高考英语一轮复习 Unit24 Society课件 北师大版

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1、模块模块8Unit 24Society.写出下列必考单词写出下列必考单词基础再现识记类词汇识记类词汇1inequality(n.)_2abolition(n.)_3household(n.)_4graph(n.)_5abundant(adj.)_6deposit(vt.&vi.)_不平等不平等废除,废止废除,废止一个家庭一个家庭图表,曲线图图表,曲线图大量的,充足的大量的,充足的储蓄,存款储蓄,存款基础再现7currency(n.)_8signature(n.)_9vacant(adj.)_10pension(n.)_11buffet(n.)_12fountain(n.)_货币货币签名签名空闲

2、的;空缺的空闲的;空缺的退休金退休金自助餐自助餐喷泉;喷水池喷泉;喷水池基础再现表达运用类词汇表达运用类词汇1承担,从事承担,从事(vt.)_2辞职,放弃辞职,放弃(vt.& vi.)_3收缩,皱缩收缩,皱缩(vt.)_4消费者消费者(n.)_5删除删除(vt.)_6选举选举(vt.)_7社区;社会团体社区;社会团体(n.)_undertakeresignshrinkconsumerdeleteelectcommunity基础再现8芳香的芳香的(adj.)_9传达,传送传达,传送(vt.)_10负担,包袱负担,包袱(n.)_11调解,调整调解,调整(n.)_12环形交通枢纽环形交通枢纽(n.)

3、_fragrantrelayburdenadjustmentroundabout.写出下列单词的变化形式写出下列单词的变化形式基础再现1自愿的自愿的(adj.)_自愿自愿(vi.)_自愿者自愿者(n.)_2大量的大量的(adj.)_大量大量(n.)_3签名签名(n.)_签名;打手势签名;打手势(n.)_招牌;迹象;符号招牌;迹象;符号(n.)_voluntaryvolunteervolunteerabundantabundancesignaturesignsign 基础再现4统治;治理统治;治理(vt.)_政府政府(n.)_5调整,调节调整,调节(n.)_调整,调节;使适应调整,调节;使适应(

4、vt.)_6选举;推选选举;推选(vt.)_选举选举(n.)_7宽大的;仁慈的宽大的;仁慈的(adj.)_宽容;仁慈宽容;仁慈(n.)_governgovernmentadjustmentadjust electelectionmercifulmercy 基础再现8腐烂腐烂(vt.& vi.)_腐烂的腐烂的(adj.)_9版本版本(n.)_编辑;校订编辑;校订(vt.)_编辑;编者;校订者编辑;编者;校订者(n.)_10口渴口渴(n.)_口渴的口渴的(adj.)_11容器容器(n.)_包含;装有包含;装有(vt.)_rotrotteneditionediteditor thirstthirst

5、ycontainercontain基础再现12一匙之量一匙之量(n.)_勺子,匙子勺子,匙子(n.)_13所以,因此所以,因此(adj.)_作为结果的作为结果的(adj.)_结果,后果结果,后果(n.)_spoonfulspoonconsequentlyconsequentconsequence基础再现u活学活用活学活用用所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。用所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子。1They will carry an _tomorrow and everyone is asked to join in to _the president.(elect)2He had to _himse

6、lf to new conditions and his _led to his success.(adjust)3The little boy has learned to eat with a _Look,he is putting a _of food into his mouth.(spoon)electionelect adjustadjustmentspoonspoonful基础再现4She_to teach in the school.That is to say,she works as a _in this school.She offers _ service to the

7、 children.(volunteer)5There is _ money in this young mans pocket,but as we know,the _ of money ruins youth.(abundant)6 A severe flood struck the city and there was a _shortage of food.The government took immediate action and _most people got enough food as soon as possible.As a _, people were satisf

8、ied with the government.(consequence)volunteeredvolunteervoluntaryabundantabundanceconsequentconsequentlyconsequence基础再现7I am looking for the first _ of the selected works of Walter Scott _ by this famous _. Do you have any good advice?(edit)editioneditededitor.短语熟记短语熟记基础再现翻译下列必背短语翻译下列必背短语1形成,存在;出现形

