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1、play footballplay basketballride a horseplay the pianoplay table tennissingswimride a bike 情态动词本身有一定的词义,表示说话人的情绪,态度或语气。 can是情态动词,表示“能,会”。 singswimride a bikenShe can sing.nHe can swim.nThey can ride a bike.nShe can not sing.nThey can not ride a bike.nHe can not swim.一、Say what the people in the pict

2、ure can do.(根据图片提出句子) 含情态动词can的否定句,直接在情态动词can后加not,成为can not,缩写为cant。二、把下列句子变为否定句。n1、Lingling can ride a horse.n2、He can speak Chinese.n3、Lingling and Daming can play the piano.n4、My father can play table tennis.n5、She can swim. cant cant cant cant cant 含情态动词 can的一般疑问句,直接将can提至句首,回答的主语和问句的主语要一致。 情态动

3、词can没有人称和数的变化,即表达“某人会(不会)做某事”用“can(cant)+ 动词原形”。 三、把下列句子变为一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答。n1、Lingling can ride a horse.n2、I can speak Chinese.Can Lingling ride a horse?Yes,she can. / No,she cant.Can you speak Chinese?Yes,I can. / No,I cant. n3、Lingling and Daming can play the piano.n4、My father can play table tennis

4、.Can Lingling and Daming play the piano?Yes,they can. / No,they cant .Can your father play table tennis?Yes,he can. / No,he cant .四、Listen to the tape,and then fill in the blanks. Betty : Lingling , _you play football?Lingling : Yes ,I_.I can _football and I_play_.But I_ play_.Betty : _you ride a _?

5、Lingling : No,I_. _I can_.cancanplaycantenniscant basketballCanhorsecantButswim 五、Speaking 1、Say what you can do and cant do. 2、Work in pairs .Ask and answer. Find out what your friend can do.(sing , swim , ride a bike , ride a horse , play the piano , play basketball , play football , play table te

6、nnis , play tennis )1、贝蒂会说英语,但她不会说汉语。 Betty _ _ English,_she_ speak Chinese. 2、你的朋友会骑马吗?会。 _ your friends _ _ _ ? Yes , _ can.3、那个女孩不会打网球。 The girl _ _ tennis.4、托尼会游泳吗?不会。 _ Tony _ ? No , he _.5、他们会弹钢琴。 They _ _ the _.canspeak butcantCanrideahorsetheycant playCanswimcantcanplaypiano1、Can you play _piano? A、a B、an C、the2、Can you dance? yes, I _. A、do B、can C、 cant3、Can he Write English? No,he _ A、can B、 cant C、does4、I _ ride a bike ,but I _drive a car. A、can , can B、 cant , cant C、can, cant5、She can _basketball . A、play B、playing C、playsACBBCSee you !



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