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1、Passions of the Cut Sleevethe male homosexual tradition in China1Passions of the Cut SleeveTheMaleHomosexualTraditioninChinaBretHinsch(Author)2Theexistenceofhomosexuality in Chinahasbeenwelldocumentedsince ancient times. According to onestudy,homosexualityinChinawasregardedasanormalfacet of life , p

2、rior to the Western impact of 1840onwards.However,this has beendisputed. ManyearlyChineseemperors are speculated to have had homosexualrelationships,accompaniedbyheterosexualones.Opposition to homosexuality, according to thestudybyHinsch,didnotbecomefirmlyestablishedinChina until the 19th and 20th c

3、enturies, throughtheWesternizationeffortsofthelateQingDynastyandearlyRepublicofChina.3On the other hand, Guliks influential study argued that theMongolYuan dynastyintroduced a more ascetic attitude tosexuality in general.Itis also argued that the classical Chinesewere unable to express homosexuality

4、 in a coherent andempatheticmanner.Thus,itmayremainforfurtherresearchtodeterminethequestionofwhetheranti-gayattitudesinModernChinacanbesignificantlyattributedtotheentranceofWesternattitudes into China, or whether opposition was merely notexpressedinacoherentmanner.Either way, it is indisputable that

5、 homosexualsodomywasbanned in thePeoples Republic of Chinafrom at least thetwentieth century, until it was legalized in 1997. In 2001,homosexuality was removed from the official list ofmentalillnessesinChina.4HomosexualityhasbeendocumentedinChinasinceancienttimes.TheIntrigues of the Warring States(战








13、osexualityatthehighestlevelofsocietyfromtheWarringStatesperiodisthestoryofLordLongYang龙阳君andtheKingofWei魏安釐王.阮籍昔日繁华子,安陵与龙阳,夭夭桃李花,灼灼有辉光。悦泽若九春,磐析似秋霜,流盼发姿媚,言笑吐芬芳;携手等欢爱,宿昔月衣裳,愿为双鸟飞,比翼共翱翔;丹青著明誓,永世不相忘。 咏怀诗三 11AnidiomatictermforhomosexualityinChineseisduanxiu zhi pi(断袖之癖,literally,“passionofthecutsleeve”),



16、homosexualityinChineseisduanxiu zhi pi(断袖之癖,literally,“passionofthecutsleeve”),derivedfromanepisodeinvolvingDongXian董贤andEmperorAi汉哀帝.汉书董贤传贤宠爱日甚,为驸马都尉侍中,出则参乘,入御左右,旬月间赏赐累巨万,贵震朝廷。常与上卧起。尝昼寝,偏藉上袖,上欲起,贤未觉,不欲动贤,乃断袖而起。其恩爱至此。贤亦性柔和便辟,善为媚以自固。每赐洗沐,不肯出,常留中视医药。13TheHanDynastyapparentlyholdstherecordforthegreates

17、tnumberofemperorswhokeptmalefavorites.TenofthemenwhoruledChinaduringthatdynastybeingrecordedbySimaQianandBanGuforhavingoneormoremenastheirlovers.Theywere:14EmperorGaor.206-195BCandJiru高祖的籍孺EmperorHuir.194-188BCandHongru惠帝的闳孺EmperorWenr.179-141BCandDengTong,ZhaoTan,and BeigongBozi文帝的邓通、赵谈、北宫伯子Emperor

18、Jingr.156-141BCandZhoRen景帝的周仁EmperorWur.140-87BCandHanYan,HanYue,andLi Yannian武帝的韩嫣、韩说、李延年EmperorZhaor.86-74BCandJinShang昭帝的金赏EmperorXuanr.73-49BCandZhangPengzu宣帝的张彭祖EmperorYuanr.48-33BCandHongGong,ShiXian元帝的弘慕、石显EmperorChengr.32-7BCandZhangFang,andChunyuZhang成帝的张放、淳于长15Writings from theLiu Song Dyn

19、asty claimed that homosexuality was as common as heterosexuality in the late 3rd century: All the gentlemen and officials esteemed it. All men in the realm followed this fashion to the extent that husbands and wives were estranged. Resentful unmarried women became jealous.宋书五行志上记载:“自咸宁太康以后,男宠大兴,甚于女色

20、,士大夫莫不尚之,天下咸相仿效,或有至夫妇离绝,怨旷妒忌者。” Ming Dynasty literature, such asBian Er Chai(弁而钗), portray homosexual relationships between men as more enjoyable and more harmonious than heterosexual relationships.16An example of a marriage-like relationship between men was that formed by the scholar-bureaucratBi Y

21、uan毕沅 (17301797) and theSuzhouactor Li Guiguan李桂官. The two men exchanged vows of fidelity, and Li Guiguan retired from the stage to be addressed by acquaintances as Bis wife. This was a unique relationship in its locality, so much so that it was still remembered 200 years later, when it inspired the

22、 novelPrecious Mirror of Ranking Flowers品花宝鉴byChen Sen陈森.“苏伶有号碧成夫人者,姓李名桂官,字秀章,吴县人。昔在庆成部,名重一时,尝与某巨公乡谊,时佐其困乏,情好无间。后巨公莅外省,桂官亦脱身同往,于今十数年矣。”17TheSong dynastywas the last dynasty to include a chapter on male companions to the emperors in official documents. Increasing urbanization caused the monetization

23、of all kinds of sexuality, and the firstlawagainst male prostitutes, never effectively enforced, went into effect.After the Song Dynasty, homosexual behavior was most documented amongst thegentry and merchant classes, since these were the people who were doing most of the writing.18TheQing Dynastyin

24、stituted the first law against consensual, non-monetized homosexuality in China. It has been construed that this may have been part of an attempt to limit all personal expression outside government-monitored relationships, coming in response to the social chaos at the end of the Ming Dynasty. The pu

25、nishment, which included a month in prison and 100 heavy blows, was actually the lightest punishment which existed in the Qing legal system.19Confucianism,beingprimarilyasocialandpoliticalphilosophy,focusedlittleonsexuality,whetherhomosexualorheterosexual.However,theideologydidemphasizemalefriendshi

26、ps.AlthoughTaoistalchemyregardedheterosexualsex,asawayofmaintainingamaleslifeessence,homosexualitywasseenasneutral,becausetheacthasnodetrimentalorbeneficialeffectonapersonslifeessence.20Same-gender love can sometimes be difficult to differentiate inClassical Chinesebecause the pronounsheandshewere w

27、ritten with the same character. And like many East and Southeast Asian languages, Chinese does not have grammatical gender.In addition, a good deal of ancient Chinese poetry was written by men in the female voice, orpersona.Another complication in trying to separate heterosexual and homosexual theme

28、s in Chinese literature is that for most of Chinese history, writing was restricted to a cultivatedelite, amongst whom blatant discussion ofsexwas considered vulgar.21Although rejection of homosexuality originating in the Tang Dinasty might also suggest Indian influences, given the fact that some Hi

29、ndu and Buddhist literature disapproved of homosexuality.There exists a dispute among sinologists as to when negative views of homosexual relationships became prevalent among the general Chinese population, with some scholars arguing that it was common by the time of theMing Dynasty, established in

30、the 14th century, and others arguing that anti-gay attitudes became entrenched during theWesternizationefforts of the lateQing Dynastyand the earlyRepublic of Chinain the 19th and 20th centuries.22Same-sex love was also celebrated in Chinese art, many examples of which have survived the various traumatic political events in recent Chinese history. Though no large statues are known to still exist, many hand scrolls and paintings on silk can be found in private collections.2324



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