9、成,存在;出现_2炫耀,夸耀炫耀,夸耀_3撞上某人撞上某人_4闯入闯入_5毫无疑问毫无疑问_6怀着怀着的希望的希望_come into being show offknock into sbbreak intono doubtin the hope that.基础再现7转折点转折点_8故意惹怒某人故意惹怒某人_9原则上原则上_10对对失去信心失去信心_turning point wind sb. upon principlelose faith inu活学活用活学活用基础再现根根据据括括号号中中的的解解释释,从从课课文文中中找找出出恰恰当当的的短短语语完完成成下下列列句子。句子。1 Today

10、 most people still tend to hold scientists _(with a feeling of respect mixed with fear and wonder)2Could you _ (take care of especially when others have no time) my children?3We should _ (direct ones efforts to) doing something useful to the society.in awekeep an eye onaim at基础再现4He refused to atten

11、d the meeting _ (according to what one believes in)5This old tree is _ (support) by a post.6They waited for something to _ (happen)7My car _ (be in need of) gas,do you know where the gas station is?8We decided to _ (get rid of) our old cooker and buy a new one.on principleheld upturn upis short ofdo

12、 away with基础再现9It said it will be a time when people will _ (not believe in) their leaders.10 Never waste anything._ (most importantly),never waste time.lose faith inAbove all.语篇学习语篇学习基础再现.课文内容语法填空课文内容语法填空阅阅读读课课文文,然然后后按按照照课课文文内内容容在在空空格格处处填填入入一一个个适适当当的的词词,或使用所给词语的正确形式完成下面短文。或使用所给词语的正确形式完成下面短文。Many pe

13、ople in developed countries 1._(trap) in a spending circle. They work hard to earn more money so that they have more money to spend. In order to have more to spend,they have to work even harder. But 2._(strange) enough,the more they earn,the3._(little) often they see it,and the more tax they pay to

14、the government. In theare trappedstrangelyless基础再现circle,they feel that they never have enough and never have time to enjoy 4._There is a growing 5._ (resist) to the consumer society and,some people think that more money should be given to the third world,and the working week be shortened.6._this ha

15、ppened there should be many different reactions to this huge adjustment.But many think 7._ would be worthwhile. Society 8._ a whole should take these issues more seriously 9._try to take effective measures, like 10._ (control) advertising. On a personal level we should make better use of our free ti

16、me,and visit the shops less.themselvesresistanceIfitasandcontrolling基础再现.话题作文翻译与背诵话题作文翻译与背诵你你打打算算为为你你班班做做一一期期关关于于伟伟大大人人物物主主题题的的英英语语墙墙报报。请请根根据据以以下下表表格格信信息息,编编写写诺诺贝贝尔尔物物理理学学奖奖获获得得者者高高锟锟(Charles K. Kao)的英语介绍。的英语介绍。生日生日1933年年12月月出生地出生地江苏金山江苏金山住所住所现与妻子居住在美国现与妻子居住在美国家庭出家庭出身身父亲是律师,父亲是律师, 祖父是著名诗人祖父是著名诗人个人经个

17、人经历历物理学家、香港中文大学物理学家、香港中文大学(the Chinese University of Hong Kong)前校长;前校长; 由于他在由于他在科学研究上的特殊贡献,科学研究上的特殊贡献, 被称为被称为“光纤光纤(fiber optics)之父之父”;2009年年10月月6日他与其他两位日他与其他两位科学家被授予诺贝尔物理学奖科学家被授予诺贝尔物理学奖基础再现_Charles K. Kao, the winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2009, was born in Dec.1933 in Jinshan, Jiangsu. Hi

18、s father was a lawyer and his grandfather was a famous poet. Charles K. Kao, a physicist and the former president of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, is called the father of fiber optics because of his great contributions to science research. On Oct.6, 2009, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Phy

19、sics with two other scientists. Now he is living with his wife in the US. 基础再现基础再现 考点整合考点整合 语法专题语法专题 写作导航写作导航 题型突破题型突破栏栏目目链链接接.重点单词重点单词考点整合1burden n负担,负荷负担,负荷vt.使负重;装载使负重;装载归纳拓展归纳拓展考点整合to be a burden to sb./sth.是是的负担的负担to bear/ease/share the burden承受承受/减轻减轻/分担重担分担重担burden sb./oneself with. 装载;使装载;使负

