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1、1. Education in ChinaEducation in China today has been developing rapidly./ In many provinces, it is compulsory and free. /Most children start school at the age of six. /They attend 5 years of elementary school/and 6 years of high school. /膏寥昨蚌羊垃菌胖殃趴蚜珐证僳梧台蛙朗硷祁旨渗柳哟钩未授腕昧满蛊动高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版1. Educa

2、tion in ChinaAfter graduation from high school, /a student can start his higher education in a two-year college, a four-year college, a university, or a specialized professional school. / Most colleges admit students on the basis of their entrance examination records. /The cost of a college educatio

3、n is not very high. /And the greater part of it is met by their families, though students can get support from their college. / Many students receive scholarships from the school, the government, or private foundations and organizations. /津窟夯泡草割柠醇未檀跳部入腹康洲暑它振垫汪豪赚恼棚茸别捌笑蓖澈吼高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版Education

4、 in ChinaThough great progress has been made in China in the field of education, /there is still a comparatively large part of the population in the country who cannot read and write. / (150 words)酥夺寒觉颤嘛虽较惠驮悄软屑厄修释惹噬诸慌落摩坎台驮飞配菇绽育窒橙高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版Words and Expressions:1. compulsory adj. that must

5、be done because of a law or a rule 2. attend vt. to go regularly to a place 3. elementary adj. in or connected with the first stages of a course of study 4. scholarship n. an amount of money given to sb. by an organization to help pay for theireducation 5. comparatively adv. as compared to sth. I sb

6、. else 机湖怨卧址搽毯荣衅李灸争像谦芝雅弓企悉懦抖佣镇夏照伴呻遇袄抚兽泅高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版2. Dreams Dreams are a product of the sleepers mind. They include events and feelings that he has experienced. Most dreams are related to events of the day before the dream and the strong wishes of the dreamer. Many minor incidents of the ho

7、urs before sleep appear in dreams. Few events more than two days old turn up. Deep wishes or fears, especially those held since childhood, often appear in dreams, and many dreams fulfill such wishes. Events in the sleepers surroundings, a loud noise, for example, may become part of a dream, but they

8、 do not cause dreams.独垮弄孩镐居斯圣段驹韵垃右蛀扣日滴惟暖石甄佐共洞饲湘百灌院癣稻韶高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版 Some dreams involve deep feelings that a person may not realize he has. Psychiatrists often use material from a patients dreams to help the person understand himself better. Dreaming may help maintain good learning ability, me

9、mory, and emotional adjustment. (137 words)袁炉菱苫乞弛特后忘驱农质洋冲澳蒂搂瓷祥阅讼谓陶梭甸羚李割叮贾撒槐高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版Words and Expressions:1. minor adj. smaller, less important 2. incident n. event, esp. one of less importance than others3. appear vi. come into view, become visible 4. fulfill v. perform or complete a tas

10、k, duty, etc.5. emotional adj. of or relating to emotion 错来恼摹讯劝奈鱼剧狐羊庞供泛驾佰雌猩消态雨噪拽妒楷誓陛喂候智糠瞬高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版3. Emotions According to psychologists, an emotion is aroused when a man or animal views something as either bad or good. When a person feels like running away from something he thinks will h

11、urt him, we call this emotion fear. If the person wants to remove the danger by attacking it, we call the emotion anger. The emotions of joy and love are aroused when we think something can help us. An emotion does not have to be created by something in the outside world. It can be created by a pers

12、ons thoughts.羹豹适张碑偿昼票枣映踪峭烧恩敖瓦充驱抱销泛紧其灰茧幂疚钢乐陋骸挎高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版 Everyone has emotions, but many psychologists believe that infants are born without emotions. They believe children learn emotions just as they learn to read and write. A growing child not only learns his emotions but learns how to ac

13、t in certain situations because of an emotion. (136 words)滔弟嘛雏泊沪歼秃返嵌张份医鸿晾坞缸频捆澜宋顺暖南互颗讥豪幌伟瓶匿高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版Words and Expressions:1. psychologist n. student of or expert in psychology 2. emotion n. excitement or disturbance of the mind or (more usu.) the feelings 3. remove v. take sth./ sb. away f

14、rom one place to another 4. attack v. make a violent attempt to hurt, overcome or defeat sb./ sth. 5:arouse v. cause (sth.) to appear; awaken 廊辗蹲雕著颁烩憎狠鹊些悔蘑扑揉顺淤卯桅句绍松孟轰试衍勘站蠢彤扳夯高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版4. Re-employment of Laid-off Workers The issue of re-employment has emerged with large numbers of surplus

15、labourers having been laid off. There is no doubt that it would lead to endless trouble if the surplus were not reorganized properly. In order to maintain social stability and to secure peoples normal living standards, it is essential to work out solutions to the problem. 鬼砚歌荡货撇莉耽宛夕靴锈拾笔降铁酒愤首闽儡酵孺怨蜂堪源

16、链篆宝豌应高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版 Solving the problem is a two-way operation as far as the government and workers are concerned. On the one hand, the government at all levels should try every possible means to create a wide range of employment options open to laid-off workers; on the other hand, these worke

17、rs ought not to sit idle and wait for opportunities to come. So long as they dont lose heart and constantly strive to better themselves, their futures will be bright. (134 words)料焰承椰屑潘塔翠祥缕帜掳椒曾环吐蛀韦艰离饭牵渺山骏倦椰桅班鲤趋兄高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版Words and Expressions:1. re-employment n. act of employing again2. sur

18、plus n. amount left over after one has used all that one needs; amount by which money received is greater than money spent 3. stability n. quality or state of being stable 4. concern v. be about (sth.); have as a subject 5. constantly adv. continuously; frequently 粉小送景倔食肆厨洪冠杏卑铸恃攀封渭积挣清径校聘霓豹消鹿惯禽测叙撒高分突

19、破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版5. Describing People Faces, like fingerprints, are unique. Did you ever wonder how it is possible for us to recognize people? Even a skilled writer probably could not describe all the features that make one face different from another. Yet a very young child-even an animal, such as

20、a pigeoncan learn to recognize faces. We all take this ability for granted. We also tell people apart by how they behave. When we talk about someones personality, we mean the ways in which he or she acts, speaks, thinks and feels that make that individual different from others.他燎搏桌费贺挞茹隆滤傻瓜糙阑洋孕撒截歇蛆词晰

21、踪照绷鬼勘何旺剿啼木高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版 Like the human face, human personality is very complex. But describing someones personality in words is somewhat easier than describing his face. If you were asked to describe what a nice face looked like, you probably would have a difficult time doing so. But if you w

22、ere asked to describe a nice person, you might begin to think about someone who was kind, considerate, friendly and warm. (162 )撇缅恭溃距糕兴视融乒淫酿搞佰菊负立戮减簿闪帘鸳鹤膀裹局腾溯乓碴熟高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版6. Physical Activity Most young people enjoy some form of physical activity. / It might be walking, cycling or swimming,

23、 or in winter, skating or skiing. / It might be a game of some kind like football, hockey, golf or tennis, or it might be mountaineering. /辱组耍悦酪酱梁萌损剐湿词署荫萎古账痉尸印榴狂靴碧馒务隆氏稍讹顶群高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版 Those who have a passion for climbing high and difficult mountains are often looked upon with astonishment.

24、/ Why are men and women willing to suffer cold and hardship, and to take risks on high mountains? / This astonishment is probably caused by the difference between mountaineering and other forms of activity to which men give their leisure. /件富蝉潘玖搀抑鳞譬岛露怎堵密战例嫂团质邦扮泊赡聊愿吏卷吱簿淬吏摩高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版 If we c

25、ompare mountaineering and other more familiar sports, we might think that one big difference is that mountaineering is not a team sport. / We should be mistaken in this. / There are, it is true, no matches between teams of climbers. / However, when climbers are on a rock face linked by a rope / on w

26、hich their lives may depend, there is obviously teamwork. / (160 words)诈龟绚虱簿恒朵龟摘外右深缔嫁季垃埂徽缔膨然肖聘粤怖尉鹅镀虑杀烃戌高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版7. The Clever Man Nasreddin An old man died and left his son a lot of money. But the son was a foolish young man: he quickly spent all the money, and soon he had nothing left. O

27、f course, when that happened, all his friends left him. When he was quite poor and alone, he went to see Nasreddin, who was a kind, clever old man and often helped people when they had troubles.My money is finished and my friends have gone, said the young man. What will happen to me now? 窟浦替虚掖十勉昨捕非报

28、退罐宜烟叛升押嫉什透陨佃揽郊吧卤涌垣渐用掌高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版Dont worry, young man, answered Nasreddin, Everything will soon be all right again and you will soon feel much happier.The young man was very glad. Am I going to get rich again then? he asked Nasreddin.No, I didnt mean that, said the old man. I meant that you

29、 would soon get used to being poor and to having no friends. (151 words)螟宏桌糕欧梢睦窄潦认级则简蛇居吼受它型冗稍连毡沉唐弛侗酶芭芦陶健高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版8. A Man and His Car A man was traveling abroad in a small red car. One day he left the car and went shopping. When he came back, its roof was badly damaged. Some boys told him

30、 that an elephant had damaged it. The man did not believe them, but they took him to a circus which was near there. The owner of the elephant said, I am very sorry! My elephant has a big, round, red chair. He thought that your car was his chair, and he sat on it! Then he gave the man a letter, in wh

31、ich he said that he was sorry and that he would pay for all the damage.水眯渝秋讫赎毒纪挂匆联碧葱敬榆寄夹牺瑚邻吮游莫蒂向新呵种长烂科主高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版When the man got back to his own country, the customs officers would not believe his story. They said, You sold your new car while you were abroad and bought this old one! It wa

32、s only when the man showed them the letter from the man at the circus that they believed him. (163 words) 祖殷甥近样谚嘘窄渭贮螺市邓秩滋蜘干蛋降嚏搏隙藉练吕缴锹帕戳捅蚌桌高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版9. The Sun A long time ago people thought that the sun went round the earth. In some countries people even said that the sun was a god. They t

33、hought the god drove across the sky each day on a golden horse. Now we know the earth goes round the sun. It takes the earth a year to go all the way round the sun. Today men even know how far it is for the earth to go round the sun. They tell us that the earth travels over a thousand miles a minute

34、 on its journey round the sun. The sun is really a star. It is much bigger than the earth and it is very hot. Some people have been to the moon but we know that no one can ever go to the sun. It is far too hot for people to live anywhere near it. The sun is three hundred thousand times heavier than

35、the earth and more than a million times larger. ( 164 words)思眠凭妇承押钢铡剧愧轩呆撇缘魔菇跟隙任蔽上虹青疽称败佐存敦茨俐息高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版10. Can Animals Be Made to Work for Us? Can animals be made to work for us? Some scientists think that one day animals may be taught to do a number of simple jobs. They say that in a film,

36、 or on TV we may see elephants, or monkeys, dogs, bears, or other animals doing a lot of things. If you watch carefully, you may find that those animals are always given something to eat in return for doing them. The scientists say that many different animals may be taught to do a number of simple j

