高考英语 Units12课件 牛津版选修9

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1、选修选修9Unit 1 Other countries, other culturesUnit 2 Witnessing time. 单词盘点单词盘点核心速记核心速记1. _ (n. ) 摄氏度摄氏度 (adj. ) 摄氏的摄氏的2. _ (n. ) 娱乐,消遣娱乐,消遣3. _ (vi. & vt. ) 属于某个等级,将属于某个等级,将归为某归为某 个等级;排列个等级;排列 (n. ) 等级,地位;军衔等级,地位;军衔centigraderecreationrank4. _ (adj. ) 充满活力的;动态的充满活力的;动态的5. _ (adj. ) 绝对的;完全的绝对的;完全的6. _(a

2、dj. ) 满意的;满足的;甘愿的满意的;满足的;甘愿的7. _ (vt. ) 归因于;归功于;欠归因于;归功于;欠债债8. _ (prep. conj. ) 考虑到;鉴于考虑到;鉴于9. _ (adj. ) 平的;平淡的;单调的平的;平淡的;单调的 (n. ) 公寓;单元房公寓;单元房10. _(vt. ) 修理;解决修理;解决dynamicabsolutecontentoweconsideringflatmend11. _ (adj. ) 稳步的;持续的;匀速的稳步的;持续的;匀速的12. _ (n. ) 风流韵事;公共事务;事件风流韵事;公共事务;事件13. _(vt. ) 判刑判刑 (

3、n. ) 判决;宣判判决;宣判14. _ (n. ) 管理;管控;规章制度;条例管理;管控;规章制度;条例15. _(vt. & vi. ) 登记;注册登记;注册 (n. ) 登记表;注册簿登记表;注册簿steadyaffairsentenceregulationregister联想串记联想串记16. _ (adj. )极冷的,冰冻的极冷的,冰冻的 (adv. )极冷地极冷地_ (adj. )冰冻的,结冰的,极冷的冰冻的,结冰的,极冷的17. _(adj. )不健康的;不适宜的不健康的;不适宜的_ (adj. )健康的,适宜健康的,适宜的的18. _ (vt. )装备,配备装备,配备 _(n.

4、 )设备,装备设备,装备19. _(n. )兴奋兴奋, 激动激动(vt. )使激动、兴奋使激动、兴奋_(adj. )感感到兴奋的到兴奋的_(adj. )令人兴奋的令人兴奋的20. _(vt. )联想,联系;联想,联系;(adj. )非正式的;副职的非正式的;副职的_(n. )联合,联想;协会,团体联合,联想;协会,团体freezingfrozenunfitfitequipequipmentthrillthrilledthrillingassociateassociation21. _(vt. )任命,委任;指定任命,委任;指定(时间、地点时间、地点) _ (n. )约会,任命约会,任命22.

5、_(n. )灵感;启发灵感的人灵感;启发灵感的人(或事物或事物)_ (vt. )鼓舞,激励;赋予鼓舞,激励;赋予灵感灵感23. _(vt. )强调;重读强调;重读 (n. )强调;重读,重音;压力强调;重读,重音;压力_ (adj. )紧张的,压力重的紧张的,压力重的24. _ (n. )帮助,援助帮助,援助_(v. )帮助,协助帮助,协助appointappointmentinspirationinspirestressstressfulassistanceassist. 短语互译短语互译1. 仅次于仅次于 _2. 为为的所在地的所在地 _3. 把把归功于归功于 _4. 区别;辨别区别;辨别

6、 _5. 尤其;特别尤其;特别 _6. 被指控犯有被指控犯有罪罪 _7. 判处某人死刑判处某人死刑 _be second only tobe home toowe. . . to. . .distinguish. . . from. . .in particularbe charged withentence somebody to death8. seek ones fortune _9. in advance _10. little more than _11. on behalf of somebody _12. in terms of _13. turn. . . over to sb

7、. _外出寻找外出寻找(成功或发财成功或发财)机会机会提前提前只是只是而已;仅仅而已;仅仅代表某人,代替某人代表某人,代替某人在在方面,从方面,从方面来说方面来说把把移交给某人移交给某人. 句型透视句型透视1. 地点状语置于句首时,引起的完全倒装结构:地点状语置于句首时,引起的完全倒装结构:In the heart of Toronto _(是加是加拿大国家塔拿大国家塔),which is often called the CN Tower for short. 2. 独立主格结构独立主格结构Montreal, a port in the province of Quebec, is the

