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1、初三英语初三英语初三英语初三英语( (上册上册上册上册) )【最新】八年级英语上册【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知重点知识归纳课件识归纳课件 外研版外研版 课件课件 1曾经;永远曾经;永远 2消息;消息; 3假定;认为;期望假定;认为;期望 4神经紧张神经紧张的的 5bad的最高级的最高级 6真实的真实的 7幸运的幸运的 8复制;抄袭复制;抄袭21疯狂的;狂热的疯狂的;狂热的22小吃小吃23信封信封24学期学期25使人失望的使人失望的26(大学)毕业生(大学)毕业生27志愿者志愿者28乡下的;乡村的乡下的;乡村的9自己的自己的29海平

2、面海平面10乡村乡村30幸运地幸运地11地区;地域地区;地域31宿舍宿舍12米;米;公尺公尺32边界;边境边界;边境13稀薄的稀薄的33爷爷;外祖父爷爷;外祖父14eat的过的过去式去式34再;还;今后再;还;今后15决定;决心决定;决心35(名物代)她的(名物代)她的16丈夫丈夫36危险的(危险的(adj)17开始;开端开始;开端37大学大学18影响影响38教育(名词)教育(名词)19家乡;故乡家乡;故乡39部;部门部;部门20危险危险40ride的过去式的过去式【最新】八年级英语上册【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知重点知识归纳课件

3、识归纳课件 外研版外研版 课件课件完成该单元重点词组。完成该单元重点词组。1首先:首先: 2.传递:传递: 3.被期望或被要求;被期望或被要求; 4.照料;照顾:照料;照顾: 5.高中:高中: 6.努力工作的:努力工作的: 7.在在方面做的好:方面做的好: 8.身体健康:身体健康: 9.中国少先队员:中国少先队员: 10.教育部:教育部: 11成绩单:成绩单: 12.北京大学:北京大学: 13.打开:打开: 14.克服;恢复;原谅:克服;恢复;原谅: 15.为为疯狂:疯狂: 16.不再:不再: 17.怎么样?:怎么样?: 18.希望做希望做: 19.希望某人做希望某人做: 20.感冒:感冒:

4、21.期末考试:期末考试: 22.感到紧张:感到紧张: 23.别紧张:别紧张: 24.在在花费许多时间;花费许多时间; 25.令人失望的结果:令人失望的结果: 26.送某人某物;送某人某物; 27.忘记将要做忘记将要做: 28.好主意:好主意: 29.一天三次:一天三次: 30.回到:回到: 【最新】八年级英语上册【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知重点知识归纳课件识归纳课件 外研版外研版 课件课件一、单词一、单词1.mad (adj) 疯狂的;狂热的疯狂的;狂热的 be mad at sb 对某人恼火对某人恼火/生气生气 = be an

5、gry with sb be mad on / about sth 热衷于热衷于;对;对狂热狂热2. anymore (adv) 再;还;今后(常与再;还;今后(常与not连用)连用)= any more,即,即notany more 不再不再3.message (n) 消息;信息消息;信息leave a message 留言留言 take a message for sb给某人捎个口信给某人捎个口信4.suppose (v) 假定;认为;期望假定;认为;期望 be supposed to do sth.被期望或被要求做被期望或被要求做5.nervouse (adj) 神经紧张的;不安的神经紧

6、张的;不安的= stressed out6.semester = term 学期学期7. luck (名名) 幸运;运气幸运;运气 lucky (形形) 幸运的幸运的 luckily (副副) 幸运地幸运地= fortunately 8.graduate (名词)(名词) (大学大学)毕业生毕业生 (动词)(动词)毕业;毕业; graduatefrom 从从毕业毕业9. thin (adj) 稀薄的稀薄的 反义词反义词 thick 厚的厚的 thin 瘦的瘦的 反义词反义词 fat胖的;肥的胖的;肥的【最新】八年级英语上册【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-

