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1、Dian M. GrueneichCommissioner 委员California Public Utilities Commission加州公共事业委员会The Role of Energy Efficiency and Smart Grid in California 加州能源效率一览Overview of Californias Electricity Use加州电力使用情况概述2006 Peak Demand: 64,000 MW2006 Electricity Use: 275,000 GWHPopulation: 35 million, 1.5% per year growth

2、Electricity growth for last decade: 1.6% per yearMultiple Utility Service Territories:75% Investor Owned 25% Municipal 2006 峰荷需量:64,000 兆瓦兆瓦2006 用电:275,000 吉瓦时吉瓦时人口: 35 00万,年增长率万,年增长率1.5% 最近十年电力增长: 每每年年1.6%多重公共事业公司服务领域:75% 投资者所有投资者所有 (加州公共事业委员会控制)25% 市政 (加州能源委员会跟踪)23California Compared to Worlds Lar

3、gest Greenhouse Gas Emitters加州与世界温室气体排放大国比较2000 GHG Emissions (million metric tons CO2)Emissions Per Capita (metric tons C02)USA美国美国5,66119China中国中国2,79502Russia俄罗斯俄罗斯1,43710Japan日本日本1,18609India印度印度1,07301Germany德国德国78710UK英国英国56909Canada加拿大加拿大43713California加州加州43012Italy意大利意大利42907Industry Petrol

4、eum工业石油工业石油8%Electricity22%交通交通Transportation 41%Natural gas天然气天然气15%Non-combustion非燃烧非燃烧 15%CO2 emissions in California come from many sources加州二氧化碳排放有诸多源头加州二氧化碳排放有诸多源头Out-of-state generation 10%人均排放量 (公吨二氧化碳州外发电州外发电电力电力2000 年温室气体排放(百万公吨二氧化碳)Energy Efficiency is Californias highest priority resourc

5、e to:Meet energy needs Save moneyReduce greenhouse gas emissionsHighest Priority in California加州当务之急能源效率能源效率是加州达到以下目标的当务之急:满足能源需求 节约资金减少温室气体排放是达到全球温室效全球温室效应对策法应对策法 (AB32)和西部气候行动(WCI)挑战性目标的即时行动领域。4Immediate action area to meet aggressive goals of Global Warming Solutions Act (AB32) and Western Climat

6、e Initiative (WCI).California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32)2010: emissions at 2000 levels*2020: emissions at 1990 levels2050: emissions 80% below 1990 levels*Set in Executive Order S-3-05, June 2005. *州长执行令S-3-05,2005年6月Creates first statewide program in the US to cap all GHG emission

7、s from major industries美国首个全州范围的限制主要产业所有温室气体排放的计划2010:排放量恢复至2000年水平*2020:排放量恢复至1990年水平2050:排放量少于1990年水平的80%State Agencies AB 32 Roles 州政府的AB32任务 The Air Resources Board (ARB) is the lead agency charged with implementing and enforcing the capThe CPUC and the California Energy Commission (CEC) provide

8、 recommendations to ARB on policies and requirements for emissions reductions from the electricity and natural gas sectors空气资源委员会(ARB)为施行与强制执行该限制的领导机关加州公共事业委员会与加州能源能源委员会,为空气资源委员会制定电力与天然气部门减排政策及要求提供建议6Integration 整合Clear Policy “EE is #1 in loading order”Firm Standards Building and appliance standard

9、sAdequate Financial Mechanisms and FundingDecoupling sales from revenuesPerformance-based incentives/penaltiesEnergy efficiency linked to resource planningEvaluation, Measurement, and Verification (EM&V)明晰政策明晰政策 “能源效率是最优先取得的资源严格标准严格标准 建立并实施标准充足的财务机制与融资充足的财务机制与融资销售与收益分离根据表现确定奖励/罚款与资源计划相关的能源效率评估、测量与确定

10、评估、测量与确定 (EM&V)7(2005)= 4,000kWh/yr = $165/capita(2005)= = 4 4, ,0 00 00 0千千瓦瓦时时/ /年年 = $ $1 16 65 5/ /人人Electricity Use in California加州电力使用While US electricity has steadily grown, California has become a model of energy efficiency.美国用电稳步增加,加州成为能源效率的典范。美国用电稳步增加,加州成为能源效率的典范。kWh/person千瓦时千瓦时/ /人人Unite

