译林版英语五下Unit 3Asking the wayppt课件

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1、Left, left. Right, right. Go ,turn around ,go go go !Left, left. Right, right. Go ,turn around ,go go go !LetLets dance:s dance:asking the way 问问 路路 way 路,道路 Learn to sayCan you tell me the way to the park, please? Try to say Look and learn Can you tell me the way to , 请问能告诉我去的路怎么走吗?please? go along

2、 this street 沿着街向前走along 沿着street 街道Go along this street and the park is on your right. parkCan you tell me the way to the zoo, please? Try to say turn right at the first crossing 在第一个十字路口向右拐crossing 十字路口turn left at the second crossing 在第二个十字路口向左拐Go along this street and then turnleft at the second

3、 crossing. zooHow far is it from here?Its about a kilometre away.大约有一公里远.kilometre 公里它离这儿有多远呢?get offevery ten minutes 每隔10 分钟城南-动物园6:00 6:10 6:20 6:30 城南城南动物园动物园No.1No.1get onget on 上车上车get off 下车下车Practice in pairs a post office999Huan Cheng RoadHua zhong RoadZhongshanRoadA:Wheres the post office

4、?B: Its on 路路two stopsat the third stopHow many stops are there?(车站车站)999Huan Cheng RoadHua zhong RoadZhongshanRoadA:Wheres the post office ?B: Its on 路路Listen and answer Q1: Whos new here?Q2: Where does he want to visit?Q3:Does he know the way to the history museum?Q4:Can you find the history museu

5、m for him? history 历史museum 博物馆the History Museum 历史博物馆music /ju:/ Q2: Is it far from here? How far is it?Q3: How many stops are there?Q4: Where else does Mr. Smith want to go?Q5:Where is NO.9 bus stop?Q1:Can you tell me the way to the History museum, please? Q1:Can you tell me the way to the Histor

6、y museum, please? streetstreetstreetcrossingcrossingcrossinghistory museuma history museumGo along this street, and then turn right at the third crossing. The History Museum is on your left.a history museumB:Go along this street, and then turn right /at the third crossing. The History Museum is on y

7、our left.A: Can you tell me the way to the History Museum,please?Yes, it is. Its about a kilometer way.Q2: Is it far from here? How far is it?Q3: How many stops are there?Two.Q4:Where else does Mr. Smith want to go?He wants to go to the post office!Q5:Where is NO.9 bus stop?Its on zhongshan road, in

8、 front of the History Museum. Mr Smith comes from Australia. He is living in Nanjing now. He wants to visit the History Museum, but he does not know the way. He is asking /Yang Ling how to get there.Listen and repeat 听课文,跟读Excuse me, can you tell me the way /to the History Museum,please?How far is i

9、t from here?.Its about a kilometre away.Let me see. Er, go along this street, and then /turn right at the third crossing. The museum is on your left. You cant miss it.Thats a long walk.Well, to get there faster, you can take bus No.5.How many stops are there?.Only two.Where is the bus stop?Its over

10、there. Theres a bus every five minutes. I want to go to the post office, too. Where is it? Its on Zhongshan Road. You can take/ bus No.9 /in front of the History Museum /and get off /at the third stop.Thank you very much.You are welcome.Practice the dialogue in pairs 根据课文对话,分角色表演Fill in the blanks a

11、ccording to the text.Fill in the blanks according to the text. I met Mr Smith in Shanghai Street. He wanted to go to _ _ _ by bus. I told him to _ _ No. 5 and get off at the _ stop. Then he asked me how to get to _ _ _. I told him to _ _ No.9 in front of _ _ _.the History Museumtake busthirdthe post

12、 officetakethe History Museumbus年奥运会来啦!有很年奥运会来啦!有很多外国友人来到中国旅游也有一些多外国友人来到中国旅游也有一些来到来到了连云港,了连云港,你会给他们指路吗?你会给他们指路吗?Task A(火车站火车站花果山)花果山)take a busTask B (人民路人民路时代时代超市)超市) walkTimes Super-market百货大楼百货大楼Street 任务任务B任务任务A 火车站-花果山百货大楼-时代超市时代超市6:00 6:08 6:16 6:24火车站火车站外经贸大厦外经贸大厦检察院检察院中医院中医院花果山花果山 ( Huaguomo

13、untain) I choose(选择)选择) Task _AB 1路路Ask the way (?)Can you tell me the way to Wheres How far ?How mang stops are there ?1.Go along this street, and then turn at crossing. The is on your 2.Take a bus .ItsIts about away.There areShow the wayHomework:1.用正确的语音语调朗读A部分课文2.抄写四会单词和句子3.用英语介绍自己所在城市名胜的参观路线。Goodbye!



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