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1、Beyond Good and EvilBeyond Good and EvilPart two: The Free SpiritPart two: The Free Spirit在自由精神这一部分之中,尼采主要是批判了前人关于人的自由精神的描述,并对一般人内心中关于自由精神的概念进行摧毁Point: Independence is a privilege of the strong“Independence is for the very few; it is a privilege of the “Independence is for the very few; it is a priv

2、ilege of the strong. And whoever attempts it even with the best right strong. And whoever attempts it even with the best right but without inner constraint proves that he is probably not but without inner constraint proves that he is probably not only strong, but also daring to the point of reckless

3、nessonly strong, but also daring to the point of recklessness.”(part two 29)in short, wherever one believed in an order of rank and in short, wherever one believed in an order of rank and not in equality and equal rights-does not so not in equality and equal rights-does not so much consist much cons

4、ist in this, that the exoteric approach comes from outside and in this, that the exoteric approach comes from outside and sees, estimates, measures, and judges from the outside, sees, estimates, measures, and judges from the outside, not the inside: what is much more essential is that the not the in

5、side: what is much more essential is that the exoteric approach sees things from below, the esoteric exoteric approach sees things from below, the esoteric looks looks down from above. down from above. (30)(30)尼采提倡一种崭新的等级制度,与过去的政治上等级制度不同。这种等级制度是以人的精神力量的高低将人进行划分超人(bermensch)和末人(Letztemensch)衡量标准:权力意志

6、只有少数强者才能真正的独立只有少数强者才能真正的独立来源:叔本华的生存意志(der Wille zum Leben)Philosophy is this tyrannical drive itself,the most spiritual will to power, to the “creation of the world,“ to the causa prima.(9)will to knowledge on the foundation of a far more powerful will: the -will to ignorance, to the uncertain, to t

7、he untrue! Not as its opposite, but-as its refinements(24)超人:超越自身、超越弱者的人,充分表现自己、是真理与道德的准绳,是规范与价值的创造者;自由的、自私的、自足的,信奉主人道德(Master Master moralitymorality)权力意志(权力意志(der Wille zur Macht)der Wille zur Macht)末人:指一种无希望无创造平庸畏葸浅陋渺小的人。现在末人是指和超人相反的,病态的人群.信奉奴隶道德(奴隶道德(Slave moralitySlave morality),限制了超人的人。在现实中,集中

8、表现为基督教的博爱原则以及民主制度以及社会主义运动the democratic movement is the heir of the Christian movementbrotherhood enthusiasts who call themselves socialists and want a free society; but in fact they are at one with the lot in their thorough and instinctive hostility to every other form of society except that of the

9、 autonomous herd (even to the point of repudiating the very concepts of master and servant-ni dieu ni matre runs a socialist formula) (202) 问题:基督教义问题:基督教义= =民主制?民主制?“对上帝的亵渎虽是最大的亵渎,但上帝死了,故渎神者也死了。现在,亵渎尘世、尊崇高于尘世意义的不可知事物乃是最可怕之事”查拉图斯查拉图斯特拉如是说特拉如是说原因:(1)基督教神学控制着人们的心灵,使人无法真正拥有自由,阻碍了超人出现。(2)现实中,基督教无法阻止人的堕落。

10、“上帝死了上帝死了”:指西方传统的价值系统的崩溃:指西方传统的价值系统的崩溃对基督教的批判:上帝死了对基督教的批判:上帝死了these falsely so-called “free spirits”-being eloquent and prolifically scribbling slaves of the democratic taste and its “modern ideas”; they are all human beings without solitude, without their own solitude, clumsy good fellows whom one

11、should not deny either courage or respectable decency-only they are unfree and ridiculously superficial,(44)“自由精神”在于不受任何固有价值观的束缚,发扬权力意志,主动追求自我孤寂,创造价值。尼采本人并没有对尼采本人并没有对“自由精神自由精神”给给过明确的定义过明确的定义“你们尊敬我,可你们尊敬的人某天倒下了那又将如何呢?当心啊,别让一个雕像柱把你们砸死!你们说,你们相信查拉图斯特拉?可查拉图斯特拉算得了什么!.现在我叫你们丢掉我,寻觅自己;当你们把我全盘否定之后,我才回来你们处。我将用另一双眼睛寻找我失去的人们,我将以另一种爱来爱你们。”查拉图斯特拉如是说查拉图斯特拉如是说本质:反对一切偶像崇拜本质:反对一切偶像崇拜



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