20、担负担be burdened with. 负担;为负担;为所累所累考点整合完成下列句子。完成下列句子。 (1)他永远是他父母的负担。他永远是他父母的负担。He is always_.(2)中国教育部坚决主张减轻学生的负担。中国教育部坚决主张减轻学生的负担。The Education Department of China has_(3)目前农民不再为重税所累。目前农民不再为重税所累。Nowadays peasants _.u即学即练即学即练a burden to his parentsinsisted on easing the burden of studentsare no longer

21、burdened with taxation考点整合2govern v统治;控制;决定;支配统治;控制;决定;支配归纳拓展归纳拓展考点整合governor n主管人员;理事;董事;总督;调节器主管人员;理事;董事;总督;调节器government n统治;管辖;政府;内阁统治;管辖;政府;内阁考点整合完成下列句子。完成下列句子。(1)海水的潮涨潮落是受月球的运动支配的。海水的潮涨潮落是受月球的运动支配的。The rise and fall of the sea is _ by the movements of the moon.(2)我们选他当我们的州长是因为他的智慧。我们选他当我们的州长是因

22、为他的智慧。We elected him _ of our state for his wisdom.(3)年轻的王子不善于治理国家,最后成了一名昏君。年轻的王子不善于治理国家,最后成了一名昏君。The young prince was not suited to _ and became a bad king.u即学即练即学即练governedgovernorgovernment考点整合3elect vt.选举,推选;决定选举,推选;决定归纳拓展归纳拓展考点整合election n选举选举elective adj.由选举产生的;选修的由选举产生的;选修的(课程课程/科目科目)elect sb

23、.(as/to be) n选某人当选某人当elect to do sth.选择选择/决定做某事决定做某事注注意意:充充当当宾宾语语补补足足语语的的名名词词若若表表示示正正式式的的或或独独一一无无二二的的头头衔衔、职职位位时时,前前面面一一般般不不用用冠冠词词,这这些些名名词词有有 chairman,monitor,president等。等。考点整合完成下列句子。完成下列句子。(1)She elected _ (return) to work after her baby was born.(2)They_ (选选李李明明为为主主席席) of the committee.(3)In colleg

24、e, English is a required course and psychology is an _ (elect) course.u即学即练即学即练to returnelected Li Ming (as/to be) chairmanelective考点整合4undertake vt.着手做,从事,负责;承担;答应,保证着手做,从事,负责;承担;答应,保证归纳拓展归纳拓展考点整合undertaker n承办人,承担人承办人,承担人undertaking n事业;企业;保证事业;企业;保证undertake to do sth.(agree/promise to do)承诺承诺/担保

25、做某事担保做某事undertake that.promise/guarantee that答应答应/保证保证考点整合完成下列句子。完成下列句子。(1)我不能担保你会获利。我不能担保你会获利。I can not _ that you will make a profit. (2)他很忙,却答应本周五之前完成那项工作。他很忙,却答应本周五之前完成那项工作。He was busy,but he _ to finish the job by this Friday.(3)此项工程由委员会承担。此项工程由委员会承担。The work _ members of the committee. u即学即练即学

26、即练undertakeundertookwas undertaken by考点整合5resign v辞职;辞去辞职;辞去归纳拓展归纳拓展考点整合resignation n辞职;听任,顺从辞职;听任,顺从resign ones job辞去工作辞去工作resign (from)辞去辞去resign sb./oneself to sb./sth.交给;委托交给;委托resign oneself to sth./be resigned to sth.听任,顺从听任,顺从考点整合完成下列句子。完成下列句子。(1)他辞去了主席的职务。他辞去了主席的职务。He _(2)我把我的孩子委托给你照顾。我把我的孩子

27、委托给你照顾。I _(3)我们只好离开这个国家了。我们只好离开这个国家了。We must _u即学即练即学即练resigned his position as chairmanresigned my children to your careresign ourselves to leaving the country考点整合6squeeze v压榨,挤压榨,挤归纳拓展归纳拓展考点整合squeeze in 挤进去挤进去squeeze out 榨出,挤出榨出,挤出squeeze through 挤过,勉强通过挤过,勉强通过squeeze sth.into sth.将将挤进挤进squeeze st

