高中英语 Unit 3 Protecting ourselves Period One Welcome to the unitReading课件 牛津译林版选修10

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高中英语 Unit 3 Protecting ourselves Period One Welcome to the unitReading课件 牛津译林版选修10_第1页
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1、话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究Unit 3 Protecting ourselvesA Good Teacher,a Good Luck It is customary for adults to forget how hard and dull and long school is.The learning by memory of all the basic things one must know is a most incredible and unending effort.Learning to read is probably the m

2、ost difficult and revolutionary thing that话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究happens to the human brain and if you dont believe that,watch an illiterate adult try to do it.School is not easy and it is not for the most part very much fun,but then,if you are very lucky,you may find a real teacher.Thr

3、ee real teachers in a lifetime is the very best of my luck.My first was a science and math teacher in high school,my second,a professor of creative writing at Stanford,and my third was my friend and partner Ed Ricketts.话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究 I have come to believe that a great teacher

4、is a great artist and that there are as few as there are any other great artists.It might even be the greatest of the arts since the medium is the human mind and spirit. My three had these things in common:They all loved what they were doing.They all loved what they catalyzed a burning desire to kno

5、w.Under their influence,the horizons sprung wide and fear went away and the unknown became knowable.But most important of all, the truth, that dangerous stuff,became beautiful and very precious.话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究 I shall speak only of my first teacher because in addition to the oth

6、er things,she brought discovery. She aroused us to shouting,bookwaving discussions.She had the noisiest class in school and she didnt even seem to know it.We could never stick to the subject.She breathed curiosity into us so that we brought in facts or truths shielded in our hands like captured fire

7、flies.话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究 She was fired and perhaps rightly so,for failing to teach fundamentals.Such things must be learned.a.But she left a passion in us for the pure knowable world and she inflamed me with a curiosity which has never left.I could not do simple arithmetic but thro

8、ugh her I sensed that abstract mathematics was very much like music.When she was relieved,a sadness came over us but the light did not go out.She left her signature on us,the literature of the teacher who writes on minds.I have had many teachers who told me soonforgotten backs but only three who cre

9、ated in me a new thing,a new attitude and a new话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究hunger.I suppose that to a large extent I am the unsigned manuscript of the high school teacher.What deathless power lies in the hands of such a person. bI can tell my son who looks forward with horror to fifteen year

10、s of drudgery that somewhere in the dusty dark a magic may happen that will light up the years.if he is very lucky.话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究1佳句仿写一二三佳句仿写一二三Now we have come to realize how important it is to protect our environment.The grandpa is a theatre fan.Under his influence,Xiao Ming

11、fell in love with Beijing Opera when he was a child.No one can breathe life into characters the way Dickens can.话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究2翻译佳句放眼高考翻译佳句放眼高考 a她她留留给给我我们们认认知知这这个个世世界界的的热热情情,点点燃燃了了我我们们从从来来没没有有消退的好奇心。消退的好奇心。 b我我的的儿儿子子带带着着惶惶恐恐期期待待着着即即将将来来临临的的十十五五年年的的辛辛苦苦,但但我我可可以以告告诉诉他他,如如果果他他运运气气

12、好好的的话话,在在那那灰灰尘尘弥弥漫漫的的黑黑暗中,神奇会发生,它会照亮这些岁月。暗中,神奇会发生,它会照亮这些岁月。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究Unit 3 Protecting ourselves Period One Welcome to the unit,Reading 课件(牛津版选修课件(牛津版选修10).单词识记单词识记1_vi.to wash yourself or someone else in a bath2_adj.defensive from any disease 3_adj.likely to cause death4 _

13、n a list of problems or subjects that a government,organization etc is planning to deal withagenda batheimmunedeadly话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究5_na medical operation to end a pregnancy so that the baby is not born alive 6_adv.to or towards one side7_vi.(air) suddenly come from your nose,mak

