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1、background 奥林匹克运动会是由国际奥林匹克委员会举办的多项目的世界性运动会,每四年举行一次。因起源于古希腊奥林匹亚而得名。古代奥运会从公元前776年到公元394年,共历经293届,后被罗马皇帝以邪教活动罪名而废止。1894年在巴黎召开的国际体育会议,根据法国贵族顾拜旦的倡议成立了国际奥委会,并决定恢复奥运会。现代第一届奥运会于1896年在希腊雅典举行,此后在世界各地轮流举行。由于1924年开始设立了冬季奥林匹克运动会,因此奥林匹克运动会习惯上又称为“夏季奥林匹克运动会”。奥林匹克运动会现在已经成为了和平与友谊的象征。根据国际奥委会章程规定,国际奥委会根据申请举办的城市的组织能力和财力

2、,决定授予某申请城市举办下一届奥运会的权利。What are the important elements(元素) of Olympic Games?Olympic torchOlympic flameThe fire represents life and passion.圣火象征着发源于古希腊圣火象征着发源于古希腊的文明之光,它照耀着人的文明之光,它照耀着人类前进的道路,激励着人类前进的道路,激励着人类追求光明、追求理想,类追求光明、追求理想,朝着崇高的目标不断进取。朝着崇高的目标不断进取。Olympic medalsgoldsilverbronzeAsiaAsiaEuropeEurope

3、AfricaAfricaAmericaAmericaOceaniaOceaniaThefiveringsstandforfriendshipoffivecontinents.Olympic mascotOlympic Mascot奥运吉祥物ItisaspecialkindofanimalthatrepresentsthecountrywhichhosttheOlympicGames.历届奥运吉祥物多为历届奥运吉祥物多为举办国民族文化中举办国民族文化中拟拟人化的动物人化的动物,使奥运,使奥运会更加诙谐而富有人会更加诙谐而富有人情味。情味。吉祥物吉祥物始于始于19721972年第年第2020届奥运

4、会。当时的届奥运会。当时的吉祥物是一只吉祥物是一只小猎狗小猎狗。Olympic stadiumNest National StadiumOlympic emblem会徽会徽Olympic motto 口号口号The Olympic theme song 1. This is a very fast game. Each of the two teams has five players ,and thegame is played for four periods (场次场次) of twelve minutes each. The players tryto put the ball int

5、o a basket. It is useful if you are very tall. 2. This game must be played in water by several players. One who first reaches the finishing line is the winner.swimming3. The game is played by two teams of six players each. Each team can hit the ball up to three times, but not more than three times.

6、Then the ball must land on the other side of the net (网网). It is useful if you have tall players in your team. volleyball4. Several athletes take turns to fire at something with a gun.shootingSummer Olympic GamesWinter Olympic GamesTwo Kinds of Olympic Games: How many events are there for the Summer

7、 and Winter Olympics? Can you list some of them?WhateventsaretherefortheSummerOlympics?footballbaseballTable tennisswimmingWrestlingdivingIce ballskiingskatingfigure skating花样滑冰花样滑冰WhateventsaretherefortheWinterOlympics?(P9)1.WheredidtheancientOlympicGamesstart?Olympia(greece)2.Howmanycountriescompe

8、tedintheancientOlympicGames?One (Greece)3.WhocouldnottakepartintheancientOlympicGames?Slaves and women4.WhowasChinasfirstgoldmedalwinnerandforwhatevent?Xu Haifengfor shooting5.WhatarethethreewordsthatshowthespiritoftheOlympicGames?Swifter, Higher, stronger6.HowoftenaretheOlympicGamesheld?Every four


10、squestion DoyouknowanydifferencesbetweentheancientandmodernOlympicGames?Listtwoofthem.1.At first, Pausania thinks people may be competing for money in the modern Olympic Games. ( ) 2.Pausania is surprised to know that women are to take part in the modern Olympic Games. ( )3.Horse riding events belon

11、g to the Winter Olympics. ( )TFTrueorfalseT4. We feel proud because we have finally got the chance to hold the Olympic Games. ( ) 5.Ancient Greek cities competed against each other for money. ( ) 6.2012 Olympics will be held in London. ( ) TTFHomework Read the text again and try to find more informa

12、tion about Olympic Games,and do the EX.1 on page 11 For the Ancient Greeks, the olive tree was asymbol of peace, wisdom and victory.An olive wreath was made, and used to crownthe Ancient Olympic champions.Olive wreathmedalsilvermedalbronzemedalgoldmedal(champion)TheOlympicmottoWhatistheOlympicmotto?