37、obs if they know they will get something to eat in return. Of course, as we know, dogs can be used to guard a house, and elephants can be used to do some heavy jobs. And we can also teach animals to work in factories. Apes, for example, have been used in America to help make cars and scientists beli

38、eve that these large monkeys may one day get in crops and even drive trains. (162 words)阂补武矿索究嗣简衙惮操蓟姚并距草烁氓嫂蚊爱咋脐察环扭亦粥搁冷拭模高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版11. Mans Best Friend Almost everyone likes dogs, and almost everyone likes reading stories about dogs. I have a friend who has a large police dog. Its name is J

39、ack. Police dogs are often very clever. Every Sunday afternoon my friend takes Jack for a long walk in the park. Jack likes these long walks very much. One Sunday afternoon a young man came to visit my friend. He stayed a long time. He talked and talked. Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack f

40、or his walk. But the visitor still stayed. Jack became very worried. He walked around the room several times and then sat down in front of the visitor and looked at him. But the visitor paid no attention. He continued talking. Finally Jack couldnt stand it. He went out of the room and came back a fe

41、w minutes later. He sat down again in front of the visitor but this time he held the visitors hat in his mouth. (162 words)义扇庸圭乳戴矢抬追同担希混疡圣誊肾葛递裕诅俩匹苞擦颓赡语遮胆琅持高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版12. Communication You speak, write a letter, make a telephone call. Your words carry a message. People communicate with words

42、. Do you think you can communicate without words? A smile on your face shows you are happy or friendly. Tears in your eyes tell others that you are sad. When you raise your hand in class, the teacher knows you want to say something or ask questions. You shake your head, and people know you are sayin

43、g No. You nod and people know you are saying Yes. Other things can also carry messages. For example, a sign at the bus stop helps you to know which bus to take. A sign on the wall of your school helps you to find the library. Signs on doors tell you where to go in or out. Have you ever noticed that

44、there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages from them all the time? (155 words)卒拍砷性拼粤沂肚般诌狄民屿颤掠童瞪怪阀轻碾遗鲁逻防都志竿横灭田长高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版13. Weather and Men Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it. It is true. People usually begin their conversations with

45、 Isnt it a nice day? Do you think it will rain? What a fine day! etc. Many people think they can tell what the weather is going to be like. But they rarely agree with each other. One man may say, Do you see how Cloudy it is in the east? Its going to rain tomorrow. Another man will say, No, its going

46、 to be fine tomorrow. People often look for the weather they want. When a farmer needs water, he looks for something to tell him its going to rain; he wont believe anything else. When friends have planned a trip, they are sure the weather is going to clear up very quickly. Almost everyone listens to

47、 what the weatherman says. But he doesnt always tell us what we want, and once in a while he makes a mistake. (161 words)骆甘纲郭春德诗泪计挟舅割归枷歧邹添凿祝伦吹粪娥袭豁木冰盛牌干绘棵高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版14. A Selfish Man Smith was a landlord. He loved money very much and never gave anything to anybody. One day the landlord was w

48、alking along a river with his friends and fell into it. He cried, Help! Help! One of his friends held out his hand and said, Give me your hand and I will pull you out. But he did not give his hand to his friend. Then another of his friends tried but the same thing happened. Just then a farmer came o

49、ver and saw all this. He knew the landlord very well. He said to the others, Let me try. He held out his hand and said to the landlord, Take my hand and I will pull you out Hearing this, the landlord took the farmers hand, and in a minute the farmer pulled the landlord out of the water. All the othe

50、rs were very surprised at this and asked the farmer, Why did he give his hand to you but not to us? The farmer said, You dont know your friend very well, when you say give to him, he does nothing, but when you say take, he takes. (190 words)凰神丰思斩悲阂赡直哥罐书钓纷校宦秧夸氟仲炊快友汀惋芦袍弟象袒墨悯高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版15. The

51、 Benefits of Class Participation Different teachers have different styles of teaching. / Some prefer to deliver a prepared lecture, / while others expect some participation from their students. / Likewise, some students learn best in the former situation, while others do so in the latter. / Perhaps

52、the best learning environment is one in which the preferred styles of teacher and students match. / For me, that is a class in which the teacher encourages class participation. /参昏彬粤姐盗轻赂萧峡冀肮澳杂娘荣舔报畏源滥谗乖垢掉挥如鸿茫瓦帜严高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版 I prefer to participate in class for several reasons. / One is that s

53、tudents participation makes the class more lively and interesting. / I can hear not only my teachers opinions on a subject, / but also those of my classmates. / Another reason is that I believe the teacher can better understand the students when they interact with him in class. / Rather than wait fo

54、r exam results to indicate how much the students have absorbed, / the teacher can learn immediately whether the students understand what he is talking about. / Finally, I acquire more knowledge in this kind of class. / I can ask more in-depth questions and satisfy my curiosity. / (174 words)匆慑逝谜肿曾龚疤

55、缔扣屁作然擎梅工胖绣孕晴厘疲丫钠盎啪状眨霓茨乡插高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版16. Oil Almost everyone in the world uses oil in some way. Cars, buses, planes and many trains and ships also need oil. Even our bicycles need oil. Indeed the whole world would stop if there was no oil. Today there is a growing need for oil in the world. S

56、o people are looking for it everywhere. They look for oil in deserts, in the mountains and under the sea. Quite often they find nothing, but the search for oil always goes on. Who are the largest oil producers in the world? The U.S. , the former Soviet Union, and the countries of the Middle East. Bu

57、t China is catching up fast. Before liberation we used to buy nearly all our oil from the U.S. Many foreign people said China was oil-poor. But since liberation oil has been found in many parts of the country. Today everyone agrees that China is rich in oil. Our oil will not only meet the great need

58、 in our country, but also be sold to other countries.(170 words)蔗继跌罚岗伞吼臆侗妖撇械绥跃灌场挝业富翼缮峪篆菌皑蠢幌界舀掀膀嫌高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版17. Time Zones Strange things happen from time to time when you travel, because people divide the earth into twenty-four time zones, one hour apart. You can have days with more or fewe

59、r than twenty-four hours, and weeks with more or less than seven days. If you make a five-day trip across the Atlantic Ocean, your ship enters a different time zone every day. As you enter each zone, the time changes one hour. If you travel westward, you put your watch back; and if you travel eastwa

60、rd, you put it ahead. Each day of your trip has either twenty-five or twenty-three hours. If you travel by ship across the Pacific, you cross the International Date Line. By agreement a new day begins at this line. When you cross the line, you change your calendar one full day, backward or forward.

61、If traveling eastward, today becomes yesterday; if westward, it is tomorrow. (171 words)能闺洲吏饥疆霍褂葵及歧坦冬经锰虚柿懒幼卓识惫恫曼逊哎期族札绅蓟筐高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版18. Building Houses in the Early Days In the early days of the old west in North America, life was difficult. People lived on farms far away from other families

62、. They went to town once a week or one time a month. Then they saw their friends and neighbours. On their farms everyone had lots of work. But there were some big problems. How did one family make a house? How could they build a barn alone? Those were big jobs. What did families do to build houses?

63、They asked for help. They asked their friends and neighbours. They invited them to a work party for a few days. The women cooked together. They made breakfast, lunch and dinner. The men worked on the building. For the children it was like a holiday. They enjoyed it very much. They all helped one ano

64、ther for the good of everyone. (161 words) 刚鸣卖熟作睦烫贷誓桓络袱据刘窄迸巡必萄您谴藏摧菜舆辐赚刻剿骑羚荫高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版19. Friendship Friendship is one of the greatest pleasures that people can enjoy. It is very difficult to find a better definition of friendship. A true friend does indeed find pleasure in our joy and shar

65、e sorrow in our grief. In times of trial, he or she is always at our side to give us his or her help and comfort. Knowing how valuable friendship is, we should be very careful in our choice of a friend. We must choose someone who has a good character, whose actions are good and who shows kind-hearte

66、dness. We should avoid those shallow people who change in the face of adversity or misfortune. A true friend can always be trusted, loved and respected. The most important thing is that a friend always understands you. In conclusion, when you have made a good friend, dont forget him or her.(156 word

67、s)袁糜姥函依矢塑藻驱盎宅裤县焊者娘酱漱笛泵溃厕庐毋棚固拓造屉皖骸复高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版20. Maintaining Your Memory If you do not use your arms or your legs for some time, they will become weak. When you start using them again, they slowly become strong again. Everybody knows this. Yet many people do not seem to know that memory wor

68、ks in the same way. When someone says that he has a good memory, he really means that he keeps his memory in practice by using it. When someone else says that his memory is poor, he really means that he does not give it enough chance to become strong. Have you ever found that some people cant read o

69、r write, but usually they have better memories? This is because if they cannot read or they cannot write things down in a small notebook, then they have to remember them by heart. So if you want to have a good memory, learn from the people: practice remembering things in the way other people do. (15

70、5 words)扬晕著千蛰吟叉罐性酞昆宠获郝蔚雌旭衍够唾罕末烃妄农奏猾详童帆识煎高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版21. SOS Childrens Villages In Europe many people died during the Second World War. As a result, at the end of the war there were many orphans there. A man called Hermann Voss wanted to help these children. His idea was simple. He wanted the

71、 orphans to have a home, and he wanted them to have the care and kindness of parents. Voss asked people to give him some money. With this money he built the first SOS Childrens Village at Imst, in Austria. It opened in 1949. This is how the SOS Childrens Village started. The letters SOS stand for Sa

72、ve Our Souls. This means Please help us! And SOS Childrens Village gives help to orphans. Hermann Vosss idea for helping orphans soon spread all over the world. By 1983 there were 170 SOS Childrens Villages in the world. People in many countries give money to help the villages. Today the children fr

73、om the first village are grown up. Now some of them work in other SOS Childrens Villages.(166 words)磐创再烙鞋逊拧苯醇嗅蛊粹播渊耻症雨品佑铲仕园涸瑰呆琢磊漠厩凋塘敛高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版22. Computers We are already familiar with computers. Computers work for us at home, in offices and in factories. But it is also true that children

74、today are using computers at school before they can write. What does this mean for the future? Are these children lucky or not? Many people who do not know about computers think of them as machines that children play with. They worry that children do not learn from experience, but just from pressing

75、 a button. They worry that this is not good for them. They think children are growing up not knowing about the real world. But people who understand more about computers see that computers can be very good for children. A computer can help them to learn about the real world more quickly, to learn wh

76、at they want to learn and to think for themselves. And for the future, dont we need people who can think clearly, who know how to get information quickly?(160 words)讹剧蚂雷蛤伴鸣烈斜执韶枪磺彝看箍颁吧废航虑嫡清缮鬃惨痉抛躬陇争发高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版23. Dicks Job Dick was a clever and hard-working student, but his parents were poor

77、, so he had to work after class and during his holidays to get enough money for his studies. One summer he got a job in a butchers shop during the daytime, and another in a hospital at night. In the shop, he learned to cut and sell meat. In the hospital, of course, Dick was told to do only the easie

78、st jobs. He helped to lift people and carry them from one part of the hospital to another. Both in the butchers shop and in the hospital, Dick had to wear white clothes. One evening in the hospital, Dick had to help to carry a woman from her bed to the operating room. The woman already felt frighten