14、ing a noise,for example when you have a cold8_na piece of paper on which a doctor writes what medicine a sick person should have,so that they can get it from a pharmacist9_vi.to cry,especially because you feel very sad10 _n an offer to pay a particular price for something,especially at an auctionbid

15、abortionsidewayssneezeprescriptionweep话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究.短语天地短语天地1_死于死于2_到目前为止到目前为止3_与与相反相反4_外部征兆外部征兆5_在在方面积极方面积极die ofso farcontrary tooutward symptomsbe active in话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究6at a high rate_7around the world_8medical care_9burst on the scene_10have access

16、to_以很快的速度以很快的速度全世界全世界医疗医疗突然出现突然出现走近,接触到走近,接触到话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究.句型搜索句型搜索1According to the World Health Organization (WHO),more than 4 million children have died of Aids,and more than 15 milllion children have lost their parents to Aids. 信信息息提提取取 lose.to.将将输输给给了了, 将将失失给给了了。 例句仿写例句仿写

17、我们很沮丧将比赛输给了客队。我们很沮丧将比赛输给了客队。 We were unhappy that we_the visiting team.lost the game to 话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究2When someone has Aids,the person loses the ability to fight other illnesses. 信信息息提提取取the ability to do sth the ability of doing sth 干某事的能力干某事的能力 例句仿写例句仿写任何物质都有贮存热量的能力。任何物质都有贮存

18、热量的能力。 All kinds of materials have_.the ability to store heat 话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究3To avoid having a child with HIV,some women with HIV seek abortions. 信信息息提提取取不不定定式式作作状状语语表表示示目目的的放放在在句句首首起起到到强强调调目目的的的作用。的作用。 例句仿写例句仿写为了避免被误会,我又解释了一遍。为了避免被误会,我又解释了一遍。 _, I gave another explanation.To a

19、void being misunderstood 话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究4Dr David Ho,a ChineseAmerican Aids expert,has devoted himself to bringing uptodate technology and international attention to Chinas Aids problem. 信信息息提提取取“devote.to 名名词词/代代词词/动动名名词词”表表示示“将将贡献给贡献给”。 例句仿写例句仿写毕业之后他继续致力于研究工作。毕业之后他继续致力于研究工作。 A

20、fter he graduated he continued to_.devote himself to research话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究.预读理解预读理解1Fast Reading: Scan the text and choose the best answers according to the text (1)What is one of the symptoms that most HIVpositive people have? AA weakened immune system. BThe reduction in whit

21、e blood cells. CThe infected one cant eat anything. DThe infected one may often feel faint.答案答案A 话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究(2)What does the immune system do to protect our body? AIt helps keep diseases away. BIt fights illnesses when they attack our body. CIt helps to make our body strong.

22、 DIt keeps us full of energy.答案答案B 话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究(3)Which of the following is NOT safe if you happen to live with an Aidsinfected person? AYou hug him or her. BYou shake hands with him or her. CYou have dinner with him or her. DYou share a syringe with him or her.答案答案D 话题美文欣赏话题

23、美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究(4)How many people are infected with Aids across the world through unprotected sex each year? A14,000. B5,110,000. C3,832,500. D1,277,500.答案答案C 话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究答案答案B (5)Which of the following views is NOT right? AAids and HIV are a worldwide problem. B

24、Aids and HIV are only an African problem. CWe can do something to prevent the transmission of Aids. DChina is not optimistic about HIV and Aids.话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究答案答案B (6)If someone is infected by HIV in China,_. Ahe will be isolated from others Bhe will be provided with free drugs

25、 Che will be looked after in a special hospital Dhe will be forbidden to get married话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究(7)What is UNAIDS? AAn organization set up by some African countries. BAn organization to help the poor. CAn organization within the UN. DAn organization to assist the Africans.答案答

