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1、插插 入入 语语 插入语一般对一句话作一些附加的说明。它是中学英语语法的重插入语一般对一句话作一些附加的说明。它是中学英语语法的重点点,也是高考的考点。掌握这一语言现象不仅有利于对句子、篇章也是高考的考点。掌握这一语言现象不仅有利于对句子、篇章的理解的理解,而且也有助于提高书面表达的写作水平。而且也有助于提高书面表达的写作水平。 一、常见的插入语有形容词一、常见的插入语有形容词(词组词组)、副词、不定式、现在分词短、副词、不定式、现在分词短语、介词短语、从句以及固定短语。语、介词短语、从句以及固定短语。1.常见的形容词常见的形容词(词组词组)、副词作插入语的有、副词作插入语的有:sure en

2、ough(果然果然); strange; worse still(更糟糕的是更糟糕的是);most important(最重要的最重要的是是); honestly; obviously; however; otherwise; luckily; unfortunately; besides; first; second; especially; surprisingly等。例如等。例如:Worse still, the lion could even carry off the baby in its mouth.We must do the experiment carefully; oth

3、erwise youll get another result. Honestly, I dont need it at the moment. He likes the country, especially in spring.1w2.常见的不定式有常见的不定式有:to tell the truth; to be short(简简单地单地);to begin with(首先首先); to be sure(自然、当自然、当然、果然然、果然);to be honest/frank; to make things worse; to make a long story short; to spe

4、ak of(值得一提的是值得一提的是),to be fair ,to sum up(概括地说概括地说) 等。这些插入语表示说话人的态度等。这些插入语表示说话人的态度,在句子中作独立在句子中作独立成份。例如成份。例如:1,_ the truth, this is all Greek to me. wA. Tell B. To tell C. Telling D. Told Key: BThats a good idea, to be sure!To make things worse, many of the men have gone off to cities in search of hi

5、gher pay.2w3.常见的现在分词短语有常见的现在分词短语有:generally speaking; frankly speaking; judging from/by; talking of(谈谈到到); considering(考虑到考虑到,因为是因为是);putting it mildly(说得客气一点说得客气一点)等。这些分词用来修饰全句。等。这些分词用来修饰全句。例如例如:Judging from appearance, he seems to be a strong man.w4.常见的介词短语有常见的介词短语有:in fact; in addition; in a word

6、; on the other hand; in other words; in ones opinion; in that case; by the way; of course; as a rule(通常通常);to ones surprise; for example; on the contrary(相反相反);in a way(在某在某点上、在某种程度上点上、在某种程度上); for one thing; for another (thing)等。例如等。例如:In a way, I think we both won in the game.3w5.常见的从句有常见的从句有:if y

7、ou dont mind; if you like; if you please; if necessary; if any; if I may say so; if convenient; as it happens等。例如等。例如:You can, _, come to join us in the game. A. if you please B. if you possible C. if you happy D. if you necessary Key: Aw6.常见的固定短语常见的固定短语:as a result; that is (to say); whats more; as

8、 above; all in all(总之总之),等。例如等。例如:All in all, they have had a wonderful time today. 46.常用作插入语的介词短语常用作插入语的介词短语in a few words(或或in sum, in short)简而言之,简而言之, in other words换句话说,换句话说, in a sense在某种意义上,在某种意义上, in general一般说来,一般说来, in my view在我看来,在我看来, in his opinion(judgment)按照他的意见按照他的意见(判断判断), in conclus

9、ion总总之,之, in summary概括地说,概括地说, in fact事实上,事实上, in the first place首先,首先, in addition此外,此外, of course当然,当然, to our knowledge据我们所知,据我们所知, to my joy(delight, satisfaction)使我欣慰使我欣慰(高兴、满意高兴、满意)的,的, to their surprise(astonishment, amazement)使他们惊奇的,使他们惊奇的, to her regret (disappointment)使她遗憾使她遗憾(失望失望)的,的, fo

10、r instance(或或example)例如,例如, as a matter of fact事实上等。事实上等。1. Of course, he did not succeed for the lack of experience. 当然,他由于缺乏经验而未成功。当然,他由于缺乏经验而未成功。2. She knows much more about computer science than the other students do, for in stance. 例如,她在计算机科学方面就比其他同学懂得多。例如,她在计算机科学方面就比其他同学懂得多。57、插入句、插入句 I am sur

11、e我可以肯定地说,我可以肯定地说, I believe我相信,我相信, I wonder我不知道,我不知道, you know你知道,你知道, you see你明白,你明白, that is也就是说,也就是说, it seems看来是,看来是, as I see it照我看来,照我看来, what is important (serious)重要重要(严重严重)的是,的是, Im afraid恐怕,恐怕, it is said据说等。据说等。1. It will result in success, I suppose. 我想,这件事终于会成功的。我想,这件事终于会成功的。2. One day

12、, it is said, Newton saw an apple fall from a tree. 据说,有一天牛顿见到一个苹果从树上掉下来。据说,有一天牛顿见到一个苹果从树上掉下来。 3. What is more important, information superhighways can carry great amounts of information around the country quickly and cheaply. 更重要的是,信息高速公路能把大量信息迅速、便宜地传遍全更重要的是,信息高速公路能把大量信息迅速、便宜地传遍全国。国。6w二、插入语的位置二、插入语

13、的位置,可放在句首、句中或句末可放在句首、句中或句末,一般一般用逗号或分号隔开。例如用逗号或分号隔开。例如:Besides, I enjoy learning about new things from politics to sports and music.He knows three foreign languages, namely, English, Japanese and Spanish. 但是有些词或短语可插在句子中但是有些词或短语可插在句子中,不用逗号隔开。不用逗号隔开。例如例如:What on earth are you doing here?7w三、表示疑问的插入语结构三

14、、表示疑问的插入语结构含含think, suppose, guess, say, imagine, expect, believe等动词的疑问句等动词的疑问句,后接含疑问词的后接含疑问词的宾语从句时宾语从句时,要将疑问词放在句首。例如要将疑问词放在句首。例如:wWhom do you think I should see first?这一结构可改为这一结构可改为:Whom should I see first, do you think?He made another wonderful discovery, _of great importance to science.A. which I

15、 think is B. which I think it is C. which I think it D. I think is Key: A这里这里I think是插入语。是插入语。which引导非限制性定引导非限制性定语从句语从句,应选应选A。8w稳固练习稳固练习:请选出最正确答案。请选出最正确答案。w1. It is always difficult being in a foreign country, _if you dont speak the language. (NMET2000)wA. extremely B. naturally wC. basically D. esp

16、ecially2. _be sent to work there? (上海上海2002)A. Who do you suggest w B. Who do you suggest that should C. Do you suggest who should w D. Do you suggest whom should3. Two middle-aged passengers fell into the sea ,_, neither of them could swim. wA.in fact B.luckily C.unfortunately D.naturally 4. Never

17、waste anything, and_, never waste time. A. after all B. at all C. in all D. above all95. His father came home at midnight, and _, he was drunk. A. as a result B.that is to say C.whats more D.sooner or later6. My sister speaks English, if not better than, my brother. A. as well B. as well as C. so we

18、ll D. so well as 7 , you have given me a lot of help. A Tell the truth B. To tell the truth C. Telling true D. Telling truth 8. his face, the young man must be over 20. A. Judged from B. Judged C. Judging from D .Judging 9. I dont mind picking up your things from the store ,_,the walk will do me good . (NMET04) A. sooner or later B. still C. in time D. besides 10. What he said, has nothing to do with what he did. A. to my surprise B .to my surprised C. to my surprising D. to our surprises 10



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