79、ed when she thought about the operation. When she saw Dick coming to get her, she felt even more frightened. No! No! she cried, Not my butcher! I wont let my butcher operate on me! With these words, she fainted away.(170 words)赦侮政浇赃投沥收问藐典株度法倍疽脯怎烛谬昏肉镁党瘤幌燎喻妄妊瞎哼高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版24. Opportunity Oppor

80、tunities dont come often. They come every once in a while. Very often, they come quietly and go by without being noticed. Therefore, it is advisable that you should value and treat them with care. When an opportunity comes, it brings a promise but never realizes it on its own. If you want to achieve

81、 something or intend to fulfill one of your ambitions, you must work hard, make an effort and be prepared. Otherwise, you will take no advantage of opportunities when they come to visit you. The difference between a man who succeeds and one who does not lies only in the way each treats opportunities

82、. The successful person always makes adequate preparations to meet opportunities as they duly arrive. The unsuccessful person, on the other hand, works little and just waits for opportunities to pass by. In my opinion, there are plenty of opportunities for everyone in our society, but only those who

83、 are adequately prepared and highly qualified can make use of them for their own purposes. (171 words) 淮翱磋酋招哪掣获弧涩煮踌埂二糊贰铭考混赤侥霹孕严绥鸽僧倘创倡蓉甥高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版25. Living Life at a Slower Pace It seems that everyone is in a hurry these days. In our fast-paced and competitive society, many people feel tha

84、t they must do things as quickly as possible or they will fall behind. Certainly, there are many things for us to do. However, it is not necessary to always hurry to get them done. In fact, living life at a slower pace has many advantages. First of all, slowing down allows us to think more clearly a

85、bout what we must do. With careful consideration we will make better decisions and make fewer mistakes. And when we do not have to correct the mistakes that we make in haste, we will actually save time. Secondly, when we take our time we can do things more carefully and thoroughly. And when we do a

86、better job we feel more satisfied with our efforts. Finally, if we do not rush through life, we will have more time to enjoy the things that we do. And when we take pleasure in our work, we will live happier lives. (174 words)枷迎隐葡喳凶疆渔愤谎纹苛裹订厅叉妥扇肉摄峰疫江滁悸怔滑个从芋烟晰高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版26. Owning a Car Nowad

87、ays, any Chinese can enjoy the luxury of owning a private car, if he or she can afford it. Having a car of your own means no more travelling to work on crowded buses or subway trains, and you can drop the children off at school on the way. Moreover, it also means that you can enjoy the weekends and

88、holidays better, because with a car you can go to places where the regular buses and trains do not go, and so you can find a quiet scenic spot with no crowds. However, there are drawbacks to owning a car. For one thing, with the increase in car ownership in recent years, the roads are becoming more

89、and more crowded. This often makes the journey to work more of a nightmare than a dream. For another, it is not cheap to run a car, as the prices of petrol and repairs are constantly rising, not to i mention the price you have to pay for a license and insurance coverage. (170 words) 鸳焰耐次必迹配矮硬厦鲍鳞夸姬需愉

90、主魏宦嘛故浙斜颗抨拜饲噪鹊眷顶撕高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版27. Tourism Tourism, a smokeless industry, is developing rapidly in China. With the open and reform policy being carried out, thousands upon thousands of foreign visitors are crowding into our country. They are eager to see this old mysterious land with a splendid

91、 culture of more than 5,000 years. Tourism is bringing China a lot of benefits. First, it enables the Chinese people to learn more about the outside world and promotes friendship and mutual understanding. Second, it is financially beneficial to China, which needs more foreign currency for its modern

92、ization program. Tourism, however, is giving rise to a number of problems. For instance, it is becoming a burden on our inefficient transport system. Besides, the standard of living of the average Chinese person is still not high enough to be able to afford the many different sorts of expenses met o

93、n long distance travel. But it is believed that with the development of our national economy, all these problems will certainly be solved step by step. A much better and brighter future awaits us.(173 words)藤糙皱幸旺蒂锋写进泞畏痹胞狮总时无壮抽漓滞藻唤若蜡路倪耐埔恰冲纽高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版28. Time As a popular saying goes, Time i

94、s money. In fact, time is more precious than money. When money is spent, you can earn it back if you want to. However, when time is gone, it will never come back. As the pace of modern life continues to accelerate, the time at our disposal is quite limited. But there are a lot of things to be done i

95、n our lives. We should make full use of our time to complete what is useful to us. For instance, as students we should devote most of our time to our academic studies. In this way we can acquire the new knowledge and skill necessary for our future careers. In my opinion, wasting time means wasting o

96、ur valuable life. But many of us dont realize this. They think time is inexhaustible. Im not in favour of such a view. Hence, my conclusion is that we should never put off what can be done today until tomorrow. (163 words)畸岩挖粗腻被季恒介孙干施笛芍肚透振辆漏惦濒碗榷陡乎式测因肩慷钟廓高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版29. Keeping a Diary in Eng

97、lishKeeping a diary in English is one effective way to improve our English writing ability. Compared with other forms of writing, it is shorter and takes less time. If we persist in this practice, gradually well learn how to express ourselves in English. In keeping a diary in English, we inevitably

98、come up against a lot of difficulties. In the first place, it often happens that we have trouble finding appropriate words and phrases to express ourselves. Secondly, there are many idiomatic ways of saying things in Chinese. And it is extremely hard for us to put them into English properly. Certain

99、ly, there are some other obstacles we may come across in keeping a diary in English. So I suggest we should always have a notebook and a Chinese-English dictionary within easy reach. Whenever something gets the better of us, we can first put it down in our notebook and then consult our dictionary. W

100、e can also turn to our English teacher for help, if necessary. (166 words)阻教寅构婶暇舔脉酒己稳贩自颁迢行蜜项俞拷逝税栽妒煌易宫阶全录昭棋高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版30. The Tuition Fee System in China The system of tuition fees has become one of the hottest topics in China since it was put into effect. Different people have different opi

101、nions of it. Some people think that there is no university in the world which is open to students without tuition fees. The Chinese government is unable to allocate enough funds to pay for various teaching facilities and many different kinds of expenses. One of the ways to relieve the problem is for

102、 students to pay tuition fees. The money raised in this way can be used to improve schools operating conditions. Others, however, are opposed to the system of tuition fees. They argue that compared with that in the Western World, the living standard of Chinese people, especially of those in the poor

103、 rural areas, is still low. The university tuition fees will certainly add to the already heavy burden on parents, who live on their salaries or wages. Moreover, tuition fees hinder some talented people from entering university only on account of their poverty. (170 words)不效草班啊让停剿乐炼狈好坏戈辅井漾驰桐据麓贫狞阎希幽忱

104、祟八像蓝馒高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版31. Smoking It is known to almost all that smoking is bad for peoples health. Scientific research has shown that smoking can lead to heart disease, cancer and other problems. The World Health Organization says diseases linked to smoking kill at Ieast two million five hundred

105、 thousand people each year. Still, many people find it difficult to stop smoking. One reason is that smoking usually becomes a habitual behavior, and habits, whether good or bad are not easy to give up. Another reason is that the effect of nicotine, the substance found in cigarettes works on people

106、somewhat as drugs do. Measures have been taken to help people keep away from the harmful effects of smoking. In many cities, smoking is forbidden in public places. The danger of smoking . is warned of everywhere. And newspapers are asked not to publish advertisements for cigarettes. World No Tobacco

107、 Day is observed every year as the biggest campaign against smoking. (153 words)赏烹这炭鸽晤衰揖哭俺庚蚕汉群恍付蛙扦隶扫辉都乞迭任瞄构瓦坤胚乘便高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版32. My First Job Before I started at university, I took my first job as a waitress in a nice restaurant. The night before my first day, I was too excited to go to sleep

108、 and as a result, I got up late in the morning. I threw on my clothes and rushed over to the restaurant. In a great hurry, I didnt hear clearly the head waiters instruction that we should go into the kitchen through one door and out from the other. So when I took two plates of eggs and bacon and an

109、orange juice out to the restaurant, I went straight towards the wrong door and collided with another waiter coming in! Worst of all was that I wore a pair of smart shoes with high heels! A few hours later I was in agony, yet had no time to change them. By the time we finished serving dinner at about

110、 10:30, I was completely exhausted. Nevertheless, I learnt something from my experience. (163 words)圃肠马依镑愚需张弟薯八姿憎绕狞纂奶蹋烯碾券尉晶艳串潘系双瀑队吠肖高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版33. Birth Control Since the Chinese government singled out family planning as one of the basic state policies in 1978, the country has adopted vario

111、us measures and achieved great success in birth control. The total birth rate has been decreasing gradually. However, at present Chinas population is still growing very rapidly. It is reported that every year the population of this country increases by an extra 15 million. And China encountered a bi

112、rth peak during the 1990s. It is obvious that Chinas economic development and the improvement of peoples standards of living have been and will be greatly affected by the size of population. Therefore, to control population growth more strictly is clearly essential to the countrys reforms and econom

113、ic development. We should restress the importance of birth control and call on the whole nation to take more effective action. (137 words)咋德滨去大蛤提达雏幻掠步馅虏拯钱戒烤障却磐仅绊莉镁路匪瞧帮粕寥串高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版34. Advertisements Advertisements are making their way into peoples lives. People depend on advertisers in the

114、ir daily lives because they are consumers. The advertisers are not always manufacturers. Sometimes they are salesmen. Their merchandise needs advertising. Thus nearly every product is advertised. To some extent, good advertising means success while bad advertising can mean failure. There are many wa

115、ys to advertise and ads come in different forms. Newspapers carry advertisements. Some products are announced on TV and radio, both of which have a wide audience. Billboards also carry advertising. Advertising is a big industry now and many agencies have been set up to provide a variety of related s

116、ervices. However, advertising is not always truthful. A product is often misrepresented. The advertiser exaggerates the benefits of the merchandise he wants to sell. Thus, he misrepresents the truth. The consumer falls victim to such advertising. Millions of people have bought advertised products an

117、d they havent always been satisfied. (155 words)户琵检载涧腰府畸汾疼穆煮迭缉圆汐静腮荷凄荔荧融否炮诡滔声催芽妙拾高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版35. Fighting Criminals Today the crime rate in some cities of our country is rising. Many citizens often complain about the thefts and robberies that have taken place in the areas they live in. They a

118、ppeal to the government at all levels to take effective measures to reduce the crime rate. Faced with criminals, some people are so frightened that they shamelessly give up the fight and other people turn a blind eye. However, some people are brave enough to risk their lives to fight criminals. Thei

119、r fearless actions prevent the criminals from doing evil, save victims, and protect public property. To reduce the crime rate, all of the people should first receive some education about the law. Criminals must be severely punished. Meanwhile we should set up a foundation to reward those who fight c

120、riminals. It is also important to call on people to learn from those heroes who do so and encourage more people to stand up to crime. (159 words)诲龋穆碎保篙嘛河纤凭蛀框漆匈嵌坟稿阳装奖蕴吴积没谰扭毫缚界嘛农讽高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版36. How to Keep Fit As a popular saying goes, Health is better than wealth. Good health enables you to

121、enjoy your life and achieve what you hope for in your career. On the other hand, poor health tends to deprive you of your interest in everything around you. Therefore, health is indispensable to a happy life. There are many ways to help build up your health. In the first place, those who are always

122、on the run from morning till night should find time to relax, because too much stress can lead to poor performance and ill health. Secondly, if you want to keep fit, you must give up habits that are harmful to your health. Finally, regular physical exercise is essential for a healthy mind and body.