8、second largest city in Canada, and also the second largest French-speaking city in the world, _(最大的是巴最大的是巴黎黎). is the Canadian National TowerParis being the largest3. 比较级与否定词连用,表示最高级比较级与否定词连用,表示最高级_(没没有人对西方文明有更大的影响有人对西方文明有更大的影响)than the ancient Greeks. 4. with 复合结构复合结构After that, much progress was m

9、ade in repairing the Acropolis, _(由由于于做做了了大大量量工工作作)in preparation for the 2004 Athens Olympic Games. No one has had a greater influence on Western civilizationwith a large amount of work done. 语篇完形语篇完形 Canada is one of the largest countries in the world, 1. _ only to Russia, and has always been famo

10、us for its fantastic natural scenery. Toronto 2. _ among the most multicultural cities in the world. In the heart of it is the Canadian National Tower called the CN Tower 3. _. Montreal is the second largest 4. _ city in the world and has a wonderful 5. _ of Old World and New World architecture and

11、culture. secondfor shortFrench-speakingmixranks Vancouver has one of the largest 6. _ populations in North America and has all the comforts of modern life and international cuisine. Edmonton is 7. _ to the West Edmonton Mall. The mall is like an underground city, 8. _ an area of 9. _ _ 20 acres. Nia

12、gara Falls is perhaps the best-known natural phenomenon in Canada, which is 10. _ like a semicircle. Chinesehomecoveringmorethanshaped1. 选用框中词汇完成句子选用框中词汇完成句子 recreation, content, appoint, in particular, owe. . . to. . . (1)They have _ a new headteacher at my sons school. (2)Do you like any pop music

13、 _? (3)For _ I like to play beach volleyball in summer. (4)Martina _ herself with a single glass of wine. (5) She _ her success _ her teachers help. appointedin particularrecreationcontentedowesto2. 选用句型透视中的句式仿写句子选用句型透视中的句式仿写句子(1)在英格兰一所大学的讲堂里坐着一位教授。在英格兰一所大学的讲堂里坐着一位教授。_(2)如果天气允许,我们明天去看你。如果天气允许,我们明天去看

14、你。_(3)没有人比她更了解这座建筑。没有人比她更了解这座建筑。_(4)工作做完后,他去公园散步了。工作做完后,他去公园散步了。_In a lecture hall of a university in England sits a professor.Weather permitting, we are going to visit you tomorrow.No one else has a better knowledge of the building than her.With the work finished, he took a walk in the park.核核心心考考点

15、点独立主格结构考独立主格结构考3年年2完全倒装完全倒装3年年1考考1. freezing adj. 极冷的,冰冻的,冷淡的极冷的,冰冻的,冷淡的 adv. 极冷地极冷地 n. 冰点冰点(1)above/below freezing 零度以上零度以上/以下以下the freezing point 冰点冰点freezing cold 极冷极冷(2)freeze v. 使冻结;冻僵使冻结;冻僵frozen adj. 冷冻的;冻结的冷冻的;冻结的The temperature has dropped to the _ _. 气温已经降到了冰点。气温已经降到了冰点。She thawed out the

16、_ meat in the microwave oven. 她用微波炉将冻肉化开。她用微波炉将冻肉化开。The cold weather can even freeze petrol in car engine. 寒冷的天气甚至能使汽车发动机里的汽油凝固。寒冷的天气甚至能使汽车发动机里的汽油凝固。freezing pointfrozen【助助记记】 It was freezing cold outside, and the water of the river froze with something frozen on it. 外面极冷,结冰的河面上有些冻结的东西。外面极冷,结冰的河面上有些

17、冻结的东西。2. rank vi. &vt. 属于某个等级,将属于某个等级,将归为某个等级;排列归为某个等级;排列 n. 等级,地位;军衔等级,地位;军衔观察句子,写出黑体部分的含义观察句子,写出黑体部分的含义The tasks have been ranked in order of difficulty. ( )Please rank them from 1 to 50. ( )He was not used to mixing with people of high social ranks. ( )He was soon promoted to the rank of captain.

