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1、成人英语三级考试辅导n1 考试介绍 为了检测北京地区成人教育系统中非外语专业的教学水平,为了保证成人本科毕业生学位的质量而设立的学位考试。每年在4月和11月各开考一次。从9点到11点。成人英语三级辅导n涉及考试人员:n北京所有大学招收的函授生以成人教育学院会计、金融、计算机、管理、法学、汉语等专业的在校生。考试大纲n 目的是培养学生具有较强的阅读能力、一定的英语汉语互译能力和初步的听力能力,使他们能以英语为工具获取专业所需要的信息,因此本考试重点考核学生运用语言的能力,重点是考核学生的于都能力以及对语法结构和词语用法的熟练程度。考试分值分布各部分题型题号题目数量 计分PartI Reading

2、1-151530PartIIVocabulary 16-45 3030PartIII Identification 46-55 1010PartIV Cloze56-75 2010PartV Translation 76-85 1020本课程的目标n1. 讲解核心考点、强调易懂易背牢记。n2. 问题课堂解决,课下巩固。n3. 以“实用、精准、效率”为讲授原则。n4. 及时反馈,查漏补缺。考生常见的击中应考状态分析n1. 词汇贫乏、看不懂文章,对考试有畏惧感,甚至抵触情绪。n2. 多次考试,考场上精神紧张,易受周围环境影响,心理应激能力差。n3.态度不端正,以工作忙为借口,掩盖自己不努力的事实。

3、n4.很努力,但没有找对正确的方法,尽力了,但效果不明显。正确的态度和方法n1. 找对考点、难点,自己的薄弱环节,努力改变。n2.用科学的方法分析自己的优势和不足。n3. 有的放矢,不要停留和满足现有的水平,要不断提高。n4. 训练自己的记忆力和逻辑思维能力以及应变能力,树立信心,我一定行。正确的考试方法n1. 从简单题,会做的题目,有把握的题目入手,建立得分根据地。n2.面对难题,如阅读理解题,不要着眼于个别题目和词汇,而是有全局概念,全篇概念,从战略方法入手,从主旨入手。n3. 思维的迅速,敏捷将促使考生激发斗志,将潜能发挥出来。n4. 平时的积累和习惯很重要,如果没有积累,现在就要开始。

4、n5.让正确的题目,思维如影随行,错题像癌细胞,不及早割除,后患无穷。正确的考试方法和做题顺序n1. 根据地的创立:n改错题+词汇题+语法题(30-40分)n2. 根据地的扩大(40-50分或以上)n翻译题+阅读题n3. 进步一努力,功课最难项目n 完形填空成人学位英语三级考试n如何攻克词汇难关如何攻克词汇难关!n北京地区成人本科学士学位英语统一考试,题型不难但是通过率不高,多数考生反映记不住单词,介绍英语三级考试突破词汇的方法。n英语三级考试大纲对词汇的要求是记忆3550个单词,以及由这些词构成的常用词组、固定搭配等。大纲要求的常用词组(词组和搭配)往往是考查的重点,它们要么出现在词汇试题中

5、,要么出现在完形填空中,应该是记忆的重点。nn一、 对考试词汇分析n研究分析19922006年18次历年真题,将英语三级词汇分为:核心词汇和非核心词汇及超纲词汇。n核心词汇: 考试试题中出现频率较高的词和词汇考查重点、本身带有词组较多的词、多于其它此类搭配的词、有特殊用法的词,考生不熟悉的词。1000个词左右。nn非核心词汇:中学阶段可能掌握的词,专有名词,简单词(意思单一,用法单一).这些词除非在阅读理解中外,一般不会被设计成词汇试题。1000个词左右。n超纲词汇:分析超纲词汇在考试中的比例很小,针对超纲词汇的考查并不难,那么掌握超纲词的要求也就不高,基本上是对词汇的概念理解。n那么考生真正

6、需要突破的词汇在1500个左右。攻克词汇关n三、 对考生的几点建议n单词记忆方法很多,诸如:归类记忆法、图物记忆法、筛选记忆法、分析记忆法、比较记忆法、循环记忆法、解剖记忆法、规律记忆法、歌诀记忆法、表格记忆法、提纲记忆法、趣味记忆法、卡片记忆法、浓缩记忆法等等。n特别提醒考生一定要针对英语三级的考试特点,明确词汇考核的方向,找到适合自己的一二种记忆方法,不能见异思迁。 机械的记忆- 词根法: n- cess,(step) access, recess, concess n- cord accord , discord , record n fer(shift,shuttle ) offer,

7、 ferry 分段联想记忆n systematically - system- tica-lly n系统的-nUncontrollable un-control lable 无法控制的nBrunch - breakfast- lunch 早午餐n workaholic work alcohol-lic 工作狂n 联想、谐音记忆n pillow - 疲劳n supply- support- ply 支持n show- 秀, 展示, talent- 达人, n class up 高大上n dangerous 担心- 这个-惹事- 危险n freak 匪夷所思- n see -saw 秋千 看和看见

8、-来回来去n chant- 合唱 stubborn 笨拙,傻笨n easy 容易nFart 放(X) nArtisan art isan 手工达人nFartisan 放(x)达人 nWeird 歪了- 怪异的nLady- killer- lady kill-er 师奶杀手n lesbian 蕾丝边nGay 钙片同义词-反义词-搭配-语法 same- different- contrary Get on get off ,call on call offSmart- silly , unite- disintegrate 合并-分裂, lose and find Contact- lose co

9、ntact ,make contact with 一词多义动词-名词-形容词的相互转换名词转换动词Hand me /pass me the knife 递给我刀子Hands off her 离她远点Walk the dog 遛狗 lose and find 失物招领Walkie and talkie 对讲机Catfish 鲶鱼-钓网友语境不同,词义不同,组合记忆n文化nGot Stood up 被放鸽子 nI am baked .吸粉n I am straight. 我是异性恋nNailed house 钉子户nYou are my Mrs. Right 意中人n特别提醒考生一定要针对英语三级

10、的考试特点,明确词汇考核的方向,找到适合自己的一二种记忆方法,不能见异思迁。n1. 每次背诵的数量和时间要根据自己的具体情况定,背诵要选择一天中头脑清晰、精力充沛的时候进行。其它时间要记也要本着心情能静下来为原则;n 第一天褒义形容词形容人的品格nAmazing, charming, killing lady, personality n super cool, hot Day2: negative : suck 衰,freak ,dull, nerd, n2. 观察:记生词时不要上来就盲目地拼记。最好先用几分钟时间仔细观察该词的结构,找出其特点。这样做表面上看似乎浪费时间,但实际上对记单词大

11、有帮助;Economics, statistics, logistics- ics 词缀表示学科,经济学,统计学,后勤学Mania- hysteria- myopia- ia 表示疾病n3. 遵循人的记忆规律,循环复习比一次性记忆有效;n4. 脑子是很容易疲劳的,记忆的时间学生最好控制在一个半个小时以内;n5. 联想 联想有助于单词记忆,这是毫无疑问的。厕所的说法:n WC, Mens Room, Rest Room, toilet n toilet tower 厕纸,hose 水阀n此外,贵在坚持。n特别提醒考生一定要针对英语三级的考试特点,明确词汇考核的方向,找到适合自己的一二种记忆方法,

12、不能见异思迁。n1. 每次背诵的数量和时间要根据自己的具体情况定,背诵要选择一天中头脑清晰、精力充沛的时候进行。其它时间要记也要本着心情能静下来为原则;n2. 观察:记生词时不要上来就盲目地拼记。最好先用几分钟时间仔细观察该词的结构,找出其特点。这样做表面上看似乎浪费时间,但实际上对记单词大有帮助;nn3. 遵循人的记忆规律,循环复习比一次性记忆有效;n4. 脑子是很容易疲劳的,记忆的时间学生最好控制在一个半个小时以内;n5. 联想 联想有助于单词记忆,这是毫无疑问的。n此外,贵在坚持。n二、 词汇所占分值分析n1. 词汇考试题型中在第二部分:词语用法和语法结构(PartVocabulary

13、and Structure)(30%),共30题,考试时间25分钟。题目中50%为词和短语的用法,50%为语法结构。词语用法和语法结构部分主要考核学生运 用词汇、短语及语法结构的能力。nn2. 要特别注意词汇和语法结构的学习。大家应当意识到,词汇和语法的学习不能满足于词汇、短语、语法规则的量,最重要的是熟练掌握它们的用法。成人本科学士学位统一考试的题型有易有难,其中词汇和语法结构分属比较容易的题型,考生不应该丢的分。词汇与结构复习要点和真题解析考点分析和真题1.哪些语法现象可成为考点?2.解题技巧3.理解加记忆4.强记的内容n3. 第三题挑错(10%),第四题完形填空(10%)与词汇是密不可分

14、的。总体算来词汇占总卷面分值的50%.在强调词汇重要时我们不容忽视语法的重要性。复习步骤n1.熟悉真题中的常见考点-背诵n2.学习考点后的语法理论叙述并加以体会n -强化记忆n3. 遇到语法涵盖相关词汇-反映出语法提示关键点和对应的结构= 非对应项排除n4. 巩固练习思维定式n 1. 什么是思维定式?n 通过分析题目的出现频率,总结出考点,分析考点的语法内容,答案的普遍特点,来论证语法意义上的题目敏感词和答案之间的内在联系。n 在考试时,熟读熟记这些词汇,反映出考点和答案。2.正确答案的特点n2.1 取自普遍存在的常识,习惯用语,只有广泛阅读才能掌握,否则需要死背句子。而不是单词而不是单词。n

15、 It is no use crying over split milk.n catch sb doing sth. n you had better do /not do nWhat can be done cannot be undone.n only to be told 却被告知n land on 着陆,take off 起飞nTake off 脱衣,put on穿衣nPut on 假装 put off 拖延n 死记硬背的很多n Let us go to somewhere ,cant we XXnshall we? (YY) n is very likely to 很有可能n pro

16、ne to /tend to /be probably n speaking language spoken language n 每个固定搭配后面都有理论的支持,如能理解就能在不知单词的情况下做对。 n语法题在理解语法的基础上得到答案,死记硬背并非不可,但量大。n see boy crying nSee boy cry 有何不同。Collocation 固定搭配n 总结出的用法:nIt is no use doing something. n类似n you had better do ,not do n sth occurred to sb. n sth happened to sb. nT

17、wice as much n I will get pay increase when I have obtained the degree. n当我获得学位后会得到涨薪。n My suggestion . Be 动词原形nIf I were you , I would n 千年不变的考点nIf I can, I willn It is high time we did n Given time, we would n A, as well as B, C. C 一定是看An He did A, doing B and did C .n get/is used to doing 习惯于 n u

18、sed to be 过去曾是n when asked/questioned 当问及n反义疑问句 n that 后的从句语法不缺nThat SOV is well known. n with v-ed, 原因状语n now that 既然nAs is well known ,独立结构,众所周知n , however, 部分转折n as if he were n response to n双宾动词变被动语态,宾补带ton help him cross the streetn he was helped to cross the street n 心理状态动词时动名词的被动答案特点2n 语法上说得通

19、n 语法较集中,考点才集中。n A_ you dont know the rule wont be a sufficient excuse for your failuren A. that B. It is C. because D. what.n It is that .n because ,.nWhat rule 矛盾 思维定式1 n do as as much as we can n 实意义动词有宾语或从句再往后就是to, 做目的状语n 大多数实义动词搭配后有to do 那么一定是目的状语思维定式2n 先有空,后有完整句,而主句语法不缺是,那么一定要考到分词,且是过去分词,表原因,条件

20、,时间,让步-思路:人是句子的逻辑主语n_ ,he will make super star. nA. giving time B. to give time C. given time n D. being given time n 思维定式2n先有句子,而后面是空,那么一定考到现在分词,是伴随状语,找v- ing 那个n He will make super star, _ to the word.n A. make his name knownn B. making his name known nC. to make his name knownnD. made his name kn

21、own 思维定式3 n1. 两个实义动词同时出现,必定考分词,否则考词性:瞬间动作动词(stop, keep,start,join),状态改变动词(become,turn) n 这时 句子无逗号有and 那么是edn有逗号,那么ed, ing 同时出现。 思维定式4 n 非人类的名词作主语,后面有系动词nRemain, keep, turn, grow,那么一定是不定式的被动语态做宾语 but it remained _ whether they will enjoy it. A.to see B. to be seen C. seeing D. seen思维定式5 背与理解互补n 不定式前使

22、役、心理期望类动词,动名词前一定是抽象的评价性心理活动-原理,与动作有关还是与概念有关n I _ the boy to save money, but he woudnt listen n A. hoped B. suggested C. wanted D. made n I love attending concerts n 我喜欢去看音乐会n I dislike wearing coat in winter seasons.n 我不喜欢冬天穿大衣 思维定式6 n 介词后一定是名词或动名词n看到,of ,about, in ,on后面不能有不定式n I thought of _ the an

23、imal was fo great valuenA. protecting B.protect n C. being protected D. to protect 思维定式7n need, worth, require, want 动词后紧跟宾语主动含被动意义,一定是v- ing n 但如有物宾语,宾补则为v-ed n The novel is worth _ ,I thinkn - reading n I want this document(文件) typed n 我需要这个文件的电子版。思维定式8 n 根据语境分清主动和被动n people sometimes cant help pe

