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1、电子商务VS传统商务2电子商务VS传统商务传统商务传统商务B2BC2CB2CLearning Objectives学习目标In this chapter, you will learn about:Strategies that businesses use to improve purchasing, logistics, and other support activities改进采购、物流和其他支持活动的业务战略;Electronic data interchange, how it works, and how businesses are moving it to the Inter

2、net电子数据交换(EDI)及其工作原理;How businesses are moving electronic data interchange operations to the Internet企业在互联网上开展EDI的方式;Learning Objectives学习目标Supply chain management and how businesses are using the Internet and Web technologies to improve it供应链管理及企业用互联网和WWW技术改进供应链管理的方法;Electronic marketplaces and por

3、tals that make purchase-sale negotiations easier and more efficient 提高采购与销售业务效率的电子集市与门户。Purchasing, Logistics, and Support Activities采购物流支持活动 Electronic commerce possesses the potential for cost reduction and business process improvement in purchasing, logistics, and support activities.在采购物流支持活动过程中,

4、为了节省的成本和对业务流程的改进,电子商务发挥了巨大的潜力。An emerging characteristic of purchasing, logistics, and support activities is that they need to be flexible. 采购物流支持活动的一个新特征就是要求这些活动具备灵活性。5.2.1 Purchasing Activities采购活动Purchasing activities include:采购活动包括:Identifying vendors 寻找卖主Evaluating vendors 评估卖主Selecting specifi

5、c products 选择特定产品Placing orders 发送订单Resolving any issues that arise after receiving the ordered goods and services解决收货后出现的问题Purchasing Activities采购活动Procurement includes all purchasing activities, plus the monitoring of all elements of purchase transactions. “采购”一词涵盖所有购买活动以及对购买过程中所有活动的监控By using a W

6、eb site to process orders, the vendors in this market can save the cost of printing and shipping catalogs and the cost of handling telephone orders.在网络上处理订单可以让供应商节省印刷与邮寄产品目录的成本和处理电话订购的成本。Purchasing Activities采购活动Purchasing Activities采购活动Products that companies buy on a recurring basis are called mai

7、ntenance, repair, and operating (MRO) supplies.很多企业经常性地采购的那些间接物料称为MRO产品(办公用品集中采购)Two of the largest MRO suppliers in the world are McMaster-Carr and W.W. Grainger. McMaster-Carr公司 and W.W. Grainger 公司是世界上最大的MRO供应商。Office Depot and Staples are also examples in this area.Office Depot 公司and Staples 公司在

8、这一领域都是成功范例Purchasing Activities采购活动Businesses make a distinction between direct and indirect materials.企业认为直接物料与间接物料完全不同Direct materials are those materials that become part of the finished product.直接物料是指在生产过程中进入成品的物料;Indirect materials are all other materials that the company purchases.间接物料是公司采购的其他

9、物料5.2.3 Logistic Activities物流活动The classic objective of logistics is to provide the right goods in the right quantities in the right place at the right time.物流以前的目标是在正确时间将正确数量的正确物品送到正确地点。Businesses have been increasing their use of information technology to achieve this objective.企业是通过加强信息技术的应用来实现这个

10、目标。FedEx and UPS have freight tracking Web pages available to their customers. 联邦快递公司(FedEx)和联合包裹公司(UPS)已为顾客提供了网站上货运跟踪。5.2.4 Support Activities支持活动Online Benefits is a firm that duplicates its clients human resource functions on a secure Web site that is accessible to clients employees. Online Benef

11、its帮助一家公司将该公司客户的人力资源职能复制在加密的网站上,实现客户的员工可访问此网站。Support activities include:支持活动包括:Finance and administration 财务与行政管理Human resources 人力资源Technology development 技术开发Training and Knowledge Management培训与知识管理One common activity that underlies multiple primary activities is training.支持多种关键活动的一个常见活动就是培训。Know

12、ledge management is another support activity that intentionally collects, classifies, and disseminates information about a company, its products, and its processes.知识管理是专门收集、分类和发布有关企业、产品和业务流程的信息。BroadVision has installed K-Net, or Knowledge Network, that organizes all the information sources that it