13、SwifterHigherStrongerEveryathleteshouldtrytorunfaster,jumphigher,andthrowfurther.Theydotheirbesttowinmedals.What is the meaning?Swifter, higher, strongerAthens, GreeceBeijing, ChinaAthens, GreeceSummer Winter Sydney, AustraliaSets/KindsMotto(格言格言,口号口号)HostcityofthefirstOlympicsHostcityof2000Olympics

14、Hostcityof2004OlympicHostcityof2008OlympicsWhen will the next Olympic Games be held?Where will the next Olympic Games be held?It will be held in 2008.It will be held in Beijing.China will host the Olympic Games in 2008.Beijing will be the host city.WhatdoPausaniasandLilypossiblytalkabout?1.Whatdothe

15、ymainlytalkabout?2.2.Whatdoeshesaywhenhehearsthatwomen3.arealsoallowedtojoinin?4.5.3.HowdoesPausaniasfeelwhenhehearsthe6.OlympicGamesarealsoaboutbeingable7.torunfaster,jumphigherandthrowfurther?8.A.SurprisedB.HappyC.SadScanningReading-I-scanning (2m)1.Whatdotheymainlytalkabout?2.Whatdoeshesaywhenheh


17、owfurther?A.SurprisedB.HappyC.SadD.AstonishedScanningSameDifferentAncient ModernEvents in the Winter OlympicsEvents in the Summer OlympicsWhere are the Summer Olympics held?nothingnothingrunning, pentathlon, wrestlingAthenspancratium, chariot raceOnly held in Modern Olympicsmany more eventsdifferent

18、 cities Comprehending(p11)SameDifferentAncient ModernWho can take part in the Olympics?Who can not take part in the Olympics?PrizesBeliefsMen and boyswomen, disables and mentally impairednothingnothingOlympic mottothose who can not reach the standardwomen, all people outside Greeceolive wreathsmedal

19、s of gold, silver, bronzefor the honour of the Godsfor the honour of the people and the countryRead the text again and answer the following five questions.(p11)1.What upset Pausanias about the modern Winter Olympic Games?2.What amazes Pausanias about the modern Summer Olympic Games?3.Why does Pausan

20、ias think Ahens, Greece and Bejing, China should feel proud?4.Why does Pausanias think People may be competing for money in the modern Olympic Games?5.What makes Pausanias happy about the modern Olympic Games?1.What upset Pausanias about the modern Winter Olympic Games?2.What amazes Pausanias about

21、the modern Summer Olympic Games?3. Pausanias was upset because he finds that so many things in the ancient Olympic Games have been changed in the modern Games.Pausanias is amazed that so many countries take part in the modern Olympic Games and that women can also compete.3. Why does Pausanias think

22、Ahens, Greece and Bejing, China should feel proud?4. Why does Pausanias think People may be competing for money in the modern Olympic Games?Pausanias thinks that Athens, Greece and Beijing China should both feel proud as they can host the Olympic Games which is a great honour.Pausanias thinks people

23、 may be competing for money in the modern Olympic Games because he feels so much has changed since his original ancient Olympic Games.5. What makes Pausanias happy about the modern Olympic Games?Pausanias is happy that the ideals of running faster, jumping higher and throwing further are still prese

24、nt in the modern Olympic Games.What can we do to prepare for the 2008 What can we do to prepare for the 2008 Olympic Games as a ?Olympic Games as a ?New Beijing Great OlympicsNew Beijing Great OlympicsDiscussion (5m)We should study hard to learn more knowledgelearn English well to communicate with t

25、he foreignersdo the propaganda(宣传)宣传) workcollect money for the Olympic Gamesdo the service work promote physical culture and build up our health vhttp:/www.olympic.orgvhttp:/www.specialolympics.orgvhttp:/www.beijing-2008.orgvhttp:/www.athens.olmpics.orgHotlinkstoWebsitesRelatedtotheOlympicsontheInt


27、wenttovisitagirlintheyear2004Speaking (5m)LanguagepointsforReadingILanguagepointsforReadingIILanguage points for warming up & pre-reading:petevi.比赛,竞争,竞赛比赛,竞争,竞赛competein在某方面竞争在某方面竞争competefor为为而竞争而竞争competewith/against与与竞争竞争eg:Hpetitionn竞赛竞赛competitorn参赛者参赛者competitiveadj竞赛的竞赛的2.take part in, join,

28、 join in, attend的区别的区别takepartin指指参参加加某某种种活活动动,如如体体育育、比比赛赛、游戏、讨论、战斗等,游戏、讨论、战斗等,并积极地起着作用。并积极地起着作用。join指指参参加加某某组组织织并并成成为为一一员员。joinin指指参参加加活活动或游戏动或游戏,和,和takepartin相当。相当。但但joinsb.in(和和某某人人一一起起做做某某事事),不不等等于于takepartin。attend表示表示参加会议(聚会)等参加会议(聚会)等。eg:Wealltookpartin(joinedin)thesportsmeeting.3.hostvt.主办,举