24、rsuading into buying .错:n改为 _ Being persuaded被劝购物。 思维定式9:比较级连词前后一致nThan , n同为v-ing, to do n He finds it easier to do the cooking himself than teaching his wife to cook. nTeaching- to teach 思维定式10 n 有形式主语的地方一定有不定式,否则多半是名词性从句n it is easier to do the work after learning the method.n 学过方法后做事情就简单了。n What

25、 makes work easier to do is the method. n A tall man driving a golden carriage_ the girl and took her away, _ into the woods.n seized, disappearing. 思维定式11n 连词后动词的过去分词,相当定语从句n when asked /questioned at the meeting n- when he was asked/questioned at the meeting语法涵盖内容n 1.非谓语动词n2.从句(定语、状语、名词性从句)n3.时态(1

26、6种时态一般、进行、完成、完成进行与现在、过去、将来、过去将来的组合)n4.虚拟语气(if 条件句;wish;as if;建议命令要求省should)n5. 连词(转折but、因果so、并列and、时间when/as、原因sinece、条件if 、程度so that 、其它though)n6.代词(相互代词、不定代词few,neither,little,few,somebody,someone,anybody;疑问代词,关系代词(who,whom,whose, what )n7.介词(in,on, at,about, after, against, around, before,between

27、, by ,down, during, for, from, of, off, to ,under, up, with及固定搭配)n 8.反义疑问句,do,dont/will,wont youn9.独立主格(名词-不定式,介词短语)n10.情态动词(推测、义务;can could,may might)语法考点n 11.倍数和分数 (X times as big as/x times bigger than, is the same size of / x times as much for)n 12. 强调句( it is 被强调部分that)n13.主谓一致(what 主补复,whether

28、, both;不定代词单数;单数表复数概念police)n14.被动语态(感官动词被动后加to)n15. 形式主语(it is 形容词、名词for 宾人to don16.系动词(turn, grow, taste, fall,sound 后形容词,be,become名词)考点 1 非谓语动词n 动名词、分词、不定式n 考点:n 不定式、动名词和分词在用法上的区别n 不定式和动名词的时态和语态n 介词加动名词1.1 Ing form 术语n 动词以ing结尾,有时形式叫a) 现在分词,有时叫b)动名词,判断依据是它们更象动词或是形容词,若是则为现在分词,若是名词,则是(b)n I sat the

29、re wondering what to do . n hiking on the mountain is good for you.n 1.2 动名词的和现在分词的时态、语态n 时态、语态 主动 被动n 一般式 doing being donen 完成式 having done having been d.n举例:n He cant understand his being rejected.n 他难以理解被拒绝的原因。1.3与现在分词的区别特征:n 1) 可做句子的主语、宾语、补语,而现在分词则只能做补语、形容词性定语,不能单独做主语。n The movie is amazing. 补语-

30、表语n I found the movie amazing. 宾补nAmazing shanghai is our destination. n 定语n不能说 amazing is what I am looking for.n 总结: 具有形容词的特征。表另。1.2 动名词更像名词,分词像形容词n2) 动名词放在物主代词my, your和所有格名词s 的后面,现在分词则不能。n He denied having been bullied. n 他否认被虐待。n His having been rejected is ridiculous . n他被拒绝的理由很荒唐。 n Do you min

31、d my making a proposal?n 你介意我提个建议吗? 分词表正在,-相对ed表完成、被动n分词和时间/动作有关,修饰正在进行动作的名词或主语的相关动作,而动名词是超越时空的。n There is no Parking room here. n A parking car with a green-hand driver held up the whole traffic of the there.n 菜鸟司机正在停车让交通混乱。 n A wrongly parked car held up traffic.n 烂停的汽车阻碍了交通。动作完成。4)共性:动名词/现在分词复合句中

32、都可做句子状语n 因为有形容词的性质,所以才有责任。n Having learnt the news, they rushed to the scene to make live report. n听到消息后,他们赶赴现场做直播。n after learning the news, n 原因: 分词侧重动作先后,动名词侧重事件先后,都表先后,所以都能做状语。1.2分词的语法功能n1) 定语,修饰名词: Yesterday I watched an interesting movie.2) 作状语,如主句主语发出的动作,用v-ing,如是动作的接受者,则用过去分词。Having done the

33、 work, we went home.The machine being broken, we had to fix it right away. (物-接受者)1.4.3) 现在分词表主动,过去分词表被动n3) Heading for the airport, the car carried 6 people. 主动n Legs broken, the dog cant walk any longer.n被动。1.4.4)分词作表语n 现在分词表示 具有。属性,令人感觉如何,具有主动的含义。n4.1 The news is thrilling .n消息令人震惊。n4.2过去分词表完成。nW

34、e are thrilled. 我们震惊了。nWe are amazed. 我们很惊讶。n 4.3过去分词表被动。n The car was broken down.车坏了。1.2.5n分词作插入语n Generally speaking. 通常来说nJudging from what he speaks, nTaking all things into consideration,n all things considered 1.5 考点归纳n 1.5.1 动名词和不定式的区别n 看到 停止、记得、忘记、不喜欢、继续、n 打算、尝试。意思不一样nStop , remember, forge

35、t, continue, keep on, go on, attempt n动名词表概念,不定式表另一未完成的动作。1.5.2)连词加分词n 状语从句的主语指向主句的逻辑主语,选择不同分词的目的是让逻辑主语保持一个。nWhile waiting at the airport, they texted him a message.n在机场等的时候,他们给他发了一条短信。n when asked the question, he kept silence. 1.5.3)分词不同,词义不同的单词n stop doing 停下手工活nStop to do 干新活n remember doing 记得做

36、完事nRemember to do 记得去做事n forget doing 忘记已完成n forget to do 忘记没去做1.5.4 V-ing和to do 的区别n 感官动词see, look, watch, hear, listen ton使役动词 make, help, offer, let, force n现在分词表示目睹、听说时的状态。n不定式表示动作全程。n I heard boy cry.一直都哭个不停。nI heard boy crying when I came in.n 我进门时看到孩子在哭。 1.5.5)以动名词为宾语的动词n 以V-ing 作宾语的动词n 喜欢 考虑

37、与 避免 like, enjoy, consider, avoidn停止 介意 与冒险 stop, mind, risk n耽误 倾向与拖延delay, prefer, delay n善于放弃此训练 good at, give up ,practice n 完成、建议和忍受 finish, suggest, standn 继续享受各种讨厌keep on, enjoy, hate,detest 必须记住的动词短语n下列的惯用语中要用动名词ncannot help doing(=cannot but do)“禁不住”nIt is no use doing(=It is of no use to d

38、o)“无用”nbe worth doing“值得” be busy doing“忙于”nfeel like doing “想要” What (or how) about doing.“如何”nIt goes without saying that“用不着说二。不定式、过去分词的基本用法n时态 主动 被动n一般式 to do to be donen 完成式to have done to have been donen 否定形式n not to do , not done n 2.1后跟to do 作宾语的动词n 负担/同意定目标afford, agree, aim to n提问表现是打扰 ask

39、/appear/be/bothern选择期待与关爱 choose/expect/caren 决心计划与迟疑 decide/plan/hesitate n 发生希望和打算 happen/hope/managen 学习许诺与倾向 learn/promise/tend ton决心要求与假装determine/demand/pretend 2.1 为什么不定式出现在动词后n 一个动词后面紧接着跟一个动词很常见,如果我们谈论对于某个行动的态度,先如果我们谈论对于某个行动的态度,先是心理动作的动词,表示心理活动(想、是心理动作的动词,表示心理活动(想、享受,期待,认为,希望,打算)享受,期待,认为,希望,

40、打算) ,然,然后用动作加以说明怎么实现这一动作达后用动作加以说明怎么实现这一动作达到目的到目的.所以才有上述规则所以才有上述规则区别ving ,to do 心理感觉后v-ingn 当某种动作纯粹是心理活动或感觉,以及心理活动所触发的,它没有具体的成形的安排,只是泛泛的谈某种概念,那么动词后就是跟动名词做宾语。 n I enjoy playing cards. n I dislike waiting for people, even 1 minute. 我不喜欢等人,哪怕一分钟。2.1 动词+疑问词+不定式n 记住怎么做,做什么 remember how to n发现怎么做 find out

41、how to/what to n学习怎么做 learn how to /what to n解释怎么做explain how to /what to n考虑怎么做consider how to /what to n明白怎么做understand how to /what nSee, 明白show 示范,know 了解,tell 告诉 2.2 可跟宾语+不定式的动词nAsk sb. To do sth.请某人做某事n beg sb to do sth. 乞求某人做某事n choose sb. To do sth. 选择。n expect sb. To do sth.期待某人做某事n need sb

42、. To do sth. 需要某人做某事n prefer sb. To do sth. 倾向某人做某事n want/wish sb. To do sth.要、希望某人做某事2.3 infinitive 不定式的特点n 1 不能独立做谓语n infinitive 无限的可能n 因为他与v-ing, v-ed不能独立地充当谓语,不受主语的人称和数的限定。n 没听说过: to do the job. n waiting man. n waited man 这类不叫橘子。n n而只能;n to do the job. n waiting man. n waited man 这类不叫句子。n He wa

43、nts to do the job. n He is a waiting man. 动词不定式的特点:n2) 主动、被动、进行主动、被动、进行 ,有,有“体体”无无 “ 时时” ,n用用be 来表时来表时 ,自身超时空存在,自身超时空存在n要想起到作用,必须得找助动词构成” 体的特点,如完成体,have written,进行体 to be writing, 态的概念: to be written nTo have been written 被动语态 n 而没有“时” 的概念,不能说to did ,n to will did, 时间的概念必须有谓语动词来表现,如 I am to , she wa

44、s to , n I will be doing. 2 。4 动词不定式表具体的,要去做尚未完成的行为n在句子中作主语、宾语、宾补、表语*主语表具体行为 To do the work is their duty.而动名词则虚化为一个概念而非具体一件事Working at airport is a challenge for me.To work at airport I am given an uniform. 2.4 动词不定式的句子成分n1. 作句子主语n To get promotion requires him to work overtime. n升职意味着加班n It takes

45、me 3 hours to get the job done.n 搞定这件事化了我3小时时间。2. 4.2 不定式做宾语n I hope to further my study and find a work when I graduate. nI want to know what is wrong. n我想知道错在什么地方。2.4.4 动词不定式做表语n 1. Your job is to take care of these children.n 你的工作时是这些小孩。n 2. What he said proved to be wrong. n 他所说的都证明是错的。n 3. His

46、words turned out to be true. n 它的话原来都是对了2.4.3. 不定式做宾语补足语n 我请他帮我一个忙。nI asked him to do me a favor.nI want all of our classmates to pass the exam.n我希望我们所有的学生都能通过考试。n 我讨厌他这么早让我起床。nI hate him to wake me up so early.2.4.4 不定式做目的状语n we climbed higher and found a safe and comfortable place to watch the ris

47、ing sun . n我们爬到一个更高,更安全,更舒适的地方来看日出。n On sundays, I always go to the whole market to buy vegetables and fruits.n周日,我倡导食品超市卖蔬菜和水果。2.5 哪些动词后没to : 感官动词感官动词以不带不带to的动词不定式的动词不定式做宾语nSee hear feel watch 看听和感觉nNotice, help ,let,have 注意帮助指使安排n 例句:n他们帮我拿箱子:nThey helped me carry the boxes.n I watched her cross t

48、he roadn 我看着他走过马路。2.5 做题时,判断主动和被动,被动一定加做题时,判断主动和被动,被动一定加to do n 当let make, 使役动词,看听想类动词n的宾语做主语时,宾补加to n He was made to cry.n she was seen to lie.nChildren were watched to cry. n 看到它们,在c/D有to 而无to的地方错。2.5.had better do ,would rather do n had rather, would sooner 后不带不带toYou had better stop. 你最好别干了You h

49、ad best stop .I would rather stay here alone. 2.5 would rather +从句 (did)n Id rather you gave me nothing.n宁愿( 对过去事情的相反评价,是虚拟语气的一种表达方式) n我宁愿你什么都没给我。 n 2.5 would rather do a than do b nIwouldratherwatch TVat home thansee films .n would rather 后是实义动词,在比较的句型中都用一般现在时。2.5.3 情态动词后的实义动词不带to n can, could, may

50、, will, shall, should , must n He may not come.n他也许不来了。nOur friends will help us. n我们的朋友会帮我们。 2.6 动词不定式的被动式 to be done n She ought to be told about it . n n常考:n 主动的应变为被动没有变。n被动的应变为主动而没有变。 n I didnt expect to invite. -=wrongn I didnt expect to be invited. 2.7 考点: 主动涵被动的含义n2.7.1 need, require/ want 主动

51、涵被动主动涵被动n I want my car repairing. Wrongn I want my car to be repaired. (correct)n I want my car repaired.(correct) n 看宾语是人还是物,n The dog needs washing. n看主语是动作的承受者还是发出者。 n 3.7.2 Doing 某事,to do 具体动作2.8 动词不定式的否定形式 not to do n not to do :would you please not to touch this ?n您能不碰这东西吗?您能不碰这东西吗? n 我们被告知不要

52、出门nWe are told not to go out. 2.9 It is (adj) for sb. To do sth.n某人做某事是非常。的。n 。形容词包括n easy, difficult, important ,better, necessary ,enough, not enough nIt is difficult for him to perform the duty alone.n 他独自履行职责是很困难的。2.10 it is adj of sb. To do sthn 某人做某事真 ( 聪明,傻)n 形容词多为感情色彩的,形容品质、品格的单词n clever , r

53、ude, silly, foolish ,selfish n聪明、粗鲁、愚蠢、傻、自私nKind 好2.11 *动词不定式的进行式n It is nice to be sitting here with you. n I will be waiting for him. n在谈论的时间正在做的事情,或将来肯定会做的事情。 *2.12 动词不定式的完成式n to _ 现在完成时n she said she was sorry to have missed you.n 他说没看到你很遗憾。n I meant to have telephoned, but I forgot. n 我打算打电话的,但

54、忘了。 3. 过去分词n 时态语态 主动 被动n一般式 donebeen donen 完成式 had done had been done3.1-ed 分词的句法功能n -ed 分词首先是形容词,表示动作的完成或接受动作后的结果,即被动状态n1.做定语,因为它是形容词n we are beautifully dressed. 我们穿得漂亮。n they are confused.他们懵了。 nAll the doors are locked. 门都被锁上了。 n2. ed 分词作 appear, feel, seem , look 等系动词后做主语的补语He felt broken down.

