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1、Vocabulary LearningDoes Picture 1 differ from Picture 2? differ from . in. 在在.方面与方面与.不同不同 They differ with each other about whereto go for the holiday. differ with sb. about/ on / over sth. 在某事上与某人意见不同在某事上与某人意见不同I was late for the meeting because I didnt remember the exact time for it. exact adj. 精确

2、的;准确的精确的;准确的He is a mixed-race boy. To be exact,his father is American and motherChinese. to be exact 确切地说确切地说 The reason why they are identical to eachother is that they are identical twins. identical adj. 同一的;一模一样的同一的;一模一样的 be identical to.与与.一模一样一模一样The commercial heart of a city is usually the b

3、usiest area of the city. commercial adj. 商业的;贸易的商业的;贸易的 E-commerce is becoming more andmore popular with the development ofthe Internet. commerce n. 商业;贸易;商务商业;贸易;商务 Cloning is not a straightforward process. Instead, its very complicated. straightforward adj. 简单的;直接的;坦率的简单的;直接的;坦率的 Lets put it strai

4、ghtforwardly. What onearth do you want? straightforwardly adv. 简单地;直接地;坦率地简单地;直接地;坦率地 University professors both teach andundertake research. undertake vt. 从事;承担;着手从事;承担;着手 We undertake to refund the goods. undertake to do.承诺去做承诺去做. Ten years of hard work finally paid off- (sth.) pay off 得到好结果;取得成功得

5、到好结果;取得成功 pay sth. off 偿清债务等偿清债务等they paid off all their debts.Its said that scientists have made abreakthrough in the fight agaisnt cancer. make/ achieve a breakthrough 取得突破性进展取得突破性进展Scientists are said to have broken through in the fight against cancer. break through 突破突破 To apply for a patent, yo

6、u have to follow the following procedures. procedure n. 手续;步骤;程序手续;步骤;程序Dont open the email. Its a virus carrier. carrier n. 携带者;搬运工;运输工具携带者;搬运工;运输工具If you cast a coin into the pool, you will have good luck. cast v. 扔;投;掷扔;投;掷 cast - cast - cast Having tried all means, he still failed,which cast him

7、 down greatly. cast sb. down 使失望;使沮丧使失望;使沮丧_by his failure, she still tried tourge him on. A. Casting down B. Cast downBHow much do I owe you?You owe me $68 altogether. altogether adv. 总共总共The train went slower and slower until itstopped altogether. altogether adv. 完全地完全地The food was good and we lov

8、ed themusic. Altogether, it was a greatevening. altogether 总而言之总而言之The choice of players for the teamseems completely arbitrary. arbitrary adj. 任意的;武断的任意的;武断的 The players of the team were chosenarbitrarily. arbitrarily = at random My fate is at the mercy of my own hands. fate n. 命运命运Ive made a few c

9、orrections to youressay. correction n. 改正;修正改正;修正我反对你的观点。我反对你的观点。 objection n. 反对反对I have an objection to your opinion.我反对你的观点。我反对你的观点。 object vi. 反对反对I object to your opinion. 短语扩展短语扩展have an objection to (doing) sth. 反对反对have no objection to (doing) sth. 不反对不反对raise/ make an objection to sth.对对.提出

10、异提出异议;反对;不赞成议;反对;不赞成object to sb. 反对某人反对某人object to (doing) sth. 反对反对(做做)某事某事他强烈反对早起。他强烈反对早起。 He has a strong objection to getting up early. He strongly objects to getting up early. 父亲的死对她的童年产生了巨大的影响。父亲的死对她的童年产生了巨大的影响。 impact n. 撞击;冲击;巨大的影响撞击;冲击;巨大的影响Her fathers death had a great impact onher childh

11、ood.Television is a modern medium. medium n. 媒介;手段;工具媒介;手段;工具 The media plays/play an important rolein modern society. the media 大众媒体大众媒体 Further information can be obtained by means of visiting our website. obtain v. 获得;赢得获得;赢得 obtainable adj. 可获得的可获得的She attained 140 marks in the examafter two mon

12、ths of hardwork. attain v. 获得;得到获得;得到The cheetah(猎豹猎豹) can attain a speed ofup to 97 kph. attain v. 达到达到(某年龄;水平;状况等某年龄;水平;状况等) attainable goals 可达到的目标可达到的目标The law cant punish her, but sheshould be accused morally. moral adj. 道德的;伦理的道德的;伦理的 adv. morally法律不能制裁她,但她应该受到道德谴责。法律不能制裁她,但她应该受到道德谴责。Many peop

13、le have a conservative attitude towards human cloning. conservative adj. 保守的;守旧的保守的;守旧的Many governments forbid research intohuman cloning. forbid v. 禁止禁止 (forbad/forbade - forbidden) 扩展扩展 forbid sb. sth. 禁止某人某事禁止某人某事 forbid doing sth. forbid sb. to do sth. forbid sb. from doing sth. forbidden adj. 被