28、h.from/out of sth.从从中榨取中榨取考点整合用适当的介词或副词完成下列句子。用适当的介词或副词完成下列句子。(1)She squeezed some juice _ the lemon.(2)He squeezed _ the crowd and then went up to the stage.(3)The elevator was full, but I managed to squeeze_(4)He squeezed everything _ the suitcase.(5)Those outdated products were squeezed _the mark

29、et.u即学即练即学即练fromthroughinintoout of 7merciful adj.仁慈的;宽容的仁慈的;宽容的(反义词反义词merciless)考点整合归纳拓展归纳拓展考点整合mercyU怜悯;饶恕怜悯;饶恕C幸运的事,值得感激的事幸运的事,值得感激的事beg for mercy恳请宽恕恳请宽恕have mercy on sb.对某人表示怜悯对某人表示怜悯show mercy to sb.对某人表示怜悯对某人表示怜悯at the mercy of任凭任凭摆布或控制摆布或控制without mercy毫不宽恕地;无情地毫不宽恕地;无情地考点整合 英译汉。英译汉。(1)The b

30、oy was screaming and begging for mercy._(2)After the boats motor failed,they were at the mercy of the weather._(3)It was a mercy that the whole family survived the earthquake._u即学即练即学即练这个男孩尖叫着恳求得到宽恕。这个男孩尖叫着恳求得到宽恕。船的发动机坏了,他们任凭天气的摆布。船的发动机坏了,他们任凭天气的摆布。幸运的是在这次地震中全家人都幸免于难。幸运的是在这次地震中全家人都幸免于难。考点整合 (4)The c

31、ommander showed mercy to the prisoners of war._(5)They treat me without mercy._司令官对战俘十分怜悯。司令官对战俘十分怜悯。他们很无情地对待我。他们很无情地对待我。考点整合 8thirst n口渴口渴vi.口渴;渴望口渴;渴望归纳拓展归纳拓展考点整合die of thirst死于干渴死于干渴a thirst for knowledge如饥似渴的求知欲如饥似渴的求知欲thirst for sth.渴望,渴求渴望,渴求be thirsty for sth.渴望,渴求渴望,渴求考点整合完成下列句子。完成下列句子。 (1)那

32、马在河里饮水解渴。那马在河里饮水解渴。The horse _(2)她渴望冒险。她渴望冒险。She _ adventure.(3)我们渴求知识。我们渴求知识。We _ knowledge.u即学即练即学即练satisfied its thirst in the riverthirsts forare thirsty for考点整合 (4)他们在沙漠中迷路最后渴死了。他们在沙漠中迷路最后渴死了。They lost their way in the desert and _.died of thirst.重点短语重点短语考点整合1come into being开始形成;存在开始形成;存在(不用于不用

33、于被动语态和进行时态被动语态和进行时态)归纳拓展归纳拓展考点整合bring.into being使使产生产生come into blossom(flower)/bud/leaf开花开花/发芽发芽/长叶长叶come into contact with.与与接触接触come into operation开始操作;开始军事行动开始操作;开始军事行动come into money/a fortune继承继承/获得一大笔钱获得一大笔钱(财产财产)come into power掌权掌权come into sight/view看见;进入视野看见;进入视野考点整合完成下列句子。完成下列句子。(1)没有人具体知

34、道世界是什么时候形成的。没有人具体知道世界是什么时候形成的。No one knows exactly when the world _.(2)希特勒掌权时,许多科学家被迫逃离德国。希特勒掌权时,许多科学家被迫逃离德国。When Hitler _,many scientists were forced to flee Germany.u即学即练即学即练came into beingcame into power考点整合(3)敌人一进入我们的视野,我们就开火了。敌人一进入我们的视野,我们就开火了。As soon as the enemy _,we began to fire.came into o

35、ur view考点整合2knock into 撞上;偶遇,不期而遇;强行教导撞上;偶遇,不期而遇;强行教导归纳拓展归纳拓展考点整合knock down 击倒,撞倒;拆毁;降价;减少;拒绝击倒,撞倒;拆毁;降价;减少;拒绝knock about 漫游;四处走动;殴打;虐待漫游;四处走动;殴打;虐待knock off击掉,撞掉;击掉,撞掉;(使使)停止;完成,结束停止;完成,结束knock on 敲击;不停地工作敲击;不停地工作knock out (用锤用锤)敲打掉;使昏迷;淘汰;使精疲力竭敲打掉;使昏迷;淘汰;使精疲力竭考点整合完成下列句子。完成下列句子。(1)他在路上专心地看小说,突然撞到树上

