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1、 Unit 7How much are these socks?Section BLets chant.Who is wearing yellow today? Yellow today.Who is wearing red today? Red today.Who is wearing green today? Green today.Who is wearing blue today? Blue today.Who is wearing black today? Black today.Who is wearing white today? White today.Who is weari

2、ng pink today? Pink today.a hata big black hat a black hata sweatera long blue sweater a blue sweaterIts a pair of trousers. shorts a pair of 一双一双/一对一对/一条一条 trousersIts a pair of yellow shorts. They are _ _.They are two pairs of red socks three pairs of blue trousersonetwothreefourfivesixseveneightn

3、inetenHello ,Its 86501973 -Can you read these numbers?eleventwelveseventeenfourteenfifteensixteennineteeneighteenthirteententhirtytwenty-sixtwenty-seventwenty-eighttwenty-ninetwenty-onetwenty-twotwenty-threetwenty-fourtwenty-fivethirty-onetwentyone two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven

4、 twelvethirteenfourteenfifteensixteenseventeeneighteennineteentwentythirtyfortyfiftysixtyseventyeightyninetytwenty-one twenty-ninethirty-one thirty-nineforty-one forty-ninefifty-one fifty-ninesixty-one sixty-nineseventy-one seventy-nineeighty-one eighty-nine ninety-one ninety-ninehundredLearn these

5、numbers and find out the rules:掌握掌握基数词基数词的拼写。的拼写。(小组竞赛小组竞赛: 你能做出这些数学题吗你能做出这些数学题吗?)1. One and two is _.2. Eleven and twenty-four is _. 3. Forty-five plus five is _.4. Eight minus three is _.threethirty-fivefiftyfiveCan you deal with these math problems? 5. Sixty-two minus ten is _.6. Multiply five by

6、 nine is _.7. Eight divided by two is _.fifty-twoforty-fivefour计算计算: 加加 and/ plus 减减 minus 乘乘 multiply by 除除 divide by 汉翻英汉翻英:14个西红柿个西红柿23件衬衫件衬衫28只红袜子只红袜子35个草莓个草莓45条短裤条短裤48件毛衣件毛衣fourteen tomatoestwenty-three shirtstwenty-eight red socksthirty-five strawberriesforty-five shortsforty-eight sweaters1a

7、Listen and repeat.10111213141516171819202122232425262728293031Row 1: ten_ eleven_ twelve_ thirteen_ fourteen_Row 2: twenty-five_ twenty-six_ twenty-seven_ twenty-eight_ twenty-nine_Row 3: twenty_ twenty-one_ twenty-two_ twenty-three_ twenty-four_ Row 4: fifteen_ sixteen_ seventeen_ eighteen_ ninetee

8、n_Row 5: thirty_ thirty-one_1b Write the number in 1a next to the correct word. Which rows of numbers are in the wrong places?101112131425262728292021222324151617181930311c Listen and circle the numbers you hear in 1a.101112131415161718192021222324252627282930311d Listen again. Circle the things in

9、the picture that Kate and her mom talk about. Check() the thing Kate buys.a white bag1e Ask and answer questions about the things in the picture above.A: How much is the white bag?B: It is 17(seventeen dollars).T-shirtsA: How much are the two white T-shirts?B: They are 30(thirty dollars). 302a How m

10、uch dou you think these things cost? Match each clothing item with a price.解释:解释:clothing item意为意为“成衣制品成衣制品”1.a skirt 3. sock 5. shorts 2. a sweater 4. trousers 6. shoes a. $3 c. $30 e. $22 b. $15 d. $20 f. $25$22$25$3$20$15$30Mr. Cools Clothes Store2b Read the ad and fill in the price tags.adCome a

11、nd buy your clothes at our great sale! We sell all our clothes at very good prices.Do you like sweaters? We have red and green sweaters for only $15 ! Yellow and white sweatersare only $12 ! Do you need trousers? For boys, we haveblack trousers for only $22. And shorts are only $16 ! For girls, we h

12、ave skirts in red and purple for only $20.How much are our jackets? Only $30 ! And we have black and brown shoes for only $28. Socks are only $2 for three pairs! Come to Mr. Cools Clothes Store now!Mr. Cools Clothes Store2c Image you work at Mr. Cools Clothes Store. Complete the conversation and pra

13、ctice it in a group.You: Hello, I help you?Girl: Yes, please. I need a .You: How about these red and purple ?Girl: Oh, I like this purple one. How is it?You: Oh, good. Ill it.You: And what do you need? Boy: Well. I need a pair of brown for school.You: What about this pair? Theyre twenty-eight .Boy:

14、Great. And do you have shorts, too?You: Yes, our shorts are only dollars. Boy: OK, Ill take the and the .CansweatersweatersmuchtakeshoesonlydollarssixteenshoesshortsHuaxing Clothes StoreDo you like ?We have for only yuan.How much are our ?Only yuan.And red are yuan.BigSale!$20$25$303a Look at the th

15、ings in the picture. Fill in the blanks in the ad.sweaterssweatersthirtytrouserstwentyskirtstwenty-five3b Write an ad for your own clothes store.Come and buy your clothes at! / Come to!We sellat good price. Do you like ? We haveforTheis/are (on sale for)Come and see for yourself! / Come to our store

