2、学:动作相对瑜伽要简单,它没有复杂的动作组合,简单易于掌握。 v挑战性与娱乐性相结合:由于动作缓慢,加上肌肉的控制、呼吸的配合,使本来看似简单的动作,做起来有一定的难度。Pilates的练习环境,配合舒缓优美的音乐,可以使人充分放松,动作的转换则流畅自然,训练者在练习过程中惬意自在,没有过度劳累的感觉。 v全面有效:它借助于哑铃、体操棒、垫子交叉进行身体训练,虽然动作稳健,看起来并不火爆,但却是全方位的。既有针对手臂、胸部、肩部的练习,又有腰腹部和背部的力量练习,也有增强柔韧性的伸拉训练,各个部位可以得到充分绷紧和拉伸,因此全面有效。pilates和yoge的区别vpilates是一种哲学,是
3、通过身体的练习达到一种境界,它有很多姿势模仿动物姿势,针对内脏进行练习。 vyoge强调的是呼吸与运动的配合,是一种静力性的运动。针对机能的恢复和锻炼,讲究肌肉本身运动和呼吸调控,它的集中点在肌肉,设计动作是根据肌肉运动进行的,更容易塑造肌肉线条,健美形体。 普拉提给人均衡的肌体vpilates把东方的柔和西方的刚毅二者之长合二为一,它的动作缓慢和清楚,而每个姿势都必需和呼吸协调,所以pilates适合任何年龄,特别是缺少运动、长时间需要接触电脑和朝九晚五的上班族的人士。伸展也是pilates中主重训练之一,其特殊之处就是肌肉不会经运动后导致发达,通过对身体核心部位(有腰部和腹部肌肉组成,包括
4、腹横肌、腹内斜肌、腹外斜肌、腹直肌、竖脊肌)的锻炼,使脊柱变的柔软有韧性。所以pilates运动不但改善了身体线条,还对矫正颈部和脊髓起到好的效果。 pilates的基本原则v呼吸的原则:v用鼻子吸气,用嘴呼气,讲究呼气的深度,尽可能的运用腹式呼吸的方法。v 呼吸的速度不易太快,与动作的速度基本一致,不要憋气进行训练。v 运动时注意呼气,静止时注意吸气。这样可以缓解因肌肉用力,而给身体内部带来的压力。v 通过控制呼吸,把注意力集中在呼吸上,减少人对肌肉酸痛的敏感度。v身体控制的原则:v动作运动的速度缓慢,延长肌肉控制的时间,较大程度消耗身体各部位的能量,达到减脂、塑形的目的。v 把握好身体的姿
5、态,是会员能够长时间体会到训练带给身体的刺激。v腹部和躯干的固定是pilates训练的核心pilates的锻炼功效vpilates深受欢迎的原因和它的锻炼功效是分不开的。Pilates强调静止中的控制过程,使训练者在增强肌肉力量的同时却不加大肌肉体积。Pilates的轻器械练习就是遵循着小重量多次数的方式,令肌肉充满弹性而又不会加大围度。它的运动强度不是特别大,但它讲究控制、拉伸、呼吸,对腰、腹、臀等女性重点部位的塑造有着很好的帮助。这点更适合女子在现实生活中对形体美的要求。How does Pilates differ from other fitness regimes ?vPilates
6、 works muscle systems, counterbalancing the systems against each other; unlike weight lifting which isolates and works the muscles individually. Pilates exercises require stabilization with some muscles while others are moving bones. vInstead of increasing the load and/or repetitions as the body ada
7、pts, as with weight lifting, Pilates changes the stress on the body by adding new exercises that require more sophisticated use of the muscles and more range of motion. How does Pilates differ from other fitness regimes?vPilates works muscle systems, counterbalancing the systems against each other;
8、unlike weight lifting which isolates and works the muscles individually. Pilates exercises require stabilization with some muscles while others are moving bones. vThe breathing system is part of the exercise in Pilates. The emphasis is put on using the correct breathing systems and increasing breath
9、ing capacity. vPilates always works through movement where yoga holds poses. How does Pilates differ from other fitness regimes?vPilates lengthens the muscle while strengthening it. The equipment and focus use eccentric contractions of the muscles. Pilates develops long strong muscles rather than bu
10、lky muscles. vPilates has the ability to gently move bones to their anatomically correct and most efficient position while retraining and rebalancing muscles to maintain this new position. How does Pilates differ from other fitness regimes?vPilates focuses on good posture, joint release, flexibility
11、, and strength. Generally speaking, there are exercise methods and there are rehabilitation techniques; Pilates can be used for both strength and flexibility training, for rehabilitation, and for injury prevention. vThe focus of Pilates is to accomplish everyday tasks with ease and mobility ie: functional movement rather than developing strength just for its own sake.