13、s employees use regularly in their jobs.宏道(BroadVision)公司的内部知识网(K-Net)将自己员工在工作中经常使用的信息源组织起来。5.2.5 E-Government电子政务Although governments do not typically sell products or services to customers, they do perform many functions for their stakeholders.虽然政府并不向客户销售产品或服务,但他们要为利益相关者执行许多职能。Governments also per

14、form business-like activities; for example, they employ people, buy supplies from vendors, and distribute benefit payments of many kinds.政府也会进行类似企业的活动,如雇佣员工、采购用品、发放工资和福利。The use of electronic commerce by governments and government agencies to perform these function is often called e-government.政府及其机

15、构利用电子商务执行这些职能称为电子政务。E-Government电子政务The U.S. governments Financial Management Service (FMS) opened its Web site, Pay.gov.2000年,美国政府的财政管理局(FMS)建立了Pay.gov网站FMS is responsible for receiving the governments tax, license, and other fee revenue. FMS部门主要负责接收政府的税费收入,FMS is responsible for paying out Social

16、Security benefits, veterans benefits, tax refunds, and other disbursements. FMS部门并负责发放社保金、退休金、退税及其他支出。State governments are also creating their own Web sites for conducting business and interacting with their stakeholders.州政府也建立网站开展业务并与利益相关者沟通。E-Government电子政务5.2.6 Network Model of Economic Organiza

17、tion经济组织的网络模式The trend in purchasing, logistics, and support activities is a shift away from hierarchical structures toward network structures.采购、物流和支持活动的一个发展趋势是从等级制度结构转向网络结构The Web is enabling this shift from hierarchical forms of economic organization to network forms.网站可以支持经济组织结构由等级制形式转向网络形式Highl

18、y specialized firms can now exist and trade services very efficiently on the Web.高度专业化的公司现在能够在网上生存并有效地提供服务5.2.6 Network Model of Economic Organization经济组织的网络模式The roots of Web technology for B2B transactions lie in electronic data interchange (EDI).企业间交易的Web技术却来自于一种方法电子数据交换(EDI)These emerging networ

19、ks of firms are more flexible and can respond to changes in the economic environment much more quickly than hierarchically structured businesses ever could.这些网络形式的公司非常灵活,比等级制结构的企业更快地对环境变化做出反应5.3 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)电子数据交换EDI is a computer-to-computer transfer of business information bet

20、ween two businesses that uses a standard format.EDI是一某种标准形式在企业之间以计算机对计算机的方式传递企业信息The two businesses that are exchanging information are called trading partners.交换信息的两家企业通常称为交易伙伴Firms that exchange data in specific standard formats are said to be EDI-compatible.如果企业是以特定标准形式来交换数据,则称企业是EDI兼容的。5.3 Elect

21、ronic Data Interchange (EDI)电子数据交换The business information exchanged is usually transaction data; however, it can include other information related to transactions, such as price quotes and order-status inquiries.所交换的业务信息通常是交易数据,但也包括同交易有关的其他信息,如报价和订单状态等。Transaction data in B2B transactions includes

22、the information usually on paper invoices, purchase orders, requests for quotations, bills of lading, and receiving reports.企业间的交易数据一般包括:发票、订购单、报价请求、发货单和收获通知等。5.3.1 Early Business Information Interchange Efforts早期的业务信息交换In the 1950s, information flows between businesses continued to be printed on pa

23、per.在20世纪50年代,企业间的信息流还是记录在纸面上。By the 1960s, businesses had begun exchanging transaction information on punched cards or magnetic tape.到20世纪60年代,企业开始交换在穿孔卡或磁带上记录的交易信息In 1968, a number of freight and shipping companies formed the Transportation Data Coordinating Committee (TDCC) to create the TDCC sta

24、ndard format. 1968年很多运输公司组成了运输数据协调委员会(TDCC),并建立了一套标准信息集。5.3.2 Emergence of Broader EDI Standards 广泛标准的出现The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) has been the coordinating body for standards in the U.S. since 1918.美国国家标准协会(ANSI) 是成立于1918年的美国国家标准的协调组织。In 1979, ANSI chartered a new committee to

