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1、【最新】中学九年级英语【最新】中学九年级英语Unit10 By the time I got outside the bus had already left课件课件1 人教新目人教新目标版标版 课件课件【最新】中学九年级英语【最新】中学九年级英语Unit10 By the time I got outside the bus had already left课件课件1 人教新目人教新目标版标版 课件课件Tina _ up late.By the time she got up, her brother _ already _ in the shower.By the time she got

2、 outside, the bus _ already _.She _ all the way to school.gothadhadgottenleftran【最新】中学九年级英语【最新】中学九年级英语Unit10 By the time I got outside the bus had already left课件课件1 人教新目人教新目标版标版 课件课件When I got to school, I realized that I had left my backpack at home.【最新】中学九年级英语【最新】中学九年级英语Unit10 By the time I got ou

3、tside the bus had already left课件课件1 人教新目人教新目标版标版 课件课件She overslept She overslept 【最新】中学九年级英语【最新】中学九年级英语Unit10 By the time I got outside the bus had already left课件课件1 人教新目人教新目标版标版 课件课件Someone was taking a showerSomeone was taking a shower 【最新】中学九年级英语【最新】中学九年级英语Unit10 By the time I got outside the bus

4、 had already left课件课件1 人教新目人教新目标版标版 课件课件The bus leftThe bus left 【最新】中学九年级英语【最新】中学九年级英语Unit10 By the time I got outside the bus had already left课件课件1 人教新目人教新目标版标版 课件课件She had to run to school quicklyShe had to run to school quickly【最新】中学九年级英语【最新】中学九年级英语Unit10 By the time I got outside the bus had al

5、ready left课件课件1 人教新目人教新目标版标版 课件课件She left her backpack at homeShe left her backpack at home 【最新】中学九年级英语【最新】中学九年级英语Unit10 By the time I got outside the bus had already left课件课件1 人教新目人教新目标版标版 课件课件1cA: What happened?B:I overslept. And by the time I gotup, my brother had already gottenin the shower.【最新】

6、中学九年级英语【最新】中学九年级英语Unit10 By the time I got outside the bus had already left课件课件1 人教新目人教新目标版标版 课件课件构成:过去完成时由助动词构成:过去完成时由助动词had+过去分词构成。过去分词构成。用法:过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或动作之用法:过去完成时表示在过去某一时间或动作之前已经发生或完成了的动作。它表示动作发生的前已经发生或完成了的动作。它表示动作发生的时间是过去的过去。常与时间是过去的过去。常与by、before等构成的短语等构成的短语连用。连用。They had already had breakf

7、ast before they arrived at the hotel. 在他们到达旅馆之前,他们已经吃早在他们到达旅馆之前,他们已经吃早饭了。饭了。He said that he had never seen such a beautiful bird before. 他说他以前从来没有看过这样美丽的鸟。他说他以前从来没有看过这样美丽的鸟。【最新】中学九年级英语【最新】中学九年级英语Unit10 By the time I got outside the bus had already left课件课件1 人教新目人教新目标版标版 课件课件【最新】中学九年级英语【最新】中学九年级英语Uni

8、t10 By the time I got outside the bus had already left课件课件1 人教新目人教新目标版标版 课件课件When I _(get home), I _(realize) I _(leave) my keys in the backpack.By the time I _(get) back to school, the bell _(ring).By the time I _(walk) into class, the teacher _(start) teaching already.got homerealizedhad leftgotha

9、d rungwalkedhad started【最新】中学九年级英语【最新】中学九年级英语Unit10 By the time I got outside the bus had already left课件课件1 人教新目人教新目标版标版 课件课件2cMake up an ending for the story and share it with your partner.The teacher looked at Tina and 【最新】中学九年级英语【最新】中学九年级英语Unit10 By the time I got outside the bus had already left

10、课件课件1 人教新目人教新目标版标版 课件课件3aIve never been late for school, but yesterday I came very close. My alarm clock didnt go off,and by the time I woke up, my father hadalready gone into the bathroom and I had to wait for him to come out. I had to really rush.I took a quick shower, and had some breakfast,and t

11、hen ran off to the bus stop. Unfortunately,by the time I got there, the bus had already left.I started walking, but I knew I couldnt get to school on time. Luckily, my friend Tony and hisdad came by in his dads car and they gave me a ride. When I got to school, the final bell was ringing. I only jus

12、t made it to my class.【最新】中学九年级英语【最新】中学九年级英语Unit10 By the time I got outside the bus had already left课件课件1 人教新目人教新目标版标版 课件课件fff1.alarm clock didnt go off2.father went to bathroom3.woke up late4.took shower5.had some breakfast6.bus left7.ran to the bus stop8.started walking9.get a ride with a friend1

13、0.bell ringing11.go to school12.got to class【最新】中学九年级英语【最新】中学九年级英语Unit10 By the time I got outside the bus had already left课件课件1 人教新目人教新目标版标版 课件课件3cHave you ever been late for school?Yes, I have.Why were you late?The bus broken down.【最新】中学九年级英语【最新】中学九年级英语Unit10 By the time I got outside the bus had

14、already left课件课件1 人教新目人教新目标版标版 课件课件1. We _(learn) two thousands words by the end of last year. 3. When we _(arrive) at the station, they _(wait) for more than twenty minutes. had learnedarrivedhad waited2. I _him when I was a student. had known4. One of the men couldnt move, because he _ (break) his