123、To the best of my knowledge, there is nothing more health-giving than a brisk walk in the morning.(142 words)眼铃懊炮茨老丰侵赣坊水捡判聘滔深畸疫喷互硒怎珍缔鄂伞吁碘甲沸屑咱高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版37. My Views on Opportunity Views on opportunity vary from person to person. Some people think that opportunities are not really important.

124、 They are of this opinion because they think that if you have knowledge, skill or experience, opportunities will come to you naturally. Others, however, take a more positive view of it. In their view, opportunity is the most important factor on the way to success. Without opportunity, to their mind,

125、 hard work equals nothing. Moreover, they always complain that they are not successful because they are not lucky enough to get any opportunities. My view on opportunity falls between the two extremes. I am more in favour of an objective attitude to opportunity. Its true that opportunity is fair to

126、everyone, but it doesnt mean that everyone can make full use of it when it is under their nose. Therefore, we should not rely solely on opportunity. Instead, we should work hard and get well prepared for its arrival.(156 words)椭付绪彼函溺谷皂觉踌臆张寻钧崎刮凹赌啮迅冶玩磕卖誓钓釜为深哭痞游高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版38. Is Job-hopping Ad

127、visable? Many people are inclined to do one job for the whole of their lives. In their opinions, people who change their jobs frequently are unwise. They believe that the only way to succeed is to stick to one job, for constant practice in a professional field helps make an expert. But there are man

128、y other people who think otherwise. They argue that change means progress. If you are not satisfied with your present job, you certainly have the right to change it for a more challenging and better paid one. Every change is a step to further success. These convictions may be the reason why they cha

129、nge their jobs so often. In my opinion, it is reasonable to change your job if you have a better opportunity. But once you have found a position where you can fully display your ability, it is advisable to settle down to it and put all your efforts into it.(156 words)裕网河妓差这映疤送槐衫瑚纽歪谋隧还新捎拳侧雅鼎干续蜘五炎戊看羡挣

130、高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版39. Marks or Ability? Some students attach great importance to marks. They think that their primary task is to study and learn from teachers and textbooks. They seldom take part in other activities, because they are afraid that those activities will affect their studies. They put

131、 marks before anything else, thus neglecting the development of their practical abilities. Some other students think it more important to develop their practical abilities. They think that college students should not only learn from books, but should also learn from practical activities. They think

132、that practical abilities are of primary importance, so they take every opportunity to develop these abilities with painstaking efforts. I think we must first study hard, but we must not neglect the development of our practical abilities, for when we enter society, we will need various abilities. If

133、we only have knowledge from books, it will be hard for us to adapt quickly in society.(151 words)惮累枯邪寻雏敏瓮丫易纲痹婪秋等剿网工韶脖挫官婶丑摈疚蚊擞瞅府秉叭高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版40. Large Companies or Small Companies? There are marked differences between working in a large enterprise and in a small one. In a large enterprise, y

134、ou can derive a deep sense of satisfaction and pride from being a member of a well-known organization. And you have opportunities to learn from experienced managers and get acquainted .with standard working practices. In a small enterprise, you have bigger responsibilities and have a better chance o

135、f moving up. You may often make your own decisions and your decisions may bring immediate effects. Normally you are exposed to various experiences and expected to do a great many things without much guidance. Personally, I prefer to work in a small enterprise, where my prospects of promotion are goo

136、d as long as I work hard. Id rather become a well-known and important fish within my own small pond. (136 words)修钢射迅横虑臼砸朵系柴四广珠况诞项宵恃箍倡辅曰奋蔗捉缝菌逐谨桅衣高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版41. The Population Explosion in China China has the largest population in the world, about 1.2 billion people. Before liberation there w

137、ere only 400 million people. But shortly after liberation in 1949, China began to have a population explosion. The standard of living has been rising and people have obtained better and better housing, while medical care and job security have been improved. As a result, the average life expectancy o

138、f our nation is going up rapidly, as well as the birth rate. With a population explosion, a series of other problems will emerge. There will be a lack of land, food supply, water, fuel and so on in our country. The consequence of the problems will threaten human life. Therefore, in order to stop the

139、se terrible consequences, we have used family planning to control the birth rate. At the same time, we should take other effective steps to make sure people everywhere continue to limit their families through birth control. (155 words)啪梢戍臆锰爹哨蔓趴锈皂贮骂绊房疲跪抛赊帧新唁巳剂棵渴贡铃具诧咋炉高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版42. Clothes C

140、lothes are of great use to people. For one thing they can make ladies prettier and gentlemen more handsome. For another they can help protect people from wind and cold and so on. In a word, they have a variety of uses. Women pay more attention to clothes than men. Some girls think more about them an

141、d try their best to keep up with the latest fashions, while some young men just buy what suits them and what they can afford. In China, even some old men nowadays also care deeply about the style of their clothes. My opinion of clothes is this: to be well dressed neednt mean being luxuriously dresse

142、d though I work hard to earn as much money as possible to dress myself up. I like to dress in my own style. As long as something suits my style, it is fine by me. (147 words)元碎臭简卷釉址唬泥另宅惜岭更黔宠葬凶驮何币橙霍苇骏礁溶闺价郊柿欢高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版43. Thrift Thrift is a good habit for everyone, especially students who ar

143、e still supported by their parents. For it is by no means easy for their parents to earn money in the present day. There are many English proverbs which set forth the advantages of thrift. One of the best known is: Take care of the pennies, and the pounds will take care of themselves. It is thrift t

144、hat makes us rich or successful in life. However, there is a popular belief among people that students have formed wasteful habits. When you go into the dining hall, you will find out they waste a lot of rice. Moreover, wasting time, effort and money are common among them. Those who spoil the pages

145、of their books are not cultivating thrifty habits. In a word, waste is becoming a big problem at universities, so we should take steps to bring it under control. (150 words)铜杉冷贱历纹泵嫌暴扔项岛垄邯更秀柜睡雇踢湍燕绎晰秧鹤顽瘤茁哑鲁褪高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版44. Cheating in Tests More and more students are cheating in exams. It is n

146、ow considered to be a major problem at colleges and universities. In every exam, some students feel the temptation to sneak a look at their neighbours tests, or at textbooks. Some students even take tests for other ones. According to a recent poll, 40 percent of students have admitted to cheating in

147、 exams at least once during their college life. There are indications that such dishonesty is on the increase. Colleges and universities across our. country have decided to take steps against students cheating. For instance, students cheating are not given marks, or some of them are criticized publi

148、cly. But none of these measures work effectively. We ought to make all students realize that if they cheat on exams, they will be dishonest in their future work, and in the end they will be entirely dishonest men. (147 words)处侗塑徽岿先资累壕浩谈治凌扼山赣善澎首捍赔缝铡找值诞樟腕赤枉虑渊高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版45. Recreation We all r

149、egard recreation as part of our life, for it is impossible to keep in good health unless we take sufficient relaxation. The mind, too, requires change to make it acute and vigorous. There is much truth in the old proverb, All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Of course, everyone should relax a

150、ccording to his own circumstances. People who sit a lot at work should choose a kind of recreation that will exercise, their muscles. Some examples are: football, tennis, kite-flying, boating, cycling and dancing. Those who spend most of their time in the open air and constantly employ their muscles

151、 should adopt reading or some other quiet form of recreation. However, some young men spend their leisure hours indulging themselves in gambling, drinking or other bad activities. Improper means of killing time not only waste valuable time but also do great harm to the person concerned.(152 words)凸县

152、再蔗宝摇舶派衍陨鼎腔枢烃蚜瞳汐册噶让核丑缅续稻仇南脏恃苑愈雁高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版46. Education in China Education is highly valued in China. According to the law, everyone must, as a minimum, attend elementary and middle school. And colleges, universities and special schools have been established for students to study in. In addi

153、tion, we have sent many students abroad so that they can absorb more advanced science and technology and improve and develop our countrys knowledge. In our times, considerable education is indispensable for anyone who wishes to playa role in society. With the development of science and technology, m

154、ore and more courses are being offered, even at primary and secondary levels. And greater emphasis is put on the practical side, as compared with education in the past. However, there are still some problems in our country. For example, in the countryside a large number of people can not read and wr

155、ite, not even knowing how to write their names and so on. Our government and all the people are making efforts to wipe out illiteracy. (160 words)艰国绸赶坝朵咒嚣谊乙乎然菲扳烂镁扰其抿鸦迟邀匠铁听揩尘寥爹吴蜒草高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版47. Hobbies Different people may have different hobbies. Some like reading novels, painting pictures o

156、r listening to music; some like traveling around, playing ball, climbing mountains and some enjoy collecting things, such as stamps, books, shells and insect specimens. Why do people like taking up hobbies? It is because hobbies can provide people with knowledge and enjoyment. They can also help you

157、 feel relaxed after your busy day at work. Anyone, young or old, can develop a satisfying hobby. Today people have more time than ever before for hobbies. With the development of science and technology, machines have reduced the amount of time people have to spend on their jobs and their housework.

158、They can save more time for hobbies and enjoy themselves in their spare time now. (126 words)别粗定窿肇吝草筑栓兹茁够债窃串伦挪晕抄陷牌断雨拘卒扮袍枢阮散悯与高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版48. Health Health is the foundation of ones future success. This is because health gives us strength and happiness. If you are healthy, you can do whatever

159、 you need to do to realize your hopes. On the other hand, if you are sick, it is impossible for you to go on with your work or studies. How can we have good health? Firstly, forming good habits is very important, including getting up and going to bed early. Secondly, doing exercise every day will he

160、lp to strengthen you not only physically, but also mentally. Thirdly, a proverb says, Prevention is better than cure. Try your best to keep fit and avoid getting sick, or cure yourself of a disease while it is still at an early stage. In conclusion, nothing is more valuable than health. With good he

161、alth, you can study and work efficiently, you can achieve more success and make a greater contribution to society. (153 words)叼掉烫哉涣载稿堪熄坡碘滨鸥夜年弟呐兢释弦咽虏抬卖撂谷揭墒卸就绒蚕高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版49. Friendship Friendship is very important in ones life. A good friend is truly a person of the highest value. Many of us

162、 may have several friends, but true friendship is not easy to achieve. There is a saying A friend in need is a friend indeed. A good friend is always there when you need him. He will try every effort to help you if he can. We know friendship works in two ways. If you want love and respect from your

163、friends, you must give them your love and respect. You should also help them when they are in trouble, encourage them when they need it, and cheer them up when they are sad. Nothing in the world is more treasured than a true friend in ones life. If you have made a good friend, put every possible eff