25、 develop uniform EDI standards. This committee is called the Accredited Standards Committee X12 (ASC X12).在1979年, ANSI制定一个新的子委员会来制定统一的EDI标准,该委员会称为公认标准委员会 (ASC X12).In 1987, the United Nations published its first standards under the title “EDI for Administration, Commerce, and Transport (EDIFACT or U

26、N/EDIFACT)”.1987年,联合国以“管理、商务和运输”的EDI名义公布了第一个标准5.3.4 Value-Added Networks增值网EDI reduces paper flow and streamlines the interchange of information among departments within a company and between companies.EDI减少了纸面单证的流动,使公司内部各部门之间以及公司之间的信息交换更为顺畅。Trading partners can implement the EDI network and EDI tra

27、nslation processes in several ways using either direct connection or indirect connection.贸易伙伴可通过多种方式来实现EDI网络和EDI翻译处理,这些方式可分为直接连接和间接连接。Direct Connection Between Trading Partners贸易伙伴间的直接连接方式Direct connection EDI requires each business in the network to operate its own on-site EDI translator computer.直

28、接连接EDI要求网络上每个企业都运行自己的EDI翻译计算机。These EDI translator computers are then connected directly to each other using modems and dial-up phone lines or dedicated leased lines.这些EDI翻译计算机通过调制解调器以及拨号电话线或专线直接连接。如下图所示: Direct Connection Between Trading PartnersIndirect Connection Between Trading Partners贸易伙伴间的间接连

29、接方式Instead of connecting directly to each of its trading partners, a company might decide to use the services of a value-added network.除了与贸易伙伴直接连接外,企业还可以通过增值网与贸易伙伴间接连接。A value-added network (VAN) is a company that provides the communications equipment, software, and skills needed to receive, store,

30、and forward electronic messages that contain EDI transaction sets.增值网是指一个企业提供接收、存储和发送电子信息(包括EDI报文)所需的通信设备、软件和技术。Indirect Connection Between Trading PartnersVAN 增值网Companies that provide VAN services include General Electric Information Services, GPAS, Harbinger Corp., IBM Global Services, etc.提供增值网服

31、务的公司有: General Electric Information Services, GPAS, Harbinger Corp., IBM Global Services, etc.Cost is an issue to VAN. Most VANs require an enrollment fee, a monthly maintenance fee, and a transaction fee.VAN的一个问题是成本太高。大部分VAN要收注册费、月租费、和交易费。5.4 EDI on the Internet互联网上的EDITrading partners who had been

32、 using EDI began to view the Internet as a potential replacement for the expensive leased lines.随着互联网的出现,那些原来采用EDI的贸易伙伴开始考虑用互联网替代昂贵的专线和拨号连接The major roadblock to conducting EDI over the Internet was security.在互联网上进行EDI的主要障碍是互联网的安全性较差As the TCP/IP was enhanced and SHTTP protocol was developed, busine

33、sses worried less about security issues.随着互联网的TCP/IP基础结构用SHTTP等安全协议和多种加密技术增强之后,企业对互联网安全问题的担心减少了,但还没有完全消除。 5.4.1 Open Architecture of the Internet互联网的开放式体系结构A number of new firms, such as Commerce One and IPNet, have begun providing EDI services on the Internet. Commerce One and IPNet等很多新企业已开始提供互联网的E

34、DI服务。EDI on the Internet is also called “open EDI” because the Internet is an open architecture network.互联网的体系结构是开放的,所以互联网EDI也称为开放式EDINew tools, such as XML, are helping trading partners be even more flexible in exchanging detailed information.XML等新工具可以使贸易伙伴间的信息交换更加开放灵活5.4.2 Financial EDI金融EDIThe ED

35、I transaction sets that provide instructions to a trading partners bank are called financial EDI (FEDI).向贸易伙伴的银行发出指令的EDI报文标准称为金融EDIAll banks have the ability to perform electronic funds transfers (EFTs).所有银行都可以进行电子资金转帐(EFTs).Most EFTs are handled through the Automated Clearing House (ACH).美国大部分的EFTs

36、都是通过自动清算所(ACH)完成的Security and reliability are issues of FEDI.FEDI的问题是安全性和可靠性Hybrid EDI Solutions混合的EDI解决方案Some firms are offering hybrid EDI solutions that use the Internet for part of the transaction.一些企业提供混合的EDI解决方案,即通过互联网完成部分交易活动Bottomline Technologies payBase package is an example of hybrid EDI.