36、了。他在路上专心地看小说,突然撞到树上了。He suddenly _ the tree when he was absorbed in reading the novel on the way. (2)在这样偏远的地方旅行,我居然遇到了一个老同学。在这样偏远的地方旅行,我居然遇到了一个老同学。_ one of my old classmates while travelling in such a remote place.u即学即练即学即练knocked intoI knocked into考点整合3show off炫耀,夸耀炫耀,夸耀归纳拓展归纳拓展考点整合考点整合show sb.in领某

37、人进来领某人进来show sb.around领某人参观领某人参观show sb.the way to给某人指路给某人指路show mercy to sb.宽恕某人宽恕某人sth.show sb.to be.某物证明某人是某物证明某人是考点整合 完成下列句子。完成下列句子。(1)Stop _ (炫炫耀耀)yourself.We all know you are good at doing it.(2)Hes just _ (在在炫炫耀耀自自己己的的车车) because he likes others to know he is rich.(3)He likes to _ (向向人夸耀他的英语讲

38、得有多好人夸耀他的英语讲得有多好)(4)His new book _ (证明他是一位一流的小说家证明他是一位一流的小说家)u即学即练即学即练showing offshowing off his carshow off how well he speaks Englishshows him to be a firstrate novelist考点整合4wind sb.up故意惹恼某人故意惹恼某人(尤指开玩笑尤指开玩笑)归纳拓展归纳拓展考点整合windwoundwound (原形原形过去式过去式过去分词过去分词)wind sth.up结束;关闭结束;关闭(公司,企业等公司,企业等),停止营业,停止

39、营业wind sth.up adj./adv./prep./v.ing(意外地意外地)以以告终;落得告终;落得(的下场的下场)wind ones way 蜿蜒曲折前进蜿蜒曲折前进考点整合完成下列句子。完成下列句子。(1)他过去常常拿我的大鼻子来气我。他过去常常拿我的大鼻子来气我。He _ about my big nose.(2)她以一句谚语结束了她的演讲。她以一句谚语结束了她的演讲。She _with a saying.(3)公司亏了很多钱,所以正要停业。公司亏了很多钱,所以正要停业。The company is losing a lot of money,so_u即学即练即学即练used

40、to wind me upwound up her speechits being wound up考点整合5keep control over 保持对保持对的控制的控制归纳拓展归纳拓展考点整合have/get control over/of 能控制能控制take control of管理,控制管理,控制lose control of 失去对失去对的控制的控制考点整合完成下列句子。完成下列句子。(1)中国政府必须保持对国有银行的控制。中国政府必须保持对国有银行的控制。Chinese government must _(2)我我刚刚才才是是表表示示这这样样的的看看法法:我我们们正正在在失失去去对

41、对世世界界人人口口的控制。的控制。I was just expressing the view(that)_u即学即练即学即练keep control over its stateowned bankswe are losing control of the world population考点整合 6break into强行闯入;打断,打扰;突然做强行闯入;打断,打扰;突然做归纳拓展归纳拓展考点整合break away from脱离,逃脱脱离,逃脱break down出故障,坏掉;失败;垮掉出故障,坏掉;失败;垮掉break off断开,中断,解除断开,中断,解除break out突然开始,

42、爆发突然开始,爆发break through突破,冲破突破,冲破break up粉碎,结束,打散粉碎,结束,打散考点整合完成下列句子。完成下列句子。 (1)窃贼闯入银行,偷走了一些钱。窃贼闯入银行,偷走了一些钱。The bank _ and some money was stolen.(2)听完笑话,我们都笑了。听完笑话,我们都笑了。Hearing the joke,we _(3)起火时,我们都睡着了。起火时,我们都睡着了。When the fire _,we were all asleep.u即学即练即学即练was broken intobroke into laughterbroke ou