55、 他觉得身体垮了。The children looked puzzled. 孩子们都很迷惑。3.-ed分词在感官动词后做宾补n see, hear, feel, watch, notice, think, find表示动作的接受者所处的状态。I thought my purse lost.我觉得我的钱包没了。I hear the song sung. 我听过这首歌被人长。We found they discouraged. 我们发现他们很沮丧。3.3 ed分词在have, want,wish,expect, like 后做宾补n 表示让、期待、梦想某事做成,某物处于某种状态。nI will h

56、ave all these documents typed.n 我要这些文件的电子版。n I must get the work done before Saturday. n周六前这活必须干完。 3.4 ed 分词作定语n前置定语 n表示所修饰的名词处于接受动作的状态或完成状态。n改变了的主意 changed idean出版的书籍 published booknA newly arrived guest 新来的客人-ed 后置定语n相当于一个从句n the book recommended is sold out.nThe book that is recommended is sold o

57、ut.n 被推荐的那本书卖完了。3.5 连词+ed分词作状语n1. 表示谓语动作的时间、原因、条件n Moved by his spirit, we decided to work hard. 被他的精神感动,我们决心努力工作。(原因)n Given time, I would pass the exam.n- If I was given time, I would.n假以时日,我将通过考试。(条件) 连词+ed分词作状语n2. when asked to answer the question, I pretended not to hear. n当让我回答者个问题是,我假装没听见。nWh

58、en I was asked to answer the question, 3.分词、不定式的 练习n He began by showing us where the country was and went on _ us about its climate.n A. telling B. to tellC. to telling nD. to be told. n The news reporters hurried to the airport, only _ the films stars had left.nA. to tellB. to be toldnC. tellingD.

59、 told. 常见以不定式作宾语的及物动词n 想要希望喜欢期待渴望渴求want/wish/like/expectn 开始忘记请求 begin/forget/askn 继续计划答应 continue/plan/promisen 选择提供决心尝试choose/offer/determine/ tryn 拒绝假装打算憎恨n refuse/pretend/plan/hate形容词后的动词不定式表为什么那样n I was very pleased to see you yesterday.n she was upset to hear that her sister was ill.n He was s

60、urprised to learn how much hed spent.n she is very nice to talk to .当动词与介词连用n 位于形容词动词不定式结构的句子末尾n She is easy to get on with .错n she is with easy to get on. n I am very glad to meet you. 很高兴见到你。n It is nice to be here. 来这很好。 动词不定式省略to 的情况n see, hear, watch,notice,observe, behold, see O to do n feel.

61、感官动词n 二使(let/make)两听listen to, hear,n 三观(see, observe, behold)n 此外: n would rather(宁愿), you had better (最好,can do nothing but 在名词后,infinitive n 不定式做后置定语n Give me a cup of coffee to drink.n 谈论目的,做事的理由,to don He started drinking to forget.n 他借酒浇愁n I get up early in order to have time to pack. 起床以便准备行装

62、n 主动含被动的意思n The door wont open. n There is a lot of work to do n Give me 6 letters to write today. n He has got 2 houses to let. n Who is to blame ? 省to 不定式在变被动时,to要保留n He was seen to go into the dormitory by me. n She was heard to sing in the next roomStop类动词后加/-ing与 to do 不同含义n stop, remember,forg

63、et,continue,regretnHe stopped the car to ask for the route.n He stopped working.n stop doing 停下手中工作、stop to don 停下干另一件事(to do 目的状语)n remember doing/to 记得曾经、记得要n forget doing/to 不定式可直接做目的状语,而动名词做状语则需要跟在介词后 面n I stopped my car to help him with the bag. n We listen to these songs to train spoken Englis

64、h. n After finishing the work, we went home.n n 句型: S V O_ to do . n In/after/before doing, SVO固定词组带to不定式n 有些固定词组带to不定式,表明说话人的立场或态度,在句子做独立成分。这些词有:to be honest, to begin with, to cut a long story short, to get (back) to the point, not to make much of it, to put it another way, to tell the truth等。例如:n

65、To tell you the truth, I have never been to Beijing.nTo be honest, I have never of Winston Churchill.1. 常见后跟-ing动名词的动词n常见 ing 动词n 承认 admit 考虑consider 与避免 avoidn 忍受不了 cant stand 建议suggestn 冒险 risk;n 喜欢enjoy;like 完成finish与实践practicen 介意mind 幻想imagine 与拖延put off;n postpone n 欣赏 appreciate 感觉feel 忍不住n c

66、ant help/stand 去宽恕 forgive 去防范n prevent sb. From doing sth. 非限定动词 V-ed 过去分词 n 过去式中取一部分表被动和完成,不及物动词-ed表主动,sun risen n 过去曾与 v-ing 现在分词共同称为动词性形容词 rising sun, risen run 过去分词的句法功能n -ed 分词通常在谓语动词BE后做主语补语(表语)。nWe are fully prepared. nShe is neatly dressed. 衣着整洁nAll the doors are locked 门都锁着。n 区别于被动语态n 被动语态

67、表动作的结果,而过去分词表状态。n the man was awarded. 被奖赏。n the book was bought.书被人买了。 区别于现在分词n 现在分词表主动,具有另人如何如何的特点。Exciting news, amazing Shanghain过去分词表被动 we are encouragedn The news is truly encouraging. 过去分词在系动词后作主语补语n 这种主语补语表示的是结果,而非具有。属性 nThe town appeared quite evacuated.n The land remained unexploited. 土地仍未

68、开发n He seemed terribly shocked. 极度震惊n The children looked confused/puzzled.n孩子们迷惑不解。考点n 比较 分词,另、具有、让的意思nThe story seems/sounds interesting. n故事看起来/听起来挺有趣n I was interested in the story.n我对故事感兴趣,表结果。考点: 过去分词做宾语的补语n 表示被动、完成。和它前面的宾语构成n宾格词ed 分词。宾格词是逻辑主语n I found the room looted .发现房间被洗劫过n I heard the so

69、ng played.听到此曲有人弹奏n 致使类动词后的宾补n 让物被人了解、完成、做而最终被搞定。nHave something done nKeep I keep the room locked.nMake I made my views known to allnGet I get the room decorated for the festival. 表示愿望意义的动词n want ,wish, like, expect _ N_ v-edn S _ 上述动词 N _ v-ed n I want the house painted. n我想让房子被油漆。n I like the que

70、stion answered. n 欣然看到问题被解决。n 上述句子不能改成被动式。过去分词和不定式的区别n 区别n I watched the river flow.n 看着河水流淌n 省略to的不定式表主动。n I heard the boy cry.听到小孩哭。过去分词做后置定语n 单独存在放在名词前 n The material needed is ironn 1)强调时放名词后n the knowledge learnt n 同样表示被动、完成、搞定后置定语相当于定语从句n 限制性n The material needed is iron.n需要的材料是金属铁。 The materi

71、al that is needed is iron. 过去分词作状语n v-ed O/A, SVOn 1)时间状语n Seen from the hill, the town looks great.n = when the town was seen from the hill表示原因n Moved by the heroic deeds of him,n被他的英雄事迹所感动n since people were moved by his heroic deeds表示条件 given, judging n Given more time, he would be able to do bet

72、tern 假以时日,他会做得更好。n If he were given more time.连词-ed 分词when/once/thoughn when asked to make a speech n当被问及n once recovered n 当恢复健康后n though beaten 让步 练习选择适当的非限定动词填入句子n 1. you should try _ (use) petrol, if you cant get if off with water. n2. Try _ (taste) it before you offer it to your guests.n3. I me

73、ant _ (buy) an umbrella, but I didnt see any shop _(sell) one.n4. Do you remember _ (meet) her in the Palace Museum last year?nAfter _ (spend) two days _ (argue) about where to go for their holidays, they decided _ (not go ) anywherenKeys: 1. using 2, tasting 3. to buy,selling,n4.meeting 5. spending

74、, arguing, not to go n6. He has already forgotten _(lend) her the money, since he has offered her some more.n7. Does your bicycle need _(wash)?I certainly need_(wash) mine. 练习n 8. Whats he doing? Hes just trying _ (open) the boxn9. He managed _( carry) his trunk upstairs, but I am not strong enough

75、_ (*move) mine, let alone _( carry) 练习n 11. Please remember _(polish) your shoes before going out. n 12. I greatly regret _(have lent) her my watch. n 真题n1. He began by showing us where the country was and went on _ us about its climate (2006/11)nA. tellingnB. to tellnC. to tellingnD. to be told 200

76、7年11月n The news reporters hurried to the airport, only _ the film stars had left.n A. to telln B. to be toldn C. tellingnD. told.n3. We should do as much as we can_n our country better and more beautiful.nA. makenB. to makenC. makesnD. makingn 4.He suggested _ a lecture given by professer white on E

77、nglish Learning.nA. me to attendnB. my attendingnC. my attentionnD. me attending. 2005/11nShe apologized for _ to attend the meeting.nA. her being not ablenB. her to be not ablenC. her not to be ablenD. her not being able 2008/4n The way I thought of _ the animal was of great value.n A. protectingnB

78、. protectnC. being protectednD. to protectn If mary catches _ her diary, she will be angry.n A. you readingnB. yours readingnC. you readnD. you to read 真题改错部分(Error Detections)n After (A) her two-week vacation was over(B) , Dorothy regretted to spend C nSo much money for so little pleasure D.nWorker

79、s newly arrive(A) from the south or(B) rural areas perform their job differently(C) from those from other sections(D) of the city. n arrive-arriving n The young man, to make(A) several attempts to beat(B) the world record in high jumping , decided(C) to have another try(D). n A,-不能单独做谓语,只能做分词替代非限制性定

80、语从句n None of us has the final say in this matter, and therefore it was recommended that we waited for the authorities. waited we wait /建议、请求、要求、期望等从句使用到should _ 动词原形的虚拟语气第二部分 从句 n 定语 从句 n 状语 从句 n 名词性从句 定语从句 n 什么是定语? n 用来描述名词或代词的修饰语。放在名词前叫前置定语,往往是形容词,名词后的叫后置定语,多为短语或从句。n 前置定语: beautiful flowers n 后置定语

81、 flowers growing in the garden n从句: n flowers which collected from the garden n 定语从句、状语从句、名词性从句n定语从句n引导定语从句的关联词包括:(1)关系代词:that, which, whose, who, whom, as; (2) 关系副词:when, where, why。关系代词和关系副词在定语中都充当一定的句法成分,关系代词在从句中充当动词的宾语时,一般可省去。决定关系代词的因素n关系代词的选用比较复杂,它受下列条件的制约:(1)先行词是指人还是指物;(2)关系代词在从句中的句法功能;(3)定语从句

82、是限定性的还是非限定性的。关系代词的选用情况见下表:先行词的限定n先行词n在从句中n的句法功能用于 限定性或非限定性定语从句 只用于限定性定语从句n 指人 指物 指人 或指物n 主语 who which thatn宾语 whom which thatn 定语 whose whose (of which) 定语从句和相关考点n 定语从句是一种形容词性的关系从句nAttributive Relative Clause n 相当于汉语: .的, 。的人who,谁的whose ,在那里的where ,n 起到形容词性定语的作用,但是句子,而不是单词n 形容词定语和定语从句区别n a broken he

83、art. 受伤的心n a heart which was deeply hurt by his rude words.n被他无理言辞深深伤害的一颗心 n-comfort his broken heart 抚慰受伤的心n I will comfort his heart which has been broken by his words. 区别形容词定语和定语从句n 短在前,长在后n短是过去分词、名词性定语n长是先行词加关系代词加上谓语宾语的结构。n 英语单词发音结构的特点造成长句,需要拆分把主要信息和次要信息分开。n 汉语可以说n 这是我去年为你买的,准备作为生日礼物献给你的电脑n 但英语不

84、能说nThis is I bought last year and wanted to present you as birthday gift computer. n 只能我说this is the computer that.I 限制性定语从句n先行词加上关系代词或关系副词n 对先行词起限制作用,表先行词的身份、意义,没有它意思不完整。n This is the car that I bought yesterday.n表示车是昨天买的。限制性定语从句n关系代词可以是which, that n which哪个,that 那个n 限定性最强的是that ,其次是which/who/whomn

85、 this is the bike which I bought yesterday. 我昨天买的那辆车。非限制性定语从句n 从句对先行词补充说明,可以无限次替换,因为它和先行词关系松散,随意。n The bike, which was bought yesterday, is missing. n昨儿买的自行车今天丢了。n The bike, whose brand is Giant , cost me 3000 yuan. n 买这辆吉安特牌山地车化了我3000元。 非限制性定语从句n The bike, which is a gift to my brother,is a Giant.