29、办主办,举办n.(待客的)主人待客的)主人eg:WhendoyouthinkChinawillhosttheWorldCup?Shewasaway,sohersonactedashost.英语中有许多词汇既可作动词,也可作英语中有许多词汇既可作动词,也可作名词:名词:help,shop,talk等。等。Pausanias, who was a Greek writer 2,000 years ago, has come on a magical journey to find out about the present day Olympic Games. (P9) Pausanias是200

30、0前的一位希腊作家,他做了一次魔幻的旅行,来打听当代奥林匹克运动会的情况。 go/start/ come/ be on a journey 进行旅行 My father is away on a journey. find out about 弄清有关的情况 The police are trying hard to find out about the accident.4.Onajourney在进行旅行在进行旅行onbusiness在出差在出差翻译:翻译:Hisfatherisawayonajourney/onbusiness.辨析辨析:journey较长时间或教长距离的旅行,较长时间或教


32、iew电视采访电视采访 I lived in what you call “Ancient Greece” and I used to write about the Olympic Games more than 2,000 years ago. (P9) 我生活在你们所说的“古希腊”,我曾经写过年前奥林匹克运动会的情况。what 引起宾语从句,并在从句中作call的宾语,“Ancient Greece”作宾补。what相当于the place that,因此what不能改为that,也不能改为where,因为where 只能作状语。After a long journey, they ca

33、me to what was called “Gebi Desert”.After many days voyage, they arrived in what is called America now.6.usedtodosth.beusedtodoingsth.beusedtodosth.Heisnotusedtogettingupearly.Woodcanbeusedtomakepaper.Sheusedtoliveinthatcity.过去经常做某事(现在不做了)过去经常做某事(现在不做了)/表示过去的状表示过去的状态态 习惯做某事习惯做某事被被用来做某事用来做某事他不习惯早起他不习

34、惯早起木头可用于造纸。木头可用于造纸。她以前住在那座城市里。她以前住在那座城市里。Every four years athletes from all over the world are admitted as competitor.every adj 与与数数词词连连用用,“每每(隔隔).”,具具体体用用法法Every+基数词基数词+复数名词(或复数名词(或+序数词序数词+单数名词)单数名词)每两年(每隔一年):每两年(每隔一年):every two years/every second year每四年(每隔三年):每四年(每隔三年):every four years/every four

35、th year表示表示“每隔一每隔一”还可用还可用every other+单数名词,单数名词,如:如:every other day“每每隔隔几几.”用用every few+复复数数名名词词,如如every few metres, 每隔几米每隔几米7.Every+基数词基数词+时间名词复数:时间名词复数:“每每”=every+序数词序数词+时间名词单数:时间名词单数:“每每”e.g.everythreedays=everythirdday每三天每三天everyfouryears=everyfourthyear每四年每四年#everyother+单数名词单数名词=everytwo+复数名词复数名

36、词:“每两每两”e.g.everyotherday=everytwodays=everysecondday每隔一天,每两天每隔一天,每两天8.admit vi. & vt.允允许许(加加入入某某组组织织或或参参加加某某个个活活动动);许许可可进进入入,录录取取,承承认认,容容纳纳.常常用被动用被动,后接名词、动名词、从句或复合结构后接名词、动名词、从句或复合结构beadmittedto(介词介词)获准做某事获准做某事eg:Hewasadmittedtotheclubafterhistenthtry.beadmittedas作为作为被接受被接受eg:Hewasadmittedasamembero


38、贺honoursb.with/by用用给某人荣誉光荣给某人荣誉光荣Showhonourtosb.对某人表示敬意对某人表示敬意翻译:翻译:Wouldyouhonourusbyvisitingus/withavisit?No other country could join in, nor could slaves or women. 其他国家都不能参加,奴隶和妇女也不行。10.nor 用作连词,引起倒装句,意为“也不” He never went again, nor did he write to apologize. I dont know, nor do I care. I have ne

39、ver been dishonest, nor do I mean to start being so now.Women are not only allowed tojoin in but (also) play a veryimportantroleespeciallyinallow可以组成几种短语:可以组成几种短语:1)allowsb.sth.允许某人某事;允许某人某事;2)sb.in(out)允许进入(出去)允许进入(出去);3)allowsb.todosth.允允许许某某人人做做某某事事(不不能能说说allowtodo)doingsth.允许干某事。允许干某事。与此类似的动词短语还

