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1、Bilibili Bilibili 夏夏- ( - ( - - ) ) 乾杯乾杯 - - GuoHaonans 伐木累 Sittinginadarkmovietheater,leaningforwardSittinginadarkmovietheater,leaningforwardwithyoureyesfixedon(withyoureyesfixedon(双眼紧盯双眼紧盯)thescreenand)thescreenandhandsclenchinghandsclenching(握紧,握紧,抓抓紧紧) theedgeofthetheedgeoftheseat,youhearthecoup


3、ourexperience.Butsomewhatforruiningyourexperience.Butsomewhatbizarrely,theseinterruptionsbizarrely,theseinterruptions(打断打断) havehavethemselvesbecomeaformofentertainmentthoughthemselvesbecomeaformofentertainmentthoughatleast,thecreatorsofthese“interruptions”atleast,thecreatorsofthese“interruptions”ha

4、vethegoodgracetodothemintextform.havethegoodgracetodothemintextform.VideostreamingwebsitesVideostreamingwebsites(弹幕网站弹幕网站) inChinahaveinChinahaveproventobefertileproventobefertile(肥(肥沃的沃的) groundforagiantgroundforagiant(巨(巨大的大的)communityof“subtitlesshooters”communityof“subtitlesshooters”(字幕字幕射射手手) w

5、horevelwhorevel(陶醉)(陶醉) inthecreationandspreadofinthecreationandspreadofmemesmemes(么么哒么么哒),slangterms,slangterms(俚语俚语),andpop,andpopculturereferencesculturereferences(流行文化流行文化),whichfindtheirway,whichfindtheirwayontoscreensduringmovies,insubtitleontoscreensduringmovies,insubtitle(字幕字幕) form.form.The

6、“BulletSubtitle”featurehasbeenadoptedThe“BulletSubtitle”featurehasbeenadopted( 采采用用) bythebiggestvideowebsitesinChinasuchasbythebiggestvideowebsitesinChinasuchasTudouandiQiyi,andevenappearedduringatheaterTudouandiQiyi,andevenappearedduringatheaterscreeningofTinyTimes3screeningofTinyTimes3( 小时代小时代3 3

7、).Itevenmade.ItevenmadeitswayintoclasseswhenaprofessoratauniversityitswayintoclasseswhenaprofessoratauniversityinWuhanallowedstudentstocreatelivesubtitlesinWuhanallowedstudentstocreatelivesubtitlesduringclasspresentations.Thisfunctionduringclasspresentations.Thisfunction( 功能功能) alsobecamepossibledur

8、ingaliveconcertbyChinesealsobecamepossibleduringaliveconcertbyChinesepopduetYuQuanpopduetYuQuan( 羽泉羽泉). .Theservice,orphenomenonTheservice,orphenomenon(现现象)象),iscalled,iscalleddnmdnm,whichliterallywhichliterally(字字面面上的上的意思)意思) translatestotranslatesto“bulletsubtitles”.Thewordreferstothecommentaries“

9、bulletsubtitles”.Thewordreferstothecommentaries( 评论评论) shootingacrossthescreen,inthestyleshootingacrossthescreen,inthestyleofanarcadeshootinggameofanarcadeshootinggame(街机游(街机游戏戏).Originally.OriginallyfromJapan,“bulletsubtitles”aresaidtohavefromJapan,“bulletsubtitles”aresaidtohavecometoChinathankstoa

10、nimeloversandfollowerscometoChinathankstoanimeloversandfollowers(动动漫漫爱好爱好者)者) ofwhatwouldcommonlybeconsideredofwhatwouldcommonlybeconsideredotakuotaku(御宅族)(御宅族) culture.culture.Althoughinitially“bulletsubtitles”wereofferedAlthoughinitially“bulletsubtitles”wereofferedforformsofanimationforformsofanim

11、ation(动动画)画) thatareoftenthatareoftenreferredtoastwo-dimensionalworks(referredtoastwo-dimensionalworks(二二次元次元,2-D),2-D),threedimensionalworks(threedimensionalworks(三三次元次元)thosethatinvolve)thosethatinvolverealpeoplesuchasfilmsandTVshowsbeganrealpeoplesuchasfilmsandTVshowsbeganfollowingthetrendfollowi

12、ngthetrend(潮(潮流流). .WebsitessuchasWebsitessuchasAcFunAcFun(A A站)站) andandBilibili(BBilibili(B站站) )themselvesbecamethesubjectsthemselvesbecamethesubjects ofaffectionofaffectionandadmirationandadmiration(意(意译译为为圣地)圣地). .TocinephilesTocinephiles( 影迷影迷),“bulletsubtitles”,“bulletsubtitles”soundslikeablas