43、t.重点句型重点句型考点整合1Trade unions demand that the government shorten the working week.(p.34)工会组织要求政府缩短上班时间。工会组织要求政府缩短上班时间。归纳拓展归纳拓展考点整合动动词词demand 后后的的从从句句中中,谓谓语语部部分分用用“should动动词词原原形形”结结构构,其其中中should 可可以以省省略略。与与demand用用法法相相似似的的动动词词有有:require,request,insist,desire,urge,prefer,ask,suggest,recommend,advise,pro

44、pose,command,order等。等。考点整合完成或翻译下列句子。完成或翻译下列句子。(1)他要求我们每月捐出他要求我们每月捐出1/3的收入。的收入。He _ that we should donate one third of what we earn every month.(2)他命令这项工作马上要做。他命令这项工作马上要做。He _ that the work (should) be done at once.(3)她要求他归还借的书。她要求他归还借的书。_u即学即练即学即练demandedcommandedShe demanded that he return the book

45、s borrowed from her.考点整合2As a society,its high time that we took these issues more seriously.(p.34)作作为为一一个个社社会会,是是我我们们该该认认真真对对待待这这些些问问题题的的时时候了。候了。归纳拓展归纳拓展考点整合Its (high) timethatclause句句型型中中,that从从句句谓谓语语部部分分常常用用过过去去式式或或者者should动动词词原原形形。另另外外Its time (for sb.) to do sth.与与Its time for sth.也也表表示示“到到做做的时

46、候了的时候了”。考点整合汉译英。汉译英。(1)到了你出发的时候了。到了你出发的时候了。_(2)到了你和医生约好见面的时候了。到了你和医生约好见面的时候了。_(3)音乐会开始的时间到了。音乐会开始的时间到了。_u即学即练即学即练Its high time that you set out.Its time for you to make an appointment with the doctor.Its time for the concert. 基础再现基础再现 考点整合考点整合 语法专题语法专题 写作导航写作导航 题型突破题型突破栏栏目目链链接接纯空格题纯空格题(倒装与强调倒装与强调)专项

47、训练专项训练语法专题专项训练专项训练语法专题在空格处填入适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空在空格处填入适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空1Johns success has nothing to do with good luck.It is years of hard work _ has made him what he is today.2I have seldom seen my mother _ pleased with my progress as she is now.3If you have a job,_devote yourself to it and finall

48、y youll succeed.语法专题4John opened the door.There _(stand) a girl he had never seen before.5 For a moment nothing happened.Then _(come) voices all shouting together.6You and I could hardly work together,_ we?7Either you or one of your students _(be) to attend the meeting that is due tomorrow.8Not unti

49、l I came home last night _ Mum go to bed.语法专题9The computer was used in teaching.As a result,not only _ teachers energy saved,but students became more interested in the lessons. 10So sudden _ (be) the attack that the enemy had no time to escape.语法专题1. 解析:解析:题干为强调句型题干为强调句型,被强调部分为被强调部分为years of hard wo

50、rk。答案:答案:that2. 解析:解析:固定结构固定结构so.as.“像像一样一样,正如正如一样一样”。答案:答案:so3. 解析:解析:考查谓语动词的强调及考查谓语动词的强调及 “祈使句祈使句 and 将将来时句子来时句子”的固定搭配。此处应是祈使句的固定搭配。此处应是祈使句,又有谓语动词的又有谓语动词的强调强调,要借助助动词要借助助动词do。答案:答案:do语法专题4. 解析:解析:here,there,thus,then等副词位于句首等副词位于句首,且当且当句子的主语是名词时句子的主语是名词时,句子需全部倒装。句子需全部倒装。答案:答案:stood5. 解析:解析:副词副词then位

51、于句首位于句首,且当句子的主语是名词时且当句子的主语是名词时,句子用全部倒装句。句子用全部倒装句。答案:答案:came6. 解析:解析:反义疑问句的用法。陈述部分中含有否定词反义疑问句的用法。陈述部分中含有否定词hardly,故疑问部分用肯定形式。故疑问部分用肯定形式。答案:答案:could语法专题7. 解析:解析:主谓一致的用法。主谓一致的用法。either.or.连接两个主语连接两个主语,按就近原则来确定谓语的单复数。按就近原则来确定谓语的单复数。one of your students的谓的谓语应用单数形式。语应用单数形式。答案:答案:is8. 解析:解析:not until 位于句首时