40、有与此类似的动词短语还有:advise sb. to do, advise doing sth. /permit(许许 可可 “法法 令令 , 规规 章章 等等 ”) sb. to do,/permitdoingsth.forbid禁止禁止11.allow vt. 允许allow + n./pron. 允许allow + n. + to do 允许干allow + doing 允许干allow + n. / prep. phr. / adv. 允许 The law doesnt allow such an action.My parents wont allow me to stay out

41、late.The police dont allow parking in the street.The servant wouldnt allow him into the house.The doctor allows her up for two hours each day. Where will all the competitors be staying? 12. will be staying 是将来进行时态,表示将来某一时刻或某一段时间里正在进行的动作,也可表示预料将要发生的动作。 What will you be doing this time tomorrow aftern

42、oon? I wont be free this morning. Ill be seeing a friend off. Ill be telling you about it when we meet again.Notonlybut(also)可可连连接接各各种种成成分分,连连接接句句子子时时,notonly引起的部分需要倒装。引起的部分需要倒装。如如 : Not only do the nurses want a payincrease,butalsotheywanttoreduce(减减少少)hours.13.aswellas并列连词并列连词1.既既又又;也也;又又。可可连连接接两两

43、个个并并列列成成分分,强强调调其其前前面面的的内内容容,因因此此连连接接并并列列主主语语时时,谓谓语语应应与与前前面面的的主主语语保持人称和数的一致保持人称和数的一致eg:IaswellasmysistersamgoingtotheparkforapicnicthisSunday.2.还还 可可 作作 “不不 但但 而而 且且 ”解解 , 相相 当当 于于 notonlybutalso,但但前前者者强强调调的的中中心心在在aswellas之之前,后者在前,后者在butalso之后。之后。eg:Itisimportantforyouaswellasforme.2)aswellas后接后接动词动词


45、namong countries to host theOlympics as to win an Olympicmedal.在在所所有有参参加加竞竞争争奥奥运运会会承承办办权权的的国国家家中中获获胜就如同获得一枚奥运会奖牌。胜就如同获得一枚奥运会奖牌。此此句句由由asmuchas引引起起,第第二二个个as后后省省略略 了了 acompetitionamongcountriesReplace+A+with/by+B用用B去替换去替换A翻译:我用新轮胎替换了旧轮胎。翻译:我用新轮胎替换了旧轮胎。16.relateto(P12)“.与与有有关关联联(相相关关)”eg: If you relate

46、the results tothe cause, you will find thingsarenotthatsimple.注意:注意:ArelatestoBA与与B有联系有联系;relateAwith/toB把把A与与B联系起来联系起来15.replace取代;放回;替换取代;放回;替换eg:hereplacethebookontheshelf.1.参加参加2.精神、宗旨、精神、宗旨、灵魂灵魂3.过去常常过去常常4.查明,找出查明,找出5.每四年,每隔三年每四年,每隔三年6.(遍及)全世界遍及)全世界7.一套,一组一套,一组8.和和竞争竞争9.为为而竞争而竞争10.获准做某事获准做某事11.



49、foryourtime感谢您感谢您感谢您感谢您( (能抽能抽能抽能抽空空空空)efromthesameroot同根同根17.have(no)chanceofdoingsth.有有/没做没做机会机会18.gowith伴随,与伴随,与搭配搭配19.relateto把把与关联起来与关联起来20.relatewith和和有关有关21.runagainst和和赛跑赛跑22.hearof听说听说23.makesure确定确定24.taketurns轮流轮流25.oneafteranother一个接一个一个接一个Thank you !Unit 2 The Olympic Games Period 3: 幻灯

50、片32-54页Learning about language1.B2.B3.B4.A1.honest2.medal3.gymnasium4.stadium5.admit6.takepartin7.replace8.prize9.asetof10.interviewChecking answer I (3m)Checking answer I (3m)AnswerkeysforEx.2onPage12:Checking answer II (4m)Checking answer II (4m)AnswerkeysforEx.3onPage12:1.takepartin2.prize3.medal

51、4.honest5.admit6.stadium7.interview8.replaceChecking answer III ( 4m )Checking answer III ( 4m )AnswerkeysforEx.5onPage12:1.in2.against/with3.for4.into5.as6.to7.with/toThe Future Passive Voice Active and Passive Voice VoiceThevoiceofaverbtellswhetherthesubjectofthesentenceperformsorreceivestheaction

52、.InEnglishtherearetwovoices,passiveandactive.ActiveVoiceInactivevoice,thesubjectperformstheactionexpressedbytheverb:Thestudentwroteasong.PassiveVoiceInpassivevoice,thesubjectreceivestheactionexpressedbytheverb:Asongwaswrittenbythestudent.FormingTensesofPassiveVerbsFormingTensesofPassiveVerbs TenseSu

53、bjectAuxiliaryPastParticipleSingularPluralPresentThecar/cars isaredesigned.PresentperfectThecar/cars hasbeenhavebeendesigned.PastThecar/cars wasweredesigned.PastperfectThecar/cars hadbeenhadbeendesigned.FutureThecar/cars willbewillbedesigned.FutureperfectThecar/cars willhavebeenwillhavebeendesigned.