164、ort into keeping and developing your friendship. (145 words)负差韭木唬拟蛤匪宵绚其箕网谷唇詹奎咨拜脓嘱淳苞根蝉僳癣瘴拽成川羹高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版50. How to Improve Your Spoken English Many English learners have found that speaking is the most difficult aspect of learning English. They seem to know the basic English language structu

165、res, but feel awkward and embarrassed in situations where a conversation in English is needed. This does not mean that those learners are unable to organize their ideas in English. The problem lies in their lack of confidence and practice. They are afraid of making mistakes and losing face. The best

166、 way to improve your speaking is to build up confidence in yourself and open your mouth whenever you get the chance. Everyone makes mistakes when he or she is learning a language. Dont be shy. Only by speaking more can you speak better English. (118 words)纯几渝庐妈侈屈诅探敬冉九毕馒譬煮爽羔甥部抡锭占印臣添烃快主概貉锹高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分

167、突破贾秀峰完整版Dictation read in American way (51-100)钻尘变堪甫雌葡履庭汗液恨匈拴缩稿筑巳郝涉耻勤焚丛下纫剁蹄迫蒙苯镁高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版51. Mothers Kitchen My mothers kitchen is not large but it is clean. It faces north and is next to our sitting-room. The walls of the kitchen are spotless with snow-white china-bricks. A well-designed

168、cabinet hangs over head. All the cooking utensils, such as bowls, plates, pots and a gas stove, are polished. Knives, spoons and brushes are hanging in their places on the wall. The kitchen is my mothers favorite place, in which she cooks delicious food for us everyday. Every morning, the savory sme

169、ll from the kitchen wakes me up. I like the familiar smell from mothers kitchen, and I love my mother.(100 words)写滞谓电攻违导骆翘压经垛颓体瓦缠猪哄缴闺迭沁沽枢挛想示总备土侨白高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版52. Spring Time Spring, the loveliest and most welcome of the four seasons, has come again. The sprouts of willows are coming up. The g

170、rasses and the leaves are green and full of fresh scents. Everything has come to life again after long suffering from the cold and dreadful winter. Spring is also a season which prepares us to do our work. But some young men are apt to spend this good time in pleasure and idleness. They have no desi

171、re to study so as to widen the scope of their knowledge during this season. It is a pity that they do not know the famous saying that the plan for the year should be made in the spring, and we should make full use of our time to prepare for the whole year. (131 words)雅琳肖茨姥斗宿碌卯豢会频稽荫业剃倒戊对顽憾递峭磅趾蒸隘卑械猴犯牟

172、高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版53. Sports in Our Country Tennis is the most popular sport with people in our country. School children start playing tennis when they are very young. Not only is it played in school but it is also a favorite game with workers and people in other walks of life. In fact, it has bec

173、ome a sort of national game. There are other popular sports as well. For example, badminton is very popular, although it is not played as widely as tennis. Wushu and sword play are both traditional forms of sports. Mention should be made of such ball games as football and volleyball, in which much p

174、rogress has been made. In order to keep fit and win honor for our motherland, men and women, young and old, take an active part in sports. And our government takes effective measures to promote physical culture and build up peoples health. Nowadays sports are flourishing in our country. (150 words)信

175、成愚铲涝拨器深蛀迂豁淆关柞货掐贴殉控敖羹盟雏弱撬拥绝札泉方湿恃高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版54. Patriotism Patriotism means the love of ones country. It makes one ready to sacrifice ones life for ones country, and to do many other deeds which can bring benefits to the people. It makes a. country strong, and her history glorious. It also im

176、proves a mans character and secures for him widespread fame. To love our country, to work so as to make her strong and rich, to support her government, to obey her laws, to pay fair taxes into her treasury, to treat our fellow citizens as we wish to be treated ourselves-this is to be a real Chinese

177、patriot. If the people of a country are not patriotic, the country is very weak. History tells us how some countries of ancient times were, owing to a lack of patriotism, conquered by other people and how the people of those conquered countries were made slaves under the yoke of their victorious mas

178、ters. (154 words)拽节呈撩重净娇院专撅奥申别呛库色禁垄取协把鸿欺驶各截惋能琳品冶赘高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版55. What I Usually Do after Class Many students spend their after-class time in entertainment. Some go to the sports ground. Some go to the clubs. But nearly everyday after class I would sit amidst the garden plants, practicing ora

179、l English with one of my classmates or a friend from other classes. It is good to have some entertainment after class. But I think it is more sensible to use the time to improve my oral English because, as an international-business student, the ability to present well orally will add to my success i

180、n the future. However, our curriculum doesnt offer us enough time to practice speaking English, as there are too many lecture-based English courses and courses in Chinese. During class hours, you dont have the time to speak English, nor can you find a partner, because all the others are busy having

181、classes.The only solution is to practice my oral English after class, when there are both partners and time. Still, I hope the school will adjust our curriculum so that we will have more chances to practice oral English during class hours. (179 words) 止彰音庶悍严丑干方蔡兢啃吗铅林活毗辖驶辆郝枷啊耪江痹囱喻邮浴钾陪高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀

182、峰完整版56. The Ocean Floor The floors of the ocean contain many riches that can be used by men. Oil and some minerals already are taken from the sea. By using nuclear energy, we can remove the salt from ocean water, which can then be turned into fresh water. Food from farms under the sea is a possibili

183、ty in the future. Food grown in the sea could help to solve the problem of many of the worlds people who go hungry every day. About 10 -15% of the worlds people do not have enough food. . Some scientists believe that some day the sea will be used to make electric power. This would help to meet the n

184、eed for more power for the worlds industries. The decreasing supply of coal, oil and gasoline shows that the need to find new kinds of power is urgent. (138 words)帧蜘橱西予发腆乃迹探腻蹋大蓝救纵掩毗笔萌楷柿俭浮仗思佣范基壮靡盘高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版57. My Idea of Becoming a Teacher in the Future Most students want to become a busine

185、ss person, some want to work in a government department, and only a few want to be a teacher. Im one of the few. I think teaching is a noble job, and it is beneficial, too. China is now developing her economy, which cannot be achieved without a solid foundation of science and technology. Without edu

186、cation, advanced science and technology is out of the question. Its safe to say that teachers play a decisive role in the countrys economic development. Besides the importance of their job, Chinas teachers enjoy a lot of special benefits. The job is secure; salaries are guaranteed, and there are two

187、 vacations in a year, of which people in other occupations are often jealous. One is a month long and the other lasts two months. Its glorious to do what the country most needs us to do. And personally I like the profession of teaching.(155 words)窝帆叫莉偶云材痰嗜祸蹄腺辆太梁振谴请霜噬诧妥缄饿归浓馆挺套盛霞篮高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版5

188、8. TV: A Good Thing or a Bad Thing? Nowadays TV has gotten into nearly every persons life. Most people spend their spare time watching TV programs. People like doing this because TV is a good thing in many respects. First, TV is a good source of information. News programs and commercials timely and

189、completely provide information about world affairs, domestic problems, sports events and business developments. Second, TV is an effective tool of education. Millions of students take the same TV lecture at the same time. No school can afford such a large classroom. Third, TV is a convenient means o

190、f entertainment. People can view plays, movies and art shows without taking the trouble of going to the theater. Information, education and entertainment are so important that TV has become part of peoples lives. It is a really good thing today. However, if we further improve the quality of programs

191、 and eliminate sex and violence from the screen, it will be an even better thing tomorrow. (158 words)晶旭霄淖悟音值晦鹅余宛声乱超擂设劳阜纸淳蝴矫像葱唬引梨叛馏亢哑丢高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版59. Advantages and Disadvantages of Taking a Part-time Job Nowadays, many college students have a part-time job. They work in their spare time in

192、bars, restaurants, or at their clients home as a tutor. The upside of this is that it can make them more independent. The downside is that it is harmful to their study and their mind. Traditionally, Chinese parents take care of everything for their children until they get married, which makes the yo

193、ung too dependent. However, working off campus takes a lot of time from their studies. Especially for us language students, basic language skills demand time-consuming practice. Working more at a job means working less at school. Moreover, a bulging purse can easily turn one from knowledge learning

194、to the pursuit of money. Comparing the two sides, there are more disadvantages than advantages. To us students knowledge is more important than independence. Its not wise to earn a little money at the cost of neglecting ones studies. (154 words) 供挛爪笋酥狸墓囤雷哑陷距这楔责民卸碘扣牡健火肩氨烷迅畦钾碗沤黑震高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版60

195、. The Main Difference between My College Life and My Middle School Life According to my experience, college life is more independent /and life in middle school is just the opposite/. My middle school teachers often talked through the whole class and we were there to memorize everything/. Homework wa

196、s assigned so that we didnt have a minute of our own./ But my college professors just show us different ways of solving problems/ and then leave us alone to get the conclusion. /We have a lot of free time after class for our own plans./ Comparing the two, I like college life better./ It is important

197、 for us students to learn to be independent/ because after college we will be left alone struggling in the vast sea of society,/ and there we will have to solve problems that force us to make decisions by ourselves/ - there will be no teachers over our shoulders. (140 words)持缀堤轨槽碴叫境僳井岸互赵重吵咒菜午毋埠扭幅搜苟亮

198、溶弘佯圾咀幂舔高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版61. My Views on Modern Advertising Modern advertising spreads information about products through modern media, with television as the most prevalent form. The advantages of TV advertising show the vital importance of modern advertising to product development. First, TV adv

199、ertising carries information about products to nearly everyone, as most modern families have TV sets. This surely promotes sales. Second, TV advertising spreads information very quickly. TV reporters often make live telecasts of new products, so that people are able to learn about them as soon as po

200、ssible. This is especially good for promoting the sales of products in a timely manner. Finally, the high quality of TV reproduction makes advertised products more attractive to people. People can see what the products look like, as well as their uses. This definitely promotes sales. Sales promotion

201、 means an increase in profits. With more money, manufacturers are able to invest more in production. With the development of production, future advertising will be better, faster and more attractive.(158 words) 柿条挖例屁躯甭厩煎舵强禄洒吗酵析季涣欣妙咱膊敷削汽洪谬焕由活抵瑟高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版62. The Importance of Keeping a Good

202、Mood It is necessary and important for people to keep a good mood in their daily life in this fast-paced modern society. First of all, todays society is full of competition that develops very quickly. As a result, there is a lot of pressure on everyone. People usually feel stressed as they try hard

203、to do their best in education, career or family situations. It is thus very important that they should keep a good mood. A cheerful person is likely to be optimistic when he or she faces challenges and competitions and is likely to succeed. Even when he or she meets a difficult situation, if he or s

204、he keeps a good mood and is cool-headed, they can use their intelligence to solve the problem. On the contrary, a bad-tempered person . will only make things worse when problems arise. All in all, the ability to keep a good mood is important for people in modern society. (163 words) 尖涉尝赛箍悬汉冲丛慌服览冰履策肆

205、做蚁功颜窘暖督弛秸套桓跃航汰诺宰高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版63. Positive and Negative Emotions Psychologists think that there are two types of emotions: positive and negative. Positive emotions include love, liking, joy, delight and hope. Negative emotions include anger, fear, despair, sadness and disgust. In growing up, a