7、working重点知重点知识归纳课件识归纳课件 外研版外研版 课件课件10.fortunately (副副) 幸运地幸运地 fortunate (形)形)幸运的幸运的11.decision (n) 决定;决心决定;决心 动词:动词: decide 决定决定 make a decision 做决定做决定12.husband 丈夫丈夫 wife 妻子妻子13.danger (n) 危险危险 in danger 处于危险中处于危险中 dangerous (adj) 危险的危险的二、短语及知识点二、短语及知识点1.pass sb sth = pass sth to sb 把某物递给某人把某物递给某人

8、pass on 传递(代作宾,放在心:即代词作宾语时放在中间)传递(代作宾,放在心:即代词作宾语时放在中间)如:如:Please pass it on to me. 请把它递给我。请把它递给我。2.have a cold = catch a cold 感冒感冒3.be in good health = be well 身体健康身体健康4.do well / OK in = be good at 在在方面好方面好/擅长于擅长于do better in = be better at 在在方面更好方面更好/ 更擅长于更擅长于5.end-of-year exam 期末考试期末考试6.get/ be n

9、ervous = get /be stressed out 紧张紧张【最新】八年级英语上册【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知重点知识归纳课件识归纳课件 外研版外研版 课件课件7. have a hard time 日子难过日子难过/处于困境处于困境have a hard time with 在在方面处于困难方面处于困难have a hard time doing 做做很难很难如:如: She has a hard time finding anyone she likes.她找一个她找一个她喜欢的人很难。她喜欢的人很难。8.be sur

10、prised to do : 做做感到吃惊感到吃惊/惊讶惊讶9.find + 宾语宾语 +形形:觉得:觉得如何如何/怎样怎样eg. I find math very easy 我觉得数学很简单。我觉得数学很简单。10. disappointed(某人)感到失望的(某人)感到失望的(1)做主语(主语是人)做主语(主语是人)(2)不能做定语)不能做定语disappointing (某物某物)令人失望的令人失望的 (做表语)主语是物(做表语)主语是物(2)还)还可做定语可做定语eg.1)He was _ when he heard his team lost the game. 2)The resu

11、lt is _. 3)This is a _ result.【最新】八年级英语上册【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知重点知识归纳课件识归纳课件 外研版外研版 课件课件11.have a fight 打架打架 have a fight with 和和打架打架12. get over 克服,战胜困难克服,战胜困难/ 从从恢复过来,恢复恢复过来,恢复eg.1)Youre sure to be able to get over the difficulty(difficult的名词形的名词形式)式). 你肯定能够战胜困难的。你肯定能够战胜困难的

12、。 2) Colds sometimes take a long time to get over. 感冒有时感冒有时需要很长时间才能痊愈。需要很长时间才能痊愈。13. sound+形容词形容词 sound like + 名词名词如:如:1)The music _ beautiful 这音乐听起来很优美。这音乐听起来很优美。2) That _ a good idea.14.sea level 海平面海平面15.three times a day 每天三次每天三次 five times a week 每周五次每周五次16.There is no difference between you an

13、d them 你和他们之间是没有区别的。你和他们之间是没有区别的。 soundssounds like【最新】八年级英语上册【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知重点知识归纳课件识归纳课件 外研版外研版 课件课件17.open up ones eyes to sth: 开阔某人对某事的视开阔某人对某事的视野野 / 眼界。眼界。18.be a good influence in 在在方面有好的影响方面有好的影响19.derect speech 直接引语直接引语 reported speech 间接引语间接引语20.report card 成绩

14、单成绩单21.care for = take care of 照看;照顾照看;照顾22.first of all 首先首先【最新】八年级英语上册【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知重点知识归纳课件识归纳课件 外研版外研版 课件课件三、语法:直接引语和间接引语三、语法:直接引语和间接引语直接引语:直接引述别人所说的话,有引号标明;间接引语:转述别人的话,直接引语:直接引述别人所说的话,有引号标明;间接引语:转述别人的话,相当于我们的宾语从句,不能加引号。相当于我们的宾语从句,不能加引号。1.直接引语变间接引语应注意:直接引语变间接引语应注意

15、: 1)直接引语是陈述句时,变成直接引语是陈述句时,变成that引导的宾语从句引导的宾语从句eg. 1)He often says, “China is great.”He often says (that) China is great. 2)He said, “I am a student.” He said (that) he was a student. 2)直接引语是一般疑问句、选择疑问句、反意疑问句时,变成直接引语是一般疑问句、选择疑问句、反意疑问句时,变成if / whether引导的宾语从句。引导的宾语从句。eg.1)He says, “Are you in Class 1?”

