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1、基础写作与常用高级句型基础写作与常用高级句型Read the following sentences and see what they have in common.n1. They pretended to be working hard all night with their lights burning.n2. The children came running toward us, with flowers in their hands.n3. Dont sleep with the light on.n4. He sleeps with the window open.n5. I

2、 cant go with you with so much work to do.n6. He had to walked home with his bike stolen.with + 名词名词/代词代词 + 介词短语介词短语现在分词现在分词副词副词/形容词形容词过去分词过去分词不定式不定式一、一、with结构 作状语或定语1. 有这么多人帮助你,有这么多人帮助你, 你不必担心。你不必担心。 With so many people helping you, you neednt worry.2. 最后我选了一套有三个窗户朝南的公寓。最后我选了一套有三个窗户朝南的公寓。At last ,

3、I chose a flat with three windows facing south.3. 由于我的耳机坏了,由于我的耳机坏了, 我不能做听力练习。我不能做听力练习。With my earphone broken, I cant do the listening exercises.二二.1. 有有80个国家踢足球,使它成为最受欢迎的运动。个国家踢足球,使它成为最受欢迎的运动。Football is played in 80 countries, which makes it the most popular game.Football is played in 80 countrie

4、s,_ (make) it the most popular game. makingThe factories poured out large quantities of waste water and polluted gas, which polluted the environment seriously. =The factories poured out large quantities of waste water and polluted gas, polluting the environment seriously . 2. 工厂排出大量废水和废气,严重污染了环境。工厂排

5、出大量废水和废气,严重污染了环境。用定语从句和现在分词表结果用定语从句和现在分词表结果/ 限定限定三、用定语从句和倒装来表方位三、用定语从句和倒装来表方位He looked around and took notice of a door, behind which hung a picture. 2. 在教学楼前面有八个篮球场,我们经常在那打球。在教学楼前面有八个篮球场,我们经常在那打球。In front of the classroom building lie four basketball courts, where we often play basketball. 1. 他环顾四周

6、,注意到一扇门,门后面挂着一幅画。他环顾四周,注意到一扇门,门后面挂着一幅画。四、用非限制性定语从句表并列或附属关系四、用非限制性定语从句表并列或附属关系 1.He directed many films and TV plays, and some of them were well received.=He directed many films and TV plays, some of which were well received.2. 如今,代沟引起了广泛了社会关注,并成为一个社会问题。如今,代沟引起了广泛了社会关注,并成为一个社会问题。Nowadays, generation

7、gap , which has aroused close social attention, is becoming a social problem.1. 他导演了很多电影和电视剧,其中一部分得到了大家的好评。他导演了很多电影和电视剧,其中一部分得到了大家的好评。五、用非谓语动词替代状语从句和并列的动词五、用非谓语动词替代状语从句和并列的动词1. After he finished the homework, he went out for a walk. = Having finished the homework, he went out for a walk.2. If he doe

8、snt invite me , I wont attend his wedding. = Unless invited, I wont attend his wedding.六、六、 WHAT结构作主语和宾语结构作主语和宾语nWhat the students have done makes the teacher angry.n The government will do what they can to solve the problem.n What I dont understand is that he should have left without a word.七、独立主格结

9、构七、独立主格结构nTime permitting , I plan to spent more time in reading to improve my English.nThere being many problems to solve, the president had a difficult time.n The water polluted, the villagers now regretted what they have done before.八、常用倒装结构八、常用倒装结构nOnly after the river was polluted did the villa

10、gers begin to take action.nNot only do they plant more trees, but they spend more money to hire people to look after the trees.n一一. WITH 结构作状语或定语结构作状语或定语n二二. 用定语从句和现在分词表结果限定用定语从句和现在分词表结果限定n三三. 用定语从句和倒装来表方位用定语从句和倒装来表方位n四四. 用非限制性定语从句表并列或附属关系用非限制性定语从句表并列或附属关系 n五五. 用非谓语动词替代状语从句和并列的动词用非谓语动词替代状语从句和并列的动词n六