18、 ( )把把分等级分等级排列排列地位地位军衔军衔3. content adj. 满意的,满足的,甘愿的满意的,满足的,甘愿的 vt. 使满足使满足 n. 内容,目录,容量;容器所装之物内容,目录,容量;容器所装之物He got a new job in a hotel and he was content with it. 他在一家旅馆得到一份新工作并对此满意。他在一家旅馆得到一份新工作并对此满意。I should be content to do the job together with you. 我愿意和你一起干这份工作。我愿意和你一起干这份工作。We should never cont

19、ent ourselves with book knowledge only. 我们永远不要仅仅满足于书本知识。我们永远不要仅仅满足于书本知识。【归纳【归纳】写出下列短语写出下列短语_ 对对满足满足/满意满意_ 乐意干某事乐意干某事_ 使某人使某人/自己满足于某事自己满足于某事be content withbe content to do sth.content sb. /oneself with sth.【点点津津】 content 作作形形容容词词时时,通通常常作作表表语语、后后置置定定语语或或状状语语。作作前前置置定定语语时时,要要用用contented,如如a contented ex

20、pression满满足足的表情。的表情。【辨析【辨析】理解下列区别并选词填空理解下列区别并选词填空contentadj.用来修饰人,表示对某一特殊事物的满意,一般用作表语用来修饰人,表示对某一特殊事物的满意,一般用作表语satisfactoryadj.用来修饰事物,侧重于性质、状态方面的描述用来修饰事物,侧重于性质、状态方面的描述填空:填空:The house seems not to be _, but he is _ to live in it. satisfactorycontent4. owe vt. 归因于,归功于;欠归因于,归功于;欠债;欠债;欠(人情人情)I owe him te

21、n dollars. =I owe 10 dollars to him. 我欠他我欠他10美元。美元。The young writer owed his success to his teachers encouragement. 那个年轻作家把自己的成功归功于他老师的鼓励。那个年轻作家把自己的成功归功于他老师的鼓励。I still owe you for the taxi. 我还欠你的出租车费。我还欠你的出租车费。【归纳【归纳】用适当的介词填空用适当的介词填空owe sth. _ sb. =owe sb. sth. 欠某人某物欠某人某物owe sb. _. . . 因因欠某人欠某人owe.

22、. . _. . . 把把归功于归功于toforto【想一想【想一想】你知道你知道owing to的意思吗?与它意义相近的高考常的意思吗?与它意义相近的高考常考查的介词短语我们还学过哪些?考查的介词短语我们还学过哪些?【参考答案【参考答案】owing to表示表示“因为因为”。意义类似的介词短语还有。意义类似的介词短语还有due to较正式用语,常用于正式的通告或公开声明中较正式用语,常用于正式的通告或公开声明中because of非正式用语,尤其用于解释某件事发生的原因与过程非正式用语,尤其用于解释某件事发生的原因与过程thanks to有有“多亏多亏”之意,也可用于解释某件事发生的原因与过

23、程之意,也可用于解释某件事发生的原因与过程 5. equip vt. 装备,配备;使胜任装备,配备;使胜任(1)equip. . . with. . . 用用装备装备equip. . . for. . . 为为而准备而准备be equipped with 配备着配备着(2)equipment n. 设备;装备设备;装备a piece of equipment 一件设备一件设备He _ _ _ a street plan. 他随身带着一张街道平面图。他随身带着一张街道平面图。They spent a lot of money equipping the school with new compu

24、ters. 他们花了很多钱为学校配备了新电脑。他们花了很多钱为学校配备了新电脑。The course is designed to equip students for a career in nursing. 此课程旨在使学生能够胜任护理工作。此课程旨在使学生能够胜任护理工作。(2011辽宁高考辽宁高考)Children get free equipment for their online education. 孩子们得到了网络教育的免费设备。孩子们得到了网络教育的免费设备。equipped himself with6. thrill n. 兴奋、激动兴奋、激动 vt. 使兴奋、激动使兴奋

25、、激动(1)give sb. a thrill 使某人激动使某人激动a thrill of joy/horror 一阵欢乐、恐怖一阵欢乐、恐怖(2)thrilling adj.令人激动的;颤动的;刺骨的令人激动的;颤动的;刺骨的thrilled adj. 感到兴奋的感到兴奋的thriller n. 惊险;恐怖小说、戏剧等惊险;恐怖小说、戏剧等It gave me a thrill to know that I have passed all the examinations. 得知考试都通过了,我很兴奋。得知考试都通过了,我很兴奋。She was thrilled with excitemen