54、PresentprogressiveThecar/cars isbeingarebeingdesigned.PastprogressiveThecar/cars wasbeingwerebeingdesigned.UsesofPassiveVoice Usethepassivevoiceto:1.Callattentiontoreceiveroftheactionratherthantheperformer:Theprofessorwashitbythreesnowballs.2.Pointoutthereceiveroftheactionwhenperformerisunknownoruni


56、ddtheprepositionbybeforeit.3.changetheverb.Changingtheverbinvolvesthreesteps:1.checktheverbtense;usetheverb“be”inthesametense;2.changetheverbintoapastparticiple;putthisverbaftertheformof“be”;3.checkthatthenewverbgoeswiththenewsubject.Examples: The Future Passive Voicea.Hewillplantmoretrees.Moretrees

57、willbeplantedbyhim.b. Shewilltakecareofthechildren.Thechildrenwillbetakencareofbyher.Practice:1.Beijingwillholdthe29thOlympicGamesintheyear2008.The29thOlympicGameswillbeheldinBeijingintheyear2008.Whenwillthe29thOlympicGamesbeheldinBeijing? 2.MillionsofpeoplewillwatchthefinalmatchonTV.Thefinalmatchwi

58、llbewatchedonTVbymillionsofpeople.Wherewillthefinalmatchbewatchedbymillionsofpeople?Howwillthefinalmatchbewatchedbymillionsofpeople?2.Discovering useful structures: (p13)Can you find two more examples from Pre-reading and reading. please write them down.p10 1-3p10 10-113.Theofficialsaremakingsomenew

59、rulersfortheGamesbutsadlytheyaretootiredtofinishthem.Canyouhelpthem?will be allowedwill be allowed;be taken awaywill be allowed ;will be leftexcused ;will be toldallowed; will be asked1.This is Teds photo. We miss him a lot. He _ trying to save a child in the earthquake. A. killed B. is killed C. wa

60、s killed D. was killing高考链接C解析:答案解析:答案C C。根据题意,此处需用被动根据题意,此处需用被动形式表达被动意义,形式表达被动意义,B B项时态不对。项时态不对。2. Visitors _ not to touch the exhibits. A. will request B. request C. are requesting D. are requested高考链接D解析:答案解析:答案D D。题意为题意为“要求参观者不要要求参观者不要动展品动展品”,需用被动结构。,需用被动结构。3. We didnt plan our art exhibition li

61、ke that but it _ very well. A. worked out B. tried out C. went D. carried on高考链接A解析:答案解析:答案A A。题意为题意为“我们没有那样策我们没有那样策划我们的艺术展览,但结果却很好。划我们的艺术展览,但结果却很好。”只只有有A A项可表达出结果。项可表达出结果。B B项为项为“试验,试用试验,试用”,C C项意为项意为“进行,进展进行,进展”,不表示结,不表示结果,只表示进程,果,只表示进程,D D项意为项意为“继续,进行继续,进行”,也表达不出结果。,也表达不出结果。4. It was raining heav

62、ily. Little Mary felt cold, so she stood _ to her mother. A. close B. closely C. closed D. closing高考链接A解析:答案解析:答案A A。从。从题意看出,此处表示具题意看出,此处表示具体意义,指距离近,所以体意义,指距离近,所以A A项正确。项正确。5. It is generally believed that teaching is _ it is a science. A. as art much as B. much an art as C. as an art much as D. as

63、much an art as高考链接D解析:答案解析:答案D D。根据题意,此处需用根据题意,此处需用asasas as 结构,所以结构,所以B B项不对,项不对,A,CA,C为语序为语序错误,只有错误,只有D D项结构正确,全句意为项结构正确,全句意为“一一般认为,教学如同科学一样是一门艺术。般认为,教学如同科学一样是一门艺术。”6. At this time tomorrow _ over the Atlantic. A. were going to fly B. well be flying C. well fly D. were to fly高考链接B解析:答案解析:答案B B。根据时

64、间状语确定,此处根据时间状语确定,此处表示将来某一时刻在做的事,需用将来进表示将来某一时刻在做的事,需用将来进行时态,行时态,C C项不是最佳答案,项不是最佳答案,A,DA,D强调计划、强调计划、打算,意义不当。打算,意义不当。7. I keep medicines on the top shelf, out of the childrens _. A. reach B. hand C. hold D. place高考链接A解析:答案解析:答案A A。本题考查固定短语本题考查固定短语out of out of sbsbs s reach reach,意为意为“某人够不到的地方。某人够不到的地方

