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1、第第1 10 0课时课时Units 3Units 34 4,Book 4Book 4自自 学学 反反 馈馈自自 学学 反反 馈馈即即 时时 自自 测测即即 时时 自自 测测重重 点点 突突 破破重重 点点 突突 破破第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 4自自 学学 反反 馈馈自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测类别类别课标课标考点要求考点要求词汇词汇拓展拓展1. open(1. open(形容词的反义词形容词的反义词)_)_2 2nearly(nearly(近义词近义词)_)_3 3danger(danger(形容词形容词)_)_4 4hide(hide(过去式过去式)

2、_)_5 5match(match(复数复数)_)_closedclosed almostalmost dangerousdangerous hidhid matchesmatches 第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 4类别类别课标课标考点要求考点要求词汇词汇拓展拓展6 6Asia(Asia(形容词形容词)_)_7. burn(7. burn(现在分词,过去式现在分词,过去式)_)_8 8surprise(surprise(形容词形容词)_)_9 9science(science(名词名词)_)_ ( (形容词形容词)_)_1010empty(empty(动词的反义词动词的反义

3、词)_)_ ( (形容词的反义词形容词的反义词)_)_AsianAsian burning/burned/burntburning/burned/burnt surprised/surprisingsurprised/surprising scientistscientist scientificscientific fillfill fullfull自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 4类别类别课标课标考点要求考点要求短短语语归纳归纳1. 1. 慢下来慢下来_2 2各种各样的各种各样的_3 3和和交朋友交朋友_4 4逃跑逃跑_5 5

4、和和开玩笑开玩笑_6 6以以闻名闻名_7 7用用把把装满装满_slow downslow down all kinds ofall kinds ofmake friends withmake friends with run awayrun away play a joke onplay a joke on be famous forbe famous for fillfillwithwith 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 4类别类别课标课标考点要求考点要求短短语语归纳归纳8 8用用把把覆盖覆盖_9 9正面朝上正面朝上_1010

5、取走取走_ _ 11. 11. 用光用光_1212灭绝灭绝_1313等一会儿等一会儿_1414从从出去出去_covercoverwithwith right side upright side up take awaytake away use upuse up go extinctgo extinct wait a minutewait a minute get out ofget out of 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 4类别类别课标课标考点要求考点要求短短语语归纳归纳1515结婚结婚_1616做实验做实验_1717使使

6、翻转翻转_1818把把拿开拿开_1919寻找;寻找; 搜索搜索_2020告诉某人做某事告诉某人做某事_get married/be marriedget married/be married do the experimentdo the experiment turnturnoverover taketakeoffoff hunt forhunt for tell sb. to do tell sb. to do sthsth. .自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 4类别类别课标课标考点要求考点要求句型句型再再现现1. 1. 那就

7、是我们每天带布兰迪去散步的原因。那就是我们每天带布兰迪去散步的原因。 Thats _we take Brandy_ Thats _we take Brandy_ _ _every day. _ _every day.2 2我们需要戴帽子以免受太阳照射。我们需要戴帽子以免受太阳照射。 Well need our caps to_ us _ Well need our caps to_ us _ the sun. the sun.3 3动物园可以帮助人们阻止动物的灭绝。动物园可以帮助人们阻止动物的灭绝。 Zoos can help people to _ animals Zoos can help

8、 people to _ animals _ _extinct. _ _extinct.whywhy forfor a a walkwalk protectprotect fromfromstopstop fromfrom goinggoing 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 4类别类别课标课标考点要求考点要求句型句型再再现现4 4有一只凶猛的熊来啦!有一只凶猛的熊来啦! _ _a fierce bear_ _ _a fierce bear_!5 5这块蛋糕尝起来很好。这块蛋糕尝起来很好。 The cake _ so _ The