86、n我买来送给弟弟的自行车是吉安特。n 非限制性定语从句的关系代词可以是出that 外的其他关系代词和副词。n that 那个只能是限定,因为是that.用于限制性从句和非限制性从句的关系代词n n 人 物n主格 who which this is the man who is a n 宾格 whom which n属格 whose whosen of which 关系代词的分类依据n 1) 根据所引导从句的限制性和非限制性n2) 根据所替代先行词是人(who)是物whichn3)根据它在从句中的成分主语,who,宾语nWhom, 定语whose (所有格)n 限制性定语从句的关系代词n the

87、 man who (that) has just left is my brother.主格n the man to whom he bought a book is a student. 宾格n the man whose brother is my classmate is a doctor. 所有格 nThe room which (that) is on the 3rd floor is a classroom. 非人主格限制性定语从句的关系代词n The people that are gathering here are businessmen. 正在这聚会的都是商人n 关系代词是

88、主语,语序是SVOn关系代词是宾语, 语序是OSVn To whom the bell tolls?n钟为谁而鸣? whichn 可用在限制性定语和非限制性定语从句中, 关系代词which是那个的意思,而不是疑问代词which 哪一,专指物n The car which was parked there has been moved away.昨天停在这的车被挪走了n The car, which was moved away , was parked here yesterday. 非限制性定语从句中的whichn 对逗号前句子的评论和补充n They were invited to the

89、 party, which they considered a honor. n他们被邀请去派对,他们认为这很荣幸。n That n 1)只用在限制性定语从句中n 2)可指人,也可指物n3)不能跟在介词后面n to that the bell is toll? XXXn 关系代词that 的先行词有哪些?n all, anything, something, nothing, everything, little ,bestn因为都是特指的,所有的,任何的,某些,全不是,每个,很少,很好n 用时可省略nThere is something (that ) I should like to te

90、ll you. n There is nothing (that) I can do for you.n 我无能为力nThe best (that) I can do is to wait. 2)先行词为形容词最高级,只用that n He is the only person that is dependable. n他是惟一可信赖的人。nThis is the most interesting story I have ever heard. 我听过的最有趣的故事。n 3)介词后不能有that n This is the house in that Mozart was born. XXX

91、XX n This is the house where (in which) Mozart was born. 关系代词和非限制性定语从句的使用n限制性定语从句是对先行词的限制和特别说明,特点具鲜明和惟一性。nThe boy is my brother.nThe boy who just went out is my brother. 刚走出的男生是我兄弟。 n 非限制性定语从句是对独一无二事物的补充说明,这种补充说明可以是替换的、扩充的、无限制的、非独一无二的。n Her brother, who is an artist, is here. 他的弟弟是个艺术家,在此。 (兄弟是惟一的)

92、n Her brother who is an artist is here.他作为艺术家的弟弟在此。(限定众多兄弟之一) 关系代词和限制性从句n 1)作主语n The man who /that was hear yesterday is my brother. n 2) 物n The book which/that is on the table is a novel . n 2) 做直接宾语n The man who/whom/that/0 we met yesterday is a writer.n The book which/that/0 I borrowed is Airport

93、. n 3)介词间接宾语 n I know the student (you gave the book to )n I know the student to whom you gave the book to. n 4) 介词宾语n The man I talked about is here now.n The man that I talked about his here.n The man whom I talked about is here.n n 作表语、主语补语n He is not the boy that/0 she was 10 years before. n 作状语

94、n This is the time when he arrived nThat was the time at which he arrivedn That was the time that he arrived atn This is the reason why /that/- I wrote himn This is the way that/in which I studied.n 关系代词作状语时可省略n This is the place (where)he works.n We shall never forget the day when our hometown was

95、liberated. 关系代词的省略n 主句的宾语和定语从句指同一事物时可省略thatnThey saw the books I got yesterday.n他们看见我昨天买的书了。n We have the tickets you also have. n 你买的票我们也有。 n 先行词是不定代词时可以省略n Everything he said seemed ridiculous.n nIs there anything (that) I can do for you ?n 有什么能效劳的吗? nI know that he is a man who (that) means what

96、he says.nThe gentleman whom (that) she met addressed her with courtesy (礼貌)。nThe watch which (that) was lost has been found.nHere is the material which (that) you need.nYoure the only one whose advice he might listen to.考点1:n1) 当先行词是all, something, nothing, everything,little,none 等不定代词时;或先行词前有first,

97、 last, only, few, much, some, any, no等词修饰时;或先行词前有形容词最高级修饰时,一般只用that而不用which来引导定语从句。例如:nIve explained everything (that) I can to you.nThis is the most beautiful campus (that) Ive ever been to.考点2n2.)定语从句分为限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句,限定性定语从句与主句关系紧密,为句中不可缺少部分,如去掉,主句意思不完整。非限定性定语从句与主句关系松散,如去掉,主句内容仍完整。在书面语中,非限定性定语从句

98、一般被逗号隔开。非限定非限定性定语从句一般不用性定语从句一般不用that引导。引导。引导非限定性定语从句的关系词不可省略。n 2.1that 可指人或物,在从句中作表语,仅用于限制性定语从句中n It is just the novel that I have recommended you to read. 考点3n关系代词在定语从句中有时也做介词的宾语。如果介词被置于关系代词前,一般只用介词如果介词被置于关系代词前,一般只用介词which或介词或介词whom,而不用介词,而不用介词that来来引导定语从句。引导定语从句。如果介词被置于从句句末,则可用that代替which或whom,且th

99、at这时可省去。例如:nThis is the ring on which she spent 1,000 dollars.nOne of my colleagues whom (that) you are familiar with come today.考点4n 如果先行词是anyone, everyone, everybody, someone, somebody,关系代词应该是who或 whom,而不是 whichn Is there anyone who will go with you?考点5 介词不能后跟thatnOf which =whosenIn which =where n

100、 in that nThis is the house where I was born. this is the house in which I was born. n He gave me the book of which the cover was soaked. 他给了我那本封面泡过水的书。状语从句状语从句n在复合句中,起状语作用的从句称作状语从句。根据语义,状语从句分为:时间状语从句、地点状语从句、条件状语从句、原因状语从句、让步状语从句、比较状语从句、目的状语从句、结果状语将其与主句隔开。时间状语从句n 1) when, as, while 引导时间状语从句时都可以表示主句的动

101、作与从句的动作同时发生,即同时性。n 2) 有些副词和一些表示时间的名词词组也可用作从属连词,引导时间状语从句。如instantly, immediately, directly, the day, every time, the minute, the second, the moment等。例如:nImmediately he arrived, he started describing us what had happened.nThe day he returned home, his grandpa was already dead.n3)关联词: as; after;before;

102、once, since,till, until, when ,whenever, as long as, as soon as ,nownAs 当 ; after 后 ;before 才,前 ;once 当,一旦 , since 自从 ,till 直到, until 到。才开始, when 当,nWhenever只要。时,n as long as 只要, as soon asn当。时 ,nNow现在地点状语从句n 关联词 where, wherever, anywhere, everywheren 原因状语从句n引导原因状语从句的从属连词有:because, since, as, now (t

103、hat), in that, considering that等。例如:nSince the speaker cant come, well have to cancel the meeting.要点:nin that和now (that) 的用法:in that引导的从句对主句进行解释的说明,意思是:在方面,在于;因为。Now (that) 表示既然。nTheory is valuable in that it can provide a direction for practice.n理论所以有价值,就在于它能给实践指出方向。nNow (that) the weather has impr

104、oved, lets go out for a picnic.n既然天气已转好,我们就出去野餐吧。让步状语从句n引导让步状语从句的从属连词有:though, although, even if (even though), as, no matterdespite the fact that, in spite of the fact that, while。例如:nTom always enjoys swimming, even though the weather is rough.nDespite the fact that there exist national difference

105、s, certain funny situations have a universal appeal.目的状语从句n引导目的状语从句的从属连词有:so that, in order that, lest, in case, for fear that。例如:nThey climbed to the top of the building in order that they could get a birds-eye view of the city.nAsk her to hurry up with these letters so that I can sign them.nTake a

106、n umbrella in case it rains.结果状语从句n结果状语从句一般由下列连词引导:so that, sothat, suchthat,as far as, to the degree that, in so far as 等。例如:nHe overslept, (so) that he was late for work.nThey got such a fright that they dropped the bag and ran away.方式状语从句n引导方式状语从句的从属连词有as, as if (though), the way, how。例如:nHe made

107、 some changes as you had suggested.nShe was behaving as if (though) she hadnt grown up.名词性从句n从句按其在主句中的句法功能可分为三类:即名词性从句、形容词性从句(即定语从句)和副词性从句(即状语从句)。引导从句的词称作关联词。名词性从句n名词性从句包括主语从句、表语从句、宾语从名词性从句包括主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和同位语从句。句和同位语从句。引导这些名词性从句的关联词包括:从属连词that, if, whether;连接代词who, whoever, whom, whomever, which, w

108、hichever, what, whatever, whose;连接副词where, when, why, how。其中,从属连词只起连接作用,在从句中不充当任何句法成分,而连接代词和连接副词既起连接作用,在从句中又充当一定的成分。 例句:nThe fact is that he didnt go to the dinner party.nI dont know if he will attend the meeting.nHave you heard the news that Mary is going to marry Tom?That 从句 n 1)由从属连词that引导的从句叫做名词

109、性that-从句。 that只起连接主句和从句的作用,在从句中不担任任何成分,本身也没有词义。名词性that-从句在句中能充当主语、宾语、表语、同位语和形容词宾语,例如:n主语:That he is still alive is sheer luck.他还活着全靠运气。宾语:John said that he was leaving for London on Wednesday. 约翰说他星期三要到伦敦n去。That 从句n表语:The fact is that he has not been seen recently.事实是近来谁也没有见过他。同位语:The fact that he h

110、as not been seen recently disturbs everyone in his office. 近来谁也没有见过他,这一事实令办公室所有的人不安。形容词宾语:I am glad that you are satisfied with your job. 你对工作满意我感到很高兴。 形式主语n考点提示n1) 在含有主语从句的复合句中,为保持句子平衡,常用it作形式主语,而将真正的主语从句放在句末。例如:nIts well-known that water is indispensable to life.用it作形式主语的that-从句有以下四种不同的搭配关系:na. It

111、 + be +形容词+ that-从句It is necessary that有必要It is important that重要的 是It is obvious that很明显用it 做形式主语的结构nIt be 动词+名词+从句n it is a fact thatnIt is an honor thatnIt is common knowledge thatnIt is no doubt that It be +动词+形容词+从句n It is natural thatnIt is strange thatn It +不及物动词+从句n It seems that nIt happened

112、 thatn It +be动词+过去分词+从句n It is reported that nIt has been proved that b. It + be + -ed 分词+ that-从句nIt is believed that人们相信It is known to all that从所周知It has been decided that已决定c. It + be +名词+ that-从句nIt is common knowledge that是常识It is a surprise that令人惊奇的是It is a fact that事实是d. It +不及物动词+ that-分句nI

113、t appears that似乎It happens that碰巧It occurred to me that我突然想起nIt seems to me that 对我来说,这看起来主语从句要点1:n1.if 引导的主语从句不能放在复合句句首If she is right has nothing to do with me.以下结构主语不能提前2.It is reported that. 据报道 It is reported that he was killed in the accident. 不能说 He was killed in the accident is reported. 3.I

114、t happens/occurs that.It occurs to me that today is his birthday.That today is his birthday occurs to me. 以下结构主语从句不能提前。4.It doent matter how/whether.It doesnt matter who he is .Who he is doesnt matter . 5.Is it likely that it will rain in the evening?(主语从句的复合句是疑问句时,主语从句不能提前)主语从句要点2n what you said ye

115、sterday is right.nThat she is still alive is a consolation.n what 型主语从句,what 在从句中充当主语、宾语、表语,而that则不充当任何成分,nwhat 从句中的be动词都为单数形式What you told me is crap. What 从句语序是正常语序:What SOV. 而不能是其他。What will he do has nothing to do with me.练习:n It turned out (A) why the(b) tiger got out of(C) the case because the

116、 man in charge had forgotten (D) to lock it. n B 改为 that 宾语从句n 定义: 在复合句中作宾语的名词性从句叫宾语从句。通常放在主句及物动词或介词之后。n1. 作动词的宾语 I said that we had a great time last night. 我说昨晚玩得很开心。我说昨晚玩得很开心。宾语从句n2 。介词宾语:nI am still looking for what I want. 我现在还在找我想要的东西。 Our outing depend upon whether it will rain or not tomorro

117、w. 我们的春游取决于明天是否下雨。 宾语从句n3 作形容词宾语:n I am very glad to meet you. 我很高兴认识你。 动词不定式说明原因。 S + be +adj +that 结构Adj形容词有: 迫切/知晓/明确、自信、决心、骄傲、惊讶、抱歉、担心、感激、羞愧、厌烦、喜悦、满意、n作形容词宾语:nAnxious/ aware/ certain/confident/convinced/determineded / proud/ glad/worried/ sorry/ashamed/ annoyed/ satisfiled/content/ that we can m

118、eet your demand. n注意: 以不定式或动名词作形容词宾语的形容词不能跟that型宾语从句:n让、允许、喜欢、导致、敬仰、宽恕nWe Let / allow/like/cause/admire/forgivenThat n只能是to do /或doing作宾语4.宾语从句的否定转移宾语从句的否定转移n1) 将think, believe, suppose, expect, fancy, imagine等动词后面宾语从句的否定词转移到主句中,即主句的谓语动词用否定式,而从句的谓语动词用肯定式。否定转移nI dont think I know you.我想我并不认识你。(错误:I t

119、hink I dont know you.)nI don t believe he will come.我相信他不回来。(错误: I believe he will not come)宾语从句n 2.否定的转移n 若主语谓语动词think,consider,supose,believe其后的宾语从句若有否定意义,要把否定助动词放到主句谓语上。n I think this dress doesnt fit you.n I dont think the dress fits you well.同位语从句n 作名词的同位语的名词性从句n The news that they won the game

120、 spread throughout the country.n 引导同位语从句的连词是that, 名词常见的有n news, fact, reason, truth, order,request等。n 区别于定语从句,同从常不跟在修饰的名词后,而被介词,状语从句等隔开。n The order given immediately by the general that the troops should retreat has been followed. 历年考题n The tsunami _ over 160000 people were killed was a terrible dis

121、aster for human beings.nA. of thatnB. among whichnC. during thatnD. in whichn There were dirty marks on her trousers _ she had wiped her hands.nA. wherenB. whennC. thatnD. whatn He has got himself into a dangerous situation _ he is likely to lose control over the plane.n A. wherenB. whichnC. whilenD

122、. why n The fact came up _ specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as 6 months oldnA. whatnB. whichnC. thatnD. why n It is very important for the strong man to know that -_ strong he is , he cannot be the strongest.nA. whatevernB. whenevernC. whichevernD. however第二部分 代词和连词n代词分类:n1.