11、六. WHAT结构做主语和宾语结构做主语和宾语n七七. 独立主格结构作状语独立主格结构作状语n八八. 常用倒装结构常用倒装结构出发地及时间 广州10月1日晚6点 到达地 西藏拉萨(Lhasa)逗留时间 7天 活动 参观布达拉宫, 参加当地活动人员要求 女, 身体健康, 不抽烟, 会说英语 费用 自理 联系 J写作内容写作内容说明同行的原因说明同行的原因说明活动的安排要求说明活动的安排要求提示:布达拉宫:提示:布达拉宫:Potala Palace与外国人一块旅游,成为许多中学生暑假活动假如今年你要去西藏旅游,想邀请一个在华外国朋友一同前往1.逗留时间与活动 (非限制性定语从句表并列或附属关系非限

12、制性定语从句表并列或附属关系 )Im planning to visit the Potala Palace and attend the local celebrations, which may take us 7 days, during which we will visit the Potala Palace and attend the local celebrations2.人员要求(用用定语从句或定语从句或现在分词表限定现在分词表限定)1) Id like to go with a foreign girl, who is a non-smoker in good condit

13、ion and speaking good English.2) If youre a girl sharing the same interest, speaking good English and a non-smoker, please email at J3.活动(常用倒装结构/用非谓语动词替代状语从句)1) Not only will we visit the Potala Palace but attend the local celebrations.2) When staying there, we will visit the Potala Palace but atten

14、d the local celebrations.4.同行的原因 (用非谓语动词替代状语从句)Considering my personal security and a desire to make friends with a foreigner, Id like toWriting 2请根据下面表格里的提示内容请根据下面表格里的提示内容, 写一篇短文写一篇短文. 时间昨天上午 人物John, Miss. Green 地点公共汽车站事情经过1.上课迟到20分钟,向Green小姐道歉,并予以解释2.在公共汽车站等车上学时,站在不远的一位老人忽然晕倒在地3.猜想老人一定是犯了心脏病(heart

15、 attack),给附近的警察局打了电话,让他们把老人送往医院 结果Green小姐听后,弄清了情况,夸奖了John只能用句话表达表格里的全部内容只能用句话表达表格里的全部内容.1.上课迟到20分钟,向Green小姐道歉,并予以解释 (用非谓语动词替代状语从句 what结构做宾语)Being late for school for 20 minutes, John apologized to his teacher, Miss Green what had happened on his way to school.2.在公车站等车上学时,站在不远的一位老人忽然晕倒在地 (用非谓语动词替代状语从

16、句)When waiting at the bus station, he found an old man standing nearby fell to the ground, senseless.3.猜想老人一定是犯了心脏病,给附近的警察局打了电话,让他们把老人送往医院. (主语从句常用倒装结构/ WITH 结构作状语)It occurred to him that the old man must have a heart attack.Hardly had he thought of it when he called the police station.With the help

17、 of the police, the old man was sent to the hospital in time.4. Green小姐听后,弄清了情况,夸奖了John (用现在分词表结果用现在分词表结果)Having heard of these, Miss Green praised John for his good deeds.Writing 请用英语为学生英语报写一段人物介绍,介绍游泳运动请用英语为学生英语报写一段人物介绍,介绍游泳运动员罗雪鹃内容要点如下:员罗雪鹃内容要点如下:1. 罗雪鹃,女,岁,浙江人罗雪鹃,女,岁,浙江人2. 从小接受游泳训练,年,崭露头角从小接受游泳训

18、练,年,崭露头角3. 取得成绩:年在巴塞罗那世界锦标赛取得成绩:年在巴塞罗那世界锦标赛中获三枚金牌,年雅典奥运会打破纪录,中获三枚金牌,年雅典奥运会打破纪录,夺得米游泳冠军夺得米游泳冠军4. 其他情况:由于身体原因,现宣布退役,将到其他情况:由于身体原因,现宣布退役,将到北京大学读书北京大学读书写作要求写作要求只能使用个句子表达全部的内容只能使用个句子表达全部的内容1.罗雪鹃,女,岁,浙江人 , 中国女子奥运游泳冠军Born in Zhejiang province, Luoxuejuan is a 23-year-old Chinese female Olympic swimming cha

19、mpion.2. 从小接受游泳训练,年,崭露头角She went in for swimming at an early age and with her great efforts, she began to show her great talent in 2000.3.年在巴塞罗那世界锦标赛中获三枚金牌Three years later, she received wide public attention by getting three gold medal at the Barcelona World Championship.4.年雅典奥运会打破纪录,夺得米游泳冠军At Athens 2004 Olympics, she broke the world record , becoming womens 100 meters swimming championship.



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