26、t at the sight of the monument. 她看到纪念碑时,激动地颤抖起来。她看到纪念碑时,激动地颤抖起来。Little Tom _ _ _ _ to the movies. 能去看电影,小汤姆感到很激动。能去看电影,小汤姆感到很激动。was thrilled to go7. considering prep. & conj. 考虑到,鉴于考虑到,鉴于Considering that he has worked seven hours, he must be very tired. 考虑到他已经工作了七个小时了,他一定是累坏了。考虑到他已经工作了七个小时了,他一定是累坏了。

27、_ _ _, he is very strong. 就他的年龄而言,他算得上是很强壮了。就他的年龄而言,他算得上是很强壮了。Considering his age【归纳【归纳】 considering后可以加从句和名词,为固定搭配后可以加从句和名词,为固定搭配【点津【点津】与与considering相类似的结构还有:相类似的结构还有:supposing (that)“假假如如”;provided/providing that“如如果果”。这这些些都都是是固固定搭配,不能以分词和主语的关系来分析。定搭配,不能以分词和主语的关系来分析。 8. associate vt. 联想,联系联想,联系 ad

28、j. 非正式的;副职的非正式的;副职的(1)associate. . . with. . . 把把与与联系起来联系起来be associated with. . . 与与有关有关associate with sb. 与某人交往与某人交往/共事共事(2)association 联合;联想;交往;协会;团体联合;联想;交往;协会;团体in association with 与与合作合作/合伙合伙I always _ him _ fast cars. 我总是将他与速度快的汽车联系起来。我总是将他与速度快的汽车联系起来。(2012北北京京高高考考)Only the pleasure associate

29、d with such activities comes to mind. 只想起了与这些活动相关的快乐。只想起了与这些活动相关的快乐。Dont associate with dishonest boys. 不要和不诚实的男孩儿交往。不要和不诚实的男孩儿交往。The book was published in association with a British association. 这本书是和英国的一个协会合作出版的。这本书是和英国的一个协会合作出版的。associatewith9. appoint vt. 任命,委任;指定任命,委任;指定(时间、地点时间、地点)(1)appoint s

30、b. to be/as. . . 任命任命/指派某人为指派某人为appoint sb. to do sth. 委派某人做某事委派某人做某事appoint sth. (for sth. ) (为某事为某事)确定确定(日期、场所日期、场所)(2)appointed adj. 指定的,约定的指定的,约定的(3)appointment n. 任命;约定任命;约定make an appointment with sb. 与某人约会与某人约会keep/break ones appointment 守守/违约违约She is appointed as sales director. 她被任命为销售部总监。她

31、被任命为销售部总监。A date for the meeting is still to be appointed. 会议日期尚待确定。会议日期尚待确定。They made an appointment with their doctor for the second day of May. 他们和医生预约在五月二号。他们和医生预约在五月二号。Ive _ _ _ run the overseas section. 我被指派经营海外部。我被指派经营海外部。用用appoint的适当形式填空的适当形式填空He was _ as headmaster of a school and decided t

32、o tell his girlfriend the good news at the _ time, but she missed their _ somehow. been appointed toappointedappointedappointment10. sentence vt. 判刑判刑 n. 判决,宣判判决,宣判Bruces son was sentenced to death because of murder. 布鲁斯的儿子因谋杀被判处死刑。布鲁斯的儿子因谋杀被判处死刑。The prisoner will serve his sentence in New York. 那名犯

33、人将在纽约服刑。那名犯人将在纽约服刑。The judge passed sentence on the person who did many bad things. 法官对那个做了许多坏事的人宣布了判决。法官对那个做了许多坏事的人宣布了判决。【归纳【归纳】写出下列短语写出下列短语_ 判处某人死刑判处某人死刑_ 对某人宣判对某人宣判_ 服刑服刑sentence sb. to deathpass sentence on/upon sb.serve ones sentence11. stress vt. 强调;重读;着重强调;重读;着重 n. 强调;重读,重音;压力强调;重读,重音;压力He pu

34、t/laid/placed stress on the importance of learning. =He stressed the importance of learning. 他强调了学习的重要性。他强调了学习的重要性。Jack has been under a lot of stress since his mothers illness. 自从母亲病倒后,杰克一直忧心忡忡。自从母亲病倒后,杰克一直忧心忡忡。The teacher stressed that we should form the habit of getting up early. 老师强调:我们应该养成早起的习惯