123、相互代词:Each other 彼此 one another 一个个代词: 2 不定代词 n 代替任何特定名词的代词叫不定代词.nAll 所有 both 两者 every 每个each 单个nEither 两者其一 neither两者都不 nLittle 不可数否定 few 可数否定nMuch 不可数多数 many 可数多数nAnother 可数另一个n some 一些(可数、不可数) 不定代词n any 任何一个 no 无nSome/ something /anything/everythingn某个、某物、任何事物、一切n somebody/someone 某人n anybody任何人 n

124、obody, no one/ 没有人 everybody 每个人n可作主语的none, some- every- any- no- n单独的every , no 只能做定语nEvery one laughed. nI have no fish. 疑问代词n 指人: who, 主格、 whom宾格 whose 所有格n 指物: what n指人和物 which nWho is in charge of here?这谁管?nWhom I say to ?我跟谁说话呢?nWhose bag is this? 这是谁的包?nWhich one left this bag?谁把包放这了?nThere a

125、re 5 bags here , Which one do you like?关系代词n 在定语从句中已经讲过n限制性定语从句中的关系代词 人 物 人或物nwho/which /that -主格nWhom/that that 宾格nWhose/of which/whose/whose 所有格 n非限制性定语从句中的关系代词:n必须没有that, n主格 who whichn 宾格 whom which n所有格 whose/ of which Do you like the car of which the engine is V-8 ?你喜欢那款8缸发动机的汽车吗?疑问代词what/what

126、ever n what = all that=the thing whichnWhat(all that ) you need is love 你缺少爱。nThat is what I want . 那就是我要的nWhat can I do to make you happy?n我做什么能让你高兴? nWhatever anything- 无论什么-一切、所有nHe sold whatever I gave him.他把我给他的所有东西都卖了。 Who/whoever /whichevern分别代表n某人、任何人、任何人或东西nWho is on duty? 今天谁值日?nWhoever co

127、mes first gets my gift.n谁先到谁有礼物。nWhich do you like whichever is OKn你喜欢哪个?随便,物所谓。 不定代词的归纳n 1. both, either,neither, all, any,nonen 以后会讲。nEither .or.就近一致nEither I or you are wrong at this point.n Either your brothernBoth 两者都nBoth of you are clever .有both, be 必须复数,either 其中一个,be必须是但是不nEither is OK 。 都可

128、以。Neither, nor 的用法n not + either = neither 既不是这nNot + or = nor 也不是那n either is Ok.哪个都行。nNeither is good. 哪个都不行。 Be必须是单数。n neither nor 就近一致nNeither your brother or you are allowed to leave.你哥和你都别走。倒装n I cant stand him, neither can I n我受不了他,我也是。n=same with me.n =I cant either. Some , any,non 某些、一些,丁点都

129、没有n there is some milk.there isnt any milk.n there is no milk. There is none in the bottle. n根据语境, any 可指任何,等于anyonen Many,much, (a) few,(a)little, n许多可数,许多不可数n(有一些)几乎没有的可数n(有几个)几乎没有的不可数n He has few friends.没朋友nHe has a few friends. One,other,the other,anothern两者其中一个,另一个nOther 代词、其他的,nAnother 另一个n I

130、 dont like it, give me another. n3个里面n1个是one, 另一个是another,剩下的的是the other 还有一个Others nOther 其他人或物 others其他那些人或物n =other people/things nIn the room, Some people are having dinner, the others are playing cards. 另外一些人在打牌。n Every, each n1)Every be 单数强调总体,所有的,nEverybody hurts 所有人都很伤心nEvery man and woman l

131、aughn 2) each 强调每个,个体nThey each have a gun. n3)every 作形容词,有“每隔”的意思nEvery other day 每隔一天One/onesn one 某个,可替代具体名词nSomeone 某个 a good one 一个好人n one的复数是onesn 那些个(替代可数名词)These are modern types, those are old ones. 那些都是老古董。练习n 1.gives people more knowledge of society than world.nA anythingnB nothingnC. som

132、ethingnD Everthing 练习nWhich one do you want, the red one or the yellow one?n_ How about showing me another?A.EitherB. BothC.Neither D. None n3. English is used by more people than is _language except Chinese. A. any B. any other C. other D. all other nThe principal (A) reason for the great number(B)

133、 of smoke is that(C) there are too many (D) factories in this area.nThe doctor told(A) him that he should take (B) this medicine one (C) pill at one (D) time.nI came (A)here three and a half months(B) ago, I think I have made(C) a good progress(D) in English.改错nIt usually takes much less time to fly

134、 from one country to another than traveling by train.nA B C D 改错练习nGeroge and his brother have a little(A) in common except that(B) they share(C) the same interest in (D) playing football.n 改错练习n A (A) number of errors(B) made(C) by him was surprising(D). 代词练习nI couldnt find peter ,_did I know where

135、 he had gone.nA. nevernB. eithernC. nornD. as 练习n English is used by more people than is _ language except Chinese.nA. any nB any other nCothernD all other nWe wanted a new table for dinner, so my father bought _ from a furniture store.nA. itselfnB. OnenC. himselfnD. another nFor John this was the b

136、eginning of a new life, _ he thought he would never see.nA. whatnB. that nC. onenD. it nGive the books to _ needs them for the English class the writing class.nA. whomevernB. whomnC. whonD. whoever 第三部分虚拟语气 虚拟语气用于表达假设、愿望等非事实的情况。1)假设: if 作连词2) - 愿望: will, would ,can ,3)非事实- 与真实情况相反假如我是你、(事实是我不是你)If I

137、 were you 假如昨天下雨(事实是没下雨)If it had rained yesterday假如明天我去那里( 事实是目前为止没去) 开放条件与假设条件n open conditional sentence1)表示真实的情况,多半会实现的情况。你明天来,我就请你吃饭。If you come tomorrow, let us go KTV.如果你明天来,咱们去歌厅。 从句用现在时,主句用现在时。(因为是祈使句) 开放条件句 Open Conditionaln 2)从句用现在时,主句用will +动词不定式。nIf you follow my advice, you will pass t

138、he exam. nI will give him the book if he comes.n同 时间状语从句nYou will meet him when you get there. I will pick you up when I knock off. 从句、主句时态的混用n1)从句用过去时,主句用will +不定式If he promised to be here, he will not eat his words. 2)从句用现在时,主句用be to do If it rains, what are we to do?3)从句用现在时,主句用祈使句 If you park yo

139、ur car here, please lock it. 从句、主句时态的混用n 从句用过去时,主句用祈使句n If you did anything wrong, apologize for it.n如果做错了什么,就去道歉。n祈使句:n 省略主语和to的动词不定式。nLet me go. Call me. Please stand up! 第三部分虚拟语气 虚拟语气用于表达假设、愿望等非事实的情况。1)假设: if 作连词2) - 愿望: will, would ,can ,3)非事实- 与真实情况相反假如我是你、(事实是我不是你)If I were you 假如昨天下雨(事实是没下雨)I

140、f it had rained yesterday假如明天我去那里( 事实是目前为止没去) 虚拟语气n If从句 主句与现在事实相反 动词的过去式(be为were)Would (should, could, might)+have+动词的过去分词与过去事实相反 动词的过去完成式 Would (should, could, might)+have+动词的过去分词 与将来时间相反 )动词的过去式(be为were)Were+不定式)Should动词原形 Would (should, could, night)+动词原形 Examples:nIf had time, I would go to the

141、 movies with you.如果我有时间,我就和你去看电影。nIf we hadnt made adequate preparations, the conference wouldnt have been so successful.n 如果我们没做好准备,会议就不会开成功nIf it were to rain tomorrow, the game would be put off.n如果明天下雨,比赛就延后举行。Wish as if, as though后用虚拟语气n I wish they were in the school now.n They talked as if the

142、y had been there before. n She looks as if she knew all about it.n They talked as though they had got acquainted with each other for years.有些句子从表层结构上看无if引导的非真实条件句, 但从深层意思上看是存在的。这种情况下主句动词仍需用虚拟式。 (且多为与过去事实相反)n这类句子中常出现without(如果没有),but for(要不是),otherwise(否则),but that (若不,后接一从句)等词或词组。 n But for your hel

143、p, they couldnt have succeeded.n要不是你的帮助,他们就不会取得成功。nShe wasnt feeling well. Otherwise,she wouldnt have left the meeting so early.n她感到不舒服。不然她就不会那么早就离开会场的。虚拟语气要点2n在在Its necessary(important, natural, essential, essential, proposed, required, suggested, impossible, strange)that结构中,that引导的真正的主语从句中动词应用虚拟式,

144、表示必要、应该、建议、要求、惊讶、不相信等意。其表达形式一般是省略should的原形动词。nIts necessary that we (should) set out at once.nIts proposed that a committee (should) be set up to look into the matte.虚拟语气考点3n在ask, require, order, demand, suggest, propose, command, insist等动词后的宾语从n句中,动词也用虚拟式,表示命令、建议、要求等。其表达形式一般也是省略should的原形动词。 n I sug

145、gest that we (should) go camping tomorrow.nHe insisted that our laboratory reports (should) be handed in the day after the experiment was done 虚拟语气要点3nIts (high, about) time that的句型要求用虚拟式,表示应该做还没有做的事。其表达形式一般是谓语动词使用过去时态。 n Its high time that he stopped smoking.nIts about time that we took our leave.虚

146、拟语气4n在I would (had) rather后的句子中,动词也要求用虚拟式,表示某人 更希望、主观倾向于做某事。其表达形式一般是将谓语动词提前一个时态。n Id rather you left tomorrow instead of today.nId rather he hadnt done anything like that.虚拟语气5 : Had rather/would rather/ 表示宁愿, n 而当用would rather/had rather/would just as soon 表宁可、宁愿后面的宾语从句谓语动词原形n I would rather not ta

147、lk about it. n 我宁可不谈它n I would rather have a quite night in front of TV. n我宁可在电视机前度过一个安静的夜晚Would rather/had rathern 后的宾语从句用过去式表示对过去事件的相反看法 I would rather he went there by train.我宁愿他坐火车去那。 I would rather you didnt come with me.我宁愿你没跟我来。Had hoped ,宾语从句用would +动词原形nI had hoped that she would go with me

148、, but she said she would stay there.n表示原来希望做而实际未能实现的事情。nI had hoped we could enjoy a private home dinner, but he insisted he come.n我还指望我们能享用私人晚宴,但他坚持要来。虚拟语气要点6n It is high /about time 从句要用一般过去时。n是时候该干点什么了。nIt is about time we went back home.nIt is high time we did something about it .虚拟语气7 n Provide

149、d /providing/ on condition thatn 表示如果如何。相当于 if nProvided they were given time, they would come to our party.n 和现在事实相反。如果他们现在有时间,他们会来参加我们的派对。虚拟语气8nIf 虚拟条件句如果生if, were, had ,should 放在句子开始,形成倒装nWere I left to choose what to do , n=If I were left to choose what to do n我若让我选择,I would prefer go back.n我选择回

150、家。nShould there be a good film, = n If there should be a good film 虚拟语气9n 用if only 开头,表示“要是怎样,那多好啊。”可独立存在,也可作条件句。nIf only he could help us. 要他现在能帮我们多好啊!nIf only they had helped us.n如果当时他们能帮我们多好啊。nIf only he had been here, we could have solved the problem. 虚拟语气10n had it not for, 表示 “ 要不是。就要不是。就”,n=

151、if if had not been n 主句用would +现在完成时,表示,可可能还。能还。nHad it not for her help, we would still have to wait for the bus. n 要不是她的帮助,我们恐怕还得等公交车虚拟语气11n I wish 后宾语从句用虚拟语气,应用一般过去时,(were, did )n I wish we passed the test .n我 希望考试通过。n如果wish是过去时,从句要后退到过去完成时,had been ,had done.nI wished we had been passed the test

