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1、Unit 3 Is this your pencil? Part3GrammarFocus夯实基础,活用语法一、抄写、朗读并翻译。 1Is this your pencil? Yes, it is. It s mine./ No, it isnt. It s hers. 抄写: 翻译: 2Is this his green pen? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. The blue pen is his. 抄写: 翻译: 3Is that your schoolbag ? Yes, it is./ No, it isnt. It s his. 抄写: 翻译: 4Are th

2、ese your books? Yes, they are./No, they arent. Theyre hers. 抄写: 翻译: 5Are those her keys? Yes, they are./No, they arent. Theyre mine. 抄写: 翻译: 二、Grammar Focus语法过关。 ( C )1Are_ Kates _? Athis; book Bthat; book ( B )2Is this baseball Johns? No, its not_. _is in his bag. Aher; Hers Bhis; His Chim; His Dhe

3、rs; His Cthese; books Dthose; book ( B )3This is_ pen. The pencil is_, too. Amy; my Bmy; mine Cmine; my Dmine; mine ( B )4_ are my pens and _ your ruler. AThose ; thatB These; thats CThese; those DThis; that ( D )5_? No, they arent. AWhats this CIs this your book ( C )6Whats your phone number? My ph

4、one number is 369-5840Call _, please. AI Bmy Cme Dmine BWhat are these DAre these your books ( D )7Who is that boy? He is my brother Dale, and that baseball is _. Ashe Bher Che Dhis ( D )8Are _ books yours, Mike? No, _ arent. Athese; those B this; they Cthis; those Dthese; they ( B )9I lost some _ i

5、n the school library. Amap Bpens Cpencil Dbox ( A )10I lost my ring. I must _ it. Afind Bmeet Ccall Dthank 三、语法运用:用所给单词的正确形式填空。 erasers (eraser )on the desk. They are very nice. 1Look at the dictionaries 2Here are your two English-Chinese (dictionary) ,children. yours (you)3My book is new. What abou

6、t ,Gina? mine (I)4The books are not They are Millies. hers (she )5The pencil box isnt his. Its 四、重点句型运用。 1谢谢你的帮助。 (Thank you for) Thank you for your help. 2这支钢笔怎么样?( What about ) What about this pen? 3这是你的书包吗? 不,不是的。它是她的。 (hers ) Is this your schoolbag? No, it isnt. Its hers. 4那个是他的铅笔盒吗? 是。它是他的。 (hi

7、s) Is that his pencil case? Yes, it is. Its his. 5那些是她的绿色的铅笔吗? 不,不是的。它们是我的。(mine) Are those her green pencils? No, they arent. They are mine. 五、短文填空。 Hi, my name is Gina. I am an English 1 . This is the 2 day of the new term. I get up early and 3 to school to have my first class. I put two 4 in my b

8、ag. Because I want to use the two dictionaries to look up the new words. When I get into the 5 , my students all stand up and 6 good morning to me. They all have their pencil boxes. They put their pens, erasers and rulers in 7 . And they take notes in notebooks. After school, they 8 me some flowers. They want to thank me 9 my class. I ask, “Do you like me?” They say, “Yes”How 10 I am! I really like being an English teacher. teacher 1 5 classroom 9 for first 2 6 say 10 go 3 7 them dictionaries 4 give 8 happy



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