26、案C话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究2Careful Reading:Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks with suitable words (1)Aids is caused by a virus called HIV,_enters a persons blood and attacks the bodys immune system. (2)_many people are familiar with Aids and how it is spread,many people think

27、 that HIV and Aids are an African_.problem whichAlthough话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究(3)Since the disease burst on the_in the 1980s,it has become a serious problem around the world.(4) International help has also been very important in_Aids in China.(5)UNAIDS_people with HIV testing and HIV o

28、r Aids medical care.providesscenefighting话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究1devote vt.专心;献身;把专心;献身;把用在,常与介词用在,常与介词to搭配搭配 【归纳拓展】【归纳拓展】话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究devoted adj.热爱的;忠诚的热爱的;忠诚的 一位忠实的朋友一位忠实的朋友devotion nU与与for 连用,意为连用,意为“深爱,热爱深爱,热爱”;与与to 连用,意为连用,意为“忠实,专心忠实,专心”the devotion of a mot

29、her for her children教师对于教育事业的执着教师对于教育事业的执着devote oneself/ones life/time/money/energy to (doing) sth把把献给献给;把;把用在用在be devoted to(doing) sth专心致志于;忠于专心致志于;忠于a devoted friend母亲对子女的热爱母亲对子女的热爱a teachers devotion to the cause of education话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究Please devote more time to your wo

30、rk.请把更多的时间用于工作。请把更多的时间用于工作。【完成句子【完成句子】For ten years Nyad _(致致力力 于于 成成 为为 ) one of the worlds best longdistance swimmers.(2012天津卷,阅读表达天津卷,阅读表达)Her _ (奉奉献献) to the job left her with little free time.He is a _(忠忠诚诚的的) friend of mine,a person I can always depend on.devoted herself to becoming devotion d

31、evoted 话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究【单项填空】【单项填空】Her son,_ whom she is so devoted,went abroad last year,leaving her alone in the small village.Ato Bat Con DforA话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究2symptom n征兆征兆 A fever is a symptom of illness. 发烧是生病的症状。发烧是生病的症状。 How long have you been sufferin

32、g from this symptom? 你有这个症状有多久了?你有这个症状有多久了?话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究【归纳拓展【归纳拓展】 symptom n征兆征兆sign n迹象,招牌,符号迹象,招牌,符号symbol n象征象征signal n信号信号话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究【单项填空【单项填空】 The lion is considered the king of the forest as it is a_of courage and power. Asymptom Bsign C signal

33、 Dsymbol答案答案D话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究1die of因因而死而死(内因内因) Grandma Zhou died of grief soon after her husbands death. 周奶奶在她丈夫死后不久因悲伤过度也去世了。周奶奶在她丈夫死后不久因悲伤过度也去世了。 The custom is dying. 那风俗渐渐消失了。那风俗渐渐消失了。 She died for the revolution. 她为革命而死。她为革命而死。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究【归纳拓展】【归纳拓展

34、】 含笑九泉含笑九泉die young英年早逝英年早逝 迫切想要迫切想要die for ones country为国捐躯为国捐躯 减弱;消失;停下来减弱;消失;停下来die down逐渐变弱;逐渐降低;逐渐平息逐渐变弱;逐渐降低;逐渐平息die from死于死于(外因外因)die out逐渐消失,绝种逐渐消失,绝种die happydie fordie away话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究【单项填空【单项填空】Although the wind has _,the rain remains steady,so you still need a rai

35、ncoat.Aturned up Bgone backCdied down Dblown out解析解析句意:尽管风已经停下来,但是雨还在下,因此你仍句意:尽管风已经停下来,但是雨还在下,因此你仍旧需要雨衣。旧需要雨衣。答案答案C话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究2contrary to 与与相反相反 My sisters taste in dresses is contrary to my own. 在服装方面,我妹妹的爱好和我完全不同。在服装方面,我妹妹的爱好和我完全不同。 What you have done is contrary to the d

