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1、ReadingThe ghost in the parkA: Do you know any fun facts about the world? B: Yes. Fish sleep with their eyes open.A: Thats interesting! What about ?B: A: Oh, really?B: Yes. Isnt that amazing?Have a dialogue with your partner.Mini-dictionarybush n. 灌木丛灌木丛e.g. There are some rose bushes in the park.ca

2、refully adv. 仔细地,认真地,小心地仔细地,认真地,小心地e.g. He never does his homework carefully.strange adj. 奇怪的,陌生的奇怪的,陌生的e.g. This morning I got a strange call.weak adj. 虚弱的,无力的虚弱的,无力的e.g. My grandma is very weak now.whisper n. 低语,耳语低语,耳语e.g. She spoke to me in a whisper.There are many ghost stories in Chinese histo

3、ry. Are you afraid? What do you think about them?Do you want to read a modern ghost story?1.Did Millie and Amy go to Sunshine Park one Sunday morning?2. Did they hear a song from the bushes behind the tree?3. Who did they meet on their way home?4. What did Andy find in the bushes?Yes, they did.No, t

4、hey didnt.Andy.A little cat.Listen and answer the questions.When WhereWhoWhatHow Read the text and try to finish the table.One Sunday morningSunshine ParkMillie and AmyThey heard a “ghost” in the park. At first, they felt frightened. When theyfound it was a cat, they werent afraid any more. 1. As us

5、ual means _. a the first time b as they often do c seldom2. To reply means _. a to think b to say something again c to say or write something as an answerbcHere are some words in the story about the “ghost” in the park. Find the meaning of each word by giving the correct letter.3. To leave means _.

6、a to find out b to look for c to go away4. If you wonder, you _. a want to know something b feel great c say something happilyca5. To search means _. a to find something b to shout at something c to look carefully for something6. Weak means _. a clever b small c not strong ccMillie wrote some senten

7、ces about what happened, but they are not in the correct order. Help her put the sentences in the correct order. Write the numbers 1-7.a. We ran away quickly.b. Andy found a little cat in the bushes.c. We talked under a big tree in the park.d. Suddenly, we heard a whisper.e. We turned around but saw

8、 nothing.f. Andy went to the park.g. I told Andy about the strange sound.4712365Millie is telling her friend Wendy on the phone about what happened in the park, but Wendy cannot hear her clearly. Write a T if a sentence is true or an F if it is false.1 I was afraid when I heard the whisper.2 The whi

9、sper came from a big tree.3 We went back to the park with Andy.4 Somebody helped Andy find the “ghost”.5 Andy found a small cat in the bushes.6 Andy give the little cat to Amy.TFFTFFthe bushes.They took the little cat to the animal centre.Andy found the “ghost” by himself.Andy went to the park.1. Wh

10、y were Millie and Amy frightened? They heard a whisper from the bushes behind the tree.2. Where did Andy find the “ghost”? In the bushes.Work in pairs. One will be Andy, and the other will be a reporter from your school newsletter. Ask and answer the questions.3. How did he find it? He searched the

11、bushes and found it.4. Why did the cat sound like a ghost? Because it was very weak.5. Where did they take the cat? They took it to the animal centre.Henry, Andys friend, is asking Andy about the “ghost”. Help Andy answer his questions.Henry: What did Millie and Amy hear?Andy: They heard a (1) _. Th

12、ey were very (2) _ and left the park quickly.whisperafraidHenry: What did you find?Andy: I found a little cat in the (3) _.Henry: Why did the little cat sound like a ghost?Andy: It was very (4) _, so when it (5) _, it sounded like a whisper.Henry: Wheres the little cat now?Andy: We took it to the (6

13、) _ centre.bushesweakmiaowedanimal1. They turned around but saw nothing. turn around意为意为“回头,转回身回头,转回身”。 e.g. We turned around and saw a big birthday cake. 我们回头看见我们回头看见一个大的生日蛋糕。一个大的生日蛋糕。2. On their way home, they met Andy. on their way home 在他们回家的路上在他们回家的路上 on ones way to sp. 译为译为“在某人去在某人去的路上的路上”。hom

