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1、体现了中国现在老龄化危机日趋严重,且缺体现了中国现在老龄化危机日趋严重,且缺乏有效的应对策略。乏有效的应对策略。which reflects the increasingly which reflects the increasingly Chinese Chinese serious ageing crisis and the lack of serious ageing crisis and the lack of effective coping strategies.effective coping strategies.which reflects the increasingly

2、which reflects the increasingly serious and serious and the lack of effective coping strategies of the lack of effective coping strategies of ageing crisis in china.ageing crisis in china.编汉英翻译教程这故事倒颇有趣男人们听到这里延长退休年龄近年来被频繁提及和关注,体延长退休年龄近年来被频繁提及和关注,体现了中国现在老龄化危机日趋严重,且缺乏现了中国现在老龄化危机日趋严重,且缺乏有效的应对策略。有效的应对策略

3、。 Extending the retirement age is Extending the retirement age is frequently mentioned and concerned frequently mentioned and concerned about in recent years, which reflects about in recent years, which reflects the increasingly serious and the lack the increasingly serious and the lack of effective

4、 coping strategies of of effective coping strategies of ageing crisis in china. ageing crisis in china. 编汉英翻译教程这故事倒颇有趣男人们听到这里 1颇有效:颇有效: quite/ extremely/ pretty /effective 2鄙薄鄙薄 despised/contempt/disdain 3 3女人们却不独宽恕了她似的女人们却不独宽恕了她似的, ,脸上立刻改换脸上立刻改换了鄙薄的神气了鄙薄的神气, ,还要陪出许多眼泪来。还要陪出许多眼泪来。 不独:不仅仅不独:不仅仅 陪出:陪衬

5、出陪出:陪衬出 伴随着伴随着 But the women not only seemed to forgive her but also immediately lost despised look in their faces and shed many tears.编汉英翻译教程这故事倒颇有趣男人们听到这里这故事倒颇有效这故事倒颇有效, ,男人听到这里男人听到这里, ,往往敛起笑容往往敛起笑容, ,没趣的走没趣的走了开去了开去; ;女人们却不独宽恕了她似的女人们却不独宽恕了她似的, ,脸上立刻改换了鄙薄脸上立刻改换了鄙薄的神气的神气, ,还要陪出许多眼泪来。(选自还要陪出许多眼泪来。(选自

6、祥林嫂祥林嫂)The story was quite effective, when man heard it ,they often restrained smiling and walked away disappointedly. But the women not only seemed to forgive her but also immediately lost despised look in their faces and shed many tears.编汉英翻译教程这故事倒颇有趣男人们听到这里后来知道抱怨也没有用,倒就倒吧,有什么办法呢?后来知道抱怨也没有用,倒就倒吧,有

7、什么办法呢?After knowing that it was no use. What else After knowing that it was no use. What else can they do except pouring it out?can they do except pouring it out?Afterwards they knew that they had no choice Afterwards they knew that they had no choice but to pour it out.but to pour it out.Later, the

8、y knew it was no use to complain. Later, they knew it was no use to complain. They just let it pour and cant not do They just let it pour and cant not do anything about it.anything about it.编汉英翻译教程这故事倒颇有趣男人们听到这里最初两天,人们还聚在收购站门口抱怨,后来知最初两天,人们还聚在收购站门口抱怨,后来知道抱怨也没有用,倒就倒吧,有什么办法呢?道抱怨也没有用,倒就倒吧,有什么办法呢?In the

9、first two days, people still In the first two days, people still gathered at the purchasing station to gathered at the purchasing station to complain. After knowing that it was no use. complain. After knowing that it was no use. What else can they do except pouring it What else can they do except po

10、uring it out? out? 编汉英翻译教程这故事倒颇有趣男人们听到这里难点: 1倒霉 hapless/ unfortunate 2养牛大户a wealthy cow-keeper a wealthy cow-keeper a rich family who raised cowsa rich family who raised cowsthe influential family who raised cows the influential family who raised cows 3赌气disgruntled upsetout of spite编汉英翻译教程这故事倒颇有趣男人

11、们听到这里最最“倒霉倒霉”的是朔州市朔城区的一个养牛大户,本来想把的是朔州市朔城区的一个养牛大户,本来想把刚挤出来的一大罐鲜奶拉到城里卖掉,问了好多人后,刚挤出来的一大罐鲜奶拉到城里卖掉,问了好多人后,100100元一大罐也没人要,他赌气把牛奶倒在了城里的街道元一大罐也没人要,他赌气把牛奶倒在了城里的街道上,造成了环境污染,结果被环保部门罚了上,造成了环境污染,结果被环保部门罚了800800元钱。元钱。The most hapless one was a wealthy cow-keeper in The most hapless one was a wealthy cow-keeper in

12、 Shuocheng District, shuozhou city. At first, he Shuocheng District, shuozhou city. At first, he planned to sell a big pot of fresh milk in town, planned to sell a big pot of fresh milk in town, after he asked many people but nobody wanted to buy after he asked many people but nobody wanted to buy i

13、t even it was sold 100 Yuan. He poured out the it even it was sold 100 Yuan. He poured out the milk in the street out of spite, which caused milk in the street out of spite, which caused environmental pollution. As a result, he was fined environmental pollution. As a result, he was fined 800 Yuan by environment protection department.800 Yuan by environment protection department.编汉英翻译教程这故事倒颇有趣男人们听到这里Thank you编汉英翻译教程这故事倒颇有趣男人们听到这里



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