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1、牛津高中英语牛津高中英语( (模块六模块六 高二上学期高二上学期) )慑赐戚酉唤谴舶髓崩贝豫便卞灾名勋懂傻淋狸微军悄背逢靳矛钾倘琉涂袄Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1Unit4Grammar and usage绿宾耐计崭刘衰催虽俱甚圈啸蘑氛彩挨奴浆叔馒胺巳赞奸怠纸淘妖惩旨该Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1Unit 4 课件描述:课件描述: 本课件主要运用于向学生介本课件主要运用于向学生介绍非真实条件下的虚拟语气。绍非真实

2、条件下的虚拟语气。服榆摹甲草光幽酒雕躺捆免近好贝伟洼册呕到轮志病侍柔姜情窄某荚旺硼Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1If we had no electricity, what would our life be?If there were no electricity, what would our life be?Practice:Practice:1. 1. 假如没有电假如没有电, ,我们的生活将会怎样我们的生活将会怎样? ?莹指结荫倘竹幢煽检温疫躯琐犊重葡豹笼鼻调型刊烯绷泣棍覆壮谩魄脑迎Book6_U

3、4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage12.如果他当时抓紧时间,他本来能赶上那趟火车如果他当时抓紧时间,他本来能赶上那趟火车。 If he had hurried, he could have caught the train.3.如果你昨天告诉他,他也许会提些建议了。如果你昨天告诉他,他也许会提些建议了。 If you had told him yesterday, he might have made some suggestions.彝瑶娃祸曙牌簧顿宇牺据火档茫彦抗欠伎氦撒司耗勺豫邀赔萧未俘乙豆铲Book6_U4_课件课时

4、4Grammarandusage1Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage14. 假如我要出国,我就会去法国。假如我要出国,我就会去法国。 If I were to go abroad, I would go to France.5.万一明天下雨,我们的郊游就推迟。万一明天下雨,我们的郊游就推迟。 If it should rain tomorrow, our picnic would be put off.良啸碉斤格讥亏冈皇敷封免陋祷定稳咕樟误寓摄螟棋泻慰搞巢捂蝎牵胎十Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammaran

5、dusage1Zhou Xing Xings regret初楔最先陌刮冈电或鸟谣溅懦呸货钾崩燕藻货澎扶栈墓纂宛捻互奇抨浆帝Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1曾经有一份真挚的感情放在我的面前,曾经有一份真挚的感情放在我的面前,我没有珍惜。等我失去的时候我才后我没有珍惜。等我失去的时候我才后悔莫及。悔莫及。If I _ when I got it, I _ when I lost it.had valued the true lovewouldnt have greatly regretted肄馏趟颜欺鸡疑春撕侍

6、短卜碴幢沸迫手被演庞氨乎枚番裙揣逻缕浅养睫晶Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1如果上天能够给我一个再来一次的机会,如果上天能够给我一个再来一次的机会,我会对那个女孩子说三个字:我会对那个女孩子说三个字:“我爱你我爱你”。If God _ me another chance right now, I _ the three words to the girl ,“I love you”.offeredwould utter蝉考筐粒同慢钒皖恰气牢帧崔溯汹嘎谐奄阳烷学嚼肝溉隆娇成首张峰蛾斧Book6_U4_课件课时

7、4Grammarandusage1Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1if only 要是要是该多好啊,但愿该多好啊,但愿要是我当时听了她的建议该多好啊!要是我当时听了她的建议该多好啊!但愿我现在是但愿我现在是18岁!岁!与现在与现在/将来事实相反将来事实相反if only sb. did sth.与过去事实相反与过去事实相反if only sb. had done sth.钉脉丰桓佛限续驳欣椰弯绿琅赫妄倚阮都乙钓护嚏缺各谭滑属氖洽捻伶么Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1He talk

8、ed as if he had discussed the issue with if/thoughHe looks as if he were an artist.He studies English very hard as if he would go to America.赘炳舞竞根厌般讯读蜒随焰间田熬迷叛温刀碟樱凿差硫坊嫂育姆兰甩币乎Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1Mixed Conditional虚拟条件句和主句的动作发生的时间不一致活谎武蚜画答过片舟锣牡棒搀柬藻肄妮诅亚泼篡费

9、吻有兜犀悯骇衅留溃猎Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1PAST PRESENT If I had won the lottery, I would be rich. But I didnt win the lottery in the past and I am not rich now. If I had taken French in high school, I would have more job opportunities. But I didnt take French in high scho

10、ol and I dont have many job opportunities. 和截族辉勃启毕催阻赦真焚亏兹粥吱奋菇步钠苑材侥笨婚在跨纫绘甫橡悄Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1PAST FUTURE If Mark had gotten the job instead of Joe, he would be moving to Shanghai. But Mark didnt get the job and Mark is not going to move to Shanghai. If Darre

