 2. How old was he when he played for the Empress of Austria?3. How long were M

10、ozart and Haydn friends?He composed over 600 pieces of music.He was six years old.They were friends for ten years.Read paragraphs 3,4,5Fast reading (III)1.Who taught Beethoven how to play the piano?2. Did he stop composing when he became deaf?His father taught him.No, he continued composing when heb

11、ecame deaf.Read the last three paragraphsJoseph Haydn, an Austrian _, was born in a village and is _ the father of the symphony. He _ the symphony into a long piece for a large orchestra. After_ music in Vienna, he went to work at the _ of a prince in eastern Austria. Thirty years _, he moved to Lon

12、don, _ he was very successful. composerknown aschangedstudyingcourtlaterwherePost- ReadingAnother Austrian composer, Mozart, was born in Salzburg. _ he only lived 35 years, he composed _ 600 pieces of music, Mozart had musical _ from a very early age. _ he was 14, he had composed many pieces for the

13、 harpsichord, piano and violin, _ for orchestras. In 1781 Haydn met Mozart and was very _ with him. They were friends _ Mozarts death. Thoughmore thantalentBy the timeas well asimpresseduntilBeethoven was born in Bonn, Germany. When he was very young, he learned to play the violin and the piano _ hi

14、s father. In 1791, Beethoven met Haydn, who _ Beethoven to move to Vienna. Beethoven became very _ in Austria, and stayed there for the _ of his life. Even after he became _ deaf, he _ composing.encouragedpopularrestcompletelycontinuedfrom Read and find the following phrases. 作为而出名_ 交响乐之父_ 把变成_搬家_出生

15、于_有音乐天赋_ 有史以来 _ 成为音乐指挥_be known asthe father of the symphonychangeintomove to some placebe born in have a talent for musicof all timebecome director of musicMaster the key language points 1. After studying music in Vienna, Haydn went to work at the court of a prince in eastern Austria, where he beca

16、me director of music.总结 after studying music in Vienna 是一个_ 短语,用作_状语。可改成after he had studied music in Vienna 介词介词时间时间跟踪练习1.毕业后, 她去了纽约。 _, she went to New York.2.离开前,他们为我们进行了表演。 _, they gave us an performance.After graduatingBefore leaving2. Having worked there for 30 years , Haydn moved to London, w

17、here he was very successful.Having worked there for 30 years 是现在分词的完成式,在句子中充当_状语。现在分词的完成式表示的动作发生在主句谓语动词表示的动作_(之前 之后),现在分词的完成式表示的动作having worked 和Haydn是_(主动 被动)关系。其否定形式在_前加not.时间时间之前之前主动主动having选出所给例句的同义句.A. After he had worked there for 30 years, Haydn moved to London, where he was very successful.B

18、. Before he had worked there for 30 years, Haydn moved to London, where he was very successful.A跟踪练习1.做完作业后,男孩跑出去玩耍。 _, the boys rushed out to play.2.连续工作5小时后,他们感到非常疲惫。 _ for five hours without a break, they felt very tired.After finishing homeworkHaving workedExercise in class 当堂练习 1. The old man,

19、_abroad for twenty years, is on the way back to his motherland.A. to work B. working C. to have worked D. having worked 2. _the programme, they have to stay there for another two weeks.A. Not completed B. Not completing C. Not having completed D. Having not completed DC1. 他从很小时候就会弹钢琴。 He can play th

20、e piano _.2. 在维也纳学习完音乐后,海顿去东奥地利宫廷工作。_ in Vienna, Haydn went to work at the court of a prince in eastern Austria.3. 在青岛住了十年后,他们习惯了那里的生活。_ in Qingdao for ten years, they were used to the life there.4.大厅被变成了会议室。The hall _ a meeting room.5.他有音乐天赋。 He _ music.from a very early ageAfter studying musicAfte

21、r living was changed intohas a talent forReading - 2Studying aims学习目标 1. To read the passage fluently, and have a general comprehension of the passage.2. To master the key phrases in this part. 掌握本文的重点短语。3. To master some key language points in this part. 学会运用知识点。 Read and find the following phrases

22、.到.时候 _ 对.印象深刻_ 展示音乐才华_向某人学习做某事_ 教某人某事_鼓励某人做某事 _余生_ 变聋 _by the timebe impressed byshow musical talentlearn to do from sbteach sb sthencourage sb to do sththe rest life of ones lifego deaf Step3. Master the key language points1. By the time he was 14, Mozart had composed many pieces for the harpsicho

23、rd, piano and violin, as well as for orchestras.By the time you slept, we had finished all the exercises.By the time he comes, I will have finished my painting.总结:总结:by the time 引导的是_状语从句。当从句用_时,主句用_时。当从句用_时,主句用_。时间时间一般过去时一般过去时过去完成时过去完成时一般现在时一般现在时将来时将来时/将来完成时将来完成时跟踪训练用动词适当形式填空1.By the time you recei

