八年级英语下册 unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived期末复习课件 人教新目标版

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1、Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived ?1.理发店理发店 12.爬上爬上 2.在图书馆前面在图书馆前面 13.爬下爬下3.睡懒觉睡懒觉 14.照相照相4.航空博物馆航空博物馆 15.逃走逃走5.从从里面出来里面出来 16.上星期六上星期六6.进入进入 17.想过做某事想过做某事7.起飞起飞 18.进来进来8.降落降落 19.一次事故一次事故9.一次不同寻一次不同寻 20.重大事件的重大事件的 常的经历常的经历 新闻新闻10.大约在大约在10点钟点钟 21.现代美国史现代美国史11.爬树爬树Unit 3 短语与词组短语与词组barber

2、shopsleep latein front of the librarya museum of flightget out of get intotake offlandan unusual experienceat around 10 oclockclimb the tree12.爬上爬上 13.跳下跳下14.照相照相15.逃走逃走16.上星期六上星期六17.想过做某事想过做某事18.进来进来19.一次事故一次事故20.重大事件的重大事件的新闻新闻21.现代美国史现代美国史Unit 3 短语与词组短语与词组climb upjump downtake a photo/ photosrun a

3、waylast Saturdaythink about doingcome inthe news of important eventsan accidentmodern American history22.听说听说23.日常活动日常活动24.发生发生25.世贸中心世贸中心26.和和一样糟糕一样糟糕27.民族英雄民族英雄28.全世界全世界29.打电话给报社打电话给报社30.沉默中沉默中31. 对对有意义有意义hear of /abouteveryday activitiestake placeWorld Trade Centeras terrible asnational heroall o

4、ver/around the worldcall the newspaper收到某人的来信收到某人的来信hear from sbin silencehave meaning toNegro hero tomato potato + es1.forget to do sth. 忘记去做某事忘记去做某事 (还没有做还没有做) forget doing sth. 忘记做过某事忘记做过某事 (已经做过了已经做过了) When you leave the classroom, dont forget to turn off the lights.离开教室时,别忘记关灯。 I forgot meeting

5、 him before. 我不记得以前见过他了。2.remember to do sth. 记得去做某事记得去做某事 (还没有做还没有做) remember doing sth. 记得做过某事记得做过某事 (已经做过了已经做过了)3.wish sb sth I wish you success. I wish you could go with us. hope to do sth I hope to be a bird. I hope it will be fine tomorrow. 1.find-found-found find+宾语+doing sthI found him cryin

6、g in the corner.find+宾语+doneHe found the door closed.find it+形容词+ to do sthI find it interesting to learn math. 2.强调句It is (was)+被强调部分被强调部分+ that/who的句子的句子It was last night that I met XiaoMing in the street.my homebedroombathroomliving roomkitchenbarber shopWord studyflight / flyplaygroundbell earth

7、Imahero.Youreheroes,too.heroWORLD TRADE CENTEROn September11, 2001,some terrorists flew a plane to destroyWorld Trade Center.terroristterrorist 恐怖分子恐怖分子murder 谋杀谋杀; ;凶杀凶杀destroy 破坏破坏; ;毁坏毁坏kill 杀死杀死; ;致死致死car accidenttrain accidentIwasinfrontofthelibrary.Where were you when the UFO arrived?Grammar 1

8、.Where were you when the UFO arrived?Iwasinthebathroom.Iwasinthekitchen.Where were you when the UFO landed?What was she doing when the UFO arrived ?She was taking a shower.in the bathroomWhat was he doing when the UFO landed ?He was cooking .in the kitchen What were they doing when he was playing ba

9、seball ?They were having a haircut.in the barber shopa barber I was having lunch. What were you doing at 12:00? I was having a picnic with my classmates. What were you doing at 1:20? .He was swimming.What was he doing at 8 oclock?What were they doing at 10:30?They were running.Ask and answerWhatissh

10、edoing?isjumpingdown.Sheareclimbingatree.Whataretheydoing?TheyWhat were they doing at eight yesterday?They were climbing a tree.isridinghisbicycle.Whatishedoing?HeWhat was he doing at that time?He was riding a bike.isshouting.Whatishedoing?Hewastakingaphoto.Whatwashedoing?He课堂练习一一. 翻译下列短语或词组翻译下列短语或词

11、组1. 在在前面前面 _ 2. 理发店理发店 _3. 睡到很迟才起床睡到很迟才起床_ 4. 从从出去出去 _5. 打电话给警察打电话给警察 _ 6. 跳下来跳下来 _ in front ofbarber shopsleep lateget outcall the policejump down课堂练习课堂练习一. 翻译下列短语或词组7. run away _ 8. in hospital _9. at the doctors _10. talk on the phone _11. look outside _ 12. take off _逃跑逃跑住院住院在电话上交谈在电话上交谈看医生看医生看外

12、面看外面起飞起飞过去进行时过去进行时含义含义: 表示表示过过去去某某个时个时刻刻 正在正在进进行行的的动动作作。结构结构: was / were + doing例句例句:I was having an English class at this time yesterday. 现在现在进行时进行时含义含义: 表示表示现现在在 正在正在进进行行的的动动作作。结构结构: is /am/ are + doing例句例句:I am having an English class. Summary:Summary:过去进行时的构成:过去进行时的构成:1. 1.概念概念: :表示过去某个时刻或过去一段时间