14、bulletcommentaries:Thereareseveralmaintypesofbulletcommentaries:Snarkyremarks(Snarkyremarks(吐嘈吐嘈tucao)directedtowardsthetucao)directedtowardstheChinesesubtitles,actors,charactersinthevideo,Chinesesubtitles,actors,charactersinthevideo,orplotprogressionorplotprogression(情(情节节发展发展). .Generalcomments:su



17、d.overlooked.InteractionsInteractions(互(互动动) amongusers:thereareoftenamongusers:thereareoftendiscussionsamongviewers,suchasifcheatingisdiscussionsamongviewers,suchasifcheatingisjustified.SometimestherecanbeaQ&Aregardingjustified.SometimestherecanbeaQ&Aregardingotherviewerscomments,e.g.whyBenedictoth

18、erviewerscomments,e.g.whyBenedictCumberbatchiscalled“CurlyFu”,whyWatsonis“peanutCumberbatchiscalled“CurlyFu”,whyWatsonis“peanut( 花花生生)” ”,andwhyKristenStewartis“facial,andwhyKristenStewartis“facialparalysisgirlparalysisgirl(面(面瘫脸瘫脸)” ”. .Insidejokesormemes.Forinstance,theopeningInsidejokesormemes.Fo

19、rinstance,theopeningsequenceofeveryPersonofInterestsequenceofeveryPersonofInterest(疑犯追踪疑犯追踪) episodeepisode(集)(集) beginswithviewersfillingthebeginswithviewersfillingthescreenwith“You/Wearebeingmadeintoawatch”.screenwith“You/Wearebeingmadeintoawatch”.Thejokefirstbeganwhentheopeningline“weareThejokefi


21、幕,双手紧握座椅坐在漆黑的电影院里,双眼紧紧盯着前方的屏幕,双手紧握座椅的把手,你听到你身后的一对的把手,你听到你身后的一对“窃窃私语窃窃私语”:“那是马特那是马特达蒙达蒙吗?吗?” “马特达蒙是哪只?马特达蒙是哪只?” “谍影重重里的那只啊!谍影重重里的那只啊!”大多数你会白他们几眼,好讨厌他们毁了你的观影过程。但是有大多数你会白他们几眼,好讨厌他们毁了你的观影过程。但是有点奇特的是,这些打断观影成为了一种娱乐形式点奇特的是,这些打断观影成为了一种娱乐形式虽然至少,虽然至少,这些个这些个“打断的字眼打断的字眼”的创始人以文字的形式玩的乐此不疲。的创始人以文字的形式玩的乐此不疲。中国的视频网站

22、对于广大中国的视频网站对于广大“发弹幕狂人发弹幕狂人”来说可是片广阔的沃土,来说可是片广阔的沃土,他们着迷于在电影屏幕上以字幕的形式创造和扩散他们着迷于在电影屏幕上以字幕的形式创造和扩散“么么哒么么哒”这这种文化词啦,俚语啦,和流行文化。种文化词啦,俚语啦,和流行文化。“弹幕弹幕”已被中国最大的视频网站,比如土豆和爱奇艺采用,甚已被中国最大的视频网站,比如土豆和爱奇艺采用,甚至小时代至小时代3 3线下上映时也有出现。它甚至在武汉大学里,被线下上映时也有出现。它甚至在武汉大学里,被一位教授运用到课堂上,他允许学生在做课堂展示时可以实时发一位教授运用到课堂上,他允许学生在做课堂展示时可以实时发弹幕

23、。中国流行音乐二人组羽泉的演唱会上也用上了这种功能。弹幕。中国流行音乐二人组羽泉的演唱会上也用上了这种功能。这种这种服服务务,或或是说现是说现象象,被,被称称为为“ “弹幕弹幕(dnmdnm!筒子筒子们们再再不不要要读错读错啦啦),翻翻译译成成“ “bulletsubtitles”bulletsubtitles”。这个。这个名名词词指指的是在屏幕的是在屏幕上弹出的上弹出的评论评论,以一种,以一种街机射街机射击击游游戏戏的的赶脚赶脚。最。最先起源日先起源日本,本,据据说说“ “弹幕弹幕” ”传传到中国到中国都都是是动动漫漫爱好爱好者者的功的功劳劳,通常通常被被看作看作是是御宅御宅族族文化的一种。