16、He asks if / whether I am in Class 1. 2)He says, “Is Tom a teacher or a student?”He asks whether Tom is a teacher or a student.(注意:与(注意:与or / or not 连用一般用连用一般用whether) 【最新】八年级英语上册【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知重点知识归纳课件识归纳课件 外研版外研版 课件课件3)直接引语是特殊疑问句时,变成疑问词引导的宾语从句。直接引语是特殊疑问句时,变成疑问词引导的宾语从

17、句。eg. He said, “Where is she going?” He asked Where she was going. 4)直接引语是祈使句时,变成不定式作宾补的形式。直接引语是祈使句时,变成不定式作宾补的形式。eg. He said to him, “Tom, come here.” He asked Tom to go there. 2.直接引语变间接后人称的变化:直接引语变间接后人称的变化: 二人称变一人称二人称变一人称 一人称要与主句主语一致。一人称要与主句主语一致。eg.1)He says, “Are you in Class 1?”He asks if / wheth

18、er I am in Class 1. 2)He said, “I am a student.” He said (that) he was a student.3.动词的变化:动词的变化: say to sb 变成变成 tell / ask sb to do 问句中问句中say 变成变成 ask/ wonder/ want to know come 变成变成 go 【最新】八年级英语上册【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知重点知识归纳课件识归纳课件 外研版外研版 课件课件eg.1) He said to him, “Tom, come

19、here.” He asked Tom to go there.2)He said, “Where is she going?”He asked where she was going.4.时态的变化:遵守宾语从句中时态的要求时态的变化:遵守宾语从句中时态的要求eg.1)He said, “I will go to Beijing tomorrow.” He said that he would go to Beijing the next day. 2)She said , “The earth is round.” She said that the earth is round.(客观事

20、实客观事实)5.时间状语的变化:时间状语的变化:today 变成变成 that daytomorrow变成变成 the next daythis morning变成变成 that morning next week 变成变成 the next weeklast week变成变成 the weekbeforenow变成变成 then 【最新】八年级英语上册【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知重点知识归纳课件识归纳课件 外研版外研版 课件课件SUMMARY 直直接接引引语语是是疑疑问问句句,变变间间接接引引语语时时,要从疑问语序变为要从疑问语

21、序变为陈述语序陈述语序。 直直接接引引语语是是一一般般疑疑问问句句, ,变变为为间间接接引引语时语时, ,用连词用连词 if 或或 whether 连接。连接。 直直接接引引语语是是特特殊殊疑疑问问句句, ,变变为为间间接接引引语时语时, ,仍用仍用原来原来的疑问词的疑问词作连词来引导。作连词来引导。【最新】八年级英语上册【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知重点知识归纳课件识归纳课件 外研版外研版 课件课件 直接引语是祈使句,变成间接引语,把动直接引语是祈使句,变成间接引语,把动词原形变成词原形变成动词不定式动词不定式,并在动词不定前加,

22、并在动词不定前加tell, ask, order , advise等动词的宾语。等动词的宾语。注意:注意:否定句,在动词不定式前加否定句,在动词不定式前加not或或never. .SUMMARY【最新】八年级英语上册【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知重点知识归纳课件识归纳课件 外研版外研版 课件课件Choose the best answers.1) Mr Wu said he _ us to the zoo this week.A. would take B will take C take D takes 2) The witnes

23、s said he _ under the table at that time. A hide B have hidden C was hiding D hidden 3) The police asked if anyone _ tell him some information. A could B can C is able to D will AACA【最新】八年级英语上册【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知重点知识归纳课件识归纳课件 外研版外研版 课件课件 4)Can you tell me _?A how far is it

24、 B how can I get there C how can I get to there D how I can get there5) Sandy said she _ all the work.A finished B had finished C has finished D will finish6) He said he _ his book at your home.A leave B leaves C had left D was leavingDBC【最新】八年级英语上册【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知重点知识归