13、表示过去某个时刻或过去一段时间正在进行的动作正在进行的动作. .2.2.公式公式: :主语主语+was/+was/were+doingwere+doing sthsth + +时间时间状语状语3.3.指示词指示词: : at that time, at nine, at that time, at nine, when someone did when someone did sthsth. .等连用等连用, ,2. 现在分词的构成现在分词的构成4)以字母)以字母y结尾的单词,直接加结尾的单词,直接加ing。如如carrying、playing、studying。5)以字母)以字母ie结尾的动

14、词,变结尾的动词,变ie为为y,再加,再加ing。diedying lielying6)以元音字母加)以元音字母加e结尾,或以结尾,或以e结尾,且结尾,且e发音的动发音的动词,直接加词,直接加- ing 。see - seeingbe - being1. I _ (cook) dinner when my daughter came back home yesterday.2. Look! A cat _ (climb) up the tree.3. John _ (walk) to school every day.was cookingis climbingwalks二、用所给动词的适当形

15、式填空。二、用所给动词的适当形式填空。4. John was climbing the tree when a man _ (see) him.5. I _ (be) a teacher in five years. 6. John can _ (draw) a horse very well.sawwill bedraw/am going to be课堂练习课堂练习二二. 用用when,while填空填空 1. _ the alien was in the museum , I called the police . 2. The boy was walking down the stree

16、t _ a UFO landed . 3. _ the alien was visiting the museum , the boy called the TV station . 4. I was cleaning my room _ the fire broke out . 5. _ Linda was shouting his name , some people looked at her . 6. _ Linda finally saw Davy , he was jumping with a dog .WhilewhenWhilewhenWhileWhen“when” or “w

17、hile”when可指时间点,又可指时间段,从句中可用可指时间点,又可指时间段,从句中可用延续性动词,也可用非延续性动词,常跟一延续性动词,也可用非延续性动词,常跟一般过去时般过去时When the UFO took off, the boy was taking photoswhile 总是指一个时间段,从句中必须用延续总是指一个时间段,从句中必须用延续性动词。常跟过去进行时性动词。常跟过去进行时While the boy was taking photos, the UFO took off, 延续性动词表示的动作不但可以延续性动词表示的动作不但可以延续延续,而且可以产生,而且可以产生持久




21、),我们正在听音乐的时候),我们正在听音乐的时候),我们正在听音乐的时候),ourEnglishteachercameintoourEnglishteachercameintotheclassroom.theclassroom.momwascookinginthekitchenWhatwereyoudoingIlefthomeitwasclimbingthetreeWhilewewerelisteningtomusicIt was 9:00 in the morning. Many people _(wait) for the train. Some _(read) newspapers, a

22、nd some _ (say) good-bye to their friends.Mr Robert, Mr. Li and Mr. White were talking so happily and excitedly that they did not know the train was going to leave. Then the guard _(call) loudly,“The train is going to leave. Hurry up, please.” The three men _(hear) the guard and two of them _(jump)

23、onto the train quickly before it moved. One was left behind.It was Mr. White. He _(look) very sad. The guard _(come) to him and said,“Dont feel sad. The next train _ (come) in ten minutes.” “I know.” Mr. Whitesaid,“But it is my train. My friends only _(come) to see me off.”werewaitingwerereadingwere

24、sayingcalledheardjumpedlookedcamewillcomecame请同学们把下列9个单词按任意位置写入下面方格内,若你所写的单词与老师所报的单词刚好有3个成一条直线,即刻请喊“Bingo”,你将成为这次游戏的幸运者。 became bought got heard met ranrang rode told课堂翻译练习:1、当我去上学的时候,汤姆正在吃早饭。当我去上学的时候,汤姆正在吃早饭。Tom was having breakfast when I went to school.2 2 当我做作业的时候,她正在弹钢琴。当我做作业的时候,她正在弹钢琴。She was

25、playing the piano when I did my homework.Exercises1.昨天早上昨天早上9点钟你在干什么点钟你在干什么?What were you doing at 9 oclock yesterday morning? 2.当当不明飞行物起飞时不明飞行物起飞时,小明正在骑自行车小明正在骑自行车.XiaoMing was riding his bike when the UFO took off. 3.在在那时那时,他们正在做家庭作业他们正在做家庭作业.They were doing their homework at that time.4.今天早晨当我给你打

26、电话的时候你正在干什么?今天早晨当我给你打电话的时候你正在干什么?What were you doing when I called you up this morning?5.当他正睡觉的时候他梦见了当他正睡觉的时候他梦见了UFO.While he was sleeping ,she dreamed of UFO.Exercises1.昨天早上昨天早上9点钟你在干什么点钟你在干什么? 2.当当不明飞行物起飞时不明飞行物起飞时,小明正在骑自行车小明正在骑自行车. 3.在在那时那时,他们正在做家庭作业他们正在做家庭作业.4.今天早晨当我给你打电话的时今天早晨当我给你打电话的时你正在干什么?你正在干什么?5.当他正睡觉的时候他梦见了当他正睡觉的时候他梦见了UFO.课堂练习课堂练习四四. . 翻译下列句子翻译下列句子 1. 1. 当我在厨房做饭的时候,我看见他进来。当我在厨房做饭的时候,我看见他进来。 _ 2. 2. 那时,我正站在图书馆前面。那时,我正站在图书馆前面。 _ 3. 3. 当那个女孩正在买东西的时候,外星人出来了。当那个女孩正在买东西的时候,外星人出来了。 _ 4. 4. 你能想像到,它是多么奇怪呀!你能想像到,它是多么奇怪呀! _ 5. 5. 上周日,我有一次不寻常的经历。上周日,我有一次不寻常的经历。 _THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!



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