11、d States美国美国California加州加州Per Capita Electricity Sales (not including self-generation)人均电力销售 (不包括自行发电)Per Capita Income in Constant 2000 $恒量2000美元个人平均所得19752005% change改变改变美国 国内生产总值/人US GDP/capita16,24131,44294%加州 州国民生产总值/人Cal GSP/capita 18,76033,53679%91 2% of electric billAnnual Energy Savings fro

12、m Efficiency Programs and Standards效率项目和标准产生的年能源节省效率项目和标准产生的年能源节省05,00010,00015,00020,00025,00030,00035,00040,00045,00019751976197719781979198019811982198319841985198619871988198919901991199219931994199519961997199819992000200120022003GWh/year吉瓦小时吉瓦小时/年年Appliance Standards电器标准电器标准Building Standards建

13、筑标准建筑标准Utility Efficiency Programs and Market Transformation 公共事业公司效率项目与市场改革公共事业公司效率项目与市场改革15% of Annual Electricity Use in California in2003年加州年度用电的年加州年度用电的15% 2003The “Next Generation” of EE in California加州“下一代”能源效率Decoupling “Plus”: new system of incentives and penalties to financially reward the

14、 utilities for designing and delivering cost-effective energy efficiency programsLong-term (through 2020), statewide utility strategic plan Interactive Energy Efficiency Web Portal分离“添加” 新的奖励与处罚系统,在财务上鼓励公共事业公司设计及传递具有成本效益的能源效率项目长期(至2020年)遍及全州的公共事业公司战略计划交互式能源效率门户网站104 Big Bold Energy Efficiency Strate

15、gies能源效率战略Residential New Construction All new residential construction in California will be zero net energy by 2020.Commercial New ConstructionAll new commercial construction in California will be zero net energy by 2030.Residential/Small Commercial HVACHeating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (

16、HVAC) industry will be reshapedLow-Income Energy Efficiency All eligible low-income homes will be energy-efficient by 2020住宅新建筑住宅新建筑 2020年之前,加州所有新住宅建筑实现零能耗。商业新建筑商业新建筑2030年之前,加州所有新商业建筑实现零能耗。住宅住宅/小型商业暖通空调小型商业暖通空调对制热、通风与空调(HVAC) 产业进行改造低收入能源效率低收入能源效率2020年之前,所有符合条件的低收入家庭将实现能源效率11Zero Net Energy Buildings

17、LowenergydemandDistributedpowersupplyCleanmaterials零净能源建筑物低的能源需求分散的电力供应清洁的资源材料ShadingPhotovoltaicsHeat pumpSolar thermalAir recirculationThermal massThermal recyclingPassive cool & heatUltra insulationHigh-Performance Windows 高性能窗口Heat storage遮蔽光电太阳能热极端的绝缘能热循环能热质量热度储存被动的冷热度系统热泵空气循环14Advanced Meterin

18、g Infrastructure (AMI)/Smart Meters先进的测量设备 (AMI)/智能仪表Goal: Install “smart meters” and communicating thermostats throughout California 目标: 在全加州安装“智能仪表”和温控器 San Diego Gas & Electric $574 million San Diego Gas & Electric $574 million 圣地亚哥天然气和电力公司圣地亚哥天然气和电力公司 $5.74 $5.74 亿亿 Pacific Gas & Electric $1.7 b

19、illion Pacific Gas & Electric $1.7 billion 太平洋天然气和电力公司太平洋天然气和电力公司 $17$17亿亿 Southern California EdisonSouthern California Edison $1.3 billion $1.3 billion 南加利福尼亚爱迪生公司南加利福尼亚爱迪生公司 $13$13亿亿Gives customers access to information and greater control over their energy use and bills. 允许客户获取能源使用和账单信息的信息,扩大其相关

20、控制权What Makes Meter “Smart” or “Advanced”What Makes Meter “Smart” or “Advanced”什么使得电表什么使得电表 “ “智能智能” ” 或或 “ “先进先进” ”? 使得电表智能化的三个功能是:使得电表智能化的三个功能是:间隔侧量的能力,能够测量消费间隔侧量的能力,能够测量消费的事物和时间的事物和时间结果数据的自动转换,不需要人结果数据的自动转换,不需要人工阅读工阅读 双向沟通:能够双向沟通:能够 “听听”和和 “说说” 两个功能为智能电力增加价值两个功能为智能电力增加价值: 为向消费者提供实时数据而与为向消费者提供实时数据

