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1、Unit Two Check out Unit Two Check out SingaporeMalaysiaThailandItismy_1_(two)dayinJapan.SanrioPurolandisfamous_2_(室内主题公园).MumandIwenttoHelloKittyshouse_3_(一就)wearrived.Dadwent_4_(buy)some_5_(suchas,pens,pencils,rubbers)_6_(aprep.)_7_(纪念品)_8_(aprep.)mycousin.Iwasexcited_9_(虽然)we_10_(have)_11_(wait)_1



4、p.)themusic.Everyone_43_(cry)forthat.We_44_(go)_45_(visit)thecitycenterofTokyotomorrow.I_46_(take)lotsofphotoshere.“-ful” : full of , having the quality of “-less”: without, not having the quality of We can add “-ful” or “-less” to some nouns to form adjectives.Suffixes “-ful” and “-less”care carefu

5、l careless(n.)(adj.)(adj.反反)helpusecheer colour harmhelpful helplessuseful uselesscheerful cheerlesscolourful colourlessharmful harmless 1. 写出下列形容写出下列形容词的反的反义词 harmful _ meaningless _ hopeful _ useful _ careless _ thankful _ helpless _ colourful _harmlessmeaningfulhopelessuselesscarefulthanklesshelp

6、fulcolourless2. 用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1.There is _ (end) homework to do before the exam.2. Betty is a kind and _ (help) girl.3. Some people are always happy. They can be _ (cheer) every day.4. Smoking is _ (harm) to your health.5. This TV dropped to the ground and couldnt be mended. Its _ (use) now.

7、6. Amy saw so many _ (color) dresses in the shop that she couldnt stop buying one after another.endlesshelpfulcheerfulharmfuluselesscolorful7. She is a _ (help) girl. She is always ready to help others in need.8. The _ (thank) boy did almost nothing for his mother.9. Mr. Smith is a very _ (forget) p

8、erson. He often forgets something.10. He is a _ (fear) mountaineer. He is my hero.helpfulthanklessforgetfulfearlessWe use the past continuous tense to talk about things that were happening for some time in the past.When two long actions went on at the same time, we can use the past continuous tense

9、in both clauses and while to join them.When something else happened while a longer action was going on, we can use when or while to join the two actions.We use the past continuous tense for the longer action and the simple past tense for the shorter action.Grammar 1. My brother _ (listen) to the mus

10、ic while he _ (make) a model plane. 2. Her mother_ (cook) dinner when the telephone _(ring). 3. We _ (have) a sports meeting while it _ (rain) yesterday afternoon.was listeningwas makingwas cookingrangwere havingwas rainingExercise 1 4. My grandpa _ (read) the newspaper when I _ (leave) home.5. Ling

11、 Feng _ (draw) a horse on the blackboard when the teacher_ (come) into the classroom. 6. Peter _ (look) at some photos when I _ (give) him a pencil.was readingleftwas drawingcame was lookinggave1. We use _ to talk about things that were happening for some time in the past. the past continuous tense2

12、. Sandy _(watch)the parade. 3. We _(clap) our hands. was watchingwere clapping4.当表演者穿过公园时我们鼓掌.5.那里的所有的东西都是如此的美丽以至于我想住在里面.6. Kitty跳得如此漂亮以至于每个人都在尖叫跳得如此漂亮以至于每个人都在尖叫. Kitty danced so beautifully that everyone screamed. Everything there was so beautiful that I wanted to live in it. We were clapping our h

13、ands while the performers were marching across the park. Millie: We _(watched, were watching) an elephant show. The elephants _(do, did) a lot of tricks. Simon: _they _(Areplaying, Wereplaying) a ball game at that time?Millie: No. They _(danced, were dancing) _(while, since) the music _(was playing,

14、 played). I was _(so excited, very excited) that I couldnt stop clapping my hands. My mum was so surprised _(that, what) she couldnt move. were watchingdidwere playingwere dancingwhilewas playingso excitedthat_Exercises:I.Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words:1.A: _he _(watch)

15、the parade when I called you? 2. A: What _your sister _(do) at that time? B: She _(dance) to the music. She _(not hear) what you said.3. The people _(stand) outside the gate when I went out. 4. I _(watch) lots of animal shows since I_(come) to Suzhou. 5. The elephant show _(start) at 3:30 p.m. every

16、 day. 6. It is 8:00 p.m. Millie _(show) her video to Simon. 1. Are the students having the PE lesson at that time?2. His lesson is such interesting that everyone listens carefully. 3. Sandy got so excited that she could not stop to clap her hands. 4. Her mother was so surprise that she couldt move. 5. Its going to rain soon. Dont forget to take the umbrella by you. II. Corrections:HomeworkHomeworkFinish Page 41-42 on your workbook



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