206、 person learns to cope with the negative emotions in order to be happy. Emotions may be weak or strong. Some strong emotions are so unpleasant that a person will try any means to escape from them. In order to feel happy, the person may choose unusual ways to avoid the emotion. Strong emotions can ma

207、ke it hard to think and to solve problems. They may prevent a person from learning or paying attention to what he is doing. For example, a student taking an examination may be so worried about failing that he cannot think properly. The worry drains the valuable mental energy he needs for the examina

208、tion. (142 words)赏谆镭忙啼濒鹿跺茵毕知插仓给俱碍窥拟缄告草易耿癣迭衡啡扔拦癸菊恕高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版64. Watch Less TV-Read More Books There is no denying that television is a miracle of technology created by man. It has penetrated nearly every home in our country. However, if a student is continuously exposed to the world of TV,

209、he cant concentrate on his lessons. And he may eventually fail his examinations because he spends too much time watching TV. On the other hand, one can acquire knowledge through reading informative books. With books one can learn what he does not know. Also, books can make him familiar with what has

210、 taken place in the past and what will probably come about in the future. Therefore, one can benefit a lot from reading books. Personally, I think some of the TV programs are interesting, informative and instructive. But as a student, I should devote most of my time to reading books, which will make

211、 me a scientist. (144 words)挑难屯扩山辆雇氓痛吓辆贮烬户拍拘烛依目亨撇搀准践纬窗尉破找惰防藕高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版65. Machines and Man With the progress of science and technology, an increasing number of machines are being developed. Today machines are widely used not only in industry but in other sectors of the national economy as

212、well. Therefore, a question has arisen: will machines eventually take the place of man? There are two main opinions on this question. Some people believe that it will be possible for automatic machines, especially computers, to replace man completely in the future. Others, however, argue that man is

213、 the decisive factor in production and the I potential of mans intelligence is practically unlimited. Im in favor of the latter view. Although automatic machines are being more and more widely used, there are still jobs which they are not capable of coping with. The reason is that man is able to thi

214、nk, but machines are not. (137 words)狰韭劝牌宅泄骇祝死悸捍洼继例断枚呻咋争劫抒皋媒厄女绸辈板蜂伯斡故高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版66. Physical Exercise More and more people today are realizing the importance of regular physical exercise. In the past, most people were involved in manual labor out in the fresh air of the fields. Nowadays a l

215、ot of people work in an office, spending most of their time indoors. In the evenings they usually sit watching TV or reading newspapers. Their daily lives dont provide them with the exercise they need to keep them healthy. Therefore, they must devote part of their time to doing regular physical exer

216、cise. There are many different forms of physical exercise suiting different tastes. Some people enjoy competitive sports and find others who share their interest. For example, they play table tennis or football together. Others prefer to exercise alone. They run or practice qigong in parks in the mo

217、rning. Clearly, different people are fond of different forms of physical exercise to improve their health. (147 words)韶忍带冲奏嗽专叠荚痢累匪系叶映熏麻蚌酸挖猜铱盟酮铅汛撤雹堪琐豺央高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版67. Cars Wherever one livesin the city or in the country, there are some good reasons to own a car. First, cars have become an imp

218、ortant part of life in many countries. The car provides the most convenient form of transportation. With a car, a person can get around freely, without spending a lot of time. Second, a car is a comfortable way to travel, especially in the winter time. A driver stays warm and dry even in the cold, r

219、ainy weather. Finally, a driver is usually safe in his car when he is out at night. There are, on the other hand, many good reasons not to own a car. For one thing, it can be very expensive to purchase and run a car. The gas shortage has caused a big problem for drivers, and the price of fuel contin

220、ues to go up each year. In addition, it costs a great deal to maintain, repair and insure a car. Moreover, owning a car can also cause worry and stress. It is exhausting to drive a car in heavy traffic. (179 words)抑炒撤价酗芝误挚妈娠拒岸妄囊帮撇魔馒居绷统篮积貉嘎良浮练篷漏剃赛高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版68. The Role of Prices In business

221、, the fluctuation of prices directly affects the supply and demand of goods. On the one hand, an increase in demand often leads to higher prices. On the other, prices drop when there is an increase in supply. Lets take an example to illustrate the effects of supply and demand. When the price of gold

222、 rises, more gold tends to be supplied to the market because more profit can be made. However, as the price of gold increases, the amount of gold sold will decrease, for consumers are not willing to buy it when the price is too high. Therefore, an increase in price usually results in a decrease in d

223、emand when the supply is constant. I think a stable and reasonable price is necessary because it makes the market flourish. In order to avoid fluctuating prices, manufacturers should constantly supply sufficient goods to fit the ever increasing demand. (150 words)昏裴溃柱徒嘲歌砧烃嫁拦中傻啃缠塞巧孜磷幢肯砌怨半凿惧曼脾希渤伤屿高分突破

224、贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版69. On Developing Speaking Ability In teaching a foreign language, most of the Chinese instructors give priority to the development of reading skills. They tend to think that speaking practice is of no use because most Chinese students have few opportunities to talk with foreigners.

225、This is the reason why the importance of speaking has not been understood and emphasized properly. In fact, speaking is one of the most important means of communication. Much of our information goes to other people through speaking. In daily life, we are often faced with situations where a great dea

226、l depends on our ability to speak. If in such cases we cant make ourselves understood in a foreign language, communication will be cut short. Therefore, it is extremely important to develop speaking skills when learning a foreign language. In my opinion, one cant learn a foreign language well withou

227、t practicing speaking. Hence, we need to give serious attention to the development of speaking ability in foreign language study. (159 words)爽请紊籍赢忽苔悄肛橇契内尹糖孽砒辱轨识拔赖芽剔煎拎抓矣龟赛噪条叁高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版70. Power of Knowledge Men who possess knowledge are more powerful than those without knowledge. In other w

228、ords, the educated class always rules over the ignorant people. This is an unchangeable truth. There is no doubt that knowledge is lifes most precious asset. It is also an indispensable tool used to accomplish things. We can also say, nothing in the world can be accomplished without it. Various mode

229、rn inventions such as the train, the airplane, and so on, are nothing but the fruits of wisdom and signs of mankinds power. However, knowledge cannot be bought with money. We must exert great effort to obtain it. Because we as young students are the future masters of the nation, our country needs us

230、 very much. Consequently, our responsibilities are exceedingly heavy and great. In other words, the destiny of our nation is completely in our hands. (140 words)瓤践殃听偏章膊源漱逐晕钵乃封级闲秋棠灸赃帧描润淌层典臻超憾滥恰死高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版71. On Post-graduate Education Post-graduate education refers to education after colleg

231、e, which is another three years of study. There can be no doubt that the pursuit of learning after four years studies is no easy thing, and it requires perseverance and persistence to continue ones major. In the past several years, a large percentage of graduate students hurried to the profession th

232、ey had chosen without hesitation about the choice, which greatly worried some educators. However, the situation now is totally different from the past: more graduates, even those who are at their posts, remain at or go back to universities. What could be the possible reasons for this change? Firstly

233、, the students are of the opinion that what they learned in the universities is not adequate for the workforce. Secondly, a great number of vacancies require a higher level of qualified personnel, which encourages the job-hunter to be well prepared for them. (149 words)饺味乱一臣遇敖螺顽韶肠琼钨船忠颤疆帘次钟荫绍颖贷侮神咯购样买

234、厘秸高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版72. On Social Security All advanced countries have some form of social security. Based on various insurance laws, the goal of social security is to meet the needs of the aged, unemployed, sick and poor by providing them with home, money or medical care. Social security is very

235、much needed. For one thing, there will always be social misfits that need help. For example, for some reason, there is always a certain number of unemployed workers in any society. Thus, it is necessary for the government to take effective measures. Firstly and most importantly, social and economic

236、security programs help the unemployed to get through their present economic hardships. If not, these unemployed are more likely to become potential causes of social instability. Social security. is of great importance to the development of society. Correspondingly, with the advancement of society, s

237、ocial security will likely become more mature in its actual performance. (147 words)滚球蛹母熄头六载茂颈拥欠辕奖蔼喘魔俐歉程浩臣峻仰绑抗景刷祭咒至灌高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版73. How to Spend Our Leisure Time Physical activities and intellectual pursuits are the two basic ways in which we spend our leisure time. Of the two basic ways, ph

238、ysical recreation affords us the opportunities to strengthen our bodies and to satisfy our competitive nature. Activities range from participation in strenuous sports such as running, playing basketball or playing a couple of sets of tennis, to slow-paced events like jogging or a round of golf. Inte

239、llectual activities, such as reading a good book, listening to a favorite record, or going to a film, revitalize our mental processes. This revitalization can either stimulate mental readiness and innovation or provide us with a temporary escape from the pressures of daily life. Intellectual pursuit

240、s are often regarded as solitary practices. The pleasure a stamp collector derives from mounting a new issue is one example of what is meant by this. (140 words)仲搪坯椎蝉晕导遇既董舔温科斯幻啮肚芥何开赢匪钩遥力烙珐知衙汁规浙高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版74. Children Being Cared for by Wolves As far back as 700 B.C., man has talked about ch

241、ildren being cared for by wolves. Romulus and Remus, the legendary twin founders of Rome, were purported to have been cared for by wolves. It is believed that when a she-wolf loses her litter, she seeks a human child to take its place. This seemingly preposterous idea did not become credible until t

242、he late nineteenth century when a French doctor actually found a naked ten-year-old boy wandering in the woods. He didnt walk erectly, nor could he speak intelligibly, or relate to people. He only growled and stared at them. Finally the doctor won the boys confidence and began to work with him. Afte

243、r many long years of devoted and patient instruction, the doctor was able to get the boy to clothe and feed himself, and recognize and utter a number of words, as well as write letters and form words. (152 words)俊兼之深宝褐示床霓蟹贮抬路增姆旬肝卜迎布镭铆涯姥龟蓉糟紊环讳瑰检高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版75. Rising Crime Rate Are you worrie

244、d by the rising crime rate? If you are, then you probably know that your house, possessions, friends and relatives are increasingly in danger of suffering from the tremendous rise in cases of burglary and attack. Figures indicate an ever-increasing crime rate but it is only too easy to imagine It wi

245、ll never happen to me. Unfortunately, statistics show that it really can happen to you and, if you live in a large city, you run twice the risk of becoming a victim. Fortunately, there is something definite which you can do. Protect Alarms can help to protect your house with a burglar alarm system.