21、而与 HAN 连接连接 远程连接和断开连接远程连接和断开连接 Three Functions Make a Meter Smart:1. The Ability to Take Interval Measurements, Measuring Both What Was Consumed and When.2. Automatic Transmission of the Resulting Data, Eliminating the Need for Manual Reading.3.Two-way Communications: Ability to Both “Listen” and “T

22、alk”.Two Functions Add Value for Smart Power:1.Interfaces with HAN for Real-Time Data to Consumer2.Remote Connect and Disconnect1516Grid Friendly Appliances Grid Friendly Appliances sense grid frequency sense grid frequency excursions & control excursions & control regions appliances to act regions

23、appliances to act as spinning reserve No as spinning reserve No communications required!communications required!电网友好型电器电网友好型电器感知电网频移和作为备转容量备转容量控制区域的电器 不需要交流不需要交流! !Smart Power at Residential Customer LevelSmart Power at Residential Customer Level住宅用户层面的智能电力住宅用户层面的智能电力Dynamic SystemsControl 动力系统控制动力系

24、统控制Smart End-Use Device智能终端设备智能终端设备Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle插电式混合动力汽车插电式混合动力汽车 Distributed Generation & Storage 分布式电力和储存分布式电力和储存 Grid Operator 电网操作员电网操作员Dynamic SystemsControl动力系统控制动力系统控制DISTRIBUTIONOPERATIONS分布操作分布操作21st Century Smart Power Grid 21世纪的智能电力电网世纪的智能电力电网 TWO-WAY FLOW OF TWO-WAY FL

25、OW OF INFORMATION AND INFORMATION AND POWERPOWER信息和电力的双向流动信息和电力的双向流动信息和电力的双向流动信息和电力的双向流动Customer Portal客户端口客户端口18Smart Power at Commercial Customer Smart Power at Commercial Customer Level Level 商业用户层面的智能电力商业用户层面的智能电力1910 Year Smart Power Outlook (US)10 Year Smart Power Outlook (US)智能电力的十年展望可期待的长期技术

26、创新网络付费和需求测量终端用户的需求回应系统插电式混合动力汽车实时定价最强烈设备的传感器微电网储存Long-Term Technological Innovations ExpectedSmart Power Costs vs. Benefits (U.S.)智能电力成本与效益对比智能电力成本与效益对比Target Sector Costs 目标部门成本目标部门成本10-Year Investment Level ($B) 十年投资层次十年投资层次(十亿美元)(十亿美元)Residential 居住居住7-10Commercial 商用商用13-20Network Infrastructure

27、网络基础设施网络基础设施$25-30TOTAL 总计总计45-60TOTAL/year 总额总额/年年4.5-6 per yearSource of Benefits 效益来源效益来源Potential Benefits/year ($B, by 2015)潜在效益潜在效益/年(十年(十亿美元为单位,亿美元为单位,至至2015年)年)“Smarting up” of customer premises (smart homes, intelligent buildings)使消费者前提使消费者前提“智能化智能化”(智能房屋、智(智能房屋、智能建筑)能建筑)$6-8Enabling of Dem

28、and Response and AMI deployment实现需量反应和实现需量反应和AMI调度调度$5-8Investments in smart grid technologies对智能电网技术的投资对智能电网技术的投资$2-3DG, smart grid-interactive storage technologies and microgridsDG,智能电网互动储存技术和微电网,智能电网互动储存技术和微电网$1-2TOTAL/year 总额总额/年年14-21By 2013 reduces load by 25,000 GWh/yr and eliminates the need

29、 for 10 new plantsEliminates 10 million tons/year of CO2 emissions in 2013 (equal to 2 million cars)$2 billion/year in net savings to consumers2013年之前,负荷减少25000吉瓦小时/年,减少10个新发电厂的需要量2013年,减少1000万吨/年二氧化碳的排放量(相当于2000万辆小汽车)消费者净节省20亿美元/年21California Energy Efficiency Programs 2004-2013 加利福尼亚能效项目加利福尼亚能效项目2004-2013Thank you!谢谢www.cpuc.ca.gov



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