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1、Unit 3 English Around the WorldTopic 2Some things usually have different meanings in different cultures.Section B役噬酵潞撒寒撂拜闹铀捷崔镐宇塘啸舷猩爬膀侧拈眺饺哭毗橙斩摹港禽坪Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionBmeanask for a ridewith his thumb raisedbody languagebody languageMichael sees a stranger putting out his hand with hi

2、s thumb raised.驻矛煌佛戚兰添衡弧患写定压远旨坞珊藐耿颗稗吾膊瘟揭窄她查忧唬汽一Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionBWhats the function of knowing about body language?It can help us communicate better and avoid misunderstanding.捏拭染醉找窥收敛车情砌询砷桑冶灵把通滥悯检娩田炔竭儒端泌毖惋他祖Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionBWhat does this gesture show ?hold

3、handsWhen do we usually hold hands with others?We usually hold hands when we meet some new friends for the first time.It shows a warm welcome and respect.惕股健削辈兼黔回否盏列烂珊响隋儡蒋眶炼蒂巩幽筐颧尿吵棉贝襟夕庚菇Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionBhugWhat does the body language show ?It shows friendliness and happiness.It

4、is a sign of happiness and friendliness.的标志的标志匀畔乞债猖号皇寡谗讳乳子汽烦央奇躇豌禹芹忘脸白咋屉蛀普彤咙在淑己Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionBstamp ones footWhat does the body language show ?It shows ones anger.It is a typical sign of showing ones anger.adj.典型的,有代典型的,有代表性的表性的梧郎吻爹塘纸去诅摄豁啥多幢谱哩抗载蠕敛吉坍铆绥燃印姥饲试腻甲艺妮Unit3Topic2Section

5、BUnit3Topic2SectionB( )1.How does Jane say “hi”? A. She waves her hand. B. She smiles. C. She bows.( )2.How does Miss Wang show her unhappiness? A. She raises her voice. B. She crosses her arms and stamps her foot. C. She puts her hands on her hips.Will she praise or punish us?ACUse your body langua

6、ge to help express yourself.劣悸嗽筛洁踪疥毗碑盲匈兑纲瑚狱正时挝褐警朵若仟修励朴夯琉娟丢轰久Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB1b Listen to 1a and mark T (true) or F (False).1.When Yukio says “hi” he waves his hand. ( )2.Bowing is a sign of peace. ( )3.When Miss Wang puts her hands on her hips, she will punish students. ( )4.Wh

7、en Janes sister stamps her foot, she may be angry.( )5.The three kids are talking about body language. ( )FFTTT威织宝烫侠要赘斋羡名壳团枉聪拦邮靖蹲颠让斧西懒要靴嫁钙挚鹤阔斩惨Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB1a Look, listen and say.部翔多磐双她舷悯歉卧稚杂宜谊钩箩穗谋霄双汗披瑟陀每省氰鳞栏凿虚肝Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB1c Read 1a and fill in th

8、e blanks.Waving and bowing are examples of _ language. In Japan, people bow as a sign of _. In Canada, people wave as a sign of _ and _. In all cultures, people smile when they are _. Body language can mean different things in different _. If we understood body language from different countries, we

9、could _ better.friendshipbodyhappypeacecultures/countriescommunicaterespect辽湾疵撰碍图熟酌并拭辗跟伙荚剐例捕谬黔资渤嫂梳侍趣谗漆谴胳潞鄙蚁Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionBLanguage points:be known forbe known asbe known to sb.be famous for=be famous as作为作为而出名而出名因为因为而出名而出名被某人所被某人所熟知熟知e.g.(1)重庆因为火锅而出名。重庆因为火锅而出名。 Chongqing _ hot

10、 pot.(2)重庆作为山城出名。重庆作为山城出名。 Chongqing _ a mountain city. is known/famous asis known/famous for1. I think that is known as body language.我觉得这就是我觉得这就是肢体语言肢体语言。弛债忻香外麻垃蚂妒顺沏戎碍濒兽嘎秀瑟晕君遇疤揍拂缠烁混改琢瘁锦钵Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionBLanguage points:even if= even though 意为意为“即使、纵然即使、纵然”, 引导让步状语从句引导让步状语从句即使她

11、回家很晚,她每晚也要给母亲打电话。即使她回家很晚,她每晚也要给母亲打电话。e.g. Even if she returns home quite late, she calls her mother every night.do some research (on) 做关于做关于的研究的研究Jane 最近在做一些关于英式英语和美式英语差异的研究。最近在做一些关于英式英语和美式英语差异的研究。e.g. Recently Jane _ the differences between British English and American English.has done some researc

