八年级英语上册 单元评价检测(1)配套课件 冀教版

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1、(一)(一)Unit 1 (45分钟分钟 100分分)第第卷(共卷(共50分)分). 单项选择单项选择(20分分)1. Is this _ time to China, Tony? A. the your firstB. firstC. your firstD. a first【解解析析】选选C。句句意意: 这这是是你你第第一一次次来来中中国国吗吗,托托尼尼?序序数数词词一一般般要要与与定定冠冠词词the连连用用,但但如如果果序序数数词词前前有有物物主主代代词词时时,就就不加不加the了。了。Today we had _ English lesson. A. firstB. the first

2、C. our the firstD. the other first【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:今今天天我我们们上上了了第第一一节节英英语语课课。此此题题容容易易错错选选C。因因为为它它很很符符合合汉汉语语的的表表达达方方式式。注注意意序序数数词词前前面面的物主代词和定冠词的物主代词和定冠词the不能同时使用。不能同时使用。2. He was very happy _ letters from us. A. get B. got C. to get D. getting【解析】选【解析】选C。be happy to do sth. 做某事而高兴,故选做某事而高兴,故选C。3. 10聊城中考聊

3、城中考Which class won the match in the end? Im not quite sure. Perhaps _ did. A. Class ThirdB. Third ClassC. Class ThreeD. Three Class【解解析析】选选C。考考查查专专有有名名词词的的用用法法。“三三班班”在在英英语语中中的的表达方式为表达方式为Class Three, 故选故选C。4. His mother _ a new backpack _ him yesterday. A. buy; toB. buy; forC. bought; toD. bought; fo

4、r【解解析析】选选D。buy sth. for sb. “为为某某人人买买某某物物”,因因为为时时间间状语是状语是yesterday,所以要用一般过去时。,所以要用一般过去时。5. Nancy, dont always _ that old jacket. It looks silly. But I think its cool, Mum. A. dress B. wear C. put on D. take off【解解析析】选选B。wear“穿穿着着”;dress给给某某人人穿穿衣衣服服,后后加加sb. ;put on“穿穿上上”;take off“脱脱下下”。句句意意:别别老老是是穿穿着

5、着那那件件旧夹克。所以选旧夹克。所以选B,表示状态。,表示状态。6. When will you finish _ the book? I want to read it, too. A. read B. to read C. reading D. reads【解析】选【解析】选C。finish doing完成做某事,是固定搭配。完成做某事,是固定搭配。7. 09贵贵阳阳中中考考“Have you read todays newspaper? ” “Not yet. Is there _? ”A. anything importantB. nothing interestingC. impor

6、tant anything【解解析析】选选A。不不定定代代词词的的修修饰饰词词要要放放在在不不定定代代词词后后面面,排排除除C项项;句句意意为为“有有重重要要的的事事情情吗吗?”,所所以以用用anything而而不不是是nothing。8. Can you _ this kind of flower? No, I cant. I havent seen it before. A. name B. answer C. touch D. watch【解解析析】选选A。name说说出出的的名名字字,命命名名;answer回回答答;touch触触摸摸;watch观观赏赏。由由句句意意:“你你能能说说出

7、出这这种种花花的的名名字字来吗?来吗?”可知选可知选A。9. Mary Black is our English teacher and she is married. We call her _ . A. Ms. MaryB. Mr. BlackC. Miss BlackD. Ms. Black【解解析析】选选D。Mr. “先先生生”;Miss“小小姐姐(未未婚婚)”;Ms. “女士(结婚未婚均可)女士(结婚未婚均可)”,Mr. Miss. Ms后加姓,所以选后加姓,所以选D。 10. 09随随 州州 中中 考考 Im really _ before the competition(比赛)(