24、文化的一种。虽然一虽然一开开始始“ “弹幕弹幕” ”只是只是动动漫漫的一种的一种吐槽吐槽形式形式(通常指(通常指的是二的是二次元)次元),如,如今今三三次元次元那些有那些有真真人出演的电影和电视人出演的电影和电视剧剧也也赶赶上上了这了这股潮股潮流。流。A A站和站和B B站成为了弹幕站成为了弹幕者者们们喜喜爱和爱和崇拜崇拜的的圣地圣地。对于影迷来说,对于影迷来说,“ “弹幕弹幕” ”听上听上去就去就是种不是种不知知好好歹歹的打断观影的行为。的打断观影的行为。但是对于但是对于“ “弹幕弹幕” ”狂狂热热爱好爱好者者来说,弹幕来说,弹幕让让观影观影更更有有意思意思,更开心更开心,并并值值得得一一遍


26、是是否正当否正当。有。有时时候候也可以是也可以是关关于于其其他观他观众众评论评论的的问问答答,比如:为,比如:为什什么本么本尼尼迪克迪克特特 康伯巴康伯巴奇奇叫叫卷福卷福,为,为什什么么华华生生叫叫“花花生生”,还还有为有为什什么么克克里里斯汀斯汀 斯斯图图尔尔特是特是“面面瘫脸瘫脸”。圈内笑圈内笑话话:举举个个例子例子,每集每集疑犯追踪疑犯追踪的的开开场场,观,观众都众都在在屏幕上打屏幕上打满满了了“你们你们/ /我我们们正正在被做成在被做成表表。”这个这个笑笑话话起先起先源源于于开开场场白白“我我们们正正被被监监视着视着”直直译译就就变变成了成了“我我们们正正被做被做成成表表”,观,观众众

27、把这种把这种错误错误的的翻翻译译当当成了成了传统传统。If you think thats all,sorry,all above is just a start.If you think thats all,sorry,all above is just a start.Then,lets introduce the website we like most BilibiliThis This is is the the covertitle covertitle -page(-page(主主页页) )of of bilibilibilibiliYes,the reason Yes,the

28、reason is the bullet is the bullet subtitle whose subtitle whose another name another name is barrage.is barrage.This is the boundary(界面) where you can shoot the bullet subtitle.Justlikethis.视频数视频数据据informationinformation之之前的弹幕前的弹幕pastbarragepastbarrage发发送界面(首先送界面(首先你你得得.)shootingpartshootingpart(fi

29、rst.first.)控制界面控制界面controlthesizecontrolthesize、definitiondefinition(清晰度)(清晰度)andlightandlightYoucansetthesubtitleoffhere.If the wifi is availble,we can If the wifi is availble,we can surf the Internet to see the surf the Internet to see the bilibili and load an account to bilibili and load an accou

30、nt to shoot some bullet subtitles.shoot some bullet subtitles.If not,sorry,not.If not,sorry,not.Next,we will Next,we will introduce a introduce a special kind of special kind of words - just words - just like this QAQ like this QAQ qwqqwqAn emotion icon, better known by the portmanteau An emotion ic

31、on, better known by the portmanteau An emotion icon, better known by the portmanteau An emotion icon, better known by the portmanteau emoticon is a metacommunicative pictorial emoticon is a metacommunicative pictorial emoticon is a metacommunicative pictorial emoticon is a metacommunicative pictoria

32、l representation of a facial expression that, in the representation of a facial expression that, in the representation of a facial expression that, in the representation of a facial expression that, in the absence of body language and prosody, serves to draw a absence of body language and prosody, s

33、erves to draw a absence of body language and prosody, serves to draw a absence of body language and prosody, serves to draw a receivers attention to the tenor or temper of a receivers attention to the tenor or temper of a receivers attention to the tenor or temper of a receivers attention to the ten

34、or or temper of a senders nominal non-verbal communication, changing senders nominal non-verbal communication, changing senders nominal non-verbal communication, changing senders nominal non-verbal communication, changing and improving its interpretation. It expresses usually and improving its inter

35、pretation. It expresses usually and improving its interpretation. It expresses usually and improving its interpretation. It expresses usually by means of punctuation marks (though it can include by means of punctuation marks (though it can include by means of punctuation marks (though it can include

36、 by means of punctuation marks (though it can include numbers and letters) a persons feelings or mood, numbers and letters) a persons feelings or mood, numbers and letters) a persons feelings or mood, numbers and letters) a persons feelings or mood, though as emoticons have become more popular, some