152、. 虚拟语气12 n命令, 要求,渴望,建议,决定后的同位语从句 (N+that clause) ,用 should +动词原形表虚拟语气 demand, requirement, desire, advice His requirement that we should stay here was accepted by everyone.他让大家待在这的要求被大家所接受。虚拟语气12n 命令,建议,请求,可能,最好等形容词在 it is +adj+that 的结构中,主句谓语动词用 should +动词原形表虚拟。nRequired, demanded,desirable,nSuggest

153、ed, necessay ,essential, important ,ordenred n It is necessary that we should work harder. n 我们有必要努力学习。n She says shed rather he _ tomorrow instead of today.nA. leavesnB. leftnC. leavenD. would leave.Exercisen 1. If you that late movie last night, you wouldnt be dozy (困倦的) now.nA. havent watchedB. d

154、idnt watchnC. hadnt watchedD. wouldnt have watchedn2. Had I know it, I you.nA. have toldB. and toldnC. wouldnt be toldD. would have told虚拟语气练习n3. the storm, we should have reached our destination.nA. For but nB. But fornC. In spite of nD. In case of虚拟语气练习n4. She insisted that what she had done _ rig

155、ht.nA. wasnB. is nC. benD. had been虚拟语气练习n6. it left to me to decide, I would not hesitate to prefer the latter.nA. If B. WerenC. HadD. Shouldn7. It is important that you to the dean before leaving for you vacation.nA. speakB. spokennC. have D. speaks虚拟语气练习n11. Dont you think it is time that you _sm

156、oking?nA. give upB. would give upnC. gave up D. must give up主谓一致n一致指句子成分之间或词语之间在性、数等方面保持一致。主谓一致指谓语动词与主语必须在人称、性、数上保持一致。在具体处理一致关系时可遵循以下三原则:语法一致,意义一致,就近一语法一致,意义一致,就近一致。致。主谓一致要点1:概念一致n集体名词作主语时,主语与谓语动词的一致n如集体名词在句中意指整体概念,谓语动词用单数形式;如在句中意指其具体成员,谓语动词用复数形式。这类集体名词包括:army,audience, class, committee, crowd, crew

157、, couple, family, group, staff, team, public, cabinet, band等。 nThe population of the earth is increasing very fast.nOne third of the population here are farmers.nThe public has every reason to be cautious of professional deception.nThe public now know the whole story.概念一致n学科名称和疾病名称作主语时,主语与谓语动词的一致n某些

158、学科名称和疾病名称虽词尾加s的形式,但这些词作主语时,谓语动词仍用单数形式。 nelectronics(电子学),mechanics(力学),classics(古典文学),linguistics(语言学),economics(经济学),statistics(统计学),physics(物理学),mathematics(数学)等。 用and连接的单数主语,前面有each,every,many a, no 修饰,谓语用单数n Each pen and each paper is found in its place.n Many a boy has become her fans.n 表示度量、价值

159、、重量的复数名词作主语,表抽象概念,看作整体时,谓语用单数n Ten miles is a long way to walk.n Six thousand dollars is a large sum of money to her.语法形式一致n and连接的二个名词作主语时,主语与谓语动词的一致n一般情况下,and连接的两个名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。但有些情况下,and连接的两个名词意指同一人物、同一事物、同一概念时,谓语动词要用单数形式。通常,如果两个名词只有一个限定词或无限定词修饰时,通常,如果两个名词只有一个限定词或无限定词修饰时,它们常常表示一个概念,它们常常表示一个概念,

160、如果两个名词分别有两个限定词修饰时,它们往往表示两个不同的概念。另外,如果and连接的两个单数名词均有each, every, many a, no等词修饰时,谓语动词用单数形式。n The secretary and manager was present at the meeting.n Every hour and every minute is vital to me now.n Many a boy and many a girl has been to the exhibition.语法一致2 就远一致n由with, as well as等词或词组修饰的单数名词作主语时,主语与谓语

161、动词的一致 n如作主语的单数名词后有下列词或词组修饰如作主语的单数名词后有下列词或词组修饰时,谓语动词仍用单数形式:时,谓语动词仍用单数形式:with, along with, together with, besides, as well as, in addition to, accompanied by, rather than, but等。等。例如:nThe teacher as well as the students likes this novel.nA scientist, together with some assistants, was sent to help solv

162、e that problem.nThe boss, rather than his employees, is to blame.语法一致3n either, neither, each,one, the other, another, somebody, something, anything, anybody, everyone, everything, everybody, no one, nothing, nobody 等不定代词谓语用单数就近一致(毗邻一致)n连词or, eitheror, neithernor, not onlybut also连接两个名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词必

163、须和靠它较近的一个名词或代词取得一致,这就是就近一致原则。 n Either I or they are responsible for it.nNeither your unkind words nor you unfriendly attitude has caused me any distress.nNot only he but also his family members are interested in football match.其它规则n )none本身作主语时或它修饰的名词或代词作主语时,如代表不可数名词,谓语动词用单数形式,如代表可数名词,谓语动词既可用单数形式也可

164、用复数形式。n)one and a half 后接的名词应是复数形式,但谓语动词用单数形式。如:none and a half years has passed.其他规则二n) more than one 后接单数可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,但如果more than one本身作主语,谓语动词则用复数形式。n)either, neither作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。n)one or two后接复数名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。n)one of后接复数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。n)动词不定式、动名词短语、名词性从句等作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。例如:Seeing is

165、 believing.exercisen 1. Professor Wu, with three lecturers, attending a symposium (专题讨论会) in Shanghai on energy now.nA. is B. are C. wasD. weren2. One and a half hours passed.nA. has B. areC. is D. haven3. Many a student going to take part in CET-6 next month.nA. is B. is toC. areD. wasn4. What matt

166、ers not winning but participating.nA. areB. to beC. wasD. isn5. Passenger ships and are often equipped with ship-to-shore or air-to-land radio telephones.nA. aircraftsB. aircraftC. the planesD. also the planesnAAADBn 6. John is the only one of the students who to France.nA. has beenB. have beenC. ha

167、d beenD. has beingn7. Linguistics(语言学) very difficult to learn.nA. is notB. are notC. were notD. wasntn8. The flight service crew largely women.nA. isB. wasC. areD. weren9. Three hours the limit of this examination.nA. isB. were C. are D. wasn10. His Selected Poems First Published in 1992.nA. was B.

168、 wereC. had beenD. aren AACAA倒装n 概述n全部倒装和部分倒装。全部倒装指谓语部分全部提到主语之前;部分倒装指谓语的一部分提到主语之前。倒装语序常出现在下列情况中:n为避免句子部分内容重复,英语中常用倒装句,即:so (neither, nor)be动词(助动词,情态动词)主语。例如:nMy father is an engineer; so is my husband.nJane didnt attend my class yesterday; nor did Morris.倒装的强调作用n否定倒装句式1n否定副词 (never/ nowhere.)助动词/情态动

169、词主语其余部分nNowhere in the world can one find more attractive scenery than in Guilin.nNever before in the history of mankind has our world been so rich in scientific discoveries and inventions.倒装是强调句子的某些成分n否定倒装句式2n半否定副词 (hardly/ seldom/scarcely.)助动词/情态动词主语其余部分n Rarely do meteors that blaze for more than

170、 a few seconds once they enter the earths atmosphere.nSeldom do we have such a chance to visit nine countries in a single trip.n注:加在注:加在hardly, scarcely, seldom等等词后,若不用在句首则不引起倒装。如:词后,若不用在句首则不引起倒装。如:nThe old scientist hardly ever goes out for a walk.(那位老科学家现在是(那位老科学家现在是深居简出。)深居简出。)nBruce had scarcely

171、 shaken our hands when the phone rang. (布鲁布鲁斯刚要和我们握手电话就响了。)斯刚要和我们握手电话就响了。)n否定倒装句式3n否定性介词短语(in no case/ by no means/not once.)助动词/情态动词主语其余部分n由否定词或带有否定意义的词,如由否定词或带有否定意义的词,如in no case, never, not little, under no circumstances, by no means, not until, nowhere, no longer,等开头引起的倒装句,等开头引起的倒装句,表示强调。例如:表示强调

172、。例如:nOn no account should a person be exposed to nuclear radiation.nNot once did the writer mention his view of life.nNot until the end of last century did heat begin to be thought of as a form of energy.n否定倒装句式4 n 否定意义的连接词not only, no sooner(than), hardly(when) +助动词/情态动词主语其余部分 nNo sooner had the le

173、cture begun than the audience in the hall became aware of the sound of fighting outside.n n Hardly had he finished his work when the telephone rang.nNot only did the tourists complain about the food, they also refuse to pay for it.强调省略倒装句式1n前一分句(正常语序) + 后一分句so(表肯定),neither, nor(表否定)+ 助动词/情态动词主语(省略其余

174、部分)n在倒装强调中,注意在倒装强调中,注意and so(用于肯定),(用于肯定),neither, nor与上面的句型不同,它们不仅表与上面的句型不同,它们不仅表示强调,而且用于替代前一分句中与之相同的示强调,而且用于替代前一分句中与之相同的内容。例如内容。例如:n California relies heavily on income from fruit crops, and so does Florida.n She will wear a costume to the party, and so will we.nn使用使用so, neither, nor引起的倒装结构时,应引起的倒

175、装结构时,应注意把这些结构与这三个词的不倒装用法区别注意把这些结构与这三个词的不倒装用法区别开来。即:开来。即:n (1)若)若so引导的后一分句只是重复前一分引导的后一分句只是重复前一分句的内容,或在简略回答对别人所说的情况加句的内容,或在简略回答对别人所说的情况加以肯定时,则不必倒装,而使用以肯定时,则不必倒装,而使用“so+主语主语+do”的结构。在这种结构中,有时主语与前的结构。在这种结构中,有时主语与前一分句或上文主语相同,这时其含义是一分句或上文主语相同,这时其含义是“同样同样”,“不错不错”,“确实确实”等。例如:等。例如:nYou said the article is goo

176、d, and so it is. (你说这篇文章好,也实在是好。你说这篇文章好,也实在是好。)n此外,当此外,当so用来表示因果关系中用来表示因果关系中“所以所以”的意思时,自然也不引起倒装结构。的意思时,自然也不引起倒装结构。例如:例如:nChildren will be making the film, so the main ideas for the film must come from them. n(2)用用noteither结构时,其含义等于结构时,其含义等于neither或或nor,但由它引起的句子不可,但由它引起的句子不可倒装。例如:倒装。例如:nShe hasnt fin

177、ished the assignment yet, and I havent either. (其含义等于其含义等于and neither have I。)n 此外尚需将此外尚需将neither, nor作连词和形容作连词和形容词及代词的用法与词及代词的用法与neither, nor作连词作连词和形容词及代词的用法与和形容词及代词的用法与neither, nor作副词引起的倒装结构区别开来。如:作副词引起的倒装结构区别开来。如:nOne hundred years ago there were neither electric lamps nor electric motors (作连词,连接

178、两个具作连词,连接两个具有否定意义的主语。有否定意义的主语。)nDry wood will not conduct electricity, nor will glass.n We cannot see electrons, neither can we see protons and neutrons.n在在no sooner than, scarcelywhen (before),hardlywhen句型中,若句型中,若no sooner, hardly等位于句首,主句语序等位于句首,主句语序一般倒装,但当这些状语不在句首时,一般倒装,但当这些状语不在句首时,就不必用装语序。例如:就不必用

179、装语序。例如:nNo sooner had the speaker ended his speech than stormy applause broke out in the hall. 这句话,主句如这句话,主句如改为改为The speaker had no sooner ended his speech than 则主谓语不则主谓语不倒装。同样,倒装。同样,Scarcely had he gone out when it started to rain, 如改为如改为He had scarcely gone out,主谓语也不必主谓语也不必倒装。倒装。倒装要点1n具有否定意义的词或短语置

180、于句首时,句子一般部分倒装,即将be动词、助动词或情态动词提到主语前。这类词或短语包括:not, never, seldom, hardly, rarely, scarcely, by no means, under no circumstances, in no way, at no time, no sooner(than), hardly(when), not only(but also)等 nNever has my brother been abroad before.nHardly had I sat down when I heard someone knocking at th

181、e door.nNo sooner had he returned than he bought a fine house and went to live there.倒装要点2n as 或though引导的让步装语从句常用倒装。一般将一些形容词、副词等置于句首。例如: n Prominent as he is in his field, he remains easy-going.nWealthy as he is, I dont envy him.倒装要点3n当so, often, only等表示程度或频率的副词置于句首时,句子一般倒装。例如:nSo great was the dest

182、ruction that the south took decades to recovery.nOften does he warn us not to touch the poisonous chemical.nOnly in this way can we accomplish it on time.倒装要点4n 在省略if的虚拟条件状语从句中有were, had, should等助动词时,把他们放在句子开头,后面倒装。n Were there no air or water, there would be no life in the world.n 倒装要点5 n 在Hardly.w

183、hen.nNo sooner- than 等时间状语从句中从句用过去完成时,表示仅先于主句的动作很短的时间,与主句的动作几乎同步完成。Hardly had I got on the bus when it started to move.我刚上了公交车,它就启动了。n no sooner.than 一。就nNo sooner had I gone out than he came to see me. 我一出去,他就来看我了。全部倒装n当当out, in, away, up, bang等方位或拟等方位或拟声词置于句首时,句子一般全部倒装。声词置于句首时,句子一般全部倒装。此类倒装句比正常语序的

184、句子更生动、此类倒装句比正常语序的句子更生动、形象。但如主语是代词,句子则不倒装。形象。但如主语是代词,句子则不倒装。例如:例如:nAway she went.nAway flew the bird.nBang goes my ace. 全部倒装n 1.概念n 2. 实例全部倒装n当当there, here, then, now等副词置于等副词置于句首,且谓语动词为句首,且谓语动词为come, go, be等词等词时,句子一般全部倒装,此类倒装句旨时,句子一般全部倒装,此类倒装句旨在引起别人注意。但如果主语是代词,在引起别人注意。但如果主语是代词,句子则不倒装。例如:句子则不倒装。例如:nLo

185、ok! Here comes the taxi.nHere are some letters for you to type.n1. Only recently to realize the dangers caffeine (咖啡因) might bring to our health.nA. that scientists beganB. have scientists begunnC. scientists have begunD. that did scientists beginn2. Not until the year of 1954 made the capital of th

186、is country.nA. the city wasB. was the citynC. when the city wasD. was when the cityn3. the doctor right away, he might be alive today.nA. Should he have gone to B. If he went tonC. Were he to goD. Had he gone ton4. “Does your father call you very often?”n“Yes, my father calls about once a week and .