9、cake _ so _6. 6. 有三分之二的氧气被用完了。有三分之二的氧气被用完了。 Two-thirds of oxygen has been _ Two-thirds of oxygen has been _ _ _ThereThere isis comingcoming tastestastes greatgreat usedused upup 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 4类别类别课标课标考点要求考点要求句型句型再再现现7 7( (空气的空气的) )力量足以使水不流出来。力量足以使水不流出来。 The force i

10、s _ _to hold the The force is _ _to hold the water. water.8 8She fills her basket with eggs.She fills her basket with eggs. _ _9 9To make a candle burn, you light it.To make a candle burn, you light it. _ _1010Dont you think so?Dont you think so? _ _strongstrong enoughenough她在篮子里装满了鸡蛋。她在篮子里装满了鸡蛋。为了使

11、蜡烛燃烧,你得点燃它。为了使蜡烛燃烧,你得点燃它。 难道你不这样认为吗?难道你不这样认为吗?自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 4类别类别课标课标考点要求考点要求语语法法结结构构1. 1. 过去进行时。过去进行时。 详见详见P86P86,语法互动,语法互动( (十十)2 2一般将来时。一般将来时。 详见详见P85P85,语法互动,语法互动( (十十)自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测 词汇点睛词汇点睛重重 点点 突突 破破第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 41 open 1 open v v打开打开 adj

12、adj. .开着的开着的 点拨点拨 (1) (1)作动词,意为作动词,意为“打开;开业打开;开业”,强调动作,反义,强调动作,反义词是词是closeclose。(2)(2)作形容词,意为作形容词,意为“开着的开着的”,强调状态,反义词是,强调状态,反义词是closedclosed。如:如:The supermarket opens from 7 aThe supermarket opens from 7 am.tom.to 9 p 9 pm.Nowm.Now its its open.open.超市的营业时间是早七点至晚九点,超市的营业时间是早七点至晚九点, 现在它正在营业。现在它正在营业。(

13、 (第一个第一个openopen是动词,第二个是动词,第二个openopen是形容词是形容词) )自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 4答答 案案 openopen 中考典例中考典例20132013南南京京 The The school school library library is is _(_(开开放放的的) ) Monday through Friday, 9 aMonday through Friday, 9 am. to 6 pm. to 6 pm.m. 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时

14、Units 34, Book 42 fill2 fillwithwith 用用把把装满装满 点拨点拨 与与fillfillwithwith用法类似的短语还有用法类似的短语还有packpackwithwith( (用用把把装满装满) ),covercoverwithwith( (用用覆盖覆盖) )。如:。如:He filled the box with his He filled the box with his favouritefavourite toys. toys. 他在盒子里装满了他最喜欢的玩具。他在盒子里装满了他最喜欢的玩具。Put the tree into the hole an

15、d cover it with earth.Put the tree into the hole and cover it with earth.把树放在坑里,把树放在坑里, 然后在上面盖上土。然后在上面盖上土。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 4 搭配搭配 与与fillfill相关的短语:相关的短语: be filled withbe filled withbe full ofbe full of充满充满fill infill in填充,填上,填写填充,填上,填写( (表格、姓名等表格、姓名等) )The hall is fill

16、ed with people.The hall is filled with people.The hall is full of people. The hall is full of people. 大厅里挤满了人。大厅里挤满了人。Please fill in the blanks with proper verbs.Please fill in the blanks with proper verbs.请用适当的动词填空。请用适当的动词填空。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 43 taste 3 taste v v品尝;品尝;

17、 尝起来;尝起来; 体验体验 点拨点拨 taste taste作实义动词,意为作实义动词,意为“品尝品尝”;作系动词,意;作系动词,意为为“尝起来尝起来”,后跟形容词作表语。如:,后跟形容词作表语。如:You can taste the soup.You can taste the soup.你可以尝一下这汤。你可以尝一下这汤。The soup tastes delicious.The soup tastes delicious.这汤尝起来很可口。这汤尝起来很可口。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 4答答 案案 C C 中考典例中考