37、 though as emoticons have become more popular, some though as emoticons have become more popular, some though as emoticons have become more popular, some devices have provided stylized pictures that do not use devices have provided stylized pictures that do not use devices have provided stylized pic

38、tures that do not use devices have provided stylized pictures that do not use punctuation.punctuation.punctuation.punctuation.In Western countries, emoticons are usually written at In Western countries, emoticons are usually written at In Western countries, emoticons are usually written at In Wester

39、n countries, emoticons are usually written at a right angle to the direction of the text. Users from a right angle to the direction of the text. Users from a right angle to the direction of the text. Users from a right angle to the direction of the text. Users from Japan popularized a kind of emotic

40、ons called kaomojis Japan popularized a kind of emoticons called kaomojis Japan popularized a kind of emoticons called kaomojis Japan popularized a kind of emoticons called kaomojis ( often confused with emojis in the West) that can be often confused with emojis in the West) that can be often confus

41、ed with emojis in the West) that can be often confused with emojis in the West) that can be understood without tilting ones head to the left. This understood without tilting ones head to the left. This understood without tilting ones head to the left. This understood without tilting ones head to the

42、 left. This style arose on ASCII NET of Japan in 1986.style arose on ASCII NET of Japan in 1986.style arose on ASCII NET of Japan in 1986.style arose on ASCII NET of Japan in 1986.Different emotions such as ()(-_-)(), are Different emotions such as ()(-_-)(), are Different emotions such as ()(-_-)()

43、, are Different emotions such as ()(-_-)(), are expressed by changing the character representing expressed by changing the character representing expressed by changing the character representing expressed by changing the character representing the eyes, for example T can be used to express the eyes,

44、 for example T can be used to express the eyes, for example T can be used to express the eyes, for example T can be used to express crying or sadness (T_T). T_T may also be used as crying or sadness (T_T). T_T may also be used as crying or sadness (T_T). T_T may also be used as crying or sadness (T_

45、T). T_T may also be used as meaning unimpressed. The emphasis on the eyes is meaning unimpressed. The emphasis on the eyes is meaning unimpressed. The emphasis on the eyes is meaning unimpressed. The emphasis on the eyes is reflected in the common usage of emoticons that reflected in the common usag

46、e of emoticons that reflected in the common usage of emoticons that reflected in the common usage of emoticons that use only the eyes, e.g. . Looks of stress are use only the eyes, e.g. . Looks of stress are use only the eyes, e.g. . Looks of stress are use only the eyes, e.g. . Looks of stress are

47、represented by the likes of (x_x) while (-_-;) is a represented by the likes of (x_x) while (-_-;) is a represented by the likes of (x_x) while (-_-;) is a represented by the likes of (x_x) while (-_-;) is a generic emoticon for nervousness, the semicolon generic emoticon for nervousness, the semico

48、lon generic emoticon for nervousness, the semicolon generic emoticon for nervousness, the semicolon indicating sweat that occurs during anxiety. indicating sweat that occurs during anxiety. indicating sweat that occurs during anxiety. indicating sweat that occurs during anxiety. Repeating the / mark

49、 can indicate Repeating the / mark can indicate Repeating the / mark can indicate Repeating the / mark can indicate embarrassment by symbolizing blushing. Characters embarrassment by symbolizing blushing. Characters embarrassment by symbolizing blushing. Characters embarrassment by symbolizing blush

50、ing. Characters like hyphens or periods can replace the underscore; like hyphens or periods can replace the underscore; like hyphens or periods can replace the underscore; like hyphens or periods can replace the underscore; the period is often used for a smaller, cuter the period is often used for a

51、 smaller, cuter the period is often used for a smaller, cuter the period is often used for a smaller, cuter mouth or to represent a nose, e.g. (.). mouth or to represent a nose, e.g. (.). mouth or to represent a nose, e.g. (.). mouth or to represent a nose, e.g. (.). Alternatively, the mouth/nose ca

52、n be left out Alternatively, the mouth/nose can be left out Alternatively, the mouth/nose can be left out Alternatively, the mouth/nose can be left out entirely, e.g. ().entirely, e.g. ().entirely, e.g. ().entirely, e.g. ().( )( () ) * *罒罒 罒罒* *o(*o(* ) ) 拍桌狂笑拍桌狂笑! !o(*o(* ) ) 拍断了拍断了 _ _|。( ( )/()/( )/()/( )/)/大大冷冷场场( ( ) ) ( ( ) ) 前前辈辈们们都辛苦都辛苦啦啦( llllll



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