15、 legs. had broken【最新】中学九年级英语【最新】中学九年级英语Unit10 By the time I got outside the bus had already left课件课件1 人教新目人教新目标版标版 课件课件go off (铃铃)响响ran off 跑步离开跑步离开came by 路过路过give sb. a ride 捎某人一程捎某人一程make it 成功成功【最新】中学九年级英语【最新】中学九年级英语Unit10 By the time I got outside the bus had already left课件课件1 人教新目人教新目标版标版 课件课件

16、【最新】中学九年级英语【最新】中学九年级英语Unit10 By the time I got outside the bus had already left课件课件1 人教新目人教新目标版标版 课件课件Put these words in the correct columns in the chart.NounsVerbs foolfool get dressedembarrassedcostumeinvite show upemptychangeempty realizeexhaustedclockgo off change get up stay up Adjectives【最新】中学

17、九年级英语【最新】中学九年级英语Unit10 By the time I got outside the bus had already left课件课件1 人教新目人教新目标版标版 课件课件Nick Dave, Nick and Joe are talking about April Fools Day. Listen and write each persons name under his picture. 1._ a costume party 4. _ was exhausted2._ my alarm went off 5. _ really embarrassed3._ stay

18、ed up all night 6. _ the other kids showed upListen again. Who says each of the phrases below? Write “D” for Dave, “N” for Nick and “J” for Joe. Joe Dave D D N N J J 【最新】中学九年级英语【最新】中学九年级英语Unit10 By the time I got outside the bus had already left课件课件1 人教新目人教新目标版标版 课件课件DickJoeDave【最新】中学九年级英语【最新】中学九年级英

19、语Unit10 By the time I got outside the bus had already left课件课件1 人教新目人教新目标版标版 课件课件 April Fools Day is a traditional day to play jokes on others. No one knows how this holiday began, but it was thought to begin in France. New Years was celebrated on March 25 in 1582 in France and celebrations lasted u

20、ntil April 1st. When New Years Day was changed from March 25 to January 1st in the mid-1560s by King Charles IX, there were some people still celebrating it on April 1st and those people were called April Fools. April Fools Day is for fun only. Nobody is expected to buy gifts or to take to eat in a

21、fancy restaurant. Nobody will have the day off. Its simply a fun little holiday, but a holiday on which everyone must remain forever vigilant(警惕的警惕的), or he may be the next April Fool! Each country celebrates April Fools differently. In France, the April Fools is called April Fish. The French fool t

22、heir friends by taping a paper fish to their friends backs and when some discovers this trick, they yell “April Fish! In England, tricks can be played only in the morning. If a trick is played on you, you are a noodle. On that day you can play jokes by saying, Your shoes untied!” And setting a roomm

23、ates alarm clock back an hour is also a common idea. v.v.愚弄愚弄开某人的玩笑开某人的玩笑n.n.阴谋阴谋v.v.喊喊【最新】中学九年级英语【最新】中学九年级英语Unit10 By the time I got outside the bus had already left课件课件1 人教新目人教新目标版标版 课件课件Now in China people also play jokes on each other on April Fools Day. So last year what did you or your classma

24、tes do for fun that day? 【最新】中学九年级英语【最新】中学九年级英语Unit10 By the time I got outside the bus had already left课件课件1 人教新目人教新目标版标版 课件课件【最新】中学九年级英语【最新】中学九年级英语Unit10 By the time I got outside the bus had already left课件课件1 人教新目人教新目标版标版 课件课件Fill in the each blank with the correct word given. rush realize invite

25、show up stay up 1、I was waiting for the school bus but it didnt come. Then I it was Saturday.2、I woke up late this morning. I had to really to get to school on time.3、Theres a good movie on TV tonight but its at I am. I dont want to that late.4、sally me to her birthday party. Its at her house on Sat

26、urday.5、Do you know where John is? He was going to meet me earlier but he didnt . realizedrushstay upinvitedshow up【最新】中学九年级英语【最新】中学九年级英语Unit10 By the time I got outside the bus had already left课件课件1 人教新目人教新目标版标版 课件课件【最新】中学九年级英语【最新】中学九年级英语Unit10 By the time I got outside the bus had already left课件课件

27、1 人教新目人教新目标版标版 课件课件1. 等我吃完饭了,新闻已经演完了。等我吃完饭了,新闻已经演完了。2. 当我听到妈妈叫我的时候,我知道我又睡过了。当我听到妈妈叫我的时候,我知道我又睡过了。3. 到了学校之后,我发现我把书落在家里了。到了学校之后,我发现我把书落在家里了。4. 等我到了,汽车已经走了。等我到了,汽车已经走了。5. 他打电话的时候,我已经写完作业了。他打电话的时候,我已经写完作业了。By the time I finished dinner, the new had been over.When I heard my mother call me, I knew I had

28、overslept. After I got to school, I found I had left my book at home. By the time I arrived, the bus had gone.When he called, I had finished my homework.【最新】中学九年级英语【最新】中学九年级英语Unit10 By the time I got outside the bus had already left课件课件1 人教新目人教新目标版标版 课件课件【最新】中学九年级英语【最新】中学九年级英语Unit10 By the time I got outside the bus had already left课件课件1 人教新目人教新目标版标版 课件课件



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