65、。”Homework 1. Summarize the rules of the Future Passive Voice in your own way. 2. Finish the exercises of “Discovering useful structures” on Page 13.Unit 2 The Olympic Games Period 4: 幻灯片55-69页The story of AtlantaDo you know any stories or persons in ancient Greek? Warming up (3m)Scan the passage an

66、d find the answers:1. Who was Atlanta?2. What was she good at?3. Who did she want to marry?4. How could Hippomenes win Atlanta?Reading-II-scanning (2m)Scan the passage and find the answers:1. Who was Atlanta?2. 3.2. What was she good at?She was a Greek princess.She was good at running. 3. Who did sh

67、e want to marry?4. How could he Hippomenes win Atlanta?She wanted to marry a man who could run faster than her. He asked for help from the Greek Goddess of Love. The Greek Goddess of Love gave him three golden apples to attract Atlantas attention and make her slow down.The Greece Goddest of loveThe

68、Rome God of loveGolden apples stand for justice(正义),it can give you magic power. Snakes stand for evil(邪恶),it can cheat you into doing something wrong.What is the story about ?When WhereWho What Ancient Greece Greece Atlanta, HippomenesHippomenes wanted to marry Atlanta and would run against herRere

69、ad the text and retell the text according to the questions1.Who was Atlanta? Greekprincessbeautifulrunfast2.What had happened to Atlanta? notallowedangrynotmarry3.What did she say when her father asked her marriage?runfasterkill4.What did the men do when they heard Atlantas requirements? wenthomesta

70、yedthere5.What did Hippomenes think about her rules and what did he do after he saw Atlanta? amazefoolishchangehismind6.What did the Goddess do to help Hippomenes? goldenapplesthrowrelax Discussion(1)What do you think would happen to Hippomenes?(2)How would you end the story if you were the writer?

71、1. marry 结婚,嫁,娶 A marry BMary married a rich Frenchman last year.marry A to B 把A 嫁给BHe married both his daughters to rich businessmen.adj. marriedA get/ be married (to B) She has been married for two years. n. marriageLanguage points for Reading IIbe/getmarried(强强调调状状态态)to(不不能用能用with)sb)和和结婚结婚eg:Hes

72、marriedtohisjob.他他全全身身心都投入到工作。心都投入到工作。Noonewillbepardon没没有有人人能能被被宽恕宽恕2.amazed= surprised be amazed at sth be amazed to do sth be amazed thatI was amazed at zhang Zhans death.I was amazed to hear about his death.I was amazed that he had passed away. amazing = surprising 令人惊奇的3. promisevt.1)允诺,答应允诺,答应


74、诺,就得守诺言,不应该违背诺言。promise sthHe promised a gift for my birthday. promise sb sthHe promised me a gift for my birthday. promise (sb) to do sthHe promised to buy me a mp3. promise sb thatHe promised that he would buy me a mp3. make/ give a promise 许下诺言 keep a promise 遵守诺言 carry out a promise 履行诺言 break a

75、 promise 违背诺言time“时代,时期时代,时期”,单复数均可单复数均可翻译:翻译:Thetimesaredifferent.Weliveinawonderfultime.相关短语:相关短语:allthetimeAtalltimesatonetimeAttimesfromtimetotimeInnotimeBetodosth.表示将来时表示将来时#betobedone被动被动“将要被做将要被做”翻译:翻译:Youaretostayinthathotel.Youaretobeinterviewed.时代不同了。时代不同了。我们生活在美好的时代。我们生活在美好的时代。一直,始终一直,始终无

76、论何时,一直无论何时,一直曾经,一度曾经,一度有时,不时有时,不时有时,不时有时,不时立刻,马上立刻,马上你将要住在那间旅馆。你将要住在那间旅馆。你将要被你将要被/接受采访。接受采访。Unit 2 The Olympic Games Listening(p15)Sothenextdaytheracebegan.HippomeneswasstandingwaitingandwhenAtlantacameoutshethought“Idonotwantthismantodie.Hisdeathwillnotbecausedbyme!”Sohesaidtoherfather“Tellhimtogoa




80、ening(p15)(p15)Number these sentences. Number these sentences. ( ) One man wanted to win and marry Atlanta very much.( ) Atlanta married him and they lived happily.( ) When the race began Atlanta ran past him. ( ) He asked the Goddess of love for help.(1) Atlanta was a very beautiful princess.( ) Ma