25、纳课件识归纳课件 外研版外研版 课件课件一、单项选择题(一、单项选择题(40分)分)( )1._ I was talking on the telephone, David came in.A. Because B. While C. If( )2.He was sleeping late _ someone knocked on the door.A. when B. while C. as( )3.An alien got out _ the UFO and walked _ the street.A. off;on B. from;along C. of;down( )4.What we

26、re you doing at this time yesterday?I _.A. sleep B. slept C. was sleeping( )5.Seeing a UFO is a _ thing.A. amazing B. amazed C. amaze( )6.The girl was _ at the strange noise.A. scared B. scare C. scaring( )7.He is ill. I know he is _ now.A. in the hospital B. in hospital C. at the hospital【最新】八年级英语上

27、册【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知重点知识归纳课件识归纳课件 外研版外研版 课件课件( )8.She was _to hear the news.A. surprised B. surprise C. surprising ( )9.She said she _ flying to Shanghai next weekend.A. will be B. was C. is( )10. What did you say? I said I _ mad at you.A. am B. was C. will be( )11.He told

28、 me he _ call his brother the next day.A. will B. would C. shall( )12.Our English teacher said she _ speak three languages.A. can B. could C. will( )13.She said she _ to the cinema every Saturday.A. goes B. went C. is going( )14.Is he _ to clean the outside of the windows or only the inside?A. suppo

29、se B. supposed C. supposing【最新】八年级英语上册【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知重点知识归纳课件识归纳课件 外研版外研版 课件课件一、单项选择题一、单项选择题( )15.It is a _ news.A. disappointing B .disappointed C. disappoint( )16.The police asked the little boy _.A. where did he live B. where does he live C. where he lived( )17._ wh

30、ether he will come or not.A. Im sure B. Im not sure C. Im sure not that ( )18. They said they _ a party at 8:00 last night.A. were having B. are having C. had( )19.He had a cold this morning, so he went to the _.A. doctor B. doctors C. doctors home( )20.Mother got mad _ me for watching TV for hours.

31、 A. at B. about C. for( )21.We will find ways to get _ the difficulties.A. on B. down C. over【最新】八年级英语上册【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知重点知识归纳课件识归纳课件 外研版外研版 课件课件( )22.Her father is a math teacher and she _ math.A. is good to B. does well in C. is good for( )23.Im sorry _ that your fath

32、er is in hospital.A. hearing B. to hear C. hear of( )24.Mr. Li does exercises every day and he _.A. is in good health B. is in poor health C. enjoys good health( )25.Read the paper and pass it on _ the other students.A. for B. to C. to ( )26.I dont think _ is a good idea to copy others homework.A. t

33、hat B. it C. this( )27.Youre supposed _ for wild animals.A. care B. cared C. to care( )28.There is a big apple tree _ the room.A. in front of B. in the front of C. in front【最新】八年级英语上册【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知重点知识归纳课件识归纳课件 外研版外研版 课件课件( )29.You speak English as _ as Jack.A. well B

34、. good C. better( )30.We sat on the lake bank face to face _ silenceA. on B. in C. with( )31.I find my pen _. But I cant find it _. Dont worry. Sooner or later youll find it _.A. somewhere ; anywhere ; everywhereB. everywhere ; anywhere ; somewhere.C. anywhere ; somewhere ; everywhere( )32.She didnt

35、 think about _ outside the station.A. to look B. looking C. looked( )33.I had a really hard time _ science this term.A. to B. with C. in( )34.The good news is _ my math teacher said I was hard-working.A. that B. / C. what【最新】八年级英语上册【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知重点知识归纳课件识归纳课件 外研版外研版 课

36、件课件( )35.I will have a surprise party _ Lana _ Friday night.A. of ; in B. for ; on C. for ; at( )36.Would you please drive faster? My flight is _.A. taking off B. getting off C. putting off( )37.We knew that he had failed the exams from his _ look (表情表情).A. disappointing B. disappointed C. disappoin

