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1、M3U2Project-the-M3U2Project-the-development-of-development-of-Chinese-charactersChinese-charactersLets enjoy a video clip of the beautiful and charming Chinese characters .Can you make out any of these Chinese characters?甲骨文甲骨文金文金文战国文字战国文字小篆小篆Oracle Bone InscriptionsBronze InscriptionsLesser Seal Ch

2、aracters 王曦之兰亭序王曦之兰亭序行书行书楷书楷书Formal ScriptFormal ScriptRunning Running ScriptScriptThe development of Chinese charactersLearning aims:1.You will learn about the development of Chinese characters 2.You will design a booklet about how a written language developed.Fast reading1.How does Chinese languag

3、e differ from Western languages? 2. Who first invented Chinese writing?3.When did the Chinese government introduce simplified Chinese characters?Cang JieIn the 1950sInstead of an alphabet, Chinese uses characters which stand for ideas, objects or deeds.Find out the whole structurepara1p2p3p4p5p5p1p2

4、p3p4p5p1p2p3p4p1p2p3p4p5ADCBPart1(p1)-Brief introduction of _ Part2(p2-4)-A story about_ _and _ types of Chinese characters.Pare3(p5)- _ Chinese characters. Cang Jie inventing Chinese writing4SimplifiedChinese characters.the main idea of each part Careful reading Part1(para1)How can we study the his

5、tory of the Chinese language?The history of the Chinese language can be examined by looking at how these characters developed.1.How did Cang Jie invent Chinese writing?2. Four types of Chinese charactersCareful reading Part2(p2-4)meaning(1) 山山、牛、雨、牛、雨 Represent_(2) 休休、明、思、明、思 Express _(3) 上、下、八上、下、八

6、 Express_(4) 抱抱 、姥、钢、姥、钢 One part of a character indicates the _ and the other suggests the _ .objectsideasdirections or numberspronunciationpictographs象形字象形字 Ideographs会意字会意字Indicatives指事字指事字 Pictophonetic形声字形声字仓颉也称苍颉,是仓颉也称苍颉,是传说为黄帝的史官,传说为黄帝的史官,汉字的创造者。传汉字的创造者。传说中仓颉生有说中仓颉生有“双瞳双瞳四目四目”。目有重瞳者,。目有重瞳者,中国

7、史书上记载只中国史书上记载只有三个人,虞舜、有三个人,虞舜、仓颉、项羽。虞舜仓颉、项羽。虞舜是禅让的圣人,孝是禅让的圣人,孝顺的圣人,而仓颉顺的圣人,而仓颉是文圣人,项羽则是文圣人,项羽则是武圣人是武圣人。 (返回键)PictographSunMoonMountainSheep象形字象形字 HumanWomanWhat character is this ?kid(返回键)Ideographs Ideographs 会意字会意字 combine two or more characters. Good(返回键)What character is this ?(返回键)Pictophonetic

8、 形声字形声字帽、洋、姥、驶、材、帽、洋、姥、驶、材、枝、钢、侣、铜枝、钢、侣、铜 、洲、洲Part 3When were simplified Chinese characters introduced by the Chinese government? In the 1950s. Discussion Why should we do research on the development of Chinese characters?Chinese characters1. Chinese history is recorded by2. represent Chinese cultur

9、e 3. represent our nation and country4. communicate with other cultures Some possible answersLets design our booklets!Booklet is a small book with a paper cover that contains information about a particular subject.Booklet should have: 1. cover2. content(目录)3. introduction4. examples of some Chinese characters5. beautiful picturesIt is/ It means/ shows/ expressesrepresentsis made up of /turn intodevelopfromintostandard /simplified forms Useful sentence patterns:Its time to present your booklet.The development of Chinese characters结束结束



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