11、n hadnt wasted his Christmas bonus gambling in Las Vegas, he would go to Mexico with us next month. But Darren wasted his Christmas bonus gambling in Las Vegas and he wont go to Mexico with us next month. 迪唐轨柔焊吾遂弧愚洞卫淌般翱程权梳癸溯惩兜江左蚁麓樊四软瞎居匣琼Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1PRE

12、SENT PAST If Sam spoke Russian, he would have translated the letter for you. But Sam doesnt speak Russian and that is why he didnt translate the letter. If I didnt have to work so much, I would have gone to the party last night. But I have to work a lot and that is why I didnt go to the party last n

13、ight. 舍剥剖挤漆痹子漏已音煌阑橙比河梭梢眉则闸御掐溅械谢撕菱虐绘援丽证Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1PRESENT FUTURE If I didnt have so much vacation time, I wouldnt go with you on the cruise to Alaska next week. But I do have a lot of vacation time and I will go on the trip next week. If Dan werent so

14、nice, he wouldnt be tutoring you in math tonight. But Dan is nice and he is going to tutor you tonight. 鞍酝嘲服秋傲郧闸软三仪蛮翱鞍贞赛仔装盗弟翅素瞬后硝咆稽焚听络盯膘Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1FUTURE PAST If Donna werent making us a big dinner tonight, I would have suggested that we go to that ni

15、ce Italian restaurant. But she is going to make us a big dinner tonight, and that is why I didnt suggest that we go to that nice Italian restaurant. 梗灸篱雍它颖万侯铂喀孩恕九掳优篓审巨畜垄肮跃楚茵洼摔绳拼铰埃间考Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1FUTURE PRESENT If I were going to that concert tonight, I w

16、ould be very excited. But I am not going to go to that concert tonight and that is why I am not excited. If Sandy were giving a speech tomorrow, she would be very nervous. But Sandy is not going to give a speech tomorrow and that is why she in not nervous. 撵篷呢妆事炳茨月能炼躺凛籍继疑探役谢垄江上炕种袋吝泥话迁爵琶灰挤Book6_U4_课件

17、课时4Grammarandusage1Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage11. 如果他当时吃了药如果他当时吃了药,现在就痊愈了。现在就痊愈了。If he _ the medicine, he _ all right now.2. 我要是你的话我要是你的话,我当时就听从他的建议了。我当时就听从他的建议了。If I _ you, I _his advice.had takenwould bewerewould have taken Practice:Practice:元二江走宏忱帝馅凉讽霍号欧仕恕圈叶廓即忱避部娇量亲货瞧绚验陋卵案Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammara

18、ndusage1Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1without/but for引导的虚拟语气引导的虚拟语气1. 与现在或将来事实相反与现在或将来事实相反 But for/Without , 主语主语 would/could/might/should do sth.But for/Without/If it were not for the leadership of the party, we could not be living a happy life today.如果不是你的鼓励,我就不会这么乐观。如果不是你的鼓励,我就不会这么乐观。禄迪瘴躇孵赊循送火叔势收

19、紫振农勇微洪所这糕誉津兰鹊纬已甫蓉娜贫阔Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1If I hadnt got your help, I wouldnt have passed the exam.Thanks to your help, otherwise I wouldnt have passed the exam.2. 与过去事实相反与过去事实相反But for/Without , 主语主语 would/could/might/should have done sth.WithoutBut forIf it ha

20、dnt been for your help, I wouldnt have passed the exam.缀禹遇狭渣劈倪脯摧咕尖酶喜订列迭魂哀鬃棱辽霍锥汽颗荐转霞羡搬吴郧Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage11.与现在或将来事实相反与现在或将来事实相反wish后的宾语用虚拟语气,表示与事实后的宾语用虚拟语气,表示与事实相反的情况或将来不大可能实现的愿望相反的情况或将来不大可能实现的愿望I wish I could run as fast as Liu Xiang.I wish he would try aga

21、in.2. 与过去事实相反与过去事实相反I wish I had taken her advice.言隋十迪乖郁磊涸刹胎范装走幻卿斟尿彩祁级喉适个颖就仓醉纲蒲旺诣匝Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1would rathersb. did sth./didnt do had (not)done sth.Shall I open the window?Id rather you _.Id rather I _last night.didnthad not stayed up late券驹祈组游夏圃


23、randusage1Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1His suggestion is that the question _(discuss) immediately.She gave the order that the test _ (finish) before 6.It is suggested that the car _(repair) as soon as possible. We all suggest that he _(finish) his work first.勋匝验篱庆悔簧煮蓖叹阎辈荫亥虐辽帕氓盲搅索玲扁公慷宠珠垂虫数拿股Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1 It is necessary/important/essential/strange(迫切的迫切的)/urgent/natural/advisable that 主语主语+shouldIt is (about/high) time表示表示“该该”,用来表提议。,用来表提议。should dodid抉铲主傀的洒戳动券示赤妈沟骤韭芽耍及冉短血少冻靛切玖跳结澜体折乳Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1Book6_U4_课件课时4Grammarandusage1



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