18、典例20132013 孝感孝感 Dinner is ready. Help yourself!Dinner is ready. Help yourself!Wow! Wow! It It _ _ delicious. delicious. You You are are really really good good at at cooking.cooking.A AlookslooksB BsoundssoundsC Ctastes Dtastes Dfeelsfeels自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 44 take4 take

19、off off 把把拿开拿开 点拨点拨 take take sthsth. off. off意为意为“把某物拿开把某物拿开”; take offtake off还还有有“脱下,摘下;起飞脱下,摘下;起飞” 的意思。如:的意思。如:Please take your hand off the vase.Please take your hand off the vase.请把你的手从花瓶上拿开。请把你的手从花瓶上拿开。What time does the airplane take off?What time does the airplane take off?飞机几点起飞?飞机几点起飞?Ple

20、ase take off your shoes.Please take off your shoes.请把你的鞋子脱掉。请把你的鞋子脱掉。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 4 拓展拓展 与与take take 相关的短语:相关的短语:take out take out 拿出;取出拿出;取出 take down take down 写下;记下写下;记下take up take up 从事;占据从事;占据 take place take place 发生发生take care take care 当心;注意当心;注意 take away

21、take away拿走;带走拿走;带走自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 4解析解析 D D由前句由前句“hothot”可知,表示建议脱下夹克。可知,表示建议脱下夹克。take off take off 意为意为“脱下脱下”;take caretake care意为意为“当心当心”;take take placeplace意为意为“发生发生”;take aftertake after意为意为“相像相像”。典型例题典型例题(1) (1) 20132013济南济南 Its hot today, isnt it?Its hot today,

22、 isnt it?Yes, it is. Why not _ your jacket?Yes, it is. Why not _ your jacket?A Atake caretake careB Btake placetake placeC Ctake after Dtake after Dtake offtake off自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 4答答 案案 B B (2) I dont need the bags any more. Please_(2) I dont need the bags any more.

23、Please_ A Atake away them Btake away them Btake them awaytake them away C Ctake off it Dtake off it Dtake it downtake it down自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 45 use up 5 use up 用光用光 点拨点拨 use up use up是由是由“动词副词动词副词”构成的短语,若代词构成的短语,若代词作宾语,须放在短语中间。如:作宾语,须放在短语中间。如:Mom gave me some money. B

24、ut I used it up soon.Mom gave me some money. But I used it up soon.妈妈给了我一些钱,但是我很快就把它用光了。妈妈给了我一些钱,但是我很快就把它用光了。 拓展拓展 类似用法的短语还有:类似用法的短语还有:eat up eat up 吃光吃光 drink up drink up 喝光喝光 clean up clean up 清除干净清除干净 dry up dry up 完全变干完全变干自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 4巧辨异同巧辨异同1 when, while1 wh

25、en, while两者都可引导时间状语从句,都有两者都可引导时间状语从句,都有“当当的时候的时候”之意,之意,但其用法不同。但其用法不同。(1)when (1)when 可指时间点,也可指时间段,可指时间点,也可指时间段,when when 引导的从句中引导的从句中谓语动词可以是短暂性动词,也可以是延续性动词。谓语动词可以是短暂性动词,也可以是延续性动词。WhenWhen也可以表示主句的动作发生在从句的动作之前或之后。如:也可以表示主句的动作发生在从句的动作之前或之后。如:We were playing games when the teacher came here.We were play

26、ing games when the teacher came here.当老师来这里时,我们正在玩游戏。当老师来这里时,我们正在玩游戏。I found a wallet when/while I was walking in theI found a wallet when/while I was walking in thepark.park.当我在公园散步时,我发现了一个钱包。当我在公园散步时,我发现了一个钱包。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 4(2)while (2)while 只指时间段,不指时间点,从句的谓语动词是延只