24、ve this letter, I _this city. (leave)2.By the time he arrives, all the work _.(finish)3.By the time you _ home, the building had been finished. (come)will have leftwill have been finishedcame2.However, it was Haydn who encouraged Beethoven to move to Vienna. 就是就是HaydnHaydn鼓励贝多芬搬到维也纳去的。鼓励贝多芬搬到维也纳去的。

25、I left my pen in the classroom.It was in the classroom that I left my pen.It was my pen that I left in the classroom.总结总结:强调句结构 It _ +强调部分+ _ + 句子剩余部分。iswasthat跟踪练习1.It was after he got what he had desired _ he realized it was not so important.A. that B. when C. since D. as 2.It was not until midnig

26、ht_ they reached the camp site.A. that B. when C. while D. as AA Exercises in class 1.他和他的兄弟们都要来看你。He_ his brothers _ coming to see you.2.和他谈话没用,他聋了。Its no use talking to him. He _.3.我对这位老人的话印象深刻,现在我仍然清楚地记住他的话。I _ the old mans words and I still remember them quite clearly now.as well asiswent deafam

27、 impressed bywith4. 人们过去像鸟学习飞翔。People used to _ birds.5.他用余生来教孩子们弹钢琴。He used _ his life to _.learn to fly fromthe rest of his lifeteach children the pianoGrammarGrammarI. 时间状语从句II. 过去完成时时间状语从句when, while, as, before, after, until/till, since(自从), ever since(从那时起), whenever(无论何时), as soon as, no soon

28、er than(一.就.), hardly / scarcely when(刚就.) 等1). 常见的连接时间状语从句的连接词有:2). 时间状语从句可以转换成分词 短语。如: Boys need to develop their bodies fully before they attempt such difficult exercise. Boys need to develop their bodies fully before attempting such difficult exercise.After he worked there for 30years, Haydn mov

29、ed to London. Note: 时间状语从句转换成分词短语时, 时间状语从句的主语和主句主语必须一致才可以。 Having worked there for 30 years, Haydn moved to London. 过去完成时1.过去完成时的构成:2. “助动词had+过去分词” The public wondered why the president hadnt attended the top conference.2. 过去完成时的用法:1). 过去完成时主要用来表明在过去某个时间或动作之前已经发生的动作, 它表示时间是“过去的过去”。如:The patient had

30、 died when the doctor arrived. He had pressed the button before we could stop him.When I had finished my everyday work, I did some gardening. 2). 如果发生的动作很短暂, 或两个动作紧接着发生, 则常用一般过去时代替过去完成时。尤其是在含有before, after, as soon as的复合句中, 因为它们本身的词义就可以表示出先后顺序。如:Just before I left New York, I sent an e-mail to Mr Wh

31、ite, my teacher in the university.3). 过去完成时还可以表示未能实现的希望、愿望等, 常用的动词有except, hope, mean, suppose, think 等。如:I had hoped to send him a telegram to congratulate him on his marriage, but didnt manage it. Mother had expected me to come to her birthday party, but I really had a lot of important work to do.

32、When he got home from work, he was very tired. He opened the door, turned on the light, washed his face and went to bed without taking off his clothes.Note: 1.当动作紧接着发生, 次序明显时, 只需 用一般过去时。 2.与某个时间段或时间点连用时, 一般过去时表示动作在这个时间发生, 而过去完成时表示动作在这个时间之前就已经完成。如:He learned Russian during his stay in Russia. He had

33、already learned Russian during his stay in Russia.3. 在间接引语中,与过去完成时连用的时间状语从句常用一般过去时代替过去完成时。如: He told me somebody had phoned when I was out.John said the film had been on five minutes when he got to the cinema.语法练习汉译英:1.我把刚买的书丢了。2. I lost the book I had just bought.3.2. 我到达汽车站的时候, 车已经开走了。 The bus had

34、 gone when I arrived at the bus stop.3. Tom本来想去拜访他的奶奶, 但是天气不好使他改变了主义。 Tom had thought of visiting his grandmother, but the bad weather made him change his mind.4. -Jack昨天为什么没去参加会议? -他去北京了。 - Why didnt Jack attend the meeting yesterday? - He has gone to Beijing.5. 最后Mary被北京大学录取了, 为此她尝试了五次。 Finally Ma

35、ry was admitted by Beijing University, for which she had tried five times.Reading skills:1. Title: 前or后,少数看全文2. Questions:抓住问题紧扣文段(小标题文段) 3. 编年体文段:时间与事实相对应(数字) Summary The passage mainly talks about three great composers of the eighteenth century. This lesson weve learnt the meaning of some new words and some reading skills.HomeworkWrite a short passage on what you think makes a successful musician.How to Be a Successful Musician?谢谢!



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