高中英语 Unit 5 Canada“The True North”Section Ⅱ Learning about Language课件 新人教版必修3

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高中英语 Unit 5 Canada“The True North”Section Ⅱ Learning about Language课件 新人教版必修3_第1页
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《高中英语 Unit 5 Canada“The True North”Section Ⅱ Learning about Language课件 新人教版必修3》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 Unit 5 Canada“The True North”Section Ⅱ Learning about Language课件 新人教版必修3(44页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练Unit 5 Canada“The True North” Section Learning about Language 课课件(人教版必修件(人教版必修3,课标通用),课标通用)课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练研读材料,完成下列内容:一、重点单词熟记1_ n位置;地方2_ n话题3_ vt.&vi.混合;调配_ n混合物答案1.location2.topic3.mix;mixture课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练二、重点短语探究1_

2、 charge _ 负责2mix _ 混合答案1.in;of2.up课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练三、教材佳句背诵1 It _ _ _ _ 0.44 square kilometers.它的国土面积为0.44平方千米。2Her parents were _ _ _ get the news that she won the prize.她父母非常高兴听到她获奖的消息。答案1.has an area of2.so pleased to课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练1terrify vt.使恐怖;恐吓(教材原句

3、) The idea that there will be an earthquake terrifies many people. (P37)将会有地震的说法吓坏了很多人。【句法分析】这是一个同位语从句。idea与后面句子that there will be an earthquake逻辑上为同位关系;谓语动词为terrifies。课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练【用法归纳】terrify sb into doing sth恐吓某人做某事be terrified that.害怕be terrified of.对感到惊恐课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点

4、易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练【助记】课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练【一言辨异】The terrifying stories terribly terrified the girl, which made her mother terrified.The situation is terrible.那些恐怖故事吓坏了那个小女孩,这让她妈妈很惊恐,这情景很糟糕。课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练【典例剖析】The _ look on her face indicates that the film o

5、n show must be _; otherwise, she would not look so pale.Aterrified; frightened Bterrifying; frightenedCterrified; frightening Dterrifying; frightening课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练解析考查形容词。句意:她脸上的表情暗示着上演的电影一定是令人恐惧的,否则她脸上看上去不会那么令人恐怖。terrified意思为“感到恐怖的”,主语为人;frightening意思为“令人害怕的”,主语为物。答案C课前自主导学课

6、前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练【即境活用】完成句子他很害怕死于枪战。He was _ _ being killed in a gun fight.缓慢而痛苦地死去的想法使我恐惧不已。The thought of dying slowly and painfully _ _.答案terrified ofterrified me课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练2mix vt.&vi.混合;调配;交往(教材原句)The families who have lived in Canada for a long time are u

7、sually all mixed up.(P37)在加拿大长期居住的家庭通常被混淆。【句法分析】这是一个复合句。who引导的从句为定语从句,修饰先行词families;主句用被动语态。课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练【用法归纳】mix .with .把与混合起来mix up弄乱;弄错;使充分混合be/get mixed up with.与交往;与厮混mixed adj.混合的;mixture n混合(物);混合状态He never mixes business with his private feelings.他从不在工作中掺入他的私人感情。Firs

8、t mix the butter and sugar together, then add the milk.先把黄油和糖搅拌好,再加牛奶。He read the letter with a mixture of relief and joy.他怀着安心和欢喜的复杂心情读了这封信。课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练【典例剖析】The accident happened on such an evening with strong winds _ by heavy rain.Aappeared BhappenedCaccompanied Dmixed解析考

9、查with复合结构。句意:事故发生在这么一个风雨交加的晚上。根据语境“大风与大雨”的情况可知答案。答案C课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练【即境活用】完成句子他们长得很像,很容易把他们弄混。They look so alike that its easy to _ them _.众所周知,油不能与水混合。As is known to us, oil cant _ _ water.我怀着既好笑又怀疑的复杂心情听了他的冒险经历。I listened to his adventure with _ _ _ amusement and disbelief.答案m

10、ix;upmix witha mixture of课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练语法导图语法导图课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练知能精解.基本用法同位语从句的定义在主从复合句中,在句中作某一名词尤其是抽象名词的同位语、一般位于该名词之后、说明该名词的具体内容的从句,叫同位语从句;能跟同位语从句的名词一般是fact, news, idea, truth, hope, problem, information, wish, promise, answer, evidence, report, explanatio

