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1、Learning English through English songs听歌学英语听歌学英语-by Effie TangUnit 1Yesterday Once MoreTime waits for no one.Treasure every moment you have!Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is mystery.Today is a gift.That is why its called the PRESENT!【赏析赏析】这首歌传唱于全球,广受欢迎,在大学校园里更这首歌传唱于全球,广受欢迎,在大学校园里更为风靡,几乎成为大学生们英文歌曲演唱比赛


3、会到另一种心境,这恰恰正是语言的力量所达不到的。言的力量所达不到的。About the Carpenters卡伦卡伦卡彭特(卡彭特(KarenCarpenter,1950-1983)出生于)出生于美国的康涅狄克州,在世界歌坛上享有崇高的声誉。她美国的康涅狄克州,在世界歌坛上享有崇高的声誉。她的嗓声优美自然,略带伤感,擅长演唱经典怀旧歌曲,的嗓声优美自然,略带伤感,擅长演唱经典怀旧歌曲,卡彭特也是我国青年最喜爱的外国歌星之一。卡彭特也是我国青年最喜爱的外国歌星之一。TheCarpenters(卡朋特兄妹卡朋特兄妹)是由美国人是由美国人Richard和和KarenCarpenter兄妹在兄妹在60








11、ning1. When you see the word yesterday, which of the following will first jump into your mind? Give your choices.My old friends.My toys.My school yesrs.Some old songs.The mistakes that I made.The most succesful joke I made.The shining moment when I achieved success.2. What does yesterday once more m

12、ean?Something that happens today feels like some past experience.Something that happened yesterday now happens again.Something in the past comes into my mind.3. When do you have the feeling of yesterday once more?listen to the musicwatch a touching filmlisten to the falling of rain by the windowquar

13、rel with my friends or family memberslie on my back on the grasslandread an interesting story about ones childhoodlook over my old photosgo back to my schools once I have attended look at the presents others gave me in the past. .While-listening1. The song will be played for the first time. Enjoy it

14、 and think about which of the following words can best describe the style of the song. rock & roll boring exciting jazzy nostalgic relaxing cheerful very sad2. Listen to the first part of the song and complete the lyrics.Fillintheblanks:WhenIwasyoung,_listentotheradio,Waitingformy_songs.Whenthey_Ids

15、ingalong,Itmademesmile.Thoseweresuch_times,Andnotsolongago.HowI_wheretheydgone.Buttheyre_again,Justlikealong_friend.AllthesongsIlovesowell. Idfavoriteplayedhappywonderedbacklost3. Listen to the second part of the song once more. There are several wrong words in this part. Listen carefully and correc

16、t them.Looking back on how it wasIn years come by,And the bad times that I hadMakes today seem rather mad.So much has changed.It was songs of love thatI would sing to then.And Id memorize each word.Those gold melodiesStill sound so sad to me,As they melt the years away.* Every sha-la-la-la, every wo

17、-wo still shines. Every shing-a-ling -a-ling, that they re starting to sing, so fine. *All my worst memories come back clearly to me; some can even make me smile. Just like before, Its yesterday once more. YesterdayOnceMoreWhenIwasyoung,Idlistentotheradio,Waitingformyfavoritesongs.WhentheyplayedIdsi

18、ngalong,Itmademesmile.Thoseweresuchhappytimes,Andnotsolongago.HowIwonderedwheretheydgone.Buttheyrebackagain,Justlikealonglostfriend.AllthesongsIlovesowell. 4. Lyrics AnalysisEverysha-la-la-laEverywo-wostillshines,Everyshinga-linga-ling,Thattheyrestartingtosingsofine.WhentheygettothepartWherehesbreak


20、-laEverywo-wostillshines,Everyshinga-linga-ling,Thattheyrestartingtosingsofine.AllmybestmemoriesComebackclearlytome.Somecanevenmakemecry,Justlikebefore,Itsyesterdayoncemore.1WhentheyplayedIdsingalong:=WhattheysangIwouldsingalong.在这里,在这里,played的意思是的意思是sang;singalong:跟唱。跟唱。 2Thoseweresuchhappytimes,an