246、Possessing a burglar alarm is no indication that your house is packed with valuable possessions. It quite simply indicates to unwelcome visitors that yours is a house they will not break into easily, so they move on to an unprotected house where their job is made a lot easier. (157 words)斧静后寂茄忻伦恭衅舒晒

247、肝蛙蛰衣测烩斟胺好枚捌幽帚按语舱耳芋论辙欧高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版76. The Importance of Parents However important we may regard school life to be, there is no denying the fact that children spend much more time at home than in the classroom. Therefore, the great influence of parents can not be ignored or discounted by the t

248、eacher. They can become strong allies of the school personnel or they can consciously or unconsciously interrupt and prevent curricular objectives. Administrators have been aware of the need to keep parents informed on the newer methods used in schools. Many principals have conducted workshops expla

249、ining such matters as the reading readiness program, manuscript writing and developmental mathematics. Moreover, the classroom teacher, with the permission of the supervisors, can also play an important role in enlightening parents. Many interviews carried on during the year as well as new ways of r

250、eporting pupils progress can significantly aid in achieving a harmonious interplay between school and home. (145 words)卢酬市沧祷呵侯橇朔奢碌慑狞熏陷令碎贞话残稻剃艰帅猾这棒戏妹亨束邢高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版77. Chef You sit at a table covered with a snow-white cloth. Soft music plays in the background mixing with the murmur of voices

251、and the sound of knives and forks on fine china. A waiter places a plate of food in front of you. The aroma makes your mouth water. You take the first bite-mmmm. Eating a delicious meal is one of lifes pleasures. But did you ever stop to think about the people who prepared your food? The one to real

252、ly thank is the chef. He or she does much more than just produce a fine meal. Chefs direct the activities of everyone in the kitchen. Chefs plan and compile menus, order supplies and handle paperwork, and also spend time cooking up new dishes. Although people often use the terms chef and cook interc

253、hangeably, cooks have more limited skills. Not everyone who enjoys cooking is cut out to be a chef. (152 words)焉涛禹惭翻铆酿黎魂堰替许走圾阅训拇镇钡肺踩聂哭梯障眶串汐肾牟默褥高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版78. On Making Friends As a human being, one can hardly do without a friend. With friends, one has someone to turn to whenever he is in tr

254、ouble. And with the help of honest friends, one can get over the difficulties and hardships he runs up against in his life. In addition, friends are the people one can consult, share happiness with and exchange opinions with. So friends are indispensable to everyone. What is true about friendship? A

255、s a popular saying goes, A friend in need is a friend indeed. It is clear that true friends are those who never desert you when you are in need. In fact, they will help you to stick to what is right and to correct what is wrong. Therefore, true friendship makes people understand and learn from each

256、other. (132 words)换染栽抬锹然棍览宗灼做茨李巩獭柱秀泉鼻推卫荤叛鱼帽阁挡芽陡冤甲矩高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版79. Fighting against Fake and Inferior Goods Nowadays, fake and inferior goods are found on every shelf in our market. They have not only done a lot of harm to society, but also form an obstacle. to our national economic developme

257、nt. The government and the public must work hand in hand to remove this obstacle. On one hand, the government should enforce anti-fake laws. Those who produce and sell fake and inferior goods should be severely punished. In addition, governments at all levels should set up special anti-fake committe

258、es to supervise the manufacturers and distributors. On the other hand, the consumers should arm themselves with the knowledge to tell true from false. And if they happen to buy some goods of poor quality, they should know how to protect themselves by reporting the lawbreakers to the Consumers Associ

259、ation or bringing them to court. In a word, as long as the government and the public act in cooperation, fake and inferior goods will disappear as quickly as they appear. (160 words)窟乱季贾再奢拭氧沼视熄熊踊贞能巢走掘甭堪逸忠挪熟俐佃枕辖翌嗓垦不高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版80. Well Begun Is Half Done As the proverb says, Well begun is hal

260、f done. It is clear that a good beginning is the foundation of our future success. A tall building, as everyone knows, must be built on a solid foundation. Otherwise, it would fail in the end. However, what should we do to make a good beginning? First, we should begin with a good plan. Second, we sh

261、ould avoid haste. We should always keep in mind that everything should be done step by step, especially in the early stages. And finally, hard work ensures a good beginning as well as a successful ending. In conclusion, a solid foundation is very important no matter what we do. If we make careful ef

262、forts to plan well at the start, avoiding haste and working hard throughout the process, we can surely make our work a success in the end. (142 words)奶庶褒邑迪石祷瘁森垦美函豫岸堂下青抱尼先嫡仁遁分铁栏涤斜费阐棕雨高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版81. Dreams A dream is a story that a person watches or even takes part in while sleeping. Dream ev

263、ents are imaginary, but they are related to real experiences and needs in the dreamers life. They seem real while they are taking place. Some dreams are pleasant, others are annoying, and still others are frightening. Everyone dreams, but some people never recall dreaming. Others remember only a lit

264、tle about the dream they had just before awakening. No one recalls all of his dreams. Dreams involve little logical thought. In most dreams, the dreamer cannot control what happens to him. The story may be confusing, and things happen that would not happen in real life. People see in most dreams, bu

265、t they may also hear, smell, touch, and taste in their dreams. Most dreams occur in color, but persons who have been blind since birth do not see at all in dreams. (149 words)叹扑海幅禁诀填昂疑溺钟攻荫印蕊烈孙宛插坚咸园敷旅碾吃船寻逞瞧侗夹高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版82. Naturalists Are Born and Not Made Looking back on my childhood; I am

266、convinced that naturalists are born and not made. Although we were all brought up in the same way, my brothers and sisters soon abandoned their pressed flowers and insects. Unlike them, I had no ear for music or languages. I was not an early reader and I could not do mental arithmetic. Before World

267、War I we spent our summer holidays in Hungary. I have only a dim memory of the house we lived in, of my room and my toys. Nor can I clearly recall the large family of grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins who gathered next door. But I do have a crystal-clear memory of the dogs, the farm animals, t

268、he local birds, and above all, the insects. . I am a naturalist, not a scientist. I have a strong love of the natural world and my enthusiasm has led me into a variety of investigations. (154 words)棚贵嘲樊错治骚引啃妙王勒罢握调炮登衫韶涣鳃两独泞韶拜讼诬玲矣儡撞高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版83. Underground Tokyo In Japans capital city of To

269、kyo, earthquake danger limits the height of buildings. The city has spread out so far and the traffic has become so heavy that it is very difficult to get from one place to another. The price of land, too, has skyrocketed. All this explains why a group of Japanese land developers came to the conclus

270、ion that there was nowhere to go but down. So far they have dug out space underground for 15 major shopping centers, and the underground construction has only begun. What are some of the advantages of shopping and eating underground? Clean air is one of them. The city of Tokyo has one of the most se

271、rious smog problems in the world. Another advantage is that you escape the threat of traffic accidents on the citys busy streets. Still another is the convenience of getting around. And you can even spend the night underground if you like. One subway station, for example, has a hotel with a bar, res

272、taurant and barbershop. (169 words)好降烈巾汞鸽陋类扮栽怎辙伞喳玩整址彪翱谦钩酪蝴独徊霓退荒玲粕扰诚高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版84. The Importance of Listening Comprehension A Greek philosopher once said, Nature has given to men one tongue but two ears, that we may hear from others twice as much as we speak. In order to reinforce the impor

273、tance of listening comprehension, Id like to share some statistics given by an American professor. He says that in the course of practical use, 75% of language interaction is done by listening and speaking. Among them, listening occupies 45%, and speaking 30%, while reading and writing are only abou

274、t 160/0 and 90/0. Therefore, as a communicative linguistic behavior among people, listening is very important. One cannot speak without first having heard. And at least in the early stages, even reading and writing materials should generally be based on them. It may be the most crucial skill of all

275、for the majority of our students. (136 words)父训糙殊峨诲闷苦阎擞够剐洲揪委抿戴饥碟亨念螟对婴减钎逃瑚袄喝郝铡高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版85. The World Is Getting Smaller With the development of modern transportation, which is faster and makes it more convenient for people to travel more, the world is indeed getting smaller. People no long

276、er have to spend their entire life in the same area, as it is easier for them to travel faster. Also the ease of communication between people makes the world smaller. People no longer have to communicate with others only by writing a letter and waiting several weeks for a reply. The development of t

277、elephone and fax machines make it possible to communicate with others instantly. Also, the Internet has caused a phenomenal increase in communication between people. You can send instant messages to others in your country and in other countries and can expect to receive a reply immediately. As bette

278、r and faster means of mass transportation are developed, travel will become less expensive as well as faster, making for more interactions with others. Also, the increased communication technology will result in people communicating more, which can only be beneficial to world peace. (171 words)忌戎陈启肌

279、捌暇角慰榜剖吨势瓣笋腊酉射湛争姐吴尿碘嘴戍建榴氦遭捐匪高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版86. More Haste, Less Speed People generally agree with the saying More haste, less speed. Indeed, most people are acting on this principle in their daily activities. They realize that if they do things in a hurried way, they will achieve less than what

280、they hope for. If things are done at a reasonable pace, people can, more often than not, achieve their desired goals. Nevertheless, when it comes to daily practice, not everyone observes this principle. For example, in the 1950s, Chinese leaders wished to realize communism in a shorter period of tim

281、e by the so called Great Leap Forward. Yet, the result is that the whole economy was badly damaged and the peoples lives became miserable. Likewise, students may make the same mistakes in their studies. Some students intend to gain enough credits as soon as possible by selecting many courses in a te

282、rm, only to find that they fail in most of the courses. To make things worse, their required courses suffer a great deal. Obviously, more haste invariably means more failures. (170 words)邱募塑律晶鸟颂搽航橡吠徐查刘栏亲慕催斤奥径坪谱俄撰隶至含变滚分艾高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版87. Happiness Happiness means different things to different p

283、eople. For example, some people believe that if they have a lot of money or many things, they will be happy. They believe that if they are wealthy, they will be able to do everything they want, and so they will be happy. On the other hand, some people believe that money is not the only way to happin

284、ess. These people value their religion, or their intelligence, or their health: these make them happy. For me, happiness is closely tied to my family. I am happy if my wife and my children live in harmony. When all members of my family share good and sad times, and when my children communicate with

285、each other and work together, I am happy. Although the definition of happiness depends on each individual, my wealth of happiness is in my family. (144 words)鸣脚九律皇曼栽刮擒越延劝颤熔全缝甘雄龟临漱斡一赶苗荚抒圾奖脚晤驯高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版88. A Composers Style If we examine this question of the composers individual character mo

286、re closely, we shall discover that it is really made up of two distinct elements: the personality with which he was born and the influences of the time in which he lives. Obviously every composer lives in a certain period, and each period has its own character. Whatever personality a composer may ha

287、ve is expressed within the framework of his own period. It .is the interaction of personality and period that results in the formation of a composers style. Two composers with very similar personalities living in two different periods would inevitably produce music of two different styles. When we s

288、peak of a composers style, therefore, we refer to the combined result of an individual character and a particular period. There are as many styles as there are composers, and each important composer has several different styles, corresponding to the influences of his own time and the maturing of his

289、 own personality. (162 words)亨翁哇喉方深熄婚苇恶宪敌凋沪搂佯敦撼喷婉眯久惩豆诱溶庶寇鸥俭酱粳高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版89. Human Actions Human actions can destroy resources. When we produce goods and services that are supposed to improve our health, we may destroy resources. We misuse resources such as air and water by regarding them as

290、 unlimited, unchanging, and freely available for use in the production of goods and services. Not all human actions harm. the physical environment. Every resource has the capacity to accept some human abuse. Harmful effects result when human actions generate more waste than the resource is capable o

291、f accommodating. Human action that negatively affects a resource is known as pollution. Pollution varies from region to region according to the types of human actions. In general, we find high levels of pollution in regions of concentrated populations. Pollution also varies according to levels of ec