27、指时间段,不指时间点,从句的谓语动词是延续性动词,多用于进行时态,强调主语动作是在从句所表续性动词,多用于进行时态,强调主语动作是在从句所表示的时间内发生的,或者说从句与主语的谓语动作同时发示的时间内发生的,或者说从句与主语的谓语动作同时发生。如:生。如:My father was singing while I was playing theMy father was singing while I was playing thepiano.piano.当我在弹钢琴时,我父亲在唱歌。当我在弹钢琴时,我父亲在唱歌。(3)while(3)while还可以连接两个并列句子,表示对比关系。如:还可以

28、连接两个并列句子,表示对比关系。如:I like singing while she likes dancing.I like singing while she likes dancing.我喜欢唱歌,而她喜欢跳舞。我喜欢唱歌,而她喜欢跳舞。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 4答答 案案 A A 中考典例中考典例20132013雅安雅安 Amy was reading a book _ I came in. Amy was reading a book _ I came in.A Awhenwhen B BwhilewhileC

29、Cbecause Dbecause Dthoughthough自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 42 be famous for, be famous as2 be famous for, be famous as(1)(1)“人人 be famous forbe famous for” 指指“某人以某种知识、技某人以某种知识、技能或特长出名能或特长出名”。如:。如:He is famous for his songs.He is famous for his songs.他以他的歌曲而出名。他以他的歌曲而出名。(2)(2)“地方地

30、方 be famous forbe famous for” 指指“某地以某种特产而某地以某种特产而出名出名”。如:。如:Fujian is famous for its green tea.Fujian is famous for its green tea.福建以其绿茶而出名。福建以其绿茶而出名。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 4(3)(3)“人人 be famous asbe famous as” 指指“某人以某种身份而出某人以某种身份而出名名”。如:。如:He is famous as a singer.He is famo

31、us as a singer.他作为一名歌唱家而出名。他作为一名歌唱家而出名。(4)(4)“地方地方be famous asbe famous as” 指指“某地作为某地作为产地或地产地或地方而出名方而出名”。如:。如:Fujian is famous as a green tea producing area.Fujian is famous as a green tea producing area.福建作为一个绿茶生产地而出名。福建作为一个绿茶生产地而出名。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 4句型透视句型透视1 Zoos ca

32、n help people to stop animals from going1 Zoos can help people to stop animals from goingextinct. extinct. 动物园可以帮助人们阻止动物的灭绝。动物园可以帮助人们阻止动物的灭绝。 点拨点拨 stop sb. (from) doing stop sb. (from) doing sthsth. .prevent sb. (from)prevent sb. (from) doing doing sthsth. .keep sb. from doing keep sb. from doing st

33、hsth. .,意为,意为“阻止某人阻止某人做某事做某事”。在主动语态中,。在主动语态中,stopstop和和preventprevent后面的后面的fromfrom可以省可以省略,而略,而keepkeep后面的后面的fromfrom不可以省略。如:不可以省略。如:Nothing will stop/prevent us (from) reaching our aims.Nothing will stop/prevent us (from) reaching our aims.Nothing will keep us from reaching our aims.Nothing will ke

34、ep us from reaching our aims.什么也不能阻止我们实现目标。什么也不能阻止我们实现目标。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 42 Small cages made it easy for people to see the2 Small cages made it easy for people to see theanimals. animals. 小笼子使人们参观动物变得很容易。小笼子使人们参观动物变得很容易。 点拨点拨 “ make it make itadjadj. .for sb. to do fo

35、r sb. to do sthsth. .” 意为意为“使某人做某事使某人做某事”, itit是形式宾语,真正的宾语是动是形式宾语,真正的宾语是动词不定式。如:词不定式。如:Mr.SmithMr.Smith makes it interesting for us to learn makes it interesting for us to learnEnglish.English.史密斯先生使我们学习英语变得有趣。史密斯先生使我们学习英语变得有趣。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 4解解析析 C C“makemakesbsb形形容

36、容词词”表表示示“使使某某人人处处于于状态状态”。 中考典例中考典例20132013枣枣庄庄 I I got got home home for for my my birthday birthday from from my my college college on on Friday Friday evening. evening. No No one one was was at at home, home, and and Mom Mom and and Dad Dad hadnt hadnt left left me me a a note. note. This This mad