11、n, suggestion, conclusion等抽象名词。课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练.精要讲解1引导同位语从句的三类连词(1) 从属连词:that,whether等。如果同位语从句意义完整,应用that引导同位语从句。that不充当任何成分,只起连接作用,但是不可省略。I dont like the idea that money is everything.我不喜欢认为金钱就是一切的观点。课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练如果同位语从句意义不完整,需要表示“是否”之意时,应用whether引导同位语从

12、句。whether引导同位语从句时,在从句中不充当成分,但有“是否”之意(if不能引导同位语从句)。Well discuss the problem whether the sports meeting will be held on time.我们将讨论运动会是否会如期举行的问题。课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练(2)连接副词:how, why, where, when等。如果同位语从句意义不完整,需要表示“什么时候”、“什么地点”、“什么方式”等之意时,应用when,where,how等词引导同位语从句,并在从句中充当状语。I have no id

13、ea when he will be back.我不知道他什么时候回来。课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练(3)连接代词:what, who, which等。如果同位语从句意义不完整,需要表示“什么”、“哪一个”、“谁”等之意时,应用what, which, who等词引导同位语从句,并在从句中充当主语、宾语、表语等。The question who should go abroad required consideration.(who充当主语)谁会出国这个问题还需要考虑。课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练2同位

14、语从句应注意的几个问题(1)分隔式同位语从句:有时同位语从句与其所说明的名词会被其他成分隔开,从而形成分隔式同位语从句,这样做主要是为了保持句子结构平衡,避免头重脚轻。News came from the school office that Wang Lin had been admitted to Beijing University.从学校办公室传来消息,王林被北京大学录取了。课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练(2)名词suggestion, order, demand, command, request, desire, proposal等后的同

15、位语从句要使用虚拟语气,即从句谓语用“shoulddo”,should可省略。Wed better accept his suggestion that we (should) start right now.我们最好接受他的建议,立刻动身。(3)名词doubt“怀疑”后可跟同位语从句,若用于肯定句中时用whether引导;若用于否定句中时则用that引导。There is some doubt whether they will come to help us.他们是否能来帮助我们还不确定。课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练3同位语从句与定语从句的区别

16、(1)that既可引导同位语从句也可引导定语从句。在同位语从句中that为连接词,仅起连接词的作用;在定语从句中that为关系代词,既起连接作用,还在从句中充当主语、宾语、表语等。The news that we won the match is true.(同位语从句)我们赢了比赛的消息是真的。The news that you told us last night made us very happy.(定语从句)昨晚你告诉我们的那个消息让我们很高兴。课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练(2)wh类引导词引导同位语从句有其本身的疑问含义;引导定语从句没

17、有疑问意思。Have you got any idea where our English evening is to be held?(同位语从句)你知道我们的英语晚会在哪儿举行吗?This is the place where our English evening is to be held.(定语从句)这就是我们要举行英语晚会的地方。课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练【典例剖析】(2011天 津 高 考 )Modern science has given clear evidence _ smoking can lead to many dise

18、ases.Awhat Bwhich Cthat Dwhere解析考查名词性从句。句意:现代科学已给出了明显的证据,吸烟会导致许多疾病。smoking can lead to many diseases是evidence的内容,从句是个完整的句子,不缺成分,作evidence的同位语从句。所以选引导词that。what, which和where都需要在句子中作成分。故选C。答案C课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练(2012江苏高考)The notice came around two in the afternoon _ the meeting would

19、 be postponed.Awhen Bthat Cwhether Dhow解析考查同位语从句。分析句子成分可知,“_ the meeting would be postponed”是同位语从句,解释说明notice的具体内容,从句句意完整,且不缺少成分,所以用that引导。答案B课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练(2012重庆高考)Evidence has been found through years of study _ childrens early sleeping problems are likely to continue when

20、they grow up.Awhy Bhow Cwhether Dthat解析考查同位语从句。分析句子结构可知,空格后面的部分是解释说明evidence的内容,是evidence的同位语从句,从句中不缺任何成分,故选连词that。答案D课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练(2012浙江高考)I made a promise to myself _ this year, my first year in high school, would be different.Awhether Bwhat Cthat Dhow 解析考查名词性从句。句意:我向自己保证今