37、t( )38.Though my grandpa is already over 90 years old, he is very _.A. better B. well C. health( )39. Sorry, I forgot _ the book to school.A. bringing B. to bring C. to take( )40.There are many trees on _ side of the river.A. any B. either C. both【最新】八年级英语上册【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-workin

38、g重点知重点知识归纳课件识归纳课件 外研版外研版 课件课件A)根据首字母提示补全所缺单词。)根据首字母提示补全所缺单词。1.There are several f_ from London to New York.2.The train station was so c_ that I couldnt find my dog anywhere.3.I looked for my book, but I couldnt find it a_4.Chairman Mao was a great leader in Chinese h_5.Shes very n_ about her driving

39、 test.6.Excuse me, is there a b_ shop near here? I need to cut my hair.7.I left her several m_, but she hasnt returned my call.B)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。8.He was _ (suppose) to here by nine. But he hasnt come yet.9.She _(shop) when I met her in the shopping mall yesterday.【最新】八年级英语上册【最新】八年级

40、英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知重点知识归纳课件识归纳课件 外研版外研版 课件课件10. “How long have you had your car?” “I _ (buy) it three years ago.”news from a friend of his.11.The children talked and laughed _ (happy).12.There may be some _(danger) animals there.13.Ill tell him the good news as soon as he _ (come

41、) back.14.My uncle said he_ (come) in two days.C)根据汉语完成单词。)根据汉语完成单词。15.I had a very strange _(经历经历)on Sunday.16.Mr. Wangs students are good at English and they are _(勤勉的勤勉的).17._(幸运地幸运地), he passed the math exam this time and he was very happy.18.The man got the _ (令人失望的令人失望的)19.You can write your a

42、ddress on the _ (信封信封).【最新】八年级英语上册【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知重点知识归纳课件识归纳课件 外研版外研版 课件课件20.My grandpa lives in a _(乡村乡村).五五.据汉语意思完成句子。(据汉语意思完成句子。(10分)分)1对你而言,照超别人的作业是不对的。对你而言,照超别人的作业是不对的。 _ not right _ you to _ _ homework.2上周我和我的好朋友大吵了一架。上周我和我的好朋友大吵了一架。 I _ a _ _ _ my best friend.3L

43、ana说她不再生说她不再生Marcia的气了。的气了。 Lana said he _ _ _ Marcia _.4在你和他们之间没有什么区别。在你和他们之间没有什么区别。 Theres _ _ _ you _ them.5她现在是甘肃省平良市一所高中的数学教师。她现在是甘肃省平良市一所高中的数学教师。 She now _ _ a math teacher a high school in the _ _ Pingliang, Gansu Province.【最新】八年级英语上册【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知重点知识归纳课件识归纳课件

44、 外研版外研版 课件课件六、书面表达(六、书面表达(10分)。根据图画和提示词,写一篇短文分)。根据图画和提示词,写一篇短文6070词的短文。词的短文。开头已给出,不计词数。开头已给出,不计词数。英文提示:英文提示:interesting ; forgot ; everything ; finish ; change ; to ones surprise ; missing ; scatter (分散;散布分散;散布); follow ; monkey ; read ; as TomIt was Sunny and warm. One morning Tom took some books o

45、utside. He was sitting on the grass and reading a novel with the other books beside him. The book was so interesting that_【最新】八年级英语上册【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知重点知识归纳课件识归纳课件 外研版外研版 课件课件例文:例文:It was Sunny and warm. One morning Tom took some books outside. He was sitting on the gras

46、s and reading a novel with the other books beside him. The book was so interesting that_【最新】八年级英语上册【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知重点知识归纳课件识归纳课件 外研版外研版 课件课件参考答案参考答案一、单项选择题(一、单项选择题(40分)分)15 BACCA 610 ABABB1115 BBBBA 1620 CBABA2125 CBBAB 2630 BCAAB3135 BBBAB 3640 AABBB二、完形填空(二、完形填空(10分)。

47、分)。15 BBCCA 610 ABBAC三阅读理解(三阅读理解(20分)。分)。15 ABCCB 610 CBBCA四四.单词拼写。(单词拼写。(20小题,共小题,共10分)分)1. flights 2. crowed 3. anywhere 4. history 5. nervous6. barber 7. messages 8. supposed 9. was shopping10. bought 11. happily 12. dangerous es14. would come 15. experience 16. hard-working17. Luckily 18. disapp