36、octors orders. 你所做的与医生的指示相反。你所做的与医生的指示相反。【归纳拓展】【归纳拓展】 相反相反evidence to the contraryOn the contrary相反的证据相反的证据话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究【单项填空【单项填空】 _,the pay isnt attractive enough,though the job itself is quite interesting. AGenerally speaking BOn the contrary CIn particular DTo be honest答案答

37、案D 话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究You seem to show interest in cooking. What? _,Im getting tired of it. AOn the contrary BTo the contrary COn the other hand DTo the other hand答案答案A 话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究1Although most people are familiar with Aids and how it is spread,many people

38、think that HIV and Aids are an African problem because there are so many HIV and Aids victims in Africa.(P34,L26)虽虽然然大大多多数数人人都都熟熟悉悉艾艾滋滋病病及及其其传传播播方方式式,但但还还是是有有不不少少人人认认为为:艾艾滋滋病病病病毒毒和和艾艾滋滋病病是非洲的问题,因为那里的是非洲的问题,因为那里的HIV和艾滋病患者很多。和艾滋病患者很多。 。 本本句句为为一一个个复复杂杂的的主主从从复复合合句句。although引引导导的的是是让让步步状状语语从从句句,句句中中又又包包含

39、含how引引导导的的宾宾语语从从句句,how在在从从句句中中充充当方式状语。当方式状语。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究【翻译句子【翻译句子】虽然你很富裕,但是由于你的自私,你没有得到别人的尊重。虽然你很富裕,但是由于你的自私,你没有得到别人的尊重。 _ _虽虽然然我我起起床床很很早早,但但是是由由于于妈妈妈妈早早饭饭做做晚晚了了,我我上上学学还还是是迟迟到了。到了。 _ _Though I got up early,I was late for school because my mother was late with breakfast.Thoug

40、h you are rich,you havent won peoples respect because you are so selfish.话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究2He believes that education as well as medical treatment is the key to stopping the disease in the future.(P35,L58) 他他认认为为教育和医疗是未来阻止这种疾病的关键。教育和医疗是未来阻止这种疾病的关键。 本本句句中中,the key to后后应应接接名名词词、代代词词

41、、动动名名词词,表表示示“的的关关键键”;as well as 意意思思是是“不不仅仅而而且且”,连接两个并列成份时,其谓语应和前一个主语一致。,连接两个并列成份时,其谓语应和前一个主语一致。 Reading is the key to the treasure house of ideas. 读书是打开知识宝库的钥匙。读书是打开知识宝库的钥匙。 Practice is the key to the treasure house of knowledge. 实践是开启知识宝库大门的钥匙。实践是开启知识宝库大门的钥匙。话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究【归纳

42、拓展【归纳拓展】 以下以下to的后面可以接名词、代词、动名词的后面可以接名词、代词、动名词be used to doing 习惯于习惯于 反对反对 devote oneself to 坚持坚持 pay attention to 注意注意 respond tolook forward to 期盼期盼 照料照料 object to 致力于致力于 stick to 回答回答 see to话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究submit toadapt to 适应适应 运用运用 accede to 同意,就任同意,就任 倾向于倾向于 adjust toowe to

43、归咎归咎 作出反应作出反应 access to 接近,进入接近,进入(某地的某地的)方法;方法; 通路通路 按照,依照,视按照,依照,视而定而定 be addicted to 沉溺于沉溺于,对,对上瘾上瘾服从服从apply toprefer to使自己适应于使自己适应于react toaccording to话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究【单项填空【单项填空】Food aid_is the key to_the problem_now. Aonly;solve;discussed Balone;solving;being discussed Cmerely;solving;being discussed DAlone;solve;being discussed答案答案B 话题美文欣赏话题美文欣赏课前自主学习课前自主学习课堂互动探究课堂互动探究 The father as well as his children_every Sunday afternoon in winter. Ais going Bgo Cgoes Dare going答案答案C



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