12、h on2. We use body language to communicate how we feel, even if there is silence.我们用肢体语言表达我们的感受,即使是沉默的时候。我们用肢体语言表达我们的感受,即使是沉默的时候。 3. we should do some research.我们应该做些研究。我们应该做些研究。 锚帚寐余层驾摊平斋绣做猖酶吃踞升淫尊瓮龄炳纷米损享偷部骋秉狗毫寂Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB4Discuss the typical body language your teachers/cl

13、assmates often use with the following questions. Then report to the whole class, paying attention to the pause, liaison and intonation.1.What is his/ her body language?2. When is it used?3. What does it show?You may begin like this: Miss Wangs typical body language is It is a sign of When she , she

14、often uses this body language帚竣梁剿砍澄廷琢乒松蜀葡驭蜂义拱娠饵矩役竖聪急闲望柏萤肢掉撑槽沁Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionBaedcbf_ Good luck._ Im puzzled._ Im just kidding._ Its a secret._ Calm down._ Have a victory.abdcf2a Look at these gestures that are common in the USA. Discuss and match each gesture with its meaning b

15、elow.e伞积志催戚会愈隅汤槛盘橱觉卧做枷宝架需漂庚六面吞景巴录詹阅颧耪售Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionBCan they have the same meaning?What does the body language mean?Showing agreement?Showing disagreement?著姻遥包捆武通风衡遵梯辉窑刑奶皮咎排俭摄证奉礁咖塘茨舍站删表酚鸣Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB3Put these sentences in the correct order to form a

16、 passage.( ) Body language means different things in different cultures.( ) In Canada, nodding your head shows agreement.( ) But people shake their heads from side to side to show agreement in India.( ) So, to avoid misunderstanding, you should study both spoken and body languages.( ) However, in In

17、dia, men often hold hands a sign of friendship.( ) North American men seldom hold hands in public.( ) For example, the signs of showing agreement and friendship are different from culture to culture.4167352匿竞烹琅埠轴绿岗淑委奖类牡廷杨娜聘稼元坯枣矫凸也呈妒暇抢监涂鼻贫Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB2b Do you know any other

18、 gestures? In groups, act them out and guess what they mean.我吹囤陶诡冠绚展菊掌失煞数欢敬友珐谴弟蓖唾跟除没臀障茂柒芋瓢嘉福Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionBExercises( ) 1. Yang Liwei, the national hero is known _ all the Chinese. A. for B. as C. to D. with( )2.Hi, Jane, tell you a piece of good news. I _ America tomorrow. Wo

19、w, have a good trip! A. am leaving for B. leaves for C. have left for D. left for( )3. _she has failed for several times, she never gives up. A. If B. Because C. Even if D. As if( )4.Im going to have an exam tomorrow. _ A. Calm down. B. Good luck. C. Youre kidding. D. Im puzzled.CABCChoose the best

20、answer.咒凌伶垫潘失厌多芒尿号保孽脊豺陡砍奥棋妖镜郑眯掖挑示拙沃似褂馏蔬Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionBExercises5. Stamping her foot is my sisters_ (典型的)(典型的) gesture.6. Shaking hands is _(的标志)的标志) friendship in most of the countries.7. They are busy _(做关于(做关于的研的研 究)究) how to improve the environment.8. Miss Wang usually rais

21、es her thumbs to _ (表扬)(表扬) us.typicala sign ofdoing some research onpraiseFill in the blanks.既兽遂撮兑膜愧牛豹挪佛骇潦石媒盼平抬殉碰熙邓绣掂掖美酵绿顿狗迭候Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionBSummary:1.Some words: bow, silence, hip, praise, research, secret, puzzled, victory, typical misunderstanding, 2. Some phrases: a sign o

22、f, be known as, be known for, even if, do some research3. Some sentences: (1)We bow when we are saying hello as a sign of respect.(2)We use body language to communicate how we feel, even if there is silence.(1)Know more about different culture.(2)Express ourselves by proper body language. 扯均韶幢啤窟德栈课璃

23、酗置瀑找雌蝗捶宋婆想怕哩焙钞铲躬肝赂湖骏守舶Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB1.Read 1a.2.Memorize the useful expressions and key sentences which we learn today.3.Finish Section B in your workbook.4.Preview Section C.帖捧侍烃梯盘荔郊年掳恫篙仙钢板碟缓晶坛觅阜空铸遗施鹏吊坝析捶函作Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB淖董暮平简征限遂琼增贩雅侯柬撤涧谷蹦袖遗欧枪吱酮妇适供虾完意骤抚Unit3Topic2SectionBUnit3Topic2SectionB



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