21、dnotsolongago=Thoseweresuchhappytimesofnotsolongago.Those指指“随收音机唱随收音机唱”的快乐时光。的快乐时光。 3wonder:wanttoknow.注意不要与注意不要与wander弄混。弄混。wander是是“徘徊徘徊”、“随便走随便走”,而而wonder是是“不知道不知道”、“想知道想知道”。例如:例如:Iwonderwhyhewentthere.我不明白他为什么去了那儿。我不明白他为什么去了那儿。Iwanderedlonelyasacloud.我独自漫游,像一朵孤云。我独自漫游,像一朵孤云。4AllthesongsIlovesowe

22、ll:=Iloveallthesongssowell.我如此钟爱(深爱)所有这些歌曲我如此钟爱(深爱)所有这些歌曲sowell:如此深,如此好如此深,如此好例如:例如:HespeaksEnglishsowell!他的英语说得这么好!他的英语说得这么好! 5whentheygettothepart:当他们唱到那一部分。当他们唱到那一部分。getto是是“唱到唱到”的意思。的意思。6breakingherheart:使她伤心使她伤心breakonesheart:令令伤心断肠伤心断肠例如:例如:Thenewsbrokeherheart.那条消息使她肝肠寸断。那条消息使她肝肠寸断。 7makemecr

23、y:使我哭使我哭makesb.dosth.令某人做某事令某人做某事例如:例如:Thestorymadeuslaugh.那个故事使我们大笑。那个故事使我们大笑。HemadehersingaJapanesesong.他逼她唱一支日本歌曲。他逼她唱一支日本歌曲。 8Justlikebefore:就像从前一样。就像从前一样。like是个介词,意为是个介词,意为“像像一样一样”。例如:例如:Myloveislikeared,redrose.我的爱人像一朵红红的玫瑰。我的爱人像一朵红红的玫瑰。9lookbackon:回顾。回顾。例如:例如:WhenIlookbackonmyyearsthere,Ithin

24、kIwasluckytobeonememberofthatplace.当我回顾在那儿度过的岁月时,当我回顾在那儿度过的岁月时,我认为,能成为那个地方的一员,我认为,能成为那个地方的一员,我还是很幸运的。我还是很幸运的。 10rathersad:颇为伤感颇为伤感rather表示表示“颇颇”“很很”例如:例如:Theweatherisrathercold.天气很冷。天气很冷。11soundsogood:听起来动听。听起来动听。sound是个系动词,是个系动词,后接形容词,构成系表结构。后接形容词,构成系表结构。例如:例如:Yourstorysoundsuntrue.你的故事听起来不真实。你的故事听

25、起来不真实。12comebackclearlytome.又清清楚楚地回到我身旁。又清清楚楚地回到我身旁。 5. Listen to the song again. Choose from the following statements that can best describe the song.A. the song is about an old story that happened yesterday.B. the song is the one that the singer usually sang when she was still a little girl.C. the

26、 song is about the worriers that the singer has about the future.D. the song is about the singers yearning for the past.E. the song shows the singers fear and hatred of the present life.F. the song tells us a love story about the singer.6. Listen to the song again. Choose fromFollow the teacher and

27、read these sentences aloud. Pay attention to the pronunciation skills such as liaison and incomplete plosion. When I was young Id listen to the radio waiting for my favorite songs.When they play Id sing along.But they are back again just like a long-lost friend.Looking back on how it was in years go

28、ne by and the good time that I had makes today seem rather sad.It was songs of love that I would sing to them and Id memorize each word.Some can even make me cry.Those old melodies still sound so good to me.7. Sing the song with the tape. While singing, try to imitate the singers pronunciation and m

29、emorize the words.After-listening1. Some songs are very old, but people still love them, because they can make us think of something in the past. Share your favourite old songs with each other. You may talk about:The name of the songThe time and the place when first listened to itfeeling of hearing

30、the song for the first timeThe reasons of loving the songYour present feeling toward the song2. Other unforgettable stories related to the song Among the three terms yesterday, today and tomorrow, which do you like most? Why?Further listeningOther songs about yesterdayMemorySarah BrightmanTry to rememberthe Brothers Four



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