52、要用部分倒装的句型位于句首时要用部分倒装的句型,把助动词把助动词did提到主语提到主语Mum的前面。的前面。答案:答案:did9. 解析:解析:not only放在句首作状语放在句首作状语,要部分倒装要部分倒装,故填故填助动词助动词was,构成被动语态。构成被动语态。答案:答案:was语法专题10. 解析:解析:so/such.that结构中结构中,若若so/such 和与其所修和与其所修饰的词置于句首饰的词置于句首,要使用部分倒装要使用部分倒装,又又sudden是形容词是形容词,作表语作表语,所以填所以填was。答案:答案:was 基础再现基础再现 考点整合考点整合 语法专题语法专题 写作导

53、航写作导航 题型突破题型突破栏栏目目链链接接书面表达分类训练书面表达分类训练(13)分析利弊分析利弊写作导航分分析析利利弊弊型型议议论论文文写写作作可可分分三三步步走走:引引出出问问题题分分析析利利弊弊提出自己的观点。提出自己的观点。1引出问题引出问题(存在的现象存在的现象)。In recent years.has been popular.2论述利的方面。论述利的方面。There are many advantages in_(现现象象)First,_ .Second,_Third,_写作导航3论述弊的方面。论述弊的方面。However,therere some disadvantages.

54、_(弊弊端端一一)Besides,_(弊弊端端二二)Also,_(弊弊端端三三)4提出自己的看法或观点。提出自己的看法或观点。In my opinion,it is true that advantages are more than disadvantages.I think_One big/obvious advantage of_ is that_Finally,_While it is true that _ (现现象象) has many advantages,it is also important to realize that _ (弊端弊端)专项训练专项训练写作导航分析利弊写

55、作练习分析利弊写作练习以以约约120词词就就网网上上购购物物的的主主题题发发表表看看法法,并并包包括括如如下下要要点:点:1网上购物的现状。网上购物的现状。2网上购物的利弊。网上购物的利弊。写作导航写作导航3就网上购物发表你自己的观点。就网上购物发表你自己的观点。_写作导航【参考范文】【参考范文】Different people have different opinions about reading.Those who think we should read selectively believe that ones time and energy are limited and one

56、 can never read as many books as he wishes.In contrast,those who think we should read extensively hold the view that one should absorb a variety of knowledge by reading extensively.写作导航As to me,I agree with the former opinion.Admittedly,one can absorb knowledge by reading extensively,but it doesnt m

57、ean that one should read without selection.One should devote his limited time and energy to reading relevant and beneficial books.Its a waste of time to read irrelevant books.Furthermore,some books are harmful to ones mind.If we dont read books selectively,we will be misled by harmful books. 基础再现基础再

58、现 考点整合考点整合 语法专题语法专题 写作导航写作导航 题型突破题型突破栏栏目目链链接接阅读填空七选五解题技巧阅读填空七选五解题技巧题型突破阅阅读读填填空空七七选选五五的的阅阅读读材材料料是是一一篇篇长长度度为为180300词词的的短短文文,文文中中有有5处处空空白白,分分别别在在各各个个段段落落的的段段首首、段段中中或或段段尾尾,文文后后有有7句句话话(均均为为完完整整句句子子)。要要求求根根据据文文章章结结构构、思思想想内内容容等等,从从短短文文后后的的7个个句句子子中中选选出出5个个能能填填入入文文章章空空白白处处的的最最佳佳选选项项。由由于于给给出出的的选选项项中中有有的的选选项项区

59、区分分度度不不大大,试试题题的的难难度度比比常常规规阅阅读读试试题题有有所所增增加加,而而且且会会出出现现由由于于一一处处误误选选导导致致多多处处错错答答的后果。的后果。 题型突破解题策略:解题策略: 1通读全文,勾勒连接词语,理清语段的句际关系。通读全文,勾勒连接词语,理清语段的句际关系。 构构成成语语段段的的各各个个句句子子之之间间存存在在句句际际关关系系,如如承承接接关关系系(so, therefore, thus, hence, accordingly, consequently, as a result.)、顺顺序序关关系系(first, second, third;firstly,