8、比赛). Take it easy. Sure you are the best. A. patientB. nervousC. seriousD. cool【解解析析】选选B。句句意意:比比赛赛前前我我真真得得很很紧紧张张。别别担担心心,相相信信你你是是最最好好的的。patient有有耐耐心心的的,serious严严重重的的,cool酷的,所以选酷的,所以选B。. 完形填空完形填空(10分分) Jane is a nice girl and likes small animals. On her way back from school 1 afternoon, she always sto

9、ps 2 theanimals in the pet(宠宠物物)shop. She likes to see the dogs. One of them is a little white dog, and Jane likes it 3 . She 4 the dog 5 in the pet shop. She often forgets(忘忘记记) the time. So she comes home very 6 . One day her parents asked 7 she was late. Jane told them about the dog in the pet sh

10、op. The next day Jane stopped to look 8 the window of the pet shop, but she could not 9 the dog. She was very sad and went home early. When she 10 home, her mother showed her a big cake and her father gave her the little white dog from the pet shop. It was her birthday. Jane was very glad. From that

11、 day, she did not come home late. She ran home early to play with the little white dog every day. 1. A. each one B. every C. this D. /【解解析析】选选B。由由短短文文知知道道是是“每每天天下下午午都都如如此此”,所所以以用用every afternoon。2. A. looking at B. looks at C. to look at D. looked at 【解解析析】选选C。由由短短文文知知道道是是“停停下下来来去去看看动动物物”,所所以以用用stop

12、 to do sth. ; stop doing 意为意为“停止做某事停止做某事”。3. A. very many B. very much C. very D. little 【解析】选【解析】选B。修饰动词用。修饰动词用very much。4. A. watches B. watch C. see D. saw 【解解析析】选选A。一一般般现现在在时时当当主主语语是是单单数数第第三三人人称称时时,谓谓语语用第三人称单数。用第三人称单数。5. A. to play B. play C. played D. plays 【解解析析】选选B。watch sb. do sth. “注注视视某某人人

13、做做某某事事”,是是固固定定搭配。搭配。6. A. late B. early C. fast D. first 【解析】选【解析】选A。由上文所述知道是。由上文所述知道是“回家很晚回家很晚”,所以用,所以用late。7. A. what B. why C. when D. where 【解解析析】选选B。上上文文说说“回回家家很很晚晚”,那那“父父母母会会问问原原因因”,所以用,所以用why。8. A. at B. to C. into D. onto【解析】选【解析】选C。由短文可知。由短文可知“向窗户里面看向窗户里面看”,所以用,所以用into。9. A. looked B. looke

14、d at C. saw D. see 【解解析析】选选D。由由短短文文知知道道“没没能能看看见见”,couldnt 后后加加动动词词原形。原形。10. A. got B. got to C. arrived in D. arrived at【解析】选【解析】选A。home是副词,前面不加介词。是副词,前面不加介词。. 阅读理解阅读理解(10分分)你你想想快快而而准准地地找找到到你你想想看看的的电电视视节节目目吗吗?请请仔仔细细阅阅读读下下列列表表格并回答问题。格并回答问题。1. If you want to watch a football match, what will be the be

15、st programme for you? A. TV play. B. Sports. C. Talk Show. D. Popular Music. 【解析】选【解析】选B。football match属于体育运动,所以选属于体育运动,所以选B。2. What programme will you watch at 17: 45? A. Sisters. B. Around China. C. Computers Today. D. English News. 【解解析析】选选C。通通过过查查表表格格右右栏栏第第一一行行“17:45 Computers Today”可知。可知。3. If

16、you want to know something about tigers, elephants and monkeys, whats the best programme for you? A. 19: 40 Animals World. B. 19: 00 Animals World. C. 18: 00 Around the World. D. 19: 25 Childrens Programme. 【解解析析】选选B。由由题题目目可可知知是是看看“动动物物世世界界”,再再查查表表格格可可知选知选B。4. If you want to know what the weather is

17、 like, what time and which channel should you watch? A. 19: 30 Channel 1. B. 7: 30 Channel 2. C. 17: 45 Channel 2. D. 21: 55 Channel 1. 【解解析析】选选A。由由题题目目可可知知是是看看“天天气气预预报报”,再再查查表表格格可可知选知选A。 5. What does the programme at the end of Channel 2 mean? A. News. B. People. C. Advice on what to do next week.

