高中英语 Unit 5 Music Period 3 Grammar同步课件 新人教版必修2

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1、配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 Period 3Grammar 配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 一、“介词关系代词”引导定语从句是我们学习定语从句的重点,也是高考的常考点。观察下面句子:1Have you ever dreamed of playing in front of thousands of people at a concert at which everyone is clapping and appreciating your music?“介词关系代词”引导的定语从句配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 2Later they may give performances

2、 in pubs or clubs,for which they are paid in cash.3However,after a year or so in which they became more serious about their work.4They may start as a group of highschool students,for whom practising their music in someones house is the first step to fame.由以上句子可看出,英语中“介词关系代词”能够引导限制性和非限制性定语从句。配人教版英语必修

3、配人教版英语必修2 二、使用这种结构时,我们应注意的问题1关系代词的选用在介词后作宾语的关系代词一般只用which和whom。如先行词是物,引导词用which;如先行词是人,引导词则用whom。而that/who/as不作介词宾语。The person to whom I spoke just now is the manager that I told you about.刚才和我说话的那个人就是我跟你说过的那位经理。This is the room in which we lived last year.这就是我们去年住过的房间。配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 2介词的位置介词一般放在

4、关系代词which和whom之前,但也可以放在原来的位置上。This is the man from whom I learned the news.This is the man(that/who/whom)I learned the news from.这就是我得到这个消息的那个人。配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 3介词的选择(1)当“介词关系代词”在定语从句中充当时间、地点、原因状语时,可分别用when,where,why替换。Ill never forget the day on which(when)I joined the army.我永远忘不了我参军的那一天。The fact

5、ory in which(where)his father works is far away from my hometown.他父亲工作的那家工厂离我的家乡很远。I dont know the reason for which(why)he was late for school.我不知道他为何上学迟到。配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 (2)但若此介词与动词为固定词组,则此介词一般不前置。I dont know the old man who my sister is taking care of.我不认识姐姐在照顾的那位老人。(3)表示所属关系时,介词应用of,关系代词为which/

6、 whom,即n.ofwhich/whom,可转换为whosen.。配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 He lives in a room,the window of which faces west.He lives in a room,whose window faces west.他住在一个房间里,房间的窗子向西开着。The child was saved by a man,the name of whom was not known.The child was saved by a man,whose name was not known.这个孩子被一位不知姓名的男子所救。配人教版英

7、语必修配人教版英语必修2 (4)表示“整体中的一部分”或“中最的”,介词一般也用of。The Greens have two daughters,both of whom are college students.格林夫妇有两个女儿,她们都是大学生。China has many rivers,the longest of which is the Yangtze River.中国有众多河流,最长的是长江。配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 .把下列两个句子合并成一个含有由“介词which/whom”引导的定语从句的句子。1My father works with the man.He is v

8、ery kind.The man _ _ my father works is very kind.2Yesterday we went to visit a house.A great scientist used to live there.Yesterday we went to visit the house _ _ a great scientist used to live.配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 3You are late.Could you tell me the reason?Could you tell me the reason _ _ you are lat

9、e?4China is a beautiful country.Its population is around 1.3 billion.China,_ _ _ _ is around 1.3 billion,is a beautiful country.配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 【答案】1with whom2.in which3.for which4the population of which配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 .指出并改正下列句子中的错误。1This is the bookstore from whom I just bought some books._2At

10、 Christmas, the teacher received many cards,one for which was from Annie._3I still remember the day in which I won the medal. _配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 4He is the man from whom I lent a lot of money.He promised to give it back this month._5I lost a book,the name which I cant remember right now. _【答案】1whom改

11、为which2.for改为of3.in改为on4from改为to5.which前加of 配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 .完成句子1This book,_ you can get at any bookshop,will give you all the information you need.2_ I expected,he didnt believe me.3I had told them the reason,_I didnt attend the meeting.4I dont like the way _you speak.5Its about a time _ there w

12、ere black slaves in North America.配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 6That was in 1929,_ things have been better.7The family _house we stayed are friends of my fathers.8China has many islands,_ the largest is Taiwan.9There are many excellent old teachers in our school,the oldest _is our English teacher.10The girl _

13、you are waiting is coming.配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 【答案】1which2.As3.for which4.in which5.when6since when7.in whose8.of which9.of whom10for whom配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 .句型转换1This was at a time when there were no radios,no telephones or no TV sets.This was at a time _ _ there were no radios,no telephones or no TV s

14、ets.2The way he explained the sentence to us was not difficult to understand.It was _ _ _ _ the way _ he explained the sentence to us.配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 3He is one of the students passing the exam.He is one of the students_ _ _the exam.4It is the only one of those films expected to be the biggest mon

15、eymaker.It is the only one of those films _ _ _ to be the biggest moneymaker.5Do you know the reason why he is absent?Do you know the reason _ _ he is absent?配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 6David is tall,and so are his brothers.David is tall,_ _ his brothers.7The poor man has no house to live in.The poor man has

16、 no house _ _ to live.8The beggar has no money to buy food with.The beggar has no money _ _ _ _ buy food.配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 【答案】1during which2.not difficult to understand;that3.who have passed4.that is expected5for which6.as are7.in which8.with which he can配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 .汉译英1我们能看见屋顶的那座楼是一所学校。_2我永

17、远不会忘记我们搬进新居的那一天。_3我不同意你的几点看法。_4这是我们大学盖的最大的实验室。_配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 5我要谈论一下我所访问的国家和人民。_6他数学考试不及格,这使他的父亲很生气。_7这是我们多次讨论的一个问题。_8这种液体叫做水,没有它我们就无法生存。_配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 【答案】1The building whose roof we can see is a school.2I shall never forget the day when we moved into our new house.3There are a few points w

18、here I disagree with you.4This is the biggest laboratory that we have ever built in our university.配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 5Im going to talk about the countries and people that I have visited.6He had failed in the maths exam,which made his father very angry.7This is a problem about which we have talked a

19、lot.8This liquid is called water,without which we could not live.配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 计划与愿望【课标解读】计划与愿望包括的内容非常广泛,如:对学习、工作、班级活动、校级活动、团队活动、假期、节日、生日晚会、旅游、做义工等社会活动的具体计划,还包括人生计划、奋斗目标或理想等长远打算。以及表达某种愿望或期待,如理想的大学、理想的专业、理想的大学生活、理想的工作,等等。配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 【必备词句】(1)feel like doing想要做(2)be prepared to do准备做(3)decid

20、e/be determined to决定(4)mean/plan/intend to do计划做(5)look forward to doing盼望做(6)have a desire to do希望做(7)long/hope/wish/want to do渴望/希望/想做(8)He planned to go abroad for further studies.他计划出国学习深造。配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 (9)So I am determined to meet the challenge.因此,我准备迎接挑战。(10)Therell be a football game in

21、our school this week.本周我们学校有一场足球比赛。(11)Think twice before you do.三思而后行。(12)Great hopes make great man.伟大的抱负造就伟大的人。(13)Hope for the best,but prepare for the worst.抱最好的愿望,做最坏的打算。配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 【基础写作】某海外学校举办英语夏令营,开设了如下课程:园艺(gardening),烹饪(cooking),防身术(selfdefence),护理(nursing)。【写作内容】假如你是王跃华,写一封申请信,报名参加其中一门课程的学习。主要内容包括:(1)你感兴趣的课程;(2)你期望从这门课程中学到什么;(3)为什么想学这些内容。配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2 配人教版英语必修配人教版英语必修2



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