七年级英语上册 Unit 2 This is my sister Section B考点直击 (新版)人教新目标版

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七年级英语上册 Unit 2 This is my sister Section B考点直击 (新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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《七年级英语上册 Unit 2 This is my sister Section B考点直击 (新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级英语上册 Unit 2 This is my sister Section B考点直击 (新版)人教新目标版(20页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit2Thisismysister. 考点直击考点直击考点直击Unit2Thisismysister. Section B Section B 考点直击There are some _(图画) on the wall.|河北中考| Lets take_ photo! Everyone, cheese!A. a B. anC. the D. /pictures A 解析解析 take a photo是固定搭配,意为是固定搭配,意为“拍照拍照”。故选。故选A。考点直击|内江中考| You can find many_ about the famous f ilm star on the Int

2、ernet.A. newsB. picturesC. ticketsD. information B考点直击解析解析 news意为意为“新闻新闻”,为不可数名词;,为不可数名词;picture意为意为“图画图画”,为可数,为可数名词;名词;ticket意为意为“票票”,为可数名词;,为可数名词;information意为意为“信息信息”,为不,为不可数名词。可数名词。many后要用可数名词的复数形式,可先排除后要用可数名词的复数形式,可先排除A和和D。句意:在。句意:在互联网上,你可以找到关于这个著名影星的许多图片。故选互联网上,你可以找到关于这个著名影星的许多图片。故选B。2. 你会喜欢下一

3、张图画的。 You will like_ _ _ .接下来,请打开门。 (翻译句子) _ 考点直击The next pictureNext, please open the door.3. Is this a photo_ your family? Yes, it is. A. for B. of C. on D. at 这是一张我们学校的照片。 This is_ _ _our school. B考点直击a picture/photo of Can I have a look at your family photo? (改为同义句) Can I have a look at _ _ _ _

4、_ ? a/the photo of your family 考点直击4. Here_ a nice picture. A. is B. am C. are D. be I want to go and see the panda. Look, here_ . A. is it B. it is C. are they D. they are这是我的一张家庭照片。 _ _a photo of my family. 考点直击AB Here is5. Behind the door _a cat. A. have B. has C. are D. is 她的书包就在她的课桌上。 _ _ _ _ h

5、er schoolbag. D考点直击On her desk is 单元专题聚焦. 单项选择1. Who is the girl? _is my cousin. A. He B. She C. His D. Her考点直击B2. Mike is my friend. I like_ very much. A. he B. him C. she D. her 考点直击B解析解析 like为动词,后要用人称代词的宾格,先排除为动词,后要用人称代词的宾格,先排除A和和C;再根据;再根据Mike可可知,与之搭配的人称代词宾格是知,与之搭配的人称代词宾格是him,故答案为,故答案为B。3. |徐州中考|

6、 Mom, this is my best friend Amy. _are in the same class. A. You B. Our C. We D. They 考点直击C解析解析 根据题干中的根据题干中的“妈妈,这是我最好的朋友埃米妈妈,这是我最好的朋友埃米”可推断,可推断,“我们我们”在同一在同一个班,故个班,故we符合题意符合题意。4. Who is Mr. Xu? He is_ teacher and he teaches_ P.E. A. our; us B. our; our C. ours; our D. us; us 考点直击A5. _pen is red. _pen

7、cil is green. A. This; These B. These; Those C. That; Those D. This; That 考点直击D6. Is_ a panda over there? A. this B. that C. those D. these 考点直击B解析解析 over there意为意为“那边那边”,指远处的事物,根据,指远处的事物,根据“is”及及“a panda”可知用可知用that。7. Are these your rulers? No, _arent. A. these B. those C. they D. this 考点直击C8. Is t

8、hat her book? No,_ isnt. A. it B. that C. they D. those 考点直击A解析解析 回答回答“Is this/that.?”一般疑问句时,需用一般疑问句时,需用it代替代替this或或that。. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Is this_ (you) sister? 2. Is Helen your cousin? No, _ (her) isnt. 3. _ (this) are my pictures. 4. _ Are (that) your pens? 考点直击yoursheTheseThose5. Who is _ (him)?6. _ (me) can say my ABCs.7. _ (us) are good students.8. Are _ (them) your friends?9. Nice to meet _ (you).10. Can you help _ (she)? 考点直击heIWetheyyouher



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