14、禁止的被禁止的,严禁的严禁的 他的父母禁止他喝酒。他的父母禁止他喝酒。 ban sb. from doing sth. accumulate vt. 积累积累 Being a volunteer can help accumulate experience for your future jobs. accumulate vi. 积累;积聚积累;积聚Dust has accumulated on the car. After reaching a junction(叉路口叉路口), he isat a loss which side road to take. side road 旁路;支线;

15、岔道旁路;支线;岔道Every citizen should obey theconstitution, which is the fundamentallaw of a country. constitution n. 宪法宪法 Nine years of compulsory education is offered to children in our country. compulsory adj. 必须做的;义务的;强迫的;强制的必须做的;义务的;强迫的;强制的 Sydney Opera House is one of the most unique buildings in the

16、 world. opera n. 歌剧;歌剧团;歌剧院歌剧;歌剧团;歌剧院The conductor couldnt help joining thechorus finally. chorus n. 合唱;合唱团合唱;合唱团Here are two loaves of bread, whichare made of flour. loaf n. 一条一条(面包面包) flour n. 面粉面粉 You have given me so much help in thepast few months. I really owe you a lot. owe sb. sth.= owe sth.

17、 to sb. 欠某人某事欠某人某事 I must say I owe all the achievements tothe encouragement and help from mycolleagues and friends. owe . to . 把把.归功于归功于.I must say I owe it to my colleagues andfriends that I have made so manyachievements. owe it to sb. that.把把.归功于某人归功于某人Owing to the encouragement and helpfrom her

18、colleagues and friends, I havemade great achievements. owing to .由于;因为由于;因为 Shortly after her grandpa died of cancer, her grandma passed away. shortly adv. 立刻;不久立刻;不久 Her grandpa died of cancer in 1989. Shortly afterwards, her grandma passed away. shortly afterwards 不久以后不久以后 If you were her, would y

19、ou like to retire in advance or not? retire v. 退休退休 bother to do 操心去做某事操心去做某事Mum, Im calling to tell you that youdont bother to cook dinner for metoday. Ill eat out.Scientists believe human cloning is just amatter of time but the assumption thathuman clones have already been bornhasnt been proved ye

20、t. assumption n. 假设;假定假设;假定Obeying traffic regulations meanstreasuring your own life. regulation n. 规则;规章;法规规则;规章;法规 Riding such a roller coaster can strike amixture of fear and excitement intopeoples hearts. strike.into ones heart 使使.刻骨铭心刻骨铭心 strike1. The visitors were struck by the beauty of the W

21、est Lake.2. That area was struck by a snowstorm.3. When the clock struck six, the children go home for dinner. 4. They were on strike for higher pays.5. It struck me that there was no one at home. from time to time 时不时;偶尔时不时;偶尔 I visit my hometown with my parents from time to time. bring.back to lif

22、e使复活使复活 Can we really bring dinosours back tolife?He is greedy. Once you agree to hisinitial request, he will ask for more andmore. initial adj.最初的最初的;开始的开始的 She is a vain woman. vain adj. 虚荣的;自负的虚荣的;自负的 vain adj. 徒劳的徒劳的 He failed after many attempts. That is to say, all his efforts were in vain. I

23、know it is time for me to do myhomework, but I just cant resist playingcomputer games. resist v. 抵抗;对抗抵抗;对抗 resistresist (doing) sth. 抵制做某事抵制做某事cant resist/help doing sth. 忍不住做忍不住做.cant help but do sth. 忍不住;不得不做忍不住;不得不做.resistant adj. 抵抗的;有抵抗力的抵抗的;有抵抗力的be resistant to .对对.有抵抗力有抵抗力Some officials are

24、not resistant tomoney, ending up in prison. 有些官员对金钱没有抵抗力,最终锒铛入狱有些官员对金钱没有抵抗力,最终锒铛入狱 One of the drawbacks of living in a big house is that it is difficult to clean up. drawback n. 缺点缺点 merely adv. 仅仅;只是仅仅;只是Dont believe it. Its merely a joke. fairly adv. 公平地;相当地公平地;相当地This is a fairly strong boy. in g

25、ood condition 状况很好状况很好 in bad/poor condition状况不好状况不好Having stood here for over 1,000 years,the old castle is still in good condition. dye v. 给给.染色;染染色;染 n. 染色剂染色剂Girls, do you want to dye your hairgolden like her? turkey n. 火鸡火鸡 claw n. 爪子爪子Does a turkey have its claws? adore v. 崇拜;爱慕;喜爱崇拜;爱慕;喜爱 adoration n. Who adores this star most in our class? hatch vt./vi.孵出;孵卵孵出;孵卵Dont count your chickens before they are hatched. reasonable adj. 合理的合理的 unreasonable adj. 不合理的不合理的I want to buy a used car at areasonable price.



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