35、。老师强调:我们应该养成早起的习惯。【归纳【归纳】 _ 把重点放在把重点放在;强调;强调_ 在压力之下在压力之下stress that. . . _put/lay/place stress on sth.under stress 强调强调12. little more than只是只是而已;仅仅而已;仅仅Little more than a third of people would back them if elections were held today. 如果今天举行选举,将只有略超过三分之一的人支持他们。如果今天举行选举,将只有略超过三分之一的人支持他们。观察句子,写出黑体部分的含义

36、观察句子,写出黑体部分的含义Modern science is more than a large amount of information. ( )I assure you I am more than glad to help you. ( )He is more than a teacher, but a friend. ( )There is no more than 10 days to go. ( )不只是不只是非常非常不仅仅不仅仅仅仅仅仅13. on behalf of somebody(=on sb. s behalf) 代代表表某某人人,代代替替某人某人On behalf

37、of the department I would like to thank you all. 我谨代表全系感谢大家。我谨代表全系感谢大家。Dont worry _ _ _. 别为我担心。别为我担心。on my behalf14. in terms of 在在方面,从方面,从方面来说方面来说That was a bad year for new films, in terms of both quantity and quality. 那年的新电影无论从质量上还是数量上都说不上好。那年的新电影无论从质量上还是数量上都说不上好。The job is great in terms of sala

38、ry, but it has its disadvantages. 就薪金而言,这份工作不错,但也有些不利之处。就薪金而言,这份工作不错,但也有些不利之处。【拓展【拓展】翻译下列短语翻译下列短语in the long/short term _be on good/bad terms with sb. _come to terms _就长就长/短期看短期看与某人交情好与某人交情好/不好不好达成协议;和好达成协议;和好15. In the heart of Toronto is the Canadian National Tower,which is often called the CN Tow

39、er for short. 多多伦伦多多的的市市中中心心是是加加拿拿大大的的国国家家塔塔,经经常常简简写写为为:the CN Tower。(1)In the heart of Toronto is the Canadian National Tower,是是完完全全倒倒装装结结构构,正正常常语语序序为为:The Canadian National Tower is in the heart of Toronto。(2)完全倒装小结完全倒装小结a. 当当句句首首为为表表示示方方位位或或位位移移的的副副词词here, there, on, off, out, away或或者者是是now, then

40、等等, 且且句句子子谓谓语语是是一一个个不不及及物物动动词词时时, 句句子完全倒装。子完全倒装。b. 句句子子谓谓语语是是一一个个不不及及物物动动词词, 其其后后表表示示方方向向或或者者位位置置的的介介词词短语提到句首时短语提到句首时, 句子完全倒装。句子完全倒装。Now comes your turn. 现在轮到你了。现在轮到你了。Round the corner walked a large policeman. 一个大个子警察从拐角处走来。一个大个子警察从拐角处走来。句型转换句型转换The chairman came in and the meeting began. =_ _ _ _

41、and the meeting began. A half-conscious young man was lying under the table. =_ _ _ _ lying a half-conscious young man. In came the chairmanUnder the table was【点津【点津】当主语是代词时,主谓不倒装。例如:当主语是代词时,主谓不倒装。例如:Here he comes. 他来了。他来了。16. Montreal, a port in the province of Quebec, is the second largest city in

42、 Canada, and also the second largest French-speaking city in the world, Paris being the largest. 港港口口城城市市蒙蒙特特利利尔尔位位于于魁魁北北克克省省境境内内,是是加加拿拿大大第第二二大大城城市市,也是世界上第二大法语城市也是世界上第二大法语城市, 最大的是巴黎。最大的是巴黎。(1)Paris being the largest是独立主格结构。是独立主格结构。(2)独立主格结构小结独立主格结构小结a. 构构成成:名名词词(词词组组)/代代词词+现现在在分分词词/过过去去分分词词/不不定定式式/形

43、形容容词词/副词副词/介词短语介词短语b. 句句法法功功能能:在在句句中中一一般般作作状状语语,表表示示时时间间、条条件件、原原因因、伴随状况等。伴随状况等。The guide leading the way, we had no trouble getting out of the forest. 向导领着路,我们毫不费劲地走出了森林。向导领着路,我们毫不费劲地走出了森林。The teacher came into the classroom, book in hand. 老师进了教室,手里拿着一本书。老师进了教室,手里拿着一本书。If more time had been given, w