37、 Bottomline技术公司提供的payBase软件包就是混合的EDI的实例。Other hybrid solutions include EDI-HTML translation services.其他混合的EDI解决方案包括提供EDI-HTML翻译服务。5.5 Supply Chain Management供应链管理The part of an industry value chain that precedes a particular strategic business unit is often called a supply chain.某个战略业务单元之前的行业价值链通常称为

38、价值链A companys supply chain for a particular product or service includes all the activities undertaken by every predecessor in the value chain to design, produce, promote, market, deliver, and support each individual component. 企业产品或服务的供应链包括价值链上的各种经营者所开展的设计、生产、促销、销售、运输和支持等活动。The purchasing department

39、 has traditionally been charged with buying all these components at the lowest price possible. 传统意义上,采购部门负责以可能低的价格购买所有零件,而忽略了供应链的总成本。5.5.1 Value Creation in the Supply Chain供应链中的价值创造The process of taking an active role in working with suppliers to improve products and processes is called supply chai

40、n management (SCM).主动同供应商合作来改进产品和业务流程的过程称为供应链管理SCM was originally developed as a way to reduce costs.供应链管理最初的目标是降低成本Value Creation in the Supply Chain供应链中的价值创造Today, SCM is used to add value in the form of benefits to the ultimate consumer at the end of the supply chain.现在,供应链管理的目标是为供应链末端的最终用户提供更多的价

41、值。Supply chain members can reduce costs and increase the value of products or services to the ultimate customer. 通过合作,供应链成员可以降低成本、增加最终顾客获得的产品或服务的价值Internet Technologies in the Supply Chain供应链中的网络技术Clear communications and quick responses to those communications are a key element of successful SCM.明确

42、的沟通以及成员对沟通的快速响应是供应链管理成功的关键Technologies of the Internet and the Web can be very effective communication enhancers.互联网技术是实现这一沟通的有效工具Figure 5-3 lists the advantages of using Internet and Web technologies in SCM.表5-3所示为在供应链管理中使用互联网技术的好处表5-3 Internet Technologies in the Supply Chain供应链中的网络技术38表5-3 Intern

43、et Technologies in the Supply Chain供应链中的网络技术供应商利用互联网和WWW技术可以:共向顾客需求波动信息;及时得到产品设计改变和调整的通知;更有效地提供产品说明和图纸;加快交易处理的速度;降低交易处理的成本;减少交易数据输入的错误;共享次品率和次品类型信息。Increasing Efficiency in the Supply Chain提高供应链的效率Many companies are using Internet and Web technologies to manage supply chains in ways that yield incre

44、asing efficiency throughout the chain.很多公司利用互联网技术管理供应链,以提高整个互联网的效率In 1997, production and scheduling errors cost Boeing over $1.5 billion.1997年,生产和计划的失误使得波音公司损失超过15亿美元Using EDI and Internet links, Boeing is working with suppliers so that they can provide the right part at the right time.波音公司用EDI和互联网

45、连接同供应商合作,使供应商能够在正确的时间提供正确的零部件。Technology in the Supply Chain供应链技术Dell Computer has also used technology-enabled SCM to give customers exactly what they want.戴尔公司也采用技术支持的供应链管理手段向客户准确提供所需产品Dell has been able to dramatically reduce the amount of inventory it must hold.戴尔公司通过掌握更多的市场信息,大幅度降低了库存信息。Dell ha

46、s also shared this information with members of its supply chain.戴尔公司也与供应链的其他成员共享这些信息。 Using Technology to Create an Ultimate Consumer Orientation建立消费者导向One of the main goals of supply chain management is to help each company in the chain focus on meeting the needs of the consumer who is at the end o