292、onomic development. Most pollution is a by-product of production in relatively developed economies. (139 words)码什歇耿考炯洪类蹋鄂链冻篙驶硫募斗蛹宣玛假鼓泉鹃衍督碧斯人桩聋且高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版90. Studying with Others All students must spend a great deal of time studying, and each has a method that works best for him. Some prefe

293、r to study very hard without interruption, while others like to take frequent breaks. Some students would rather study by themselves, while others do better in a group. As for me, I prefer to study with a group of students rather than alone. First, when I study with others, I can benefit from their

294、knowledge. When one student comes across something he doesnt understand, the others can help him right away. In this way, we save time and also expand our knowledge. Second, when students study in a group they can encourage one another. I, for example, always study longer and with more enthusiasm wh

295、en I have friends to cheer me on. Last, but not least, studying with others makes this work more fun for me. I not only complete my homework, but also spend time with my friends. (160 words)围丹噎益婆丘朱谦霍蚂说衡戚嗣谆搅般扔挚逾紊洼语豁殷以年言惺枚滦魏高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版91. Cool Weather and Warm Weather If you are like most peo

296、ple, your intelligence varies from season to season. You are probably a Jot sharper in the spring than you are at any other time of year. A noted scientist, Ellsworth Huntington (1876-1947), concluded from other mens work and his own among peoples in different climates that climate and temperature h

297、ave a definite effect on our mental abilities. He found that cool weather is much more favorable for creative thinking than summer heat. This does not mean that all people are less intelligent in summer than they are during the rest of the year. It does mean, however, that the mental abilities of la

298、rge numbers of people tend to be lowest in the summer. Spring appears to be the best time of the year for thinking. Fall is the next-best season, then winter. As for summer, it seems to be a good time to take a long vacation from thinking. (154 words)倍泄伐蝶卒惫泌袖抉毛岭逊谣脱堰购仕容埃阮王歧沃渤社淤稗逊控慨架蠢高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰

299、完整版92. Tropical Forests in the World The worlds forests are disappearing. As much as 1/3 of the total tree cover has been lost since agriculture began some 10,000 years ago. The remaining. forests are home to half of the worlds species, thus becoming the chief resource for their survival. Tropical r

300、ain forests once covered 12% of the land of the planet, as well as supporting at least half of the worlds species of plants and animals. These rain forests are home to millions of people. But there are other demands on them as well. For example, much wood has been cut for timber. An increasing amoun

301、t of forest land has been used for industrial purposes or for agricultural development such as crop-growing. By the 1990s, less than half of the earths original rain forests remained, and they continue to disappear at an alarming rate every year. As a result, the worlds forests are now facing gradua

302、l extinction. (151 words)溺钎氨汤惯恳供媒紫萤陷海让荷晌末隙埂住匪痹玖壕准穿惦停鹏弥凛曰髓高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版93. Pigeons There are thousands of pigeons in any big city in the world. But did you know that this common bird is able to find its way home from even hundreds of kilometers away? Just how pigeons find their way home is a b

303、it of a mystery. Some people think that they use landmarks-that is, the pigeon knows what the land is like from the air and it uses this like a map. A landmark in Sydney, for example, is the Opera House, which can easily be seen from a long way off. Other possibilities are that pigeons use the posit

304、ion of the sun to work out directions. Or that they have some kind of built-in compass. For quite a few years now scientists have been carrying out experiments on homing pigeons, but they still arent sure how pigeons find their way home. It seems likely, however, that pigeons, like airline pilots, u

305、se a number of different methods to guide them on their long-distance journeys. Perhaps one day well learn their secret. (173 words)都廷彝件缴卜击渭菌加戒捐柿娜普盆奄俘讫凛席陆准日携稽织朗政窖挣篱高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版94. The Importance of Confidence Whatever one does, one should do it with confidence. If one has no confidence, ther

306、e is little possibility that one can achieve anything when faced with hardships. This truth seems to be self-evident. In reality, however, we do see a lot of people who always complain that they lack the ability to do something or that their difficulties are too great to overcome. For some, this mig

307、ht be true. But for many others, this only shows that they have lost heart. Why do some people often feel frustrated even though they are capable of doing something? I think there are two main reasons. In the first place, these people dont have a correct estimate of themselves. Secondly, it is possi

308、ble that they exaggerate the difficulties. In my opinion, one can build up faith in oneself as long as he has a right attitude towards his own abilities. We should neither underestimate nor overestimate our abilities. As a proverb says, Where there is a will, there is a way. With confidence we can c

309、ertainly cope with any task we are faced with. (181 words)蛹酷烷膛泥尾亥下旺热恢厢锋弊渗梭歪泪憎肖留录糠肤庚牺弧每免摹彤椭高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版95. Choosing a Career Choosing a career is one of the most important things in a persons life. Finding the right career, we will be happy and successful. Finding the wrong one, we will not b

310、e able to fully display our talents. Unfortunately, many of us make costly mistakes. The trouble is that we often choose a career for the wrong reasons. For example, some people simply follow in the footsteps of their parents or relatives, and many others change jobs constantly under the influence o

311、f friends who give them their advice. As a result, they cant make the best use of their talents, and they get nowhere in their work. These mistakes can be avoided by taking into account some factors such as our choice of occupation and the necessary information about the job before we make the decis

312、ion. Above all, it is important to make a fair evaluation of ourselves. Be sure that we know where our interest lies and what our ability is. Only by doing so can we both excel in and enjoy our work. (175 words)尊轮嫂令抵酌承基漂巨垛清法范李蓟吊枷羡公批义蔼过勒林烯兰间菊哟谰高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版96. American and European Courses Thi

313、s term several useful and interesting culture courses have been offered. An I Introduction to European Culture, for instance, gives us a lot of background knowledge of the history of European philosophy, literature and arts. From time to time we see slide shows of famous paintings and hear tapes of

314、famous pieces of music. These make the lectures all the more interesting. American Society and Culture is another I course that attracts a large audience. The teacher, who visited the United States not 1 long ago, discusses new trends and ,changes in American life as well as American I history and t

315、raditions. We like these and other courses very much, because they help II us not only to improve our English but also to broaden our vision. (122 words)恒钩胳而愿创佯泰业旭垮磨芒乏横咐旁陆遥钨姥室壮撂盎提坑找烦坛醛硕高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版97. Controlling Cancer There are two main causes of cancer, heredity and environment. We can do

316、 nothing to change our heredity, that is, the basic physical characteristics that were passed on to us by our parents. However, we can do a great deal to control our environment, which may account for 80%-90% of all cancers. Environmental pollution can be divided into two kinds: personal and nonpers

317、onal. Personal pollution may be defined roughly as unhealthy habits such as smoking, drinking, and eating the wrong foods. Clearly, with enough will power we can control this personal environment. Nonpersonal pollution, on the other hand, refers to those things which are beyond our individual contro

318、l. One example would be industrial pollution, which is very hard to control because of the expense involved. It would be expensive in terms of profits and perhaps jobs. The American automobile industry, for example, resisted the law requiring smog-control devices because it feared the added expense

319、would reduce profits. Nevertheless, some laws protecting the environment have been quite successful in reducing pollution. (170 words)遍始壳诡恋买滁不棋颤仔帧萨崔甲准焉枚暖迟斌拱敞碌等婶变剐修怂甲鸟高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版98. Good Teachers Some teachers seem to be good teachers. But they are not, even though their students have no spe

320、cial faults to find with them. They are not good teachers because they have no special vision, no special urge, no fight. They know their respective fields well. They have orderly minds. Their courses are well planned and efficiently taught. Yet something keeps them from being a great teacher like S

321、ocrates. This kind of teacher is more interested in the subject being taught than in students or social progress. A good teacher is always eager to bring about a social structure in which people will be free to be themselves. European countries seem to accept individuality much more than the United

322、States does. (120 words)汞陛蔑颓商元浑杂敏孽知含服栗论煌颗狰膘途说棺席福彤智糙原遇挛鲤闸高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版99. The Automobile and Travel The automobile has probably changed peoples way of life more than any other invention of the last century. More than electric lights, television, air travel, or even computers, automobiles have

323、changed where people live and work, and how they make a living. Before there were cars, people generally traveled on foot or by horse over unpaved roads. Whether they lived in the city or the country, they rarely went farther than a few miles from home. They saw the same people and places year after

324、 year. The car opened up whole new worlds. Roads were paved, and motorists went to see different parts of the country. People with cars could live farther from their jobs, and so the age of commuting began. New suburbs sprang up around the cities. The auto industry boomed, and millions of Americans

325、made a living manufacturing, selling, servicing or insuring cars. (146 words)端迢隐绵荡告意迹夏犊鼠黎渺杯礁羽坏懒两舵始厚腊翰巧踏粟净丙捆彰锦高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版100. Where People Live Some people live in one community all their lives, while others move around almost as much as nomads. Both experiences have their advantages as well

326、 as disadvantages. People who stay in one spot can develop lifelong friendships, and such friends may lend a hand if trouble comes. They know each others life history, and they judge each other for the kind of person each is, not for the image they project. Yet spending a lifetime in one location ca

327、n also lock a person into a limited way of life. Personal change may become very difficult. People with few experiences may develop a narrow outlook and find it hard to understand those who have different ethnic, racial or religious backgrounds. By staying in different places for varying length of t

328、ime, people can broaden their outlook but still have enough time to make adjustments and form friendships. (145 words)济螺积韧干拭日揪篷碰硼多噎纪荧霞置扭疼在讯迅政释谦农腥酵戈席虱仟高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版The Internet (2006) The Internet is the most significant progress in the field of communications. Imagine a book that never ends,

329、a library with a million floors, or imagine a research project with thousands of scientists working around the clock forever. This is the magic of the Internet! Yet the Internet has the potential for good and bad. One can find well-organized information-rich websites. At the same time, one can also

330、find wasteful websites. Most websites are known as different Internet applications. These include on-line games, chat rooms and so on. These applications have great power, too.Sometimes the power can be so great that young people may easily become victims to their attraction. So we need to recognize

331、 the seriousness of the problem. We must work together to use its power for better ends. (133 words)赡栏翱撒狰晨镑万嘛议倾掠唉养谚浙慑戎侨禄嫩吊剑录摈孙侯镍则果绵膊高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版Money (2004) Money is accepted across the world as payment for goods or services. People use money to buy food, clothes, and hundreds of other thing

332、s. In the past many different things were used as money. People on Pacific islands once exchanged shells for goods. The Chinese used cloth and knives. In Africa, elephant tusks or salt were used. Even today, some people in Africa are still paid in salt. Coins were first invented by the Chinese. Orig

333、inally they were round pieces of metal with a hole in the center so that a piece of string could keep them together. This made doing business much easier. But people still found coins inconvenient to carry when they wanted to buy something expensive. To solve this problem, the Chinese again came up with a solution. They began to use paper money for coins. Now paper notes are used throughout the world. (147 words)茁思急互控蝴浦服仍喻勃另膏输废巷弃渣桨最奢逻普纠史均袭大阵耻恼殷高分突破贾秀峰完整版高分突破贾秀峰完整版



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