44、e could have done it better. (句型转换句型转换)=_ _ _, we could have done it better. More time givenIf there were a hospital nearby, the man would have been saved. (句型转换句型转换)=_ _ a hospital nearby, the man would have been saved. 【点点津津】在在“名名词词+介介词词短短语语”构构成成的的独独立立主主格格结结构构中中,名名词词前面不用冠词,也不用任何其他修饰成分。前面不用冠词,也不用任何

45、其他修饰成分。There being【高考链接【高考链接】(2012全全 国国 卷卷 )The party will be held in the garden, weather_. A. permitting B. to permitC. permitted D. permit【解解析析】选选A。考考查查独独立立主主格格结结构构。句句意意:如如果果天天气气允允许许,晚晚会会就就在在花花园园里里举举行行。根根据据句句子子结结构构可可知知,此此处处weather permitting是独立主格结构,相当于是独立主格结构,相当于if weather permits。【想想一一想想】独独立立主主格格

46、结结构构中中,确确定定非非谓谓语语动动词词的的形形式式是是难难点点,也也是是高高考考考考查查的的重重点点。动动脑脑想想一一想想,如如何何判判断断独独立立主主格格结结构构中该使用哪种形式的非谓语动词呢?中该使用哪种形式的非谓语动词呢?【参考答案【参考答案】判判断断独独立立主主格格结结构构中中的的非非谓谓语语动动词词,主主要要看看名名词词( (词词组组) )或或代代词词与与非非谓谓语语动动词词的的关关系系,如如果果是是逻逻辑辑上上的的主主谓谓关关系系,就就用用现现在在分分词词,如如果果是是逻逻辑辑上上的的动动宾宾关关系系,就就用用过过去去分分词词,如如果果非非谓谓语语动动词词表表示示的的动动作作尚

47、尚未未发发生生或或是是一一次次具具体体的的动动作作,就就用用不不定式。定式。 . 单词拼写单词拼写1. Elementary education is _(强强制制的的) in almost every country in the world. 2. You have to _(满足满足) yourself with what you have. 3. They had _(装装备备) their workers adequately for such dangerous condition. 4. Add these numbers together and _(排排列列) the lik

48、elihood of adoption. compulsorycontentequippedrank5. As a boy, he was the _(绝绝对对的的) ruler of the feudal China. 6. I think he conducted himself admirably, _(考考虑虑到到) the difficult circumstances. 7. They _(联系联系) turkey with Thanksgiving Day. 8. He _(任任命命) Williams as his deputy in the city of New York.

49、 9. What is your _(评估评估) of the situation? 10. Your technical _(援援助助) in the project is greatly appreciated. absoluteconsideringassociateappointedassessmentassistance. 完成句子完成句子1. _, well go for an outing tomorrow. 如果时间允许的话,我们明天去旅游。如果时间允许的话,我们明天去旅游。2. The door opened and _the audience. 门开了,观众们涌了进来。门开

50、了,观众们涌了进来。3. It is a small country, _. 就面积和人口而言,它是个小国。就面积和人口而言,它是个小国。Time permittingin rushedin terms of size and population4. We didnt want to _ chairman of the meeting. 我们不想指定他为会议的主席。我们不想指定他为会议的主席。5. He _ his luck. 他将成功归功于他的运气。他将成功归功于他的运气。appoint him as/to beowes his success to. 话题写作话题写作 先将下面几个句子翻

51、译成英语,然后连成一段小短文。先将下面几个句子翻译成英语,然后连成一段小短文。 1. 假如你代表你学校被指派到加拿大了解当地的烹饪文化。假如你代表你学校被指派到加拿大了解当地的烹饪文化。 2. 你对这个消息兴奋不已,认为这归功于你的不懈努力。你对这个消息兴奋不已,认为这归功于你的不懈努力。 3. 不同国家文化存在差异,你感到有压力。不同国家文化存在差异,你感到有压力。 4. 你加倍努力,研究更多的加拿大文化。你加倍努力,研究更多的加拿大文化。 5. 两星期后,你顺利完成任务。两星期后,你顺利完成任务。_【参考范文【参考范文】 Supposing you would be appointed t

52、o Canada to learn local cultures associated with cuisine, on behalf of your school. On hearing the news, you felt thrilled and owed this to your hard work. Apparently, cultures are different in other countries, and you felt stressed in terms of your knowledge in Canada. Considering this, you firstly equipped yourself with more Canadian cultures and after a fortnight, you accomplished the task successfully, which made you content.



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