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1、Immoreoutgoingthanmysister复习目标复习目标(1) (1) 熟记,掌握并能灵活应用本单元出现的熟记,掌握并能灵活应用本单元出现的重点生词,短语。知识目标重点生词,短语。知识目标(2) (2) 能使用形容词的比较级比较人的个性特能使用形容词的比较级比较人的个性特征,并写出相应的小短文。能力目标征,并写出相应的小短文。能力目标(3)(3)在比较中发现自己的缺乏,扬长避短,开在比较中发现自己的缺乏,扬长避短,开展自我。情感目标展自我。情感目标Unit61.谢谢你的谢谢你的上封来信上封来信。Thankyouforyourlastletter.2.正如你能看到的,正如你能看到的,

2、。3.从某些方面来说从某些方面来说4.从某一方面来说从某一方面来说5.看起来相同看起来相同看起来不同看起来不同6.喜欢做某事喜欢做某事7.超过,多于超过,多于不到,少于不到,少于8.有一些共同之处有一些共同之处9.擅长于擅长于Asyoucansee,insomewaysinawaylookthesamelookdifferentenjoydoingsthmorethan=overlessthanhavesomethingsincommonbegoodatsth/doingsth =dowellinsth/doingsth=like/lovetodosth.=like/lovedoingsth.




6、photoofforsb.In some ways, we are different. Im a little taller than she( is).Shes/ Hes a little thinner than I (am).Im a little more athletic than she( is).Im a little quieter than she( is).Shes / Hes a little more outgoing than I (am).In some ways, we are the same.He/she is as tall as me.He She of

7、ten does the same things as I do.He/She likes to wear the same clothes as I.He/She likes the same color, the same sports as I do.I am as outgoing as he/she is.Practice:练一练练一练1.wild 2.small3.tall4.nice5.fine6.big7.fat针对性练习:写出以下形容词的比较级针对性练习:写出以下形容词的比较级 1.wilder 2.smaller3.taller4.nicer6.finer7.bigger8

8、.fatter8.thin9.hot10.easy11.happy12.healthy13.funny14.beautiful15.athletic16.interesting8.thinner9.hotter10.easier11.happier12.healthier13.funnier14.more beautiful15.more athletic16.more interesting针对性练习针对性练习(2) 1.Tina is 2 kilometers (厘米厘米)_ (tall) than me.2.Which is _(big),the moon or the earth?3.

9、Which is _(difficult), math or Chinese?4. Hes pretty _. (healthy)5. Lucy talks_(much) than Lily.6.Hes too_(thirsty) and_(hungry).7.Hes as _(heavy) as me.8.Hes not as _(funny)as his brothertallerbiggermore difficulthealthymorethirstyhungryheavyfunny( )1.He likes doing the same thing _me. A.in B. as C

10、. for D. from( )2.They look the same _ many ways. A.in B. as C. for D. from( )3.The twins _swim. A.are both B. can both C.both are D. are both( AD )4.He is_ athletic than me. (多项选择多项选择 A.more B. much C. a little D. much more( )5.He runs_ than me. (多项选择多项选择 A.more fast B. much fast C. a little faster

11、 D. much faster( )6.this book is not as_ that one. A.more interesting as B. interesting as C.more interesting than D. much interesting than 模拟训练模拟训练BABCDB模拟训练模拟训练(2)(2)1.Tom is short. Allen is shorter.(1.Tom is short. Allen is shorter.(合并成一句话合并成一句话 Allen _ _ _Tom. Allen _ _ _Tom.2.He can swim. I can

12、 also swim.2.He can swim. I can also swim.合并合并 _ he _ I _ _ _ he _ I _ _3.English isnt as difficult as math.(3.English isnt as difficult as math.(同义句同义句 Math is _ _ _ English. Math is _ _ _ English.4. We can both swim. (4. We can both swim. (同义句同义句 _ _ _ _swim _ _ _ _swim5.He is 14 years old. I am 1

13、5 years old.5.He is 14 years old. I am 15 years old. He is_ _me. I am _ _ him. He is_ _me. I am _ _ him.6. He read 5 books,I read 3 books yesterday. (6. He read 5 books,I read 3 books yesterday. (同义句同义句) ) He read_ books _me yesterday. He read_ books _me yesterday.is shorter than Both andcan swim mo

14、re difficult thanBoth of us canyounger than older thanmore than1、这是我和我双胞胎妹妹的一些照片。这是我和我双胞胎妹妹的一些照片。Herearesomephotosofmeandmytwinsister.2、爸爸和儿子有一些共同的东西。、爸爸和儿子有一些共同的东西。Thefatherandthesonhavesomethingsincommon.3、他们两个都是小学生。、他们两个都是小学生。Theyarebothprimaryschoolstudents.4、我妈妈喜欢每天都看电视。、我妈妈喜欢每天都看电视。Mymotherlik








22、ld,too.(thesame合并为一句合并为一句)_age.BothandisgoodatWhatdobothofWeareboththesameBothof us arethesame10.Tomisfatterthananyotherstudentinhisclass.Tomis_than_inhisclass.fattertheotherstudentsReviewofUnits1_-61.使用某物做某事使用某物做某事2.以以开始开始3.在我空闲的时间里在我空闲的时间里4.在那之后在那之后5.在游泳池在游泳池usesthtodosthbegin/startwithinmyfreetim

23、eafterthatintheswimmingpool综合训练综合训练:1 1.我们两个都喜欢英语。我们两个都喜欢英语。_ _ _ _ English.2.我的朋友不止一个。我的朋友不止一个。I have _ _ _ friend.3.我比他胖一点。我比他胖一点。I am _ _ _ _him.4.我们有必要学好英语。我们有必要学好英语。._ _ for us _ _ English well5.他不如我擅长运动。他不如我擅长运动。He is not _ _sports _ me.Both of us likemore than onea little fatter thanas good a

24、t asIts necessary to learn中考实战练兵场!中考实战练兵场!( )1.Jack is funny. He always makes Lily _. A. laughs B. laugh C. laughing D. to laugh( )2.The TV was bought more than ten years ago. (同义词替换同义词替换 A.almost B. over C. nearly D. more or less( )3.which is more useful, math or Chinese? I think _ them are useful.

25、 A.all B. both C.both of D.all of( )4.The air in Beijing is getting much_ now than a few years ago. A.clean B. cleaner C. cleanner D. more cleanBBCB 根据表格,写出根据表格,写出“我和我和“Dick在学习,爱好,在学习,爱好,等方面的相同和不同之处。等方面的相同和不同之处。相同点相同点不同点不同点 Dick a)喜欢运动。喜欢运动。b)各门功课学得各门功课学得好。好。c)喜欢阅读,通喜欢阅读,通常在周末去图书常在周末去图书馆。馆。a)身材比我高,更健身材比我高,更健壮。壮。b)喜欢听音乐会。喜欢听音乐会。c)每天锻炼。每天锻炼。 I a)喜欢看电视喜欢看电视b)每周锻炼三次。每周锻炼三次。书面表达书面表达



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