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1、Key Points:1. Uses of present perfective (progressive)2.2. Uses of past perfective (progressive)I. Uses of present perfective1. have/ has + ed分词构成分词构成 2. 两个主要用法:两个主要用法:已完成用法;未完成用法已完成用法;未完成用法 I have eaten my dinner. (发生在过去某时的动作到现在已经完成。发生在过去某时的动作到现在已经完成。) He has lived here for 10 years/ since 1999. (发

2、生在过去某时的动作一直持续到现在有发生在过去某时的动作一直持续到现在有 可能继续。可能继续。)3. 3. 区别:已完成用法通常不与段时间连用,未完成用区别:已完成用法通常不与段时间连用,未完成用区别:已完成用法通常不与段时间连用,未完成用区别:已完成用法通常不与段时间连用,未完成用法常与段时间连用。法常与段时间连用。法常与段时间连用。法常与段时间连用。 I have finished my homework. I have finished my homework. 已完成用法已完成用法已完成用法已完成用法 I have known him for 8 years. I have known

3、him for 8 years. 未完成用法未完成用法未完成用法未完成用法II. Uses of present perfective progressive1. have/ has been +ing1. have/ has been +ing分词构成分词构成分词构成分词构成2. 2. 用法与现在完成体未完成用法相仿,用法与现在完成体未完成用法相仿,用法与现在完成体未完成用法相仿,用法与现在完成体未完成用法相仿,可以互换可以互换可以互换可以互换 He has lived here for 10 years. He has lived here for 10 years. He has bee

4、n living here for 10 years. He has been living here for 10 years. ( (强调一种持续性强调一种持续性强调一种持续性强调一种持续性) )3. 不能互换,比较:不能互换,比较: Who has eaten my dinner? (全吃光)(全吃光) Who has been eating my dinner? (有剩余)(有剩余) Example:l l 我工作了整整一天。我工作了整整一天。l l I have been working all day.l l 我学英语学了好些年了。我学英语学了好些年了。l l I have bee

5、n learning English for quite a few years.l l我真累了。我一直在打羽毛球,我已经我真累了。我一直在打羽毛球,我已经很长时间没打。很长时间没打。l lI am really tired. I have been playing badminton. I havent played for a long time.l l我认识这位作家有些年了,我一直都在我认识这位作家有些年了,我一直都在读他写的小说。读他写的小说。l lI have known this writer for several years. I have been reading his n

6、ovels.III. Uses of past perfective1. had + ed 分词构成分词构成 2. 两个主要用法:已完成用法;未完成用法两个主要用法:已完成用法;未完成用法 相对的时间是过去:过去的过去,在过去某相对的时间是过去:过去的过去,在过去某时之前发生的动作。时之前发生的动作。 I had eaten my dinner before they came. 已完成已完成 He told me that he had lived here for 10 years. 未完成未完成 Example:l l当我们到达操场的时候,比赛已经开始了。当我们到达操场的时候,比赛已经开

7、始了。l lWhen we got to / reached the playground, the match/game had begun.l l我还没来得及向他解释,他就走了。我还没来得及向他解释,他就走了。l lBefore I explained to him, he had left.IV. Uses of past perfective progressive1. had been+ ing 分词构成分词构成2. 与现在完成进行体用法相仿,只是时间推移与现在完成进行体用法相仿,只是时间推移 到了过去。到了过去。 Example:l l在他大学毕业之前,他一直在努力地学习电在他大学

8、毕业之前,他一直在努力地学习电脑。脑。l lBefore he graduated from the college, he had been making efforts to learn computer.l l在老师到来之前,我已经在教室呆了五分钟在老师到来之前,我已经在教室呆了五分钟了。了。l lBy the time the teacher came, I had been staying in the classroom for 5 minutes. 3. when/ before/ after/ until 引导的分句中过去引导的分句中过去完成体的用法。完成体的用法。 表示动作先

9、后,可以互换:表示动作先后,可以互换:l l When they came, I had eaten my dinner.l l I had eaten my dinner before they came.l l After I had eaten my dinner, they came.l l They didnt come until I had eaten my dinner.l l By the time they came I had eaten my dinner. 注:注:1) 通常通常一个动作用一般过去时,一个用过去完一个动作用一般过去时,一个用过去完成体。成体。2) Af