21、年,在高中的第一年将会是不一样的。根据意思可知后面的句子与promise为同位关系,用that引导。答案C课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练(2011上海高考)There is clear evidence _ the most difficult feeling of all to explain is bodily pain.Awhat Bif Chow Dthat解析考查连词。句意:很显然最困难的情感表露是身体痛苦。此处evidence与后面句子为同位关系,用that引导。答案D课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲

22、练练知能精练.完成句子1我们不知道他们什么时候出现。We _ _ _ _ they will turn up. 2我坚信他会赢得这场比赛。I _ _ _ _ he will win the game.3他不知道下一步要做什么。He _ _ _ _ he should do next. 4到哪儿去过暑假,这个问题我们还没有决定。We havent yet settled _ _ _ we are going to spend our summer vacation.课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练5他们赢得比赛的消息传来了。_ _ _ _ they ha

23、d won the game.6我不知道他现在在干什么。I _ _ _ _ he is doing now.7他提出疑问,我们将在哪里举行会议。He raised _ _ _ we would have our meeting.8我们赢得这场比赛的消息令人激动。_ _ _ we won the game is exciting.课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练9我永远不会忘记在乡村生活的日子。I will never forget _ _ _ we lived in the countryside. 10他们很熟悉这一观点,所有的物质都是由原子构成的。

24、They are familiar with _ _ _ all matter consists of atoms.课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练答案1.have no idea when2.have no doubt that3.has no idea what4.the question where5.The news came that6have no idea what7.a question where8.The news that9the days when10.the opinion that课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难

25、点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练.单项填空1There is no doubt _ our life will be better and better. Aif Bwhen Cwhether Dthat解析考查连词。句意:毫无疑问我们的生活将会变得越来越好。此处that引导的从句为同位语从句,与doubt为同位关系。答案D课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练2This is the very book _ your father wants to read.Awhich Bthat Cas Dthis解析考查定语从句。句意:这恰好是你爸爸想要读的书。boo

26、k为先行词,在定语从句中作定语。答案B课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练3Mother made a promise _ I passed the college entrance examination she would buy me a mobile phone.Athat Bif that Cthat if Dthat whether解析考查同位语从句。句意:妈妈承诺我考上大学就给我买手机。此处名词promise与后面的从句为同位关系,并且从句中出现if状语从句。答案C课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练4I

27、s there any possibility _ you could pick me up at the airport?No problem.Awhen Bthat Cwhether Dwhat解析考查同位语从句。句意:你在机场接我有可能吗?没有问题。possibility与后面的句子为同位关系,并且句子意思完整,用that引导。答案B课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练5There is much chance _ Bill will recover from his injury in time for the race. Auntil Bwhic

28、h Cthat Dif 解析考查名词性从句。句意:有很大可能比尔会从受伤中恢复按时参加比赛。chance与后面从句为同位关系,用that引导。答案C课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练6(2011辽宁高考)When the news came _ the war broke out, he decided, to serve in the army.Asince Bwhich Cthat Dbecause解析考查名词性从句。句意:当战争爆发的消息传来的时候,他决定去参军。the war broke out是news的具体内容。因此为同位语从句作news的同

29、位语,且从句中不缺少句子成分,所以用连接词that。that引导同位语从句虽不作任何成分,但不能省略。答案C课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练7(2009江西高考)The fact has worried many scientists _ the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these years.Awhat Bwhich Cthat Dthough解析考查间隔式同位语从句的用法。即先行词是the fact 和that引导的同位语从句中间隔了谓语部分。答案C 课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混

30、点语语 法法 讲讲 练练8 (2009四 川 高 考 )News came from the school office _ Wang Lin had been admitted to Beijing University.Awhich Bwhat Cthat Dwhere解析考查名词性从句。在该题中that引导了一个同位语从句来解释说明news的内容,由于该题把同位语从句后置了,所以很多考生由于不能正确分析句子结构而错误选择了D项。答案C 课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练9(2009浙江高考)Is there any possibility _ yo

31、u could pick me up at the airport?No problem.Awhen Bthat Cwhether Dwhat解析考查同位语从句的用法。that引导同位语从句解释说明possibility的内容。答案B课前自主导学课前自主导学考点难点易混点考点难点易混点语语 法法 讲讲 练练10(2009重庆高考)We should consider the students request _ the school library provide more books on popular science.Athat Bwhen Cwhich Dwhere解析考查同位语从句的用法。the school library provide more books on popular science解释了request的内容,所以用that引导同位语从句。答案A



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