47、f the supply chain.供应链管理的一个主要目标是帮助供应链上的每家公司专注于满足供应链末端的消费者的需求Since Internet technologies are tools that improve communications at a very low cost, they are ideal aids for enhancing the creation of a highly coordinated and effective supply chain.由于互联网技术是以低成本进行沟通的工具,因此非常适合辅助建立协调与高效的供应链。5.5.3 Building a

48、nd Maintaining Trustin the Supply Chain建立与维系供应链的信任The major issue that most companies must deal with in forming supply chain alliances is developing trust.对大多数企业来说,建立供应联盟的主要问题是建立彼此间的信任关系Continual communication and information sharing are key elements in building trust.持续的沟通和信息共享是建立信任的主要手段Vendors are

49、 finding that the Web gives them an opportunity to stay in contact with their customers more easily and less expensively.供应商发现互联网为自己提供了同客户进行方便、低成本沟通的机会。5.6 Electronic Marketplaces and Portals电子集市与门户As the Web emerged in the mid-1990s, many business researchers and consultants believed that it would

50、provide an opportunity for companies to establish information hubs for each major industry.在20世纪90年代中期互联网出现的时候,很多企业研究顾问认为它可以提供一个为企业建立行业信息中心的机会These industry hubs would offer news, research reports, analyses of trends, and in-depth reports on companies in the industry. 这些行业信息中心将提供新闻、研究报告、趋势分析和公司深度分析等

51、,就像行业贸易杂志的内容In addition to information, these hubs would offer marketplaces and auctions.除此之外,它还提供交易和拍卖中心。Electronic Marketplaces and Portals电子集市与门户Because these hubs would offer a doorway to the Internet for industry members and would be vertically integrated, these planned enterprises were called

52、vertical portals or vortals.由于这些交易中心为本行业成员提供了网上门户和垂直集成,这些企业也被称为垂直门户。As with many electronic commerce predictions, the prediction that vertical portals would change business forever did not turn out to be exactly correct.像其他许多对电子商务的预言一样,垂直门户将会改变行业的预言也没有成为现实。5.6.1 Industry Marketplaces行业集市The first co

53、mpanies to launch industry hubs that followed the vertical portal model created trading exchanges that were focused on a particular industry.最早采用垂直门户模式的公司建起行业交易中心,它强调于特定的行业。These vertical portals became known by various names including industry marketplaces, independent exchanges, or public marketpl

54、aces.这些垂直门户有各种名称,包括行业电子集市,第三方交易中心,或公共电子集市。Industry Marketplaces行业集市Ventro opened its first industry marketplace, Chemdex, in 1997 to trade bulk chemicals. Ventro公司在1997年初建立了自己第一个行业电子集市Chemdex 。Ventro also opened Promedix for specialty medical supplies, Amphire Solutions for food service, MarketMile

55、for general business products and services, and a number of others. Ventro公司又创办了面向医疗用品的Promedix,面向食品业的Amphire Solutions面向企业普通用品与服务的MarketMile以及其他许多电子集市。The home page of CheM, which competed directly with Ventro in the bulk chemicals market, appears in Figure 5-12.下图所示为目前还在运营的散装化学品行业集市CheM的主页Industry

56、 Marketplaces行业集市Industry Marketplaces行业集市The number of new entrants into these businesses grew rapidly during the next two years.接下来的两年进入这些行业的很多公司快速成长By mid-2000, there were more than 2200 independent exchanges in a wide variety of industries.到2000年中期,大约有2200家各行各业的第三方交易中心。For example, there were 20

57、0 exchanges operating in the metals industry alone.例如:仅金融行业就有200家交易中心在运营。5.6.2 Private Stores and Customer Portals专门店铺与客户门户As established companies in various industries watched new businesses open marketplaces, they became concerned that these independent operators would take control of transaction

58、s away from them in supply chains.各行业的公司都在关心着这些新建的公共电子集市,担心这些电子集市会从他们手里夺取供应链交易的控制权,而这是他们花了多年才取得的。Large companies that sell to many relatively small customers can exert great power in negotiating price, quality, and delivery terms with those customers.面对很多小客户的大公司就价格与交付条款进行谈判时处于有利地位,These sellers fear