187、”nA. so my brother doesB. my brother does sonC. so does my brotherD. does so my brothern5. _, he felt tired out after the long journey for eight hours.nA. Strong as he is B. The stronger he is nC. Strong man that he is D. For he is strong形容词、副词比较级、倍数和分数n1.主语谓语as形容词/副词的原级as比较对象= 等比句型He works as hard

188、as me. 他工作和我一样努力n2.比较级句型= 差比句型 n比较级句型用于表示两个人或事物之间的差别。它包括两个方面:一是优优等比较,即“甲胜于乙”;一是次次等比较,即“甲不及乙”。n主语谓语形容词/副词比较级(名词)than被比对象- 优n或:主语谓语more/less形容词/副词than被比对象- 差nFacts speak louder than eloquence.nThe new edition of the dictionary is more expensive than the old one.3.n最高级句型n最高级句型用于表示某一事物在一定范围内最突出或某一动作达到最高

189、程度的句子。一般要有一个表示范围的词组。n the形容词/副词最高级(名词)范围词n1. Jane is the tallest girl in the department of public relations. n2. Of all the students. Beth works hardest.n注:引导范围的介词,如果为同一范畴用of,如例2;否则用in, 练习n1. His salary as a driver is much higher .nA. than a teacher B. than that of a teachernC. that of a teacherD. t

190、han those of a teachern2. all the poems I have read recently, Thomas Hardys The Darkling Thrust seems the most relevant to our times.nA. Of B. AmongnC. In D. Aboutn3. To the best of my knowledge, the climate in Arizona is better year-round .nA. than any other state B. than other statesnC. than in an

191、y other stateD. than is any other staten4. Questioning the quality of the air they breathe becomes less important than about the next paycheck.nA. having questioned B. questioningnC. to have questionedD. questionn5. He live in the country than in the city.nA. would B. likes to nC. would ratherD. had

192、 bettern BACB倍数和分数nThis one is four times as big as that onen 这个是那个的4倍大n This is five times bigger than that one.n 这个比那个大5倍。n Your room is the same size of mine.n 你的房间和我的一样大n The income is double what it wasn 现在的收入比过去犯了一番。几分之几n 基数词/序数词n 1/3 one thirdn2/5 two fifths练习n This new coat cost _ the last o

193、ne I bought two years ago.nA. three timesnB. three times as much asnC. three times as muchnD. three times much as n _ of the students in our class are from the north.n A. Two ninethnB. second ninthnC. second ninesnD. Two ninths被动语态n常用于下列几种情况:n动作的执行者无需指出或不明确时。例如: nPrinting was introduced into Europe

194、from China.nRome was not built in a day.n为强调动作的承受者时。例如:nFour people were killed and thirty-one injured in the bomb attack.nSusan was singled out for praise yesterday.n为了修辞的需要。例如:nHe started to complain about this wicked world but was interrupted by a knock at the door.nYesterday he visited our unive

195、rsity and was welcomed by the President.被动语态n 1.若宾语补足语是不带to的不定式,被动要加ton 此类动词以感官动词或使役动词居多n The teacher made me go out of the room.n I was made to go out of the roomnI gave my husband a tie as a birthday present.nMy husband was given a tie as a birthday present.nA tie was given to my husband as a birt

196、hday present.被动语态n2.不及物动词(或相当于一个不及物动词的短语动词)和表示状态的动词(或短语动词)无被动语态形式 n如:happen, rise, occur, take place, break out 等;以及lack, fit suit,equal, become, resemble, befall, consist of, look like等 n3. 系动词无被动语态n appear, be, become, fall, feel, get, grow, keep, look, remain, seem, smell, sound, taste, turnn The

197、 plan sounds good.n The soup tastes sweet.n n4. need, require, want, deserve后动名词是主动形式,但含义是被动的n The door needs repairing.n The door needs to be repaired.n 被动语态n 5. 特殊结构n make sb./oneself Heard/ understood.n 使别人能理解自己n exercisen Is there any possibility of getting the price _ further?nA. reducednB. red

198、ucenC. reducing nD. be reducedn because of many mistakes, she was made _ these letters.nA. typenB. to typingnC. typednD. to typeexercisen_, he will make a first-class tennis player.n A. Giving timenB. To give timenC. Given timenD. Being given timen n4. These oranges nice.nA. are tasted B. taste nC.

199、is tasted D. tastes n5. In 1950, she was the largest ship that .nA. was ever built B. has ever built nC. has ever been built D. had ever been built 常考介词常考介词n 第一组:at,in,onn第二组:about,after,against, around,before, between, by down, during, for, from, of, off, under, up,with At /in/on的区别和联系 在实义的范畴中,用于修饰

200、时间、地点、方位小点at 大内 in, 平面线上要用on At专指时间点,而in专指时间段,on 某日(某时段)抽象存在用at,具体方位要用in 方向目标与情绪,比率速度与价格,上述都要用at At 8 am. On the table, in the morning At school, in the classroom ,at airport 方向目标与情绪,比率速度与价格,状态都要用at n方向: shoot at/ point at/ look at /n目标: aim at /target at n情绪(的原因) :wonder at /toast at n nAt the spee

201、d of 以。的速度nAt the rate of 以。比率nAt the price of 以。的价格n At/ in/ on nIn n方面语言与着装,形式状态与结果n语言: In Chinese n方面:In business transaction 在商品交易上n着装: in uniform , in red n结果: in surprise ,in tears At n at noon, at nightn at six oclockn I arrived at airport, at hotel, at schooln 小地方用at, 大地in;非具体方位at,On 专指、特指nA

202、bout 话题泛泛 而 on 专门特定nAbout science 关于科学nSymposium on Diabetes 肥胖症大会 n关于、在旁、凭借、一就 、特时n都用on n关于 On n在旁边nOn the left side, on the right side nShandong is on the North of Jiangsu n凭借、依靠nLive on bread 靠吃面包求生nBe based on 基于nOn the basis of 依靠。为基础On n一。就= as soon as /uponnOn being informed the news, they se

203、t out. 他们一听到消息就出发了 on hearing the news , we acted on. On 的搭配n on duty 值日,nOn ones shift 某人当班nOn the basis of 基于nCall on 专门拜访顺访,call at nLook on 旁观nOn the whole 总之nOn purpose 故意onnOn behalf of 代表n congratulation on 祝贺nInsist on 坚持nOn no account 绝不nOn the other hand 有形with 无形by ; 语言、产地、时间范围、属性范畴、方向inn

204、 write with a new penn The building is designed by him.n (way;method)n I wrote a novel in Chinese.n In writing, you should pay attention to spelling.有关in固定搭配n in all in vainn in advance in detailn in hopes of in conclusionn in connection with in returnn in addition to in doubtnIn case of in secretn

205、in regard to in publicinn in a word 总之n in my view 按照的看法nIn the name of 以.的名义nIn the long run 长远看nIn the mean time 与此同时n in conclusion 总结语To的用法总结n 1)comparison;比较的对象n superior to ;prior to; junior to;equal to;n similar to; equivalent to n2)修饰关系n answer to; response to; reply to; key ton 回应;反应;回答;问题所

206、在To的用法总结n 进出往来(实义和非实义)n way to ;approach to, access ton ticket to 比喻:门票/方法n (非实义:方法;途径;获得)n 实义:n entry to ; exit to; passage ton 入口、出口、通道To 用法总结3n 趋势或倾向n tend to 倾向于nBe inclined to n be apt to 能够n be liable to 可能 n be prone to 趋向于To 用法总结n 目的、相对、从属 、依据look forward to 期待;n close to 接近n next to 紧邻 acco

207、rding to n appeal to 吸引、上诉 as to 为了 n in order to to the extent 达到程度n with regard to 至于n pay attention to 关注To 的用法nBe+ 形容词+ to nBe surprised to nBe inferior to 差 于 nBe superior to 优于nBe attached to 依附于nCling to 坚持At 加名词构成的词组n at a distance at bestn at hand at mostn at home at any costn at present at

208、 a lossn at sea at alln at willn at workIn 加名词n in return in dangern in short in chargen in theory in casen in tears in body (亲自)n in vain in detail n in view in generaln in practice in trouble doing互为反义的介词n 出来进去: into out of n上面下面: on off 开关n on- under 方位上下n上上下下: ups and downs n走走停停: on and off n里里

209、外外: in and out n具体概括: on and about 互为反义介词n同意反对 : for and against nI am for at this point n I am against punishing him. n 同向反向: in and against nWalk in/ walk against 上面接触与不接触: on and over下面接触与不接触: beneath and under 互为反义介词nOn, over 的区别nOn 小范围,over 覆盖面甚广nChat ,talk over a cup of tea. nLook over 翻阅,大致浏览

210、n喝茶聊天n 开始结束: on and over nSet on / game over n有还是没有: with or without n里里外外: within and beyond n来自去向: from and to n起先后来: before and after nUp , down nCheer up 干杯; speed up 加速nSlow down 减速,calm down 平静nRun out of 用光nUse up 用完nTear off 撕碎n break down 崩溃nDo without 没有也行nGo beyond 远超过nWithin budget 预算内On

211、 off ; on, under nWalk into ,walk out of nTurn on, turn off nPlace on, place under n walk on , work under nBack off 后退方位改变介词n onto, into ,都是方位改变介词Step into 走入Place onto 放到。上面Through 穿过立体面 look through 看穿Across 穿过平面 walk across the riverOf- 具有。的属性n be of importance 有重要意义n of course 当然n of age 岁数n of

212、use 有用n of value 有价值Be adj-from (of)n be absent from tired ofn be different from get bored ofn be far fromn be tired fromn be made from n to keep oneself fromBe adj-ofn be aware ofn be ashamed of n be afraid ofn be bare ofn be clear ofn be certain of 形近介词n of off n的 断,离,终 nThrough throughout n穿过- 全部

213、,到处,整个期间nOn onto n定点在上面- 移动到上面n in into n定点在里面- 移动到里面介词练习n In order to change attitudes_ employing women, the government is bringing in new laws.nA. aboutnB. ofnC. towardsnD. onn Fujian Province lies _ the east of China and Taiwan is _ the east of Fujian.nA. in;innB. to;innC.to;tonD.in;to n They had

214、 a pleasant chat _ a cup of tea.nA. fornB. withnC. duringnD. over反义疑问句 ( 陈述句+ 反问句?)n 1.祈使句用肯定形式,反问句用否定形式;反之亦然n Come here next Sunday, wont you.nDont tell me about it , will you ?n而lets 祈使句用shall we, shant we 反问 n Lets begin our class, shall we?n Lets get down to our business, shant we?n 2. 表拥有,反问句谓语

215、用have ;don You have a new book, havent you.n Dont you ?n3.陈述句用情态动词must 反问句needntn You must take it , neednt you?n 4. 陈述句had better反问句 shouldnt 或hadntn We had better stop chatting, shouldnt we?n5. 陈述句含few, lltle, seldom,hardly,never, not ,no, nothing, neither 反问句用肯定结构n He seldom comes here, does he?n

216、 He never sells fruits, does he ?n 陈述句neither, nor, both, and 连接两个主语,反问句要用复数n Neither you nor I am wrong, are we?n Both Tom and Mary are new here, arent they ?n n I think/suppose/believe/imagine 连接that 宾语从句,反问句应与从句的主语和谓语保持一致;如果主句中用了否定,从句中就要用肯定形式n I dont believe that they have known it, have they?n I

217、 think hell be back in 3 days, wont he?真题n Your mother told me that you overslept this morning, _ ?nA. didnt shenB. didnt younC. did henD. did youn I dont think Mary understood what you said, _?nA. do I nB. didnt shenC. did younD. did shen You never told me have seen the film, _?nA. had younB. didnt

218、 younC. did you nD. Werent you 动词概说n - 动词的分类 n 及不及,系助态,及物跟宾不及止。n 系动跟表助原形,情态跟原补意思。n短语动词分3种, 加介加副或都加n 此外尚有动词名介be形介,n(pay respect to) (be good at)n限定动词有变化 人称单复时语态,限定则指动分不n 特点就是无变化及物动词/不及物动词-动词句型n 只有宾语意思才完整n Lay the pens on the table. n 后无须宾语n 自然界现象,自主意识者或视同者的动作n Flowers perished/wilt .n He lived alone.