60、 secondly, thirdly; first, next, then; in the first place, in the second place; for one thing, for another thing;to begin with, to conclude.)、层层递递关关系系(also, further, furthermore, likewise, similarly, moreover, in addition, whats more, too, either, neither, not.but., not only.but also.)等等。理清句际关系有助于快速

61、把握文章脉络,提高答题正确率。理清句际关系有助于快速把握文章脉络,提高答题正确率。 题型突破2利用关键词解题。利用关键词解题。空空格格的的正正确确选选项项与与紧紧邻邻的的上上下下句句一一般般都都有有明明显显的的关关键键词词在在起起作作用用,因因此此,找找出出空空格格上上下下句句中中的的关关键键词词,然然后后在在7个个选选项项中中找找出出同样的关键词,能快速准确地确定选项。同样的关键词,能快速准确地确定选项。3正确理解正确理解7个选项的内在含意,推测各项的使用语境。个选项的内在含意,推测各项的使用语境。 4从从句句意意、语语境境包包括括语语法法功功能能及及句句子子的的长长度度方方面面比比较较分分

62、析析各选项。各选项。 5适当采用排除法,根据文章的逻辑关系排除不恰当选项。适当采用排除法,根据文章的逻辑关系排除不恰当选项。 专项训练专项训练题型突破阅读填空七选五练习阅读填空七选五练习 Happiness is for everyone.You dont need to care about those people who have beautiful houses with large gardens and swimming pools or _1_ and so on.Why? Because those who have big houses may often feel lone

63、ly and those who have cars may want to walk on the country roads at their free time.题型突破In fact, happiness is always around you if you put your heart into it._2_When you study hard at your lessons, your parents are always taking good care of your life and your health.When you get success, your frien

64、ds will say congratulations to you.When you do something wrong, people around you will help you to correct it._3_.All these are your happiness.If you notice a bit of them, you can see that happiness is always around you.题型突破Happiness is not the same as money.It is a feeling of your heart.When you ar

65、e poor, you can also say you are very happy, because you have something else that cant be bought with money. _4_, because you have more chances to challenge yourself.So you cannot always say you are poor and you have bad luck.As the saying goes, life is like a revolving(旋旋转的转的)door.When it closes, i

66、t also opens._5_AWhen you are in trouble at school, your friends will help youBIf you take every chance you get, you can be a happy and lucky personCthose who have nice cars and a lot of moneyDAnd when you do something good to others, you will feel happy, tooEthose who have no housesFWhen you meet w

67、ith difficulties, you can give them up and be happy 题型突破GWhen you meet with difficulties, you can say loudly you are very happy题型突破1解解析析:推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据第第二二段段的的“The Georgia Aquarium scientists and animal care professionals have worked so hard to help ensure the sustainability of white whales in huma

68、n care at our facility and others in North America.You can imagine how they feel hearing the news”可可推断水族馆里的这些科学家听到消息后会很失望。推断水族馆里的这些科学家听到消息后会很失望。答案:答案:D题型突破2解解析析:推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据第第三三段段的的“In order to receive permission,the aquarium had to prove that the import would not harm the population of white wha

69、les living near Russia.”可可推推断断美美国国国国家家海海洋洋和和大大气气局局拒拒绝绝这这一一请请求求是是因因为为担担心心会会危危害害当当地地的的白白鲸鲸数量。数量。答案:答案:C3解解析析:推推理理判判断断题题。根根据据第第四四段段的的“White whales are smart,social animals.”可知白鲸是社会性动物,喜欢群居。可知白鲸是社会性动物,喜欢群居。答案:答案:A题型突破4解解析析:事事实实细细节节题题。根根据据末末段段的的“Many people believe that keeping white whales in aquariums

70、will help aquarium visitors learn about the species and will help scientists protect it.But many people and animal rights groups believe white whales should stay in the ocean to survive.”可知让白鲸住在水族馆里是很有争议的。可知让白鲸住在水族馆里是很有争议的。答案:答案:B5解解析析:主主旨旨大大意意题题。根根据据文文章章内内容容可可知知主主要要是是讲讲美美国国国国家家海海洋和大气局拒绝了乔治亚水族馆想再引进洋和大气局拒绝了乔治亚水族馆想再引进18头白鲸的请求,故选头白鲸的请求,故选D。答案:答案:D题型突破



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