18、D. Programmes will be on next week. 【解解析析】选选D。由由标标题题“On TV Next Week”下下周周电电视视节节目目可可知。知。第第卷卷(共共50分)分). 词汇运用(词汇运用(10分)分)()根据句意及首字母提示完成单词根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(5分分)1. Song Zuying is a famous s_ in China. I like her songs. 2. That man with short black hair is Ms. Lius h_. 答案:答案:1. singer 2. husband3. My sister

19、often i_ her friends to me. 4. How are your p_? My mother is fine but my father often feels tired. 5. Is Lisa doing anything s_ for Christmas? 答案:答案:3. introduces 4. parents 5. special()用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空(5分分)6. Mr. Li _ (have) five classes every day. 7. There is _ (much) milk in the glass than

20、in the bowl. 8. We are all sad _ (know) that an earthquake happened in Qinghai. 9. I _ (not like) the cold weather. 10. _ your sister always _ (hate) Monday mornings. 答案:答案:6. has 7. more 8. to know 9. dont like 10. Does; hate. 完成句子(完成句子(10分)分)1. 他不再喜欢画画了。他不再喜欢画画了。He _ like drawing _ _ . 2. 这件上衣是棉花制

21、成的。这件上衣是棉花制成的。The coat is _ _ _ . 答案:答案:1. doesnt; any more 2. made of cotton3. 昨晚他邀请我们去看电影了。昨晚他邀请我们去看电影了。He _ us _ go to the _ yesterday evening. 4. 我们希望下学期能取得好的成绩。我们希望下学期能取得好的成绩。We _ _ get good grades(成绩成绩)next _. 5. 王梅上周写了五篇日记。王梅上周写了五篇日记。Wang Mei _ five _ last week. 答案:答案:3. invited; to; movie 4.

22、 hope/wish to; term5. wrote; diaries. 短文填空短文填空(10分分) MrSmith 1 (come)from the United StatesHe is an English teacher in No2 Middle School of TaiyuanHe 2 (not know) much ChineseDoes he 3 (like) 4 (learn)it? Sure,he 5 (do)He 6 (go)to Chinese classes every weekLook! He 7 (study)Chinese now. He 8 (like)

23、working in China very muchHe can 9 (talk)about something in Chinese nowHe 10 (say)the Chinese people are very kind1. _ 2 . _ 3 . _ 4 . _ 5 . _ 6 . _ 7 . _ 8 . _ 9 . _ 10 . _ 答案答案: 1. comes 2. doesnt know 3. like 4. to learn5. does 6. goes 7. is studying 8. likes 9. talk10. says. 书面表达书面表达(20分分)假假如如你你

24、认认识识了了一一位位叫叫Martha的的美美国国笔笔友友(pen pal),根根据据她她写写给给你你的的信信息息向向你你的的同同学学作作简简要要介介绍绍。必必须须包包含含所所有有要要点点,可可适当增加内容,使意思更连贯。适当增加内容,使意思更连贯。Name:MarthaAge:14School:Apple Tree SchoolLikes and dislikes:likes Chinese food and playing the guitar,hates the colour purpleAppearance(相相貌貌):big green eyes,long blond hair,rou

25、nd face,small nose_ _ 【参考答案【参考答案】 Martha is my pen palShe is 14 years oldShe studies at Apple Tree School in AmericaI have a photo of herShe looks lovelyShe has two big green eyes,long blond hair and a small noseHer face is roundShe likes Chinese food and goes to eat in Chinese restaurants in Chinatown sometimesShe can play the guitar very well. She is in her schools music clubShe doesnt like purpleI dont know whyThis is my good pen pal. Do you like her?



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