219、 nShe sits at her desk.n The bomb exploded. 兼及物不及物动词系动词- 表存在nbe 是nseem 似乎It seems that they understandnget / get back where you belongnfeel /I feel finenlook / her face looked palenbecome / nremain / His life remains unchangednappear turn grow 情态动词n can, may, could, might ,must n 表能够,( can ,could)n表

220、必要性(have to, dont have to,mustnNeedent)n表猜测,表应该(should be,must be,could be,might be,may be,ought be)n 表意愿 (would)n Soldiers must obey ordersn This medicine might cure your coughn You must leave now.短语动词n 1)动词介词n Dont dip into the problem you cant handle. n The continued n动词副词n I wake up earlyn she g

221、ave up the jobn to turn down the invitation n to get off n 动词-名词-介词n we congratulated her on having secured a new job.n we must make full use of time n we pay respect to our ancestors by laying a wreath. Be adj-prepn she is good at playing violinn I am used to the life heren 助动词 ben be, have do,shal

222、l,will,should, wouldn 助动词无词义,不能单独做谓语n构成时态 : I am to leave.一般将来n 被动语态: I am to be kidnappedn n语气之用: I do love Jazz music.(强调)nHad you got up earlier, you would have caught the rain.n (虚拟)n 否定If it doesnt rain n 疑问: Did I tell you this ?n will you go with us?Be n be =v-ing 结构 进行时的各种时态n She is showing

223、a foreign guest round the city. 现在nAll these years they have been fighting for independence. 现在完成进行时 Be v-ed 构成被动语态n History is made by peoplen 历史是人创造的。n you are not allowed to enter that room.n you must be punished for what you have done. Be- to do 动词不定式n 1) 未来打算n A new hospital is to be built in o

224、ut community.n 在我居住的社区将要建一所医院。n I am to leave. n 我要走了。n 表示应该做的事n You are to hand in your exercise tomorrow.n 明天你要交练习n such statements should be criticized.n这种言论应该受到指责。可能或可以做的事n such books are to be found in any libraryn 这种书任何图书馆都有收藏。n Auxiliary verb. Have and do n 助动词have 与v-ed构成完成时态nDo 可用于一般疑问句(回答是

225、否)n和否定句 中n 可以用来加强语气n n By this time next year, we will have turned all the land into rice fieldsn 明年此时,这里将由荒野变为沧田。助动词do 的变化形式n do ,does, did n1)构成疑问句n Do you know what he is talking?n when did you have dinner?n 2)构成否定句n He doesnt have the work doneShall ,willn shall用在第一人称的将来时态中,在问句中也用于第二人称,但只有少数英国人这

226、样。多数用willn I shall graduate this summer.n Will you be free this evening?n2. will 只用在第二三人称将来时态n The future here will be bright. don3) 加强语气n He did tell me about itn 4)倒装n Only then did I realize the importance of production labor.n 5)避免重复n He works very hard, so does she.时态一般时一般时进行时进行时完成时完成时完成进行时完成进行

227、时现在现在StudyStudiesAm studyingIs studyingAre studingHave studiedHas studiedHave been studyingHas been studying过去过去StudiedWas studyingHad studiedHad been studying将来将来Shall studyWill studyShall /will be studyingShall have Will have-Shall /will have been studying过去将过去将来来Should studyWould studyShould /wou

228、ldbe studyingShould have -Would have -Should have been Would have been-n1. John drinks coffee every day. (一般现在时)n2. John drank a coffee last night. (一般过去时)n3. John will drink a coffee before he goes to work. (一般将来时)n4. John is drinking a coffee now. (现在进行时)n5. John was drinking a coffee when I enter

229、ed the room. (过去进行时) n6. John has drunken two coffees this morning. (现在完成时)n7. John has been drinking coffee since five oclock this morning and has already drunken three.(现在完成进行时)n8. John had drunken two coffees before I came in. (过去完成时)n9. John will have drunken three coffees by eleven this morning

230、. (将来完成时) n英语常用九种基本时态复习英语常用九种基本时态复习常用的九种时态用法说明及典型句式:常用的九种时态用法说明及典型句式:句式句式1 S + adv(often, usually, always, sometimes)+V(simple present) + (或或at times, everyday, twice a week.) n表示反复发生的、习惯性的动作以及事物的常态等。如: n I live in Beijing and I often go to Tianan Men Square.n Water boils usually at 100C0.n Though s

231、he gets a good salary, the young lady often borrows money from her friends. 句式句式2 S + V(simple present) + N or others.n表示普遍真理或主语的特征、性格、能力等。如:n Love conquers everything.n The empty vessel makes the greateset sound. n Flies spread disease. n Time and tide stop for no man. 句式句式3 S + V-ed (simple past)

232、+ N or others. n表示过去确定的时刻发生的事件。 n My father died last year.句式句式4 S + V-ed (simple past) + N or others.n表示过去习惯性动作或状态。n I used to swim in this river when I was a young boy.n My brother has given up smoking, but it was just three month ago that he smoke 30 cigarettes a day.句式句式4 S+ will(shall)+V (simpl

233、e future) + N or others. n表示a. 单纯表示即将发生的动作或状态; b. 陈述句中表示说话人的愿望;c. 问句中表示能力、义务。如:句式句式5 S + V (am/is/are +V-ing ) (Present Progressive) + N or others. na. 表示说话时正在进行的动作。b. 表示包括说话时在内的一段时期内正在进行的动作。 如:n The police are talking to a number of people about the robbery. (a.)n Changes are continually taking pla

234、ce in the properties of all bodies around us.(b.) 句式句式6 S + V (am/is/are +V-ing) (Present Progressive) + N or others. n用现在进行时的形式表达“不久(或马上即将)发生的事情。n A:“Where are you going?”nB: “Im going to take the bus to Tianjin.”n Were moving to a new apartment in a highrise. 句式句式7 S + V (was/were +V-ing) (Past Pr

235、ogressive) + N or others. n用于描述过去发生的动作或事件进行的背景,给人以生动的感觉。 如:n It was snowing heavily when Zoya went to the front. 句式句式8 S + V (had +V-ed) (Past perfect ) + N or others.n过去完成时表示过去某一时刻之前就已完成发生或完成了的动作。它也可表示延续到过去某一时刻的动作。如:n Hardly had we got to the harbor when the ship we wanted to take left the dock. n

236、Up tp that moment, all had gone well. 句式句式9 S + V (shall/will+be +V-ing) (Future Progressive) + N or others.n表示将来某一时刻正在进行的动作。通常需有另一将来时刻做背景。如:n I shall be flying to Shanghai on Sunday afternoon. 句式句式10 S + V (shall/will+be +V-ing) (Future Perfect) + N or others.n将来完成时表示将来某一时刻之前完成的动作。通常也需有另一将来时刻做背景。如:

237、n Hurry up, Jack. The movie will have started when we get there. 句式句式11 S + V (shall/will+have+been V-ing) + N or others (Future Perfect Progressive).n将来完成进行时表示将来某一时刻之前一直持续进行的动作。通常也需有另一将来时刻做背景。如:n By tomorrow afternoon, we have have been flying over the other side of the Pacific Ocean.时态n 11一般现在进时n一

238、般现在时通常表示习惯动作、一般状态、客观规律和永恒真理。如果主语是第三人称单数,其动词后需加s或es。n常和副词usually,often,always,sometimesnNearly, every year(week) 连用n1.2 表起始动词,一般现在时表按规定、计划、安排要发生的动作:be,go,come,start, depart, arrive, begin, leaven The plane leaves at 3:30 p.m.n The bank opens at 9:00 a.m. and closes at 17:00 p.m.句型nHe always gets up l

239、ate on Sundays.nHe lives on a lonely island in the Pacific Ocean.nThe sun rises in the east and sets in the west.提示n在以as soon as, when, after等引导的时间状语从句中, 或以if, unless等引导的条件状语从句中,通常使用一般现在时态。例如:nIll ring you as soon as he comes back.nYoull succeed if you try your best.一般过去时n一般过去时表示过去某个特定时间发生且一下子就完成的动作

240、,也可表示过去习惯性的动作。一般过去时不强调动作对现在的影响,只说明过去。例如:nI had a word with Mary this morning.nHe smoked forty cigarettes a day until he gave up.一般过去时n1)一般过去时常与表示过去的时间状语或从句连用,如yesterday, last week, in 1993, at that ntime, once, during the war, before, a few days ago, when等。n2)“used to +动词原形”表示“过去经常”而现在已经停止的习惯动作。例如:n

241、He used to work fourteen hours a day.n另外,注意区别 “used to ”和 “be/get/become used to ”。后者意为“习惯于”,to为介词,后跟名词或动名词。n一般将来时n一般将来时表示某个将来时间会发生的动作或情况,也可表示将来反复发生的动作或习惯性的动作。例如:nHe will take part in an important race across the country.nThe students will have five English classes per week this term.重点nbe going to,

242、 be to, be about to ,intend to ,plan to, 等也可表示将来的动作,但它们常常表示打算、计划、安排和即将要发生的动作。Will表示说话人认为、相信、希望或假定要发生的动作或情况。将来进行时n将来进行时表示将来某时正在发生的持续的动作。其构成:willbe动词的现在分词。例如:nIll be having an English class this time tomorrow.nMost of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station.现在进行时n现在进行时表示说话时正在进

243、行的动作,也表示目前一段时间内正在进行的活动。表示后一种情况时,动作也一定正在进行。nThey are constructing that buildng.nSteve is studying Chinese best.n)并非所有动词都有进行时,有些表示状态和感觉的动词通常无进行时,除非这类动词的词义发生变化。这类动词有:be, love, like, hate, believe, think, feel, seem等。例如:nDo you see anyone over there?nAre you seeing someone off? (see off 意思是“送行”)n2)现在进行时

244、也可表示将来的动作:它指按人们的计划、安排将要发生的动作或指即将n开始的动作。例如:nIm leaving for Beijing tomorrow.nImagine Im seeing the Mona Lisa.过去进行时n过去进行时表示过去某时正在发生的动作,也可表示过去某段时间内正在发生或反复发生的动作。例如:nYesterday afternoon Frank Hawkings was telling me his experiences as a young man.nBill was coughing all night long.现在完成时n现在完成时表示目前已完成的动作或刚刚

245、完成的动作, 也可表示从过去某一刻发生,现在仍延续着的动作或情况。此时态强调动作对现在的影响。 nThe conference has lasted for five days.nHes just bought an unusual taxi.提示n当句子中出现表示到现在为止这段时间的状语时,谓语动词一般用现在完成时。此类n状语有up to (till) now, so far, these days, this summer, for(后接一段时间的短语),since(后接过去某个具体时间)等。例如:nWe havent seen each other again since we grad

246、uated in 1987.n)句中谓语动词是用一般过去时还是用现在完成时主要取决于动作是否对现在有影响。nWhat did she say about it?nI have lived in Beijing for 15 years.过去完成时n过去完成时表示过去某时之前已完成的动作或状况。在时间上,它属于“过去的过去”。在句中常有明显的参照动作或有表示“到过去某时为止”的时间状语。例如:nBy the end of the war, the small workshop had become a large factory.nThey found that a stream had for

247、med in the field.将来完成时n将来完成时表示将来某时前已完成的动作,它也可用来表示推测。例如:nThey will have stayed here for five months next week.nBy the end of next month, they will have studied twenty passages.现在完成进行时n现在完成时和现在完成进行时的区别是:前者一般表示已结束的动作或情况,它强调对现在的影响。后者一般表示仍在进行或刚刚还在进行的动作或情况,它强调动作的延续性。例如:nI have thought it over.n我已经考虑过这件事了。

248、nI have been thinking it over.n我一直考虑这件事。nBe careful! Peter has been painting the car.n注意!彼得刚才还在给这部车上油漆。(油漆尚未干)时态一致n 1.当主句谓语使用现在时或将来时,从句要根据具体情况来定n He says he lives in wuhan.n We hope that there will be many people at the party.n 时态一致n主句谓语使用过去时,从句谓语必须使用过去范围的时态n He said he was writing a novel.n He said

249、 he had finished his writing the novel.n He said he would be writing a novel.n He said he had been writing a novel in those days.真理、事实、一贯动作;从句的谓语用一般现在时n The teacher told me that the sun rises from the east.n She said she always get up at 6 oclock.n 主句主语动词表命令、请求、建议、劝告,从句谓语只能用虚拟语气n We insisted that we

250、 do it ourselves.n He suggested everything be in its place before he came.n It is suggested that a group be formed to deal with this incident. 真题n Mrs. White became a teacher in 1990.she _for twenty years by next summer.nA. will teachnB. would have taughtnC. has been teachingnD. will have been teach

251、ing. 真题2n “The latest car must have cost you a pretty penny.” “Oh, no, _”.nA. it didntnB. it mustntn C. it hasntnD. it must havent. n1.Even if it this afternoon, I will go there.nA. has rained B. will rain C. rains D. will have rainedn last year and is now earning his living as an advertising agent.

252、nA. He would leave school B. He left schoolnC. He had left school D. He has left schooln3. We each other for ten years.nA. had known B. have knownnC. have been knowing D. know n 4. They fulfilled the plan earlier than they .A. have expected B. expected C. were expecting D. had expected 5. “Will she

253、finish the work soon?”“Yes, she it by next Friday. ”A. shall finish B. finishC. have finished D. will have finishedn6. It almost every day so far this month.nA. is raining B. rained nC. rains D. has been rainingn7. My wife .nA. has forever criticized me B. forever criticizing menC. was forever criticizing me D. is forever criticizing men8. He in a small workshop, but now he is the head of a big business company.nA. used to working B. was used to work nC. used to work D. was used to working



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