81、ny men tried to compete with her, but failed and so were killed.( ) She stopped to pick them up.( ) She gave him three golden apples.( ) She ran too slowly and he won.( ) He threw the golden apples one after another.( ) She could run faster than any other man in Greece. 2 3 4 567 8 910 112.SummaryCh

82、oose the best answer and say what is wrong with the other three.1.This is about a princess who races because she does not want to marry.2.This story is about a princess and a man who agree to marry.3.This story is about a man who cheats to marry a princess.4.This is a story of how a Goddess helps a

83、man marry a princess. Listening to the tape again and fill in the blank(p15. Ex3)Hippomenes was standing waiting and when Atlantas came out she thought, “_. His death _!” So she said to her father, “_. The race _.” But Hippomenes said, “She has said it: _”I dont want this man to diewill not be cause

84、d by meTell him to go awaywill not be run todayshe will be married to the man who runs faster than her. Come on now! Lets runGroup work(1) Do you believe the story is true? Please give your reasonsSUM UPAfter learning the story,we knowThe power of love is great, it can conquer any difficulty Homewor

85、kWrite a summary of the whole story(p15-16)Unit 2 The Olympic Games Period 6: 幻灯片108-115页 What are your hobbies? How do you become good at them? In pairs carry out a survey of the interests of your classmates. Put them into groups.Carry out a survey of interests.Speaking-I (4m)SportMusicCollectionsO

86、ther hobbiesSusan (running)Fred (piano)Mary (rocks)John (birdwatching)The students who have the same interests will sit together. And the teacher divide them into groups of four. They will carry out their dialogue by asking each other the following questions:why do you like this sport / music / coll

87、ection?When do you begin to like it?Whats enjoyable about the hobby?What have you learned from the hobby?After discussion, ask some groups to act their dialogue out.DialogueSpeaking-II (5m) Students discuss in the group of four about how they train / practise / improve their knowledge, such as by co

88、llections. Be ready to talk about what you have to do to study one of the interests or hobbies. List all the things out.Speaking-III (7m)DiscussionWrite down what you have to do to study a hobby. Imagine that you are writing for someone who has not studied this hobby but is interested in it. Tell th

89、em the good things and the bad things. For example:What you need for this hobby;What you need to do to improve your knowledge of the hobby;What is enjoyable about this hobby;What difficulties you might have;What you have learned from this hobby.Writing (20m)Suggested versionSwimming is my favourite

90、sport. I like it because it can bring me much fan. The process of learning swimming is very interesting. You can try different ways of swimming, such as breaststroke and backstroke. You can swim at any time of the year if you like. In hot summer, if you jump into the river or the sea to have a swim,

91、 youll feel cool and comfortable. Even in cold winter, you can swimifyouarebraveenough.Evenincoldwinter,youcanswimifyouarebraveenough.Itsahealthysportanditcanbuildupyourbody.Ifyouareabeginner,youmustbecareful.Youdbetternotswimaloneandbringlifebuoywithyouincaseofdanger.Ifyouwanttobeagoodswimmer,youmu

92、sthavealotofpracticeandhavegreatdetermination.Homework Write a report to the athlete telling him / her about what they need to practise to improve further. Use the form on page 53 to help you.WB-Listening (p48)Information about Marathon Modern marathon races reflect the distance a soldier in ancient

93、 Greece covered in 490 BC when he carried the news of a Greek military victory from the town of Marathon to Athens. The marathon is traditionally the longest and final event at modern track and field competitions, including those at the Olympic Games. Annual marathons have gained popularity, and rac

94、es in major cities such as Boston, Los Angeles, and New York, attract thousands of runners. Marathon (sport), running event, traditionally the longest race (42 km, 26 mile) included in track and field competitions. It is the final track and field event held in the Summer Olympic Games. Marathons hav

95、e become increasingly popular, and well-known marathons such as those held annually in Boston, Massachusetts, and New York City attract thousands of runners and spectators.The best mens times are under 2 hours and 7 minutes. The best womens times are slightly above 2 hours and 20 minutes.Find out th

96、e route of Phidippides journeysAthensSpartaMarathonAthensSpartaAthensMarathonAthensListening-I (5m)Listen to the tape and answer the following questions.1.WhowasPhidippides?2.Whatwashisjobeveryday?3.HowdidancientGreekssendmessage?He was the best runner of Athens.He ran every day and was sent on mess

97、ages on journeys that lasted many days.The message was sent by runners.Listening-II (5m)Listen to the tape again and answer the following questions.1.Which two countries was the battle between?2.What did the leader of Athens tell Phidippides to do? Why?3.Whats the result of his travel to Sparta?4.Wh