37、e made me_me_A AsurprisedsurprisedB BhappyhappyC Cangry Dangry Dexcitedexcited自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 43 The force is strong enough to hold the water.3 The force is strong enough to hold the water. ( (空气的空气的) )力量足以使水不流出来。力量足以使水不流出来。 点拨点拨 enough enough有两种用法:有两种用法:(1)(1)作形容词,意为

38、作形容词,意为“足够的足够的”,修饰名词时,既可位于名,修饰名词时,既可位于名词之前,也可位于名词之后。如:词之前,也可位于名词之后。如:enough time/money enough time/money 足足够的时间够的时间/ /钱钱(2)(2)作副词,意为作副词,意为“足够地足够地”,修饰形容词或副词,且必须,修饰形容词或副词,且必须位于形容词或副之后。如:位于形容词或副之后。如: fast enoughfast enough足够快足够快自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 4 搭配搭配 “adjadj././advadv. .

39、 enough enough (for sb.) to do (for sb.) to do sthsth. .”意为意为“( (某人某人) )做某事足够做某事足够”; 注意注意enoughenough后不接后不接thatthat从从句。如:句。如:The book is easy enough for me to read.The book is easy enough for me to read.这本书对我来说读起来足够容易。这本书对我来说读起来足够容易。Im sorry, but I dont have enough time to do the job.Im sorry, but I

40、 dont have enough time to do the job.很抱歉,我没有足够的时间来做这项工作。很抱歉,我没有足够的时间来做这项工作。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 4解析解析 A Aenoughenough修饰形容词需后置,修饰形容词需后置,interestinginteresting修饰修饰物或事,物或事,interestedinterested修饰人,故选修饰人,故选A A。 中考典例中考典例20132013贺贺州州 This This movie movie wasnt wasnt _. _. He He

41、fell fell asleep half way through it.asleep half way through it.A Ainteresting enoughinteresting enough B Benough interestingenough interestingC Cinterested enough Dinterested enough Denough interestedenough interested自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 44 There is about one-fifth oxygen

42、 in the air.4 There is about one-fifth oxygen in the air. 空气中大约有五分之一的氧气。空气中大约有五分之一的氧气。 点拨点拨 one onefifthfifth也可写成也可写成one fifthone fifth或或a fiftha fifth,意为,意为“五分之一五分之一”。 拓展拓展 (1) (1)分数表达法:分子基,分数表达法:分子基, 分母序;分母序; 分子分子1 1,分母分母s s。如:。如:1/31/3one-third (one third)one-third (one third);4/74/7four-sevenths

43、four-sevenths(four sevenths) (four sevenths) (2)(2)在表达在表达“几分之一几分之一”时,分子除了用时,分子除了用oneone以外,也可以以外,也可以用用a a。但。但1/21/2不能说不能说one/a secondone/a second,而是要说,而是要说one/a halfone/a half。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 4注意:注意: 分数修饰名词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数取决于后分数修饰名词作主语时,谓语动词的单复数取决于后面的名词。若名词为复数,则谓语动词用复数;若名

44、词为可数面的名词。若名词为复数,则谓语动词用复数;若名词为可数名词单数或不可数名词,谓语动词用单数。如:名词单数或不可数名词,谓语动词用单数。如:Two-thirds of the trees in the garden are apple trees.Two-thirds of the trees in the garden are apple trees.果园里三分之二的树是苹果树。果园里三分之二的树是苹果树。Three-fourths of the surface of the earth is sea.Three-fourths of the surface of the earth

45、is sea.地球表面的四分之三是海洋。地球表面的四分之三是海洋。自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 4答答 案案 B B 中考典例中考典例20132013宿宿迁迁 _ _ of of the the coats coats _ _ made made of of cotton. They feel comfortable.cotton. They feel comfortable.A ATwo-thirds; isTwo-thirds; isB BTwo-thirds; areTwo-thirds; areC CTwo-third;