14、e是副词,前面不是副词,前面不需要加介词,如果后面跟的是名词需需要加介词,如果后面跟的是名词需要加介词要加介词to。e.g. 在在Lucy去学校的路上去学校的路上 在他来这里的路上在他来这里的路上on Lucys way to schoolon his way here3. “What happened?” Andy asked. happen作不及物动词,意为作不及物动词,意为“发生发生”,多指某事偶然发生或由于某种原因,多指某事偶然发生或由于某种原因而产生的结果。而产生的结果。happen to do sth. 表表示示“碰巧或偶然做某事碰巧或偶然做某事”,sth. happen to s

15、b. 表示表示“某人遭遇到某事某人遭遇到某事”。例如:例如: When bad things happen, what should we do? 当不好的事情发生时,当不好的事情发生时,我们应该怎么办?我们应该怎么办?If you happen to see Jimmy, please tell him to come to my office. 要是你碰见吉米,请告诉他来我的办公要是你碰见吉米,请告诉他来我的办公室。室。Why does something like this always happen to me? 为什么这样的事总是发生在我身上?为什么这样的事总是发生在我身上?4. H

16、e searched the bushes. 句中句中search 意思是意思是“搜寻,搜查搜寻,搜查” 。 search是及物动词,后面可以直接跟是及物动词,后面可以直接跟宾语。宾语。 e.g. search the room search my schoolbage.g. 她翻遍自己所有的包找身份证。她翻遍自己所有的包找身份证。She searched all her bags for her ID card. 如果表示目的,强调为了如果表示目的,强调为了而搜寻,而搜寻,则可以在名词前加上介词则可以在名词前加上介词 for。 e.g. search for more information

17、(为了搜为了搜 寻更多的信息寻更多的信息), search for the lost boy (为了搜寻丢为了搜寻丢 失的男孩儿失的男孩儿)。5. Andy said to himself. say to oneself 自言自语自言自语 think to oneself 暗自寻思暗自寻思, 心里想心里想 e.g. 这个老人自言自语说这个老人自言自语说:“我是多么幸我是多么幸 运啊运啊!” The old man said to himself, “how lucky I am!”6. it sounded like a whisper. sound like 听起来像听起来像 e.g. 这首

18、歌很好听。这首歌很好听。 The song sounds good. 这个低语声听起来像鬼。这个低语声听起来像鬼。 The whisper sounds like a ghost. 苏州听起来像是一个很棒的城市。苏州听起来像是一个很棒的城市。 Suzhou sounds like a great city.7. Later that day, they took the little cat to the animal centre. take sb. / sth. to some place意为意为“把某把某人人/某物带到某处某物带到某处”。 e.g. I will take my son

19、to France tomorrow. 明天明天我将带我儿子去法国。我将带我儿子去法国。 Would you like to help the teacher take the books to the office? 帮帮老师把书送老师把书送到办公室,好到办公室,好吗?吗?8. Millie and Amy were very surprisedit was a little cat! surprised可用作形容词,意为可用作形容词,意为“吃惊吃惊的,惊讶的的,惊讶的”,be surprised to do sth.表示表示“某人对某事感到惊奇某人对某事感到惊奇”,be surprised

20、 at sth. 表示表示“对对感感到吃惊到吃惊”。例如:例如:I am surprised to see Tom walk into the classroom with his father. 看到汤姆和他父亲一起走进了教室,我看到汤姆和他父亲一起走进了教室,我觉得真奇怪。觉得真奇怪。I was surprised at his behaviour at the party.我对他在晚会上的行为感到吃惊。我对他在晚会上的行为感到吃惊。 I. 用用所给单词的适当所给单词的适当形式填空。形式填空。1.There are some _ (bush) in our school.2.Our Eng

21、lish teacher told us to listen to the radio _ (careful).3.3. “Be quick”, I said to _ (my).bushescarefullymyself4. I found nothing in my school bag. I knew there was something _ (usual).5. Yesterday I _ (find) a little dog in my garden.6. Just now Sandy _ (hear) a whisper and she _ (run) away quickly

22、.unusualfoundheardran1. 像平时像平时一样一样, 他他早早来到了学校。早早来到了学校。 As usual, he came to school early.2. 小偷看到警察转身就跑。小偷看到警察转身就跑。 When the thief saw the policeman, he turned around and ran away.3. 我确信我会学好英语的。我确信我会学好英语的。 I am sure that I can learn English well.II. 汉译英。汉译英。4. 不要忘了任何重要的东西。不要忘了任何重要的东西。 Dont forget anything important.5. 地上有个钱包。地上有个钱包。 On the ground lay a wallet. A wallet is lying on the ground.Retell the story. Think about the problem that how we treat animals without homes.



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