98、y was Phippides told to go to Marathon after he got back to Athens? 5.Whats the result of the battle in Marathon?6.Why did they ask him to run fast from Marathon to Athens after the battle?7.How is he remembered?Listening-III (7m)1.Which two countries was the battle between?2.What did the leader of

99、Athens tell Phidippides to do? Why?Greece and Persia Greeks VS PersianThe leader of Athens told Phidippides to go to Sparta to ask for help against the persians. The Greek army was small so they were afraid they would be beaten.3. Whats the result of his travel to Sparta?4. Why was Phippides told to

100、 go to Marathon after he got back to Athens?His journey was not useful as they would not help them.He was told to fight in the Battle of Marathon against the Persians.5. Whats the result of the battle in Marathon?6. Why did they ask him to run fast from Marathon to Athens after the battle?It was a l

101、ong, hard battle but at last the Athenians won. The Persians were too confident and so the Greeks were able to beat them.The knew the people of Athens would be worried and they wanted them to know the good news.7. How is he remembered?He is remembered with a race in the Olympic Games which is as lon

102、g as his run from Marathon to Athens.WB-USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS(P49)Do you know the following sport items?Pre-reading (2m)table tennis gymnasticsfencingtennisswimmingswimmingshootingtoxophilykickboxingbaseballbasketballwrestlingwrestlingskiingsailingfootballjudoboatingcyclingweightliftingboxingh

103、orse-ridingdivingtrackandfieldeventsdiscusthrowjavelinshot-putSporting events in the Winter Olympic GamesIcehockeySkiingIceskatingSporting events played between teamsBasketballVolleyballFootballRelayraceGymnasticsSporting events done best by Chinese athletesTabletennisBadmintonWeight-liftingGymnasti

104、csShootingDivingtorch WB-LISTENING TASK(P51)Listen to the tape and put these sentences in the correct order( ) I start the Olympic Games when the fire in the stadium is lit.( ) I am happy when new countries get Olympic Medals.( ) I travel through many countries carried by many athletes.( ) The sun l

105、ights the torch.( ) I will burn till the end of the Olympic Games.( ) The last country I visit is the one with the host town for the Olympics.( ) The greatest honour is for the last athlete who carried me into the stadium.( ) China came third in the medal tables in Sydney in the 2000 Olympic Games.

106、12345678Listening-I (7m)HomeworkRetell one story from the listening materials. Lets enjoy!Lets enjoy!Finish the following exercisesHow many countries the last Olympic Games?- Over 50.A. presented B. joined C. took part in Maggie as well as Betty studying in the University now. A. is B. are C. was D.

107、 were Are you being honest this matter? I was perfectly honest telling you the story. We should be honest our parents. A. with B. about C. inpresentpresent 指出席(会议,仪式等),强调在场或到场join join 指加入某一组织或行列中而成为其中一员take part intake part in 指参加群众性的活动、会议等,不可用于被动语态CHow many countries the last Olympic Games?- Over

108、50.A. presented B. joined C. took part in Maggie as well as Betty studying in the University now. A. is B. are C. was D. were Are you being honest this matter? I was perfectly honest telling you the story. We should be honest our parents. A. with B. about C. inas well as as well as 意为“也”,“和”,“不但而且”。

109、连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词应与前面的主语保持人称和数的一致CAHow many countries the last Olympic Games?- Over 50.A. presented B. joined C. took part in Maggie as well as Betty studying in the University now. A. is B. are C. was D. were Are you being honest this matter? I was perfectly honest telling you the story. We should be

110、honest our parents. A. with B. about C. inhonest adj.honest adj.be honest with be honest with sbsb. . 对某人真诚be honest be honest about about sthsth. . 在某事上很坦诚be honest in be honest in (doing) (doing) sthsth. . 做某事坦诚CABCA Visitors paid a visit to his office one another. A. after B. by Once you a promis

111、e, you should it and try to carry it out. A. set, make B keep, make C. make, keep D. break, make The two teams will compete each other in the game. A. with B. for C. in D. toAone after one after anotheranother 一个接一个地one by oneone by one 一个一个地 Visitors paid a visit to his office one another. A. after

112、 B. by Once you a promise, you should it and try to carry it out. A. set, make B keep, make C. make, keep D. break, make The two teams will compete each other in the game. A. with B. for C. in D. toAMake a promiseMake a promise许下诺言Keep a promiseKeep a promise遵守诺言Break a promiseBreak a promise不守诺言C V

113、isitors paid a visit to his office one another. A. after B. by Once you a promise, you should it and try to carry it out. A. set, make B keep, make C. make, keep D. break, make The two teams will compete each other in the game. A. to B. for C. in D. withACompete with Compete with /against /against 同竞争/比赛Compete in Compete in 参加竞争/比赛compete forcompete for争夺CD



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