59、ed that industry marketplaces would dilute that power.他们担心行业电子集市会夺取这个权力。Private Stores and Customer Portals专属店铺与客户门户Many of these large companies had already invested heavily in Web sites that they believed would better meet the needs of their customers than any industry marketplace.这些大公司已经在自己的网站上投入

60、巨资,认为自己会比任何行业电子集市更好地满足客户。For example, Cisco and Dell offer private stores for each of their major customers within their selling Web sites.例如:思科和戴尔都在自己的网站上伟大客户提供专属店铺。Other companies, such as Grainger and Milacron, provide additional services for customers on their sites.其他公司,例如Grainger and Milacron公

61、司还提供额外的服务。5.6.3 Private Company Marketplaces专属电子集市Large companies that purchase from vendors that are relatively small can exert great power over those vendors in purchasing negotiations.从许多小的供应商那里采购的大公司在交易谈判时也处于有利地位。These companies can invest in procurement software.这些公司能在采购软件商投资。Companies that imp

62、lement e-procurement software usually require their suppliers to bid for their business.实施了电子采购软件的公司会要求供应商在网上投标,Private Company Marketplaces私人电子集市When industry marketplaces opened for business, these large companies were reluctant to abandon their investments in e-procurement software.出现行业电子集市以后,这些大

63、公司不愿意放弃自己在电子采购软件方面的投资These companies use their power in the supply chain to force suppliers to deal with them on their own terms rather than negotiate with suppliers in an industry marketplace.这些公司利用自己在供应链上的权力,直接要求供应商同自己交易,而不是在电子集市里同供应商谈判。As marketplace software became more reliable, many of these c

64、ompanies developed private company marketplaces.随着电子集市软件的逐渐可靠,这些公司开始建立专属电子集市。5.6.4 Industry Consortia-Sponsored Marketplaces行业共同电子集市Some companies had relatively strong negotiating positions in their industry supply chain, but did not have enough power to force suppliers to deal with them through a

65、private company marketplace.有些公司在行业供应链中处于相对强势的谈判地位,但没有强到迫使供应商在专属电子集市进行交易。These companies began to form consortia to sponsor marketplaces.这些公司开始结盟共同建立电子集市An industry consortia-sponsored marketplace is a marketplace formed by several large buyers in a particular industry.行业共同电子集市是由某个行业多家大采购者联合建立的电子集市M

66、arketplaces集市55复习题什么是直接物料和间接物料?为什么一家大公司会有两个不同的部门来分别管理这两种物料的采购?那些行业最先建立EDI报文标准?为什么这些行业在制定标准会比其他行业更积极?给出知识管理的定义,并简述一家管理咨询公司建立内部知识管理系统的三个优点。供应链上的企业彼此合作可以降低供应链的成本,但在很多情况下,供应链上各企业所节约的成本并不相同。试举例说明。解释一家公司加入行业组织电子集市而不建立自己公司电子集市的理由,不超过300字。561、Define direct materials and indirect materials. Why would a large

67、 company have two separate departments to manage the purchasing of each?Large companies need to keep such different items separate, since one (direct materials) is related to the creation and sale of the goods or services, while the indirect materials include the non-production departments (accounti

68、ng, research, IT, etc.) Most indirect materials departments are considered a drain on profits.572、Which industries were the first to establish standard EDI transaction sets? State why, in your opinion, these industries were more interested in setting standards than other industries.The freight and s

69、hipping companies were the first, because they had the most paperwork to cover; EDI made their paperwork system obsolete.583、Define knowledge management. Briefly describe three advantages that a management consulting firm could gain over its competitors by creating an internal knowledge management s

70、ystem? Knowledge management is the intentional collection, classification, and dissemination of information about a company, its processes, and its products and services. Some advantages include the ability to generate new ideas, help solve problems, and improve business processes.594、Companies in a

71、 particular supply chain can work together to eliminate costs from the supply chain. In many cases, these cost savings are not shared evenly among the companies. Using research resources on the Web or in your library, explain why some supply chain participants in your chosen industry can obtain more benefit than others from cost reductions in the supply chain.Responses may vary, but should include an acknowledgement of different relationships and their trust of others (some businesses may not be as willing to share resources).



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