16、 now!全班分为售货和购物两部分,分别做准备。全班分为售货和购物两部分,分别做准备。学生以小组为单位学生以小组为单位, , 模拟在商场购物。模拟在商场购物。每小组向全班汇报所买的东西每小组向全班汇报所买的东西, ,并逐一展示。并逐一展示。列出你所知道的服装、鞋帽的英文名称。列出你所知道的服装、鞋帽的英文名称。写一段在刚才购物活动中的对话。写一段在刚才购物活动中的对话。Group work: Come to / Come and buyatCome and have a look.Can I help you? / What can I do for you?-Does she like th

17、at white bag? -Yes, she does. /No, she doesnt.Oh, its too expensive. Can you give me a lower price? Sorry, I cant. / That one is cheap.How much is it? Its five yuan. Ill take it. Here you are.Thank you. Youre welcome.Shopping 1. buy (v.) (1) come and buy 来买来买=come to buy (2) buy from eg: I want to b

18、uy a book from the bookstore.2. sell (v.)- sale(n.) 卖卖eg. at Huaxings great sale 在华兴的大卖场在华兴的大卖场Language pointseg. 仅以仅以30元的价格卖了这件衬衫元的价格卖了这件衬衫 sell the shirt for only thirty yuan 以以26元的价格买了这袜子元的价格买了这袜子 buy the socks for twenty-six dollarshave the socks for twenty-six dollars be on sale 在打折在打折, 降价降价短裤在

19、降价。短裤在降价。The shorts are on sale.3. at very good prices. 以非常便宜的价格以非常便宜的价格, at 表示表示“以以的价格的价格”。如如: We have sweaters in all colors at 6 each! 我们所有颜色的毛衣都卖六元一件!我们所有颜色的毛衣都卖六元一件!4. Do you need bags for sports or school? 你需要体育用包和上学用的书包吗?你需要体育用包和上学用的书包吗? 这里的这里的for是是 “为为所用所用”的意思。的意思。5. For girls, we have skirt

20、s in red and purple for only ¥20! 我们有女孩穿的红色和紫色的短裙我们有女孩穿的红色和紫色的短裙, 只卖只卖20元!元!1) for girls中的中的for做介词做介词, 在此处表示对象,在此处表示对象, 意为意为“对对来说来说”。2) 句中的介词句中的介词in在此处用于表示物品的颜色。在此处用于表示物品的颜色。3) for only ¥18 中的介词中的介词for用在此处表示价用在此处表示价 格格, 意为意为“以以金额金额”。 6. Come to Mr. Cools Clothes Store now! Come and buy at / Come and

21、 have a look at 到到(买(买/看一看)。看一看)。 Come and see for yourself at! 快来快来为自己购物吧!为自己购物吧!7. 介词:介词:from 从从 to 到到, 给给从零到十从零到十from zero to ten从莉萨那买包从莉萨那买包buy the bag from Lisa把裤子卖给麦克把裤子卖给麦克sell the bag to Mike来酷先生的服装店来酷先生的服装店come to Mr. CoolsClothes Store. . 根据要求完成句子。根据要求完成句子。1.This bag is three dollars. (就划线

22、部分提问就划线部分提问) _ is this bag?2.How much are these black shoes? (回答回答) _four dollars.3.I want green.(变成变成what问句问句) _ do you want? How much Theyre What colorExercises4. I like oranges. (变成一般疑问句变成一般疑问句) _ like oranges?5. She likes the green sweater. (变成否定句变成否定句) She _ the green sweater. Do you doesnt lik

23、e. Fill in the blanks.1. How m_ is this T-shirt? Four dollars2. What c_ do you want? Green3. Thank you. Youre w_4. We have sweaters in all c_5. My socks are not green. They are y_6. Do you n_ bags for school?7. The red shorts on s_ are very cheap.uch olor elcome olors ellow eed ale. Write the number

24、s in English1. My uncle is _ (25)years old2. -How much is this hat? -Its _ (11)dollars3. My teacher is only _(22)years old4. They have _ (12)balls5. _(15)and _(13)is _(28)twenty-fiveeleventwenty-twotwelveFifteen thirteen twenty-eight.阅读文章阅读文章, 计算出每件商品的单价计算出每件商品的单价:Hi, boys and girls! Come and have a

25、 look at Dang Dangs school Things store. You can buy 10 pencils of all colors for 1 dollar. The pencil sharpeners are 2 dollars each(每个每个), 10 erasers are only 2 dollars. 5 rulers are 3 dollars. We have English dictionaries for only 5 dollars. Anybody can afford our prices. Come and see for yourself

26、 at Dong Dongs School Things Store!1. pencil( ) 2. pencil sharpener( )3. eraser( ) 4. ruler( ) 5. dictionary( )$0.1$2$0.2$0.6$5Translate and write them down.1. - 这双红色的袜子多少钱?这双红色的袜子多少钱? - 12美元。美元。2. - 那件毛衣多少钱?那件毛衣多少钱? - 26美元。美元。- How much are the red socks?- Theyre twelve dollars.- How much is that sweater?- Its twenty-six dollars.假设你到一家英国人开的商店,而他假设你到一家英国人开的商店,而他(她她)又不会说汉语又不会说汉语,请以请以Shopping(购物购物)为题,为题,写一段对话,不少于写一段对话,不少于30个单词。个单词。Homework



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