10、ter /before 本身已经体现出动作的先后,本身已经体现出动作的先后,所以也可都用一般过去时所以也可都用一般过去时 l lI ate my dinner before they came.l lAfter I ate my dinner, they came.l l两个动作可都用过去完成体,少,如两个动作可都用过去完成体,少,如by the time l l By the time they had come, I had eaten my dinner.V. Imaginary use of past perfective1. 用于由用于由if, if only, as if引导的分句

11、中:引导的分句中: If only you had told me before.2. 用于用于I wish, Id rather等结构后面的等结构后面的that- 分句中:分句中: I would rather you had told her the truth.3. 用于用于expect, think, intend, mean (= intend) want, suppose等动词,表示过去未曾实现等动词,表示过去未曾实现 的希望、打算或意图:的希望、打算或意图: I had intended to make a cake, but I ran out of time.VI. More

12、 on the use of perfective aspect1. 完成体与完成体与have got/ have got to 我得到了一本新字典。我得到了一本新字典。 I have got a new dictionary. 我有一本新字典。(口语)我有一本新字典。(口语) I have a new dictionary. I have got a new dictionary./ I have got no time. I have got to do it. = I have to do it.2. It is / will be the first time that I have

13、been here. It was the first time that I had been here.1._, the players began the game.2. A) Having taken our seats3. B) Being taken the seats4. C) After we had taken our seats5. D) Taking the seats6.2. The Curies discovered radium after they _.7. A) were married8. B) had been married9. C) married10.

14、 D) have marriedCC3. “Lets hurry. The President is coming.” “Oh, hasnt he come yet? I was afraid we _.” A) already miss him B) has already missed him C) had already missed him D) have already missed him4. You will hardly believe it, but this is the third time tonight someone _ me. A) telephoned B) h

15、as telephoned C) telephones D) should telephoneCB5. You love your only son and indulge him so much that you _ him harm. A) are doing B) have done C) will have done D) are doing to do6. The company _ a rise in salary for ages, but nothing has happened yet. A) is promised B) is promising C) has been p

16、romising D) promisedAC7. It has been about 7 years since they _. A) got married B) got marry C) get married D) have married8. As a young man he did not know that he _ become famous later on. A) was to B) should C) was going to D) wouldAA9. We _ the cold winter for the past 2 years. A) would have B)

17、had C) have had D) have been having10. She _ when that young man dived in and saved her. A) drowned B) was drowning C) was going to drown D) had drownedDB11. He _ many of the experiences he ever _ in his childhood. A) gradually forget had B) is gradually forgetting had C) was gradually forgetting ha

18、d D) have gradually forgotten had12. You have been within an inch of life and _ it. A) havent known B) didnt know C) do not know D) hadnt knownBB13. Our university is no longer what she _. A) had been B) had C) was D) will be14. She gave me that notebook on my birthday, and I _ it in my drawer. A) h

19、ave since kept B) since kept C) am since keeping D) had since keptCA15. You _ your books about. A) constantly leave B) are constantly leaving C) constantly left D) have constantly left16. I would have gone to visit him in the hospital had it been all possible, but I _ fully occupied the whole of las

20、t week. A) were B) had been C) have been D) wasBD17. She _ clean out the space room last week, but was too much occupied at that time. A) intended to B) was intended to C) had intended to D) has intended to18. When I saw her smiling face, I knew she _ good news of her husband. A) has B) has had C) h

21、ad had D) was havingCC19. He did not arrive until the meeting was nearly over, for the simple reason that he _ asleep while watching television. A) had fallen B) has fallen C) fell D) was falling20. Henry would rather that his girl friend _ in the same department as he does. A) works B) had worked C

22、) worked D) has been wokedCC1.When the policeman found the body of that 2. young man, he had already died for about two3. days.4.2. Although the students are disliking the material5. they are studying right now, their instructor has6. no authority to change the syllabus. _been dead_ dislike3. Since

23、last fall, the young researcher watched the flowers she grew respond to the sun.4. The woman admitted to the doctor that her little boy had sat in the back room and ate everything he could find. _has watched _ eaten5. When I last saw Janet, she hurried to her next class on the other side of the camp

24、us and did not have time to talk.6. The changes that took place in air travel during the last sixty years would have seemed completely impossible to even the most brilliant scientists at the turn of the 19th century. _was hurrying _have taken place7. The convenience that Americans desire reflecting

25、not so much a leisurely lifestyle as a busy life- style in which even minutes of time are too valuable to be wasted.8. For him, what is essential is not that his policy works, but that the public believe that it is._ reflects _does9. I wish I had known that Ann had been ill. I would have gone to see her.10. No sooner had the words been spoken than he had realized that he should have remained silent._ was_ realized



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