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1、Unit 4 Amazing ScienceTopic 3 China is the third nation that sent a person into space. 复习课复习课西峡县丹水二中西峡县丹水二中 刘艳萍刘艳萍He is our national hero who/that traveled around the earth.Its a spaceship which/that was launched as Chinas first lunar probe. Complete the following diagram. computers usageproblemwork

2、 daily life1._ of a spaceship. 2.help doctors _. 3._ in factories. 4.help businessmen _.1.play games and _. 2._ and _ at home. 3._ by sending e-mails and _. 1.get headaches or _. 2.dont have enough time _. 3.something on Internet is not _.control the speed and direction find diseases easilycontrol t

3、he robotsplace and cancel orders watch movies do shopping do businesscommunicate chatting online sore eyesto study or exercise true or goodStep One: 设疑自探设疑自探Read Topic 3 and tell what you want to ask .Step Two:解疑合探解疑合探要求:要求:1 1、小组长认真负责,确保人人参与。、小组长认真负责,确保人人参与。2 2、本组内若有其他个别问题,请一并解决。、本组内若有其他个别问题,请一并解决。

4、3 3、组长集中全组学生对展示和评价对象进行、组长集中全组学生对展示和评价对象进行 帮扶,确保代表本组最高智慧。帮扶,确保代表本组最高智慧。4 4、时间、时间6 6分钟。分钟。Discuss and solve the questions in groups.展示点评分工表展示点评分工表 展示要求:展示要求:书写迅速,字迹工整,答题规范书写迅速,字迹工整,答题规范 展示任务展示任务 展示小组展示小组 展示方式展示方式评价小组评价小组 1书面 2书面 3书面 Phrase Collectionthe first man to do sth. 做某事的第一个人做某事的第一个人in the past

5、 few year 在过去几年里在过去几年里sendinto 把把送到送到set foot on 踏上踏上advise sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事建议某人做某事used to be done 过去常常被做过去常常被做There is no doubt that 毫无疑问毫无疑问keep sb.sth. doing sth. 让某人让某人某物一直做某事某物一直做某事thanks to 多亏,由于多亏,由于communicate by 通过通过交流交流for instance 例如例如think for oneself 独立思考独立思考know for certain 确切地知道

6、确切地知道on ones own 独自,单独独自,单独Functions All of you must be very proud. It proves that China has made great progress in its space industry. There is no doubt that computers are very useful in technology and business. The Internet is making the world smaller, like a village. Computers help us at work and

7、 at home, but they must be used properly. 定定 语语 从从 句(句(1)定语从句在句中做定语,用于修饰句中的某一名定语从句在句中做定语,用于修饰句中的某一名词(或代词(或代词)。词)。 被定语从句修饰的词叫做被定语从句修饰的词叫做“先行先行词词”, 定语从句必须放在先行词之后。定语从句必须放在先行词之后。 定语从句定语从句由关系代词由关系代词who, whom, whose, which, that 和和关系副关系副词词when, where, why 等引导。等引导。定语从句结构:先行词定语从句结构:先行词+关系词关系词+定语从句定语从句 He is

8、 an American astronaut who was the first man to set foot on the moon. 关系代词关系代词定语从句定语从句先行词先行词人物Shenzhou is a spaceship that/which was launched with three astronauts in 2013.Who人Which物that人物( ) 1.The number of people _ lost their lives in Indonesian earthquake reached as many as 6200. A. which B. who

9、C. whom ( ) 2.-Have you been to the new Sports Center _ is just opened in town? -No, not yet. A. where B. who C. that ( ) 3.This is a new museum _ was built last year. A. when B. who C. which( ) 4.Do you know the girl _ is singing on the stage? A. who B. what C. which BCCAGrammar Attributive Clause(

10、)He is our national hero who/that traveled around the earth in Shenzhou V for 21 hours in 2003. China is the third nation that sent a person into space. More and more people have personal computers that /which are used to play games and watch movies. Step3 质疑再探质疑再探1. All of you must be very proud.你们

11、一定都为此而感你们一定都为此而感到骄傲。到骄傲。 be proud of 为为而骄傲而骄傲 be the pride of 是是的骄傲的骄傲e.g. We are proud of Yang Liwei. Yang Liwei is the pride of us. 2. We have launched another four spaceships in the past few years.在过去几年我国又向太空发射了四艘宇宙在过去几年我国又向太空发射了四艘宇宙飞船。飞船。 another four = four more 意为意为 “又有四个又有四个”之意。之意。3.It proves

12、 that China has made great progress in its space industry.这证明中国在航空业已经取得了巨大的进这证明中国在航空业已经取得了巨大的进步。步。 prove v.证明,证实证明,证实 +从句从句 4.In a few years, perhaps robots will think on their own, just as people use their brains and act for themselves.多年以后,也许机器人会有自己的多年以后,也许机器人会有自己的思想,就像人们使用自己的大脑和自己行动一样。思想,就像人们使用自己

13、的大脑和自己行动一样。 on ones own 独自,单独 5.One scientist warns that if robots start to think for themselves, they will no longer want to be our servants, but our masters.曾有科学家警曾有科学家警告,如果机器人开始自我思考,他们将不再愿意成为我们的仆人,而告,如果机器人开始自我思考,他们将不再愿意成为我们的仆人,而是想成为我们的主人。是想成为我们的主人。warn sb. (not) to do sth.警告某人(不要)干某事警告某人(不要)干某事wa

14、rn sb. about sth.提醒、警告某人注意某事提醒、警告某人注意某事warn sb. against (doing) sth.警告某人某事警告某人某事 v.警告警告 Read the following sentences and complete them with that, which, who. 1. Do you know Neil Armstrong _was the first man to set foot on the moon? 2. This is the spaceship _ the astronauts use on space. 3. In all bi

15、g cities, there are things _ tourists shouldnt miss! 4. He is a man _ means what he says. that/whothat/whichthat/whichwho/that1.I know the boy. He can speak English well. I know the boy who/that can speak English well. 2.Mary bought a little bird. It was very pretty. Mary bought a little bird that/which was very pretty. 3.The season is summer. It comes after spring. The season is summer which/that comes after spring. 4.I know the boy. You are looking for him. I know the boy who/that you are looking for.Change the following sentences into attributive clause.



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