48、ointing 19. envelope 20. country五五.据汉语意思完成句子。(据汉语意思完成句子。(10分)分)1. Its ; for ; copy ; others2. had ; big ; fight ; with3. wasnt ; mad ; at ; anymore 4. no ; difference ; between ; and 5. works ; as ; city ; of 【最新】八年级英语上册【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知重点知识归纳课件识归纳课件 外研版外研版 课件课件一、根据首字母填空

49、。一、根据首字母填空。(A)Many people were waiting f_(1) the train. Some were r_(2) newspapers, and some were saying good-bye to their friends.Dr Wang, Mr. Li and Mr. Chen were talking so h_(3) and excitedly that they did not know the t_ (4) was going to leave. Then the guard called l_(5),“The train is going to

50、 leave. H_(6) up, please.” The three men heard the guard and two of them jumped o_(7) the train quickly b_(8) it moved. One was left b_(9).It was Dr Wang. He looked very sad. The guard came to him and said,“Dont feel sad. The next train will come i_(10) ten minutes.” “I know.” Dr Wang said,“But it i

51、s my train. My friends only came to see me off.”参考答案:参考答案:1.for 2.reading 3.happily 4.train 5.loudly 6.Hurry 7.on 8.before 9.behind 10.in(B)【最新】八年级英语上册【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知重点知识归纳课件识归纳课件 外研版外研版 课件课件Halloween is an autumn holiday that Americans c_(1) every year. It means “holy

52、 evening”, and it comes every October 31,the evening before AllSaints Day. However, its not really a church holiday. Its a h_(2) for children.Every a_ (3), when the vegetables are ready to eat, children pick large orange pumpkins. Then they cut faces in the pumpkins and p_(4) lights inside. It looks

53、 like there is a p_(5) looking out of the pumpkin!The children also put on s_(6) masks and frightening clothes every Halloween. Some children paint their f_(7) to look like monsters. Then they carry boxes or bags from house to house. Every time they c_(8) to a new house, they say,“Trick or treat! Mo

54、ney or eat!” The adults put a treat money or candy in their bags.Some children t_(9) of other people on Halloween. They carry boxes for UNICEF (The United Nations International Childrens Emergency Fund).They ask for money to help poor children all around the world. Of course, every time they help UN

55、ICEF, they usually r_(10) a treat for themselves, too.参考答案:参考答案:1.celebrate 2.holiday 3.autumn 4.put 5.person 6.strange 7.faces e 9.thought 10.receive二、完形填空,二、完形填空,【最新】八年级英语上册【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知重点知识归纳课件识归纳课件 外研版外研版 课件课件Mrs. King wondered how she was going to look after and

56、 feed the seven children. She had good (1) _.They would do their best to help her. By this time Mr. King had found a house, a place for the (2) _.Their first job was to build the (3) _ house together again. Everybody helped.(4) _ it was finished, they all had to sleep in tents. Mrs. King Brown made

57、sure that (5) _ would be a warm, comfortable house (6)_ it was only made of wood. There was a big fire-place for them to sit round when winter came. This fire-place and the big (7)_ in Mrs. Kings kitchen would need (8)_ wood. Each boy was told how much wood he had to get. Most of it would come from

58、the (9)_ on the island. But Mrs. King told them that if they went to the beaches , they would (10) _ find wood. The wood came from the sea.( )1.A.a cow B. children C. her husband ( )2.A.trees B. children C. ship( )3.A.wooden B. big C. new ( )4.A.After B. Until C. Before( )5.A.they B. he C. it ( )6.A.and B. .though C. but( )7.A. stove B. bed C. toilet ( )8.A.many B. a little C. a lot of ( )9.A.beach B. mainland C. trees ( )10.A.early B. soon C. also参考答案:参考答案:15 BBCCC 610 BACCC【最新】八年级英语上册【最新】八年级英语上册 Unit4He said I was hard-working重点知重点知识归纳课件识归纳课件 外研版外研版 课件课件



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