46、 is DTwo-third; is DTwo-third; areTwo-third; are自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 4即即 时时 自自 测测.单项填空单项填空1 1About _ of the teachers in this schoolAbout _ of the teachers in this school _ born in the 1980s. _ born in the 1980s. A Atwo-fifths; are Btwo-fifths; are Btwo-fifths; wastwo-fifth

47、s; was C Ctwo-fifths; were Dtwo-fifths; were Dtwo-five; weretwo-five; were2 2How do you like this computer game?How do you like this computer game? I find it is _ for children to play.I find it is _ for children to play. A Aeasily enougheasily enough B Beasy enougheasy enough C Cenough easily Denoug

48、h easily Denough easyenough easyC C B B 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 43 3Did you watch the football match yesterday?Did you watch the football match yesterday? Yes, I did. You know my brother _inYes, I did. You know my brother _in the match. the match. A Aplays Bplays Bis playingi

49、s playing C Cwas playing Dwas playing Dwill playwill play4 4Im sorry I left the book at home. I_ itIm sorry I left the book at home. I_ it to you by post, I promise. to you by post, I promise. A Asend Bsend Bwill sendwill send C Csent Dsent Dhave senthave sentC C B B 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时

50、 Units 34, Book 45 5There are thirty magazines in the bookshelf, FiveThere are thirty magazines in the bookshelf, Five are mine, _are my moms. are mine, _are my moms. A Aother Bother Bthe otherthe other C Cthe others Dthe others Danotheranother6 6I find it useful _along the Silk I find it useful _al

51、ong the Silk Road.ItRoad.It is about history and culture. is about history and culture. A Atravels Btravels Btravellingtravelling C Ctravelled Dtravelled Dto travelto travelC C D D 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 47 7Jason and Amy are both doctors and theyJason and Amy are both docto

52、rs and they _for ten years. _for ten years. A Ahave marriedhave married B Bhave got marriedhave got married C Chave been marriedhave been married D Dhave married to have married to 8 8After school the students were going homeAfter school the students were going home _ they saw an accident. _ they sa

53、w an accident. A Aas Bas Bwhilewhile C Cafter Dafter DwhenwhenC C D D 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 4.根据汉语意思完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子1 1请拿出你的帽子,把它戴上。请拿出你的帽子,把它戴上。 Please _ _ _ _ Please _ _ _ _ / /_ _ _ _ _ _ _ andand _ _ _ _ _ _2 2当其他同学都在认真听讲的时候,汤姆却在睡觉。当其他同学都在认真听讲的时候,汤姆却在睡觉。 Tom is sleeping w

54、hile the other students _ Tom is sleeping while the other students _ _ to the teacher carefully. _ to the teacher carefully.3 3她想打开窗户,但是发现窗户已经开了。她想打开窗户,但是发现窗户已经开了。 She wanted _ _ the window, but found She wanted _ _ the window, but found it was already _ it was already _taketake outout youryour hath

55、at putput itit onontaketake youryour hathat outout areare listeninglistening toto openopen openopen 自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测第第10课时课时 Units 34, Book 44 4我们必须阻止这个孩子整天玩电脑游戏。我们必须阻止这个孩子整天玩电脑游戏。 We must _ the child We must _ the child _ _ computer games all day. _ _ computer games all day.5 5有些年轻人足够富有去买私家

56、车。有些年轻人足够富有去买私家车。 Some young people are _ _ _ Some young people are _ _ _ _ private cars. _ private cars.6 6这笔钱的五分之四是给贫困学生的。这笔钱的五分之四是给贫困学生的。 _ of the money _ for the _ of the money _ for the poor students. poor students.stopstop/ / preventprevent/ / keepkeep fromfrom playingplaying richrich enoughenough toto buybuy Four-fifthsFour-fifths isis自学反馈自学反馈重点突破重点突破即时自测即时自测



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