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1、PEPPEP小学英语六年级上册小学英语六年级上册(A) Lets try Lets talk田区十六小田区十六小 赵敏赵敏 Unit 5What does he do?teacherdancerfootball playertaxi drivercleanerwriterdoctorreportersingerWhat do you do? Im a/an _ .What does he do?Hes a head teacher.What does she do?Shes a head teacher.Shes a head teacher,too.Hes a businessman. bz

2、nsmn What does he do?What does she do? Shes a businesswoman.What does he /she do?Hes/Shes a/an_.What does he /she do?Hes/Shes a/an_.What does he /she do?Hes/Shes a/an_.What does he /she do?Hes/Shes a/an_.What does your father do?What does your mother do?Hes a manager(经理理).Shes a tailor(裁裁缝).SarahOli

3、verA. Lets try Today is Parents Day.Who will come? Listen and circle.1. Sarahs mother can/cant come today.2.Her father is a doctor / teacher / taxi driver.1.What does Olivers father do?Listen and answer.2.What does Olivers mother do?Hes a businessman.Shes a head teacher.He often goes to other countr

4、ies.countrycitycities( )1. Olivers father is here today. ( ) 2. Olivers mother will be here today. ( ) 3. Oliver wants to be a businessman.Read and tick or cross. She willSarah:Oliver:Sarah:Oliver:Sarah:Oliver:Sarah:Oliver:Sarah:Oliver:Is your father here today?No. Hes in Australia.What does he do?H

5、es a businessman. He often goes to other countries. And what does your mother do?Shes a head teacher.Thats nice.Yeah. Shell be here today.No, I want to be a businessman.Do you want to be a head teacher, too?Practice in pairs.( (同桌练习)同桌练习)1. Read the dialog in pairs. (同桌结对朗读对话。)同桌结对朗读对话。)2. Make a ne

6、w dialoge in pairs. (同桌结对创编新对话。)(同桌结对创编新对话。)同学们,你们可以同学们,你们可以自己选择活动哦!自己选择活动哦! A: Is your father here today? B: No. Hes _. A: What does he do? B: Hes a /an_. A: And what does your mother do? B: Shes a /an _. A: Thats nice. B: Yeah. Shell be here today. A: Do you want to be a/an _, too? B: Yes/No, I wa

7、nt to be a/an _. father mother job (工作)(工作) hobby (爱好)(爱好)transportation(交通方式)(交通方式)managertailorby buson foot singing andplaying sportsreading books and watching TV售售货员 salesperson/selzp:sn/ 法官法官 judge /dd / 科学家科学家 scientist /santst / 军人人 soldier /suld / 新新闻编辑 news editor/ nju:z edt / 律律师 lawyer /l

8、:j / 会会计 accountant/kauntnt/ 教教练coach /cut / 工程工程师 engineer /endn / 电工工electrician/lek trn/ 城管城管city management / stmndmnt/ 银行行职员bank officer/bk fs / 老板老板 boss/bs / 工人工人worker /w:k/What does your father/mother do?He/She is a/an _.What are his/her hobbies?He/She likes _.How does he/she go to work?He/She goes to work _.Thank you, my parents!Thank you, my friends! 1.Listen to the tape and read the dialog. 2.Make a new dialog with your